It is not true. It is false. Incorrect. Baseless nonsense. Ask your source for the proof.
Hey Rip,
I've recently read and heard from different sources that high phosphate levels, especially in milk products (GOMAD!), bind calcium to a form the organism can't absorb. Instead the kidneys have to remove abnormally high amounts of this "waste molecule", eventually damaging the kidney and not strengthening the bones with the aid of calcium.
What can you say to this? I'm sorry I have no English sources on this topic.
It is not true. It is false. Incorrect. Baseless nonsense. Ask your source for the proof.
You are saying, wherever that study/those studies come from, they are lacking evidence? I will check that later.
Or do you have actual proof that this asumption is false?
CeeKa -- look up milk-alkali syndrome. I've seen it once in my career in someone who was being seriously overdosed on vitamin D supplements. It used to be seen more in the past when we had fewer options for reflux / ulcers and people took shitloads of tums. Otherwise something lkke GOMAD shoukd be harmless for healthy people.
There are a lot of fad diet advocates out there who say that dairy is evil and will make silly arguments like the one you've heard.
I'm saying that when you claim that a food that has been successfully consumed in large quantities by people under the bar for many decades with no problems other than farting is somehow toxic, then the burden of proof is on the claimant. How about if I claim that the most widely cultivated grain crop in the world is now a deadly poison? It would be incumbent upon me to make that case convincingly, right? Or if I tell you that peanut butter clogs the kidneys, because, hey, look at the spoon!
Rip recommends milk to young lifters because he wants them to have osteoporosis and be on dialysis. Isn't this obvious?
Incorrect. Unless you are a dialysis patient, you needn't worry about excess micronutrients
You are very funny. So you come in here, assert something with absolutely no proof or logic, get a negative response, and than ask Rip to prove you that he's right? Why would anybody waste time with proving you that you are wrong? What's up with the internet nowadays? Is there so much free time that we should spend answering to a complete unknown person, for free and prove him everything we say?