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Thread: Best DRUG-FREE Raw Powerlifting Federation??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Default Best DRUG-FREE Raw Powerlifting Federation??

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025

    I’ve gotten my lifts up to semi-respectable levels (at least for an old fart) and I’m considering my first powerlifting competition. What are the best raw drug-free federations to consider?

    There are a number of federations that are advertised as drug-free, but how does one know they are really drug-free? Do they collect samples from nearly all competitors, or just a small sample? Do they actually test all samples collected? Do they test competitors year-round? How comprehensive is their list banned substances?, etc., etc.

    Basically, I’m asking which federations do the best job of ensuring - the best they possibly can - that their competitions are truly drug-free?

    Thanks for your help.

    (PS1: I live in the Washington, DC area if geography factors into your response.)

    (PS2: Sorry if this question has been asked before.)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    The best Drug-Free Federation is USAPL. The run meets where depth is actually judged after a 2-hour weigh-in. They have their problems, but they feed to the IPF, who runs the only legitimate Worlds in the sport. These are the facts, and I'm sorry but the situation is pretty clear. The other feds are recreational federations only.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    There are no drug free powerlifting federations, only tested and untested federations. The only difference is that you have to work a little bit harder to hide you use in a tested fed, but there are plenty of ways to do that.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    A much better summary than mine.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    Agreed with Rip. USAPL has the best drug-testing in the US. They're the only fed to follow all World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) protocols. I'm pretty sure they're also the only fed to do out of competition testing of their national-level lifters, which is really the only way to catch anyone smarter than a brick. Other feds who claim "drug free" don't even come close IMO.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Murphysboro, IL


    I can't attest to the details that Rip and the others have said about the testing protocols, but it's a great bunch of people to lift with and be judged by. How old are you, what weight class are you in, and do you lift raw or one of the other divisions? It's pretty lonesome in the 60+ Masters. I would like some company.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    Why worry about other people's drug use?
    Compete against yourself. You're not a pro. You're not supporting yourself or a family. Your 400lb bench doesn't become less significant if someone else benches 405 and takes the prize.

    And if you can't be content competing against yourself, if you absolutely have to win, then start taking some drugs.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Seattle, Washington


    The IPF is no where near drug free. If you actually read their compliance reports over the last few years, you'll notice that as many as 33-66% of countries have failed to adhere to at least one of their testing protocols. These non-compliance rates are high.

    This is an interesting anecdote from Mike Tuchscherer over at his Reddit AMA:
    Anti Doping is tough. Does it work? Yes, it works. I don't know how well it works, but they do catch people and that's a good thing given what the IPF's rules are. That said, there are some who don't get caught. In 2006, we went to Bulgaria for Jr Worlds. A friend of mine went to dinner with one of the Eastern European teams. They asked him, "So what drugs to you use?" He was a little put off since it was a drug tested meet and said, "What are you talking about? I don't use anything." They didn't believe him and were pretty open about their own use, "This is what we use, this is how we beat the test, this is how we make sure WADA doesn't show up at our Nationals, etc". That is really offensive to somebody who is working their ass off to come compete in an event where everyone agrees to follow certain rules. So, no, it's not a perfect system. But I do believe that at the IPF level, they try. Some countries seem to take it more seriously than others...
    The USAPL, the American branch of the IPF, does a fairly good job as far as these things go. They do not do out-of-competition testing on very many of their athletes. If you fail a test, you'll definitely be exposed to frequent OCTs. If you're an elite competitor, you'll receive a few. Maybe one or two per year at most. They test a minimum of 10% of their athletes at each meet. Unfortunately, they only take a piss test. A piss test is worthless.

    If you're only concerned about drugs, and not about the actual legitimacy of the organization, of which the IPF has no equal, then you might consider the WDFPF.

    Unlike the IPF, which levies a two year ban for a positive test, the WDFPF bans anyone with a positive test for life. The IPF makes competitors aware that they may be tested out of competition at any time and potentially for non-random reasons. The WDFPF actually imposes mandatory OTCs for all competitors who wish to participate in international competition (must occur within 4-6 weeks of the competition date). The WDFPF also collects a sample from at least 20% of its athletes. So, overall, they're a bit more strict.

    I couldn't recommend the IPF more strongly, though. Frankly, just don't worry about the drug aspect. You can't control what other people do. You have to let the testers try to do their job.

    If you ever want to take the sport seriously as a raw, drug-free lifter, it needs to be in the IPF. If you win a World Championship in any other federation, you simply can't claim to be the best in the world. The IPF Champions are the strongest tested champions, period.

    No other tested federation has the quantity or quality of lifters that the IPF does. The IPF is the only federation in the world with more than 100 member countries and they have thousands upon thousands of registered lifters.

    I don't know if Rip will approve these, but if you want more information about either federation, here you go:

    The ADFPF: American Drug-Free Powerlifting Federation (WDFPF Affiliate):
    ADFPF Website:
    ADFPF Rules:

    The USAPL: United States of America Powerlifting (IPF Affiliate)
    USAPL Website:
    USAPL Rules:

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    MEH I thought you did a couple USPA (not the same as USAPL) meets?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Reston, VA


    starting strength coach development program
    In the DC area your choices are USAPL and 100% RAW. The 100% RAW meets are nicer, but (sit down for this one) all but 1 or 2 a year have bicep curls instead of squats.

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