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Thread: Weekend politics: Why the Republicans Deserve to Lose

  1. #1
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    Default Weekend politics: Why the Republicans Deserve to Lose

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    I never understood the draw to Trump when people were calling for him to run in the past and I don't understand why people are so zealous about him now. I don't get it at all.

    I was a Paul / Cruz supporter from the beginning and am pulling for Cruz now but that looks unlikely to happen.

    It reminds me of Obama's first election in '04 where people were fainting over his ass and just not even listening to what he said. It's fucking mind blowing, the sycophant mentality for Trump. Maybe he'll be ok maybe he'll be a pile a shit as a president. We can't know because he is all over the place and just seems to be saying whatever he thinks people want to hear.

    I don't get how you could listen to Paul talk and then listen to Trump talk and come away thinking that Trump knows what the fuck he is talking about and throw your support behind him.

    I hear the theories that people like him because he is an outsider. That just demonstrates how completely ignorant people are.

  3. #3
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    I tried to debate a Facebook friend in the hopes someone would have one solitary reason that Trump was worth a shit at all, and this is what I got:

    "I believe the fact they are trying so hard to bring him down they are afraid he will make America great again and will expose all the lies we have been living under. The mere fact that ole Hilary hasn't been arrested and forbidden to run tells it anit
    right. Also Donald has a great business record. He has won more businesses than has lost. Another this may sound weird but his ego is so big her would not want to fail he wants to be admired by all and by bringing America and the people to a better place he would be. I think hr says what he thinks and I personally resept that."

    I have been done with the Republicans for quite some time. They have failed to live up to any expectation of fiscal conservatism, or conservatism at all during most of my life. The fanboys at the debates and Trump rallies that treat him like a rock star are beyond belief. I don't even have the energy to be disgusted anymore.

  4. #4
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    The Republitards can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in some pretty incredible ways.

    Aside from Paul the rest of the field was/is horrible.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2015


    One Trump theory is that he's the apotheosis of the racism inherent in the Republican message, from Nixon's southern strategy to Reagan's young bucks and welfare queens to all the current attacks on anything that helps "those people". He says out loud what others only suggested. He also speaks in favor of Social Security and Medicare, which are incredibly popular with the vast majority of the population, but not most Republican politicians or their patrons.

    Another theory is that people are very angry and he feeds that anger. We may not agree with him or like him, but he'll shake things up. He's not like all those other politicians. Think primal scream.

    It doesn't really matter that most of his policy proposals make no sense. Alas, most of his policies are not that far off from Cruz's or Rubio's. See tax policy, for example - a bit for the middle class, a whole lot for the top of the income scale and would explode the deficit even if you were to eliminate virtually the entire federal government.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elephant View Post
    One Trump theory is that he's the apotheosis of the racism inherent in the Republican message, from Nixon's southern strategy to Reagan's young bucks and welfare queens to all the current attacks on anything that helps "those people". He says out loud what others only suggested. He also speaks in favor of Social Security and Medicare, which are incredibly popular with the vast majority of the population, but not most Republican politicians or their patrons.

    Another theory is that people are very angry and he feeds that anger. We may not agree with him or like him, but he'll shake things up. He's not like all those other politicians. Think primal scream.

    It doesn't really matter that most of his policy proposals make no sense. Alas, most of his policies are not that far off from Cruz's or Rubio's. See tax policy, for example - a bit for the middle class, a whole lot for the top of the income scale and would explode the deficit even if you were to eliminate virtually the entire federal government.
    LOL that no matter how much evidence there is, people still believe tax cuts reduce taxes collected.

  7. #7
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    Tax rate cuts. Works every time it's been done. But that is seldom the purpose of taxation.

  8. #8
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    Since it's a weekend political thread, I saw this earlier this week and shared on my Facebook. Some good points in there.

    Who NOT to Vote For - YouTube

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2015


    You're claiming that no matter how deeply rates are cut, taxes collected will not decrease?

    No arguments about the role of racism or Social Security and Medicare?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Tax rate cuts. Works every time it's been done. But that is seldom the purpose of taxation.
    Yes, the main purpose of taxation is mainly to divest the people of means, which is why it is so misguided to fight against Waste, Fraud and Abuse... They really don't care where the money goes, as long as you don't have it. It's all well and good to have freedoms...but a free people with means...that's a threat to power.

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