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Thread: Wichita Falls Weighlifting videos

  1. #11
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    In the other thread, in response to the idea that he was "guilty" of self promotion, I mentioned why I do not believe that Glenn invented or promoted the term "Pendlay Rows".

    Here I wish to say something about Lyle. I doubt that his posting on his site of the link to those videos had anything to do with a dislike of Glenn. Well, I do sometimes suspect that Lyle dislikes everyone, but not Glenn in particular. I don't think he has a pro-Rip agenda either. His review of Practical Programming was generally positive, but not glowing. When someone else posted a negative opinion of the book, Lyle never responded. Up until those videos were posted, I'd also say that most or all mentions of Glenn on the BR site had been positive.

    In general, though, Lyle is nit-picky about details including exercise technique. From my observation of his site, I'd say that he loathes censorship, says whatever he thinks in a very blunt manner, and likes it when others do so as well. Finally, he is often either something of an A-hole or likes to appear so. I'm pretty sure that he's used that term to describe himself before.

    So I don't think that this whole thing is motivated by a dislike of Glenn, it's just the way Lyle approaches things.

    As for Glenn, I think that he's very bright, and a guy that I'd love to have a beer with. Any time I see him post something I read it, usually enjoy it, and often learn something. I still question the practice of allowing that squat form, though.

    So, I'd like to ask Mark 2 questions:

    1 - Does allowing someone to squat like that with what was clearly at or near his rep maximum constitute not merely bad form but an excessive risk of injury?

    2 - In Starting Strength, on page 48, you state that "The only way to fix weak adductors is to make the trainee keep his knees out so that the adductors will get stronger. So good form is actually the cure for bad form."

    In your opinion, if the lifter in that video had been squatting correctly for the last 2 years, is it likely that he would still have his knees tracking inward so severely even at a rep-maximum weight?

  2. #12
    glennpendlay Guest



    I am glad that you are happy with whats going on at WFAC. It is, and always has been, one of the few, maybe the only commercial gyms around where you can go in and see multiple people, from teenage football players to middle aged women squatting correctly. Rip has always done a great job teaching the basic exercises to such a wide range of people, and I am sure that he continues to do so. However, irrespective of what you have seen, form breakdown with maximal weights does happen, even at WFAC. I hope you didnt take my earlier post as a jab at you or anyone else training there, my feelings about Rips ability to coach exercises like the squat are entirely positive and well known.

    And to Lyle,

    Your comments now and earlier in the other post show your lack of experience coaching OLifting. Comments like "2-3 glaring technique flaws that could be cured in a couple of weeks" are made by those without experience, not by those with it. I am sure Rip agrees with this, and also sure he would admit it if he was being objective. But thats ok. I am sure I made observations and comments like that 10 or 15 years ago, not quite as publicly and loud as you are, but still sure I made them. Time and experience cured me of that foolishness, and I am sure will cure you also. Good luck in your coaching, maybe someday in the future I will see you at some meets.


  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by lylemcd View Post
    his videos speak for themselves, tell me what poin there is to address his lame excuses in the other thread.
    The videos speak, but youre saying this is reflecting on Glenn's coaching.

    Consider this though, youve said before that you yelled at Sarah for 12 months to push through and she's finally getting it, learning to accelerate through the movement. I can see whats up with the squat vid, but I would think that trying to get a concept drilled in over a 12 month period would illustrate why almost all lifts (including Glenn's) exhibit some flaws in technique despite whether theyve been lifting with him for a while.

    And none of us on your site knocked your coaching ability given her vids. I think thats the rub that some have with the extension of your argument (not the argument of poor form in itself, though the two are getting a little meshed in both threads).

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