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Thread: Age and diet

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by z3nrunn3r View Post
    Eat a bunch of stuff, mostly meat and dairy, a few vegetables to ward off constipation and a couple of teaspoons of creatine, because your getting a little long in the tooth.

    What is the consensus on souse, I think it tastes great, but I like to drink vodka with cranberry juice which renders me both uncultured and deficient in the senses department.
    Long in the tooth? I must have one foot in the grave!

    You know what's tasty is vodka and Rock Star or Monster. The sugar free ones, of course. I can't stand Red Bull.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by cph View Post
    I'm close in age/height/weight to the OP, and this is almost dead on to my experience, except the deadlift. (I don't see how it's possible to maintain the deadlift 50+ lbs ahead of the squat unless YNTDP.
    Build, leverages, arm length, (personally-injuries), etc. I was able to run an LP longer on deads than squats. In my admittedly limited experience, I think taller lifters have more in them for deads, but typically don't train/program them properly after LP for a multitude of reasons.

    But I will clarify, this is just my lonely opinion and may not be worth much.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by DieselBro View Post
    Proper diet is going to be defined by initial body composition... if you are a "skinny" 200 lb then you need a caloric surplus to drive gains... I was a fat 275, so I used a slight deficit. Protein 1g per lb of BW, everything else is going to vary.
    I'm 40, 235, 30%bf and that's what I'm doing too. I set MyFitnessPal to maintenance calories and just make sure I don't go over it while eating at least 1g/protein per lb. (protein shakes help me do this) which practically speaking means I'm eating at a slight deficit every day seeing as I never hit the maintenance number on the head.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smyth View Post
    2) There is no reason to drink skim milk. Ever. Drink whole milk, just less of it if you're older.
    Sure there is. If you want the carbs, protein, and calcium, but not the fat. Or if you like the taste. Cue "oh the horror, the heresy, burn him at the stake," etc.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smyth View Post
    Two points:

    1) 32 is not old in this world.

    2) There is no reason to drink skim milk. Ever. Drink whole milk, just less of it if you're older.

    1) that is good to hear!

    2) My wife and I drink skim because of the calorie difference. Growing up we drank 1%. As you might have guessed I am from WI, fridge is always stocked full of milk and cheese (no joke). Is there that much more of a benefit to the whole milk and if so what is it? Is it strictly a calorie thing on this plan? The post from Mr. Rippetoe suggests one can cut the milk altogether. I have noticed my metabolism slowing over the last couple years, don't eat nearly what I did and am slowly gaining weight.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by packerbacker View Post
    Is there that much more of a benefit to the whole milk...?
    Are you sure you're from Wisconsin?

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by crookedfinger View Post
    I would anticipate running an LP until your squats are in the low to mid 300's and your deads are in the low to mid 400's. At which point, your body weight will be somewhere between 220-225. You'll look better than you do now. Just to give you some targets and expectations.
    I'd be careful with "expectations" when it comes to finishing LP weights. Sure, there are general ranges we can come up with, but thinking in terms of specific numbers can sometimes do more harm than good. Just do the program, and let the numbers fall where they may.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sean Herbison View Post
    Sure there is. If you want the carbs, protein, and calcium, but not the fat. Or if you like the taste. Cue "oh the horror, the heresy, burn him at the stake," etc.
    I drink skim exclusively. Fits the macros better. Still tastes pretty good to me.

  9. #19
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    Andy Baker drinks Coors Light and Folgers. It's still a free country.

  10. #20
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    I'm 35 and I drink a lot of chocolate milk, mostly because it tastes good and has a lot of protein in it. More specifically, I drink this chocolate milk. I just wish they made a 100% fat option.

    I started the program at 222lbs with a 41" waist about 10 months ago (I'm 6'1"). I'm in intermediate programming now and I weigh 242lbs and my waist went down to 39" by some miracle. Gaining weight doesn't always mean becoming a fat slob. And I haven't really done anything outside of the program besides doing some bicep curls when I was nearing the end of my LP (which I still do sporadically when my tendonitis isn't flaring up).

    In all, I probably didn't need to gain much weight at all in order to have a successful LP. I just used it as an excuse to eat as much as I wanted because I love food. I just got lucky that I didn't get up to 25% bodyfat.

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