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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #10121
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

  2. #10122
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    NT, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Jenni View Post
    With the tech industry being what it is I'm unsure if you can find stuff that has zero lefty ties. Duck Duck Go is less a browser and more a search engine and an add on that you use to maintain privacy. Hence, it's great if you are proficient enough to combine it with a vpn but not so great if you are less proficient and just need something plug and play.


    Someone else posted about alternatives to Google drive. I like DropBox. It's pretty easy to use. Sync is also good if you need something for larger files. Bit Chute can somewhat replace You Tube depending on what you want to view. But it remains to be seen if content creators are gonna do more outside of YT. Patreon always has good people, I watch a lot of that.
    For those with privacy concerns (rather than lefty concerns), this site has some reasonable options for different software/browsers/operating systems. PrivacyTools - Encryption Against Global Mass Surveillance

    Signal messenger is getting some press at the moment due to Whatsapp/FB changes (Zuck wants to use your Whatsapp data...surprise!). I've been using Signal for years - can recommend. In a world where guberments use any excuse to obtain and use your personal info against you, encryption is the least we can do. Of course, nothing is foolproof but doing nothing is hardly the best choice.

    For those comparing cloud providers, it is probably worth your while encrypting your data before uploading it to whatever provider you choose. Encryption Tools | PrivacyTools

  3. #10123
    Join Date
    Oct 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by JJ23 View Post
    But the Feds will be printing $3T and back fund their buddies for their awful decisions as well as years of pension and budget deficits. Thus far they've been able to print their way out of it but eventually the music will stop.
    Yes they have kept the wheels on by printing money. I am not sure it is sustainable even for 5 more years. I will be interested to see what happens when everyone realises how fucked we truly are. Because you will have angry, armed people with economic devastation and no belief in their political system. That usually doesn’t end well.

  4. #10124
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by JJ23 View Post
    But the Feds will be printing $3T and back fund their buddies for their awful decisions as well as years of pension and budget deficits. Thus far they've been able to print their way out of it but eventually the music will stop.
    I doubt the music will stop, at least for a while. The rest of the world is much more insolvent than the US, so right now I don't really see a limit to the Fed money printer. In fact, they have shown remarkable restraint so far.

  5. #10125
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Perhaps Starting Strength will become a news portal for more than just strength training and Texas Cafe food. Or maybe it already is.

  6. #10126
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    United Kingdom


    Quote Originally Posted by RichardGreen View Post
    I honestly don't understand how it seems like the same people who were outraged over the black lives matter protests can somehow think this current event is ok. People coming out to protest is not the problem. The black lives matter and the current trump supporters have the right to protest. It is when things turn violent and the raiding/looting start where there is an issue. It seems if you were outraged about the black lives matter protest you should be equally outraged over this.
    Our moralisation on the two different flavours of protests (BLM vs MAGA) is absolutely irrelevant, and I suspect you already know that despite your dumb, trap of an argument. More important is how the establishment views these two things. How they chose to craft and curate the "news" about them and what kinds of facts and opinions are left out, and conversely what is included and promoted. It's about the narrative.

    The BLM "protests" were apparently a just struggle for equality and fairness. White people were told that, regardless of their own behaviour or opinions related to the matters of race, they were inherently guilty. White American culture, history and identity (which obviously created the nation) was uniquely morally corrupt. None of the other races in question were capable of such evil. Therefore the destruction and looting at the hands of the mob was part of a rebalancing process which society simply had to endure. The people involved were not looters or destroyers - they were freedom fighters and activists. The narrative was about the growth of society, and the violence and rage was presented as necessary and natural - growing pains, if you will. Without any trace of irony, as the fires burned in the background, the corporate media looked you in the eye and reported that the protests were "fiery but mostly peaceful". Democrat politicians also spoke to you directly, assuring you these riots were a good thing. They certainly didn't call for calm - encouraged the action to grow in scale and intensity. Destruction was downplayed. Pelosi said "People will do what they do".

    The establishment universally presented the Capitol event as a wanton "riot", as an attack on American democracy and decency by a right-wing crowd which was overwhelmingly white and working-class. An "Insurrection" by "white supremacists" and "anti-Semites". The obligatory reference to 1930's Germany was made. The establishment promised to "hunt" these Deplorables down and make them pay. Unlike the BLM attendees, theirs wasn't a just struggle. It was "domestic terrorism" and they were not to be championed as downtrodden, underdog heroes - they were to be made an example of.

    The fact is, the present order is only scared of one of these types of riots. Guess which one it is.

    Rich kids and green-haired feminists dressed as blacked-out ninjas toppling historic statues, and black looters helping themselves to new shoes from the Nike store, doesn't exactly pose a threat to the status-quo. This kind of energy can be absorbed forever. Someone like Ted Wheeler getting booed at and pelted with beer cans for not being woke enough isn't exactly a problem for the system either.

    However, an organic, nation-wide movement of racially-awakened white people, who feel like their cultural norms and ideals, and very existence, is under attack does pose a significant threat to the establishment. It's an extra headache because in America this majority white crowd also had numerous "red-pilled" minorities among their ranks at the protest, which is pure cancer for the establishment media's optics. They cannot allow this symbolically powerful image of them taking over the Capitol's seat of power to be interpreted as something positive by the millions of Americans watching it unfold on TV and online.

    The MAGA crowd's actions were driven by their aims to restore law and order to a system which has been corrupted beyond recognition. Draining the swamp. They want to prevent the establishment from destructively transforming America, a once great nation state built on blood, sweat and tears, into a glorified economic zone. Contrast this with the woke demands of the BLM crowd. Which cause do you think presents more of a problem for the order?

    So, this isn't about whether these riots were morally "ok" as that is a matter of opinion - it's about what they represent, and whether the events are beneficial to the elite's narrative or run counter to it.

  7. #10127
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    Jun 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by Jenni View Post
    And yet, here we are. *gestures angrily at everything*

    A buddy of mine did a reading aloud on the Federalist Papers on YT. I plan to take another listen to them and some other things. Refresh my memory, I'd like to know precisely where we went wrong. I mean, you must admit the Declaration of Independence is a masterpiece. "But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security." I actually wrote that from memory. I love that line, it gives me chills. And yet, here we are. Where'd we go wrong? I suspect it was some combination of moving from a loose confederation of states to a centralized government and the income tax. But I could be wrong. (It happens.) What we have now is a bloated, layered up monstrosity where any new efforts are totally dependent on legacy architecture that's outdated and also bloated. I feel like those guys would kick our asses for this shit.
    BINGO, it was that temporary permanent income tax! Like everything else, a tax isn't a tax until it's convenient to be so (Obamacare), and everything is temporary until it finally gets printed up in the federal budget or code. That tax, as I understand, was supposed to be temporary, to fund the war effort. I wonder if the Patriotic Adults of that time truly thought it would be temporary, too.

    Business startups and non-profits alike cannot do anything or cause any danger until there is money to do so, so once we started giving yearly serf payments to our leaders, we were providing the rope to hang ourselves with.

    I wonder how many of 2021's temporary measures will also get permanently enshrined into the Federal Code.

  8. #10128
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    Aug 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by Kitsuma View Post
    For those who are open to possible dIsinfo....

    10th January Update Current News - YouTube

    Simon Parkes believes Trump has signed the insurrection act.
    Like a lot of people, I've been watching the videos from Simon Parkes. Partly for info, but also with many grains of salt. Curious how he and his UK friends seem to have their fingers on the pulse of US politics and behind-the-scenes maneuvering. Spidey-senses going off for me. But I gave some leeway, and watched to consume whatever names/places/events that might match up with that from known trusted people.

    His most recent video, titled "11th January Third Update Current News," was a red flag for me, as he claimed to have had a 90-minute phone call on an unsecured line with the real "Q". Not someone who is part of the small number of people who make up "Q" — but "Q" himself who has been doing the posting on the chan boards.


    Then I found a series of four interviews that he gave. Posted below is only the first — you can find the rest if interested. Since they all run over an hour each, I can't be bothered watching them. But here are the highlights:

    He’s met and grew up with ET species such as the Mantis, the Greys and the Reptilians

    Claimed he fathered a child with an alien he regularly meets up with for extra-terrestrial sex

    Says he is beamed up for space sex four times a year by that extra-terrestrial he calls the Cat Queen and claims they have a child together called Zarka

    Said he's 1/3 human, 1/3 reptilian and 1/3 mantis

    Get the net.

    So much for trusting him for military intel.

  9. #10129
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    United Kingdom


    "It's a FrEe MarKeT eCoNoMy, man. Trump can just create his own internet and social media platform if he wants to Tweet!"

    The same goes for banking services now.

    Now The Banks: Lenders Cut Trump, Other Lawmakers Off, Citing U.S. Capitol Riot | The Daily Wire

    When right wingers have their access to mission critical (often monopolised) services turned off, because these private companies don't want to support "domestic terrorism", will they finally wake up to reality?

  10. #10130
    Join Date
    Jul 2014


    starting strength coach development program
    I just rewatched Starting Privacy with Ben Gillenwater, and reread the discussion posts.

    The link if anyone missed it...

    Starting Privacy with Ben Gillenwater | Starting Strength Radio #55

    Rip, in the podcast at 1:00:33 you ask, paraphrased, what happens if we don't take any protection measures for privacy and security such as encrypt, use nextdns, etc. Ben's reply was, again paraphrased, that we're entrusting the storage and analysis of our mind to 3rd parties.

    I think we're in a different world now. The add-on to Ben's answer is now, I believe, the powers that be will target, and based on websites visited and comments made in online discussions, cancel and dox the undesirables whose "mind" is not right. Given this, and the current issues discussed in this thread with Firefox and Duckduckgo, I wonder if Ben would recommend anything differently now?

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