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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #11011
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    For those of you who still think there is no evidence for widespread election fraud on 11/4/20: Unmasked: Have we uncovered the truth about the 2020 election? - YouTube

    Prolly won't be up long. Be sure to read the text at the end of the video.
    I had a look at it and the evidence is very compelling, but is it not now all academic? Your court systems are not willing to hear high profile lawyers like Powell who probably have the same evidence, you just have to face the fact you have two fakes in the white house and you were scammed. I told you this before you cannot have an independent nation such as the US with a nationalistic bent in a world where folk want global governance. What ever you think of Trump he took the US down an independent path that does not fit in with global views such as climate change, multiculturalism and subservient nations.

    I think in 2016 that the democrats were totally shocked that Trump won that election. They were 100% sure Clinton would continue the Obama drive to internationalism. Hence the continual attack on Trumps presidency and what now appears to be a fake election of Biden and to continue to add insult to injury to impeach Trump (unconstitutional I heard) to make sure he can never come back. A blitzkrieg on your country.

  2. #11012
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    Trump is winning election lawsuits, in case you haven’t heard | Blogs | LifeSite

    First, of the 80 total lawsuits, 34 have either been withdrawn, consolidated with other suits, or dismissed due to legal technicalities such as lack of standing, timing, or jurisdiction. Those judges who dismissed suits never heard the actual evidence of election irregularities and/or fraud, since they did not allow it to be presented in their courtrooms. Such cases cannot be counted as a loss for Trump. If anything, they are evidence of a failure of our judicial system to – at a moment of national crisis – actually address election fraud.

    Of the 46 remaining lawsuits, 25 cases are still ongoing, so that the winner and loser of these cases is yet to be determined, while 21 have been completely adjudicated. These are cases where the court heard arguments, considered any relevant evidence, and then issued a formal ruling on the merits.

    You may be surprised to learn that, of these 21 cases, Trump has won 14 and lost 7.

    In other words, Trump has won two-thirds of the cases to date that have been adjudicated by the courts.

    Don’t expect to hear this on the evening news.

    There were more audits in 2016 than 2020

  3. #11013
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  4. #11014
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    How actor Louis Gossett, Jr. survived COVID-19

    How actor Louis Gossett, Jr. survived COVID-19 - YouTube

  5. #11015
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    Is this all bullshit, Wig?
    If anything, they are evidence of a failure of our judicial system to – at a moment of national crisis – actually address election fraud.
    This is, for reasons that have been discussed(?) ad-nauseum.

    If Georgia’s Sec of State unilaterally violated Georgia’s state law concerning the presidential elector selection process, why hasn’t Georgia’s state legislature filed suit against said Sec of State in Georgia’s state court? Since, ya know, they would be the only party with standing in this case.

  6. #11016
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    Quote Originally Posted by wal View Post
    Some folk would say I smell a rat. It is a weird video.

    The most striking aspect of that video was the lack of medical care or at least no one with any first aid training, all security and police are trained in first aid and if that girl was shot perhaps it may have been survivable if they kept her airway clear. She was lying head up and bent and she may have died from just a blocked airway. In a car crash where you have occupants still held in their set by the seat belt some have survived the injuries simply by someone holding their head up to keep the airway clear. It is just a fundamental if first aid. DRABC. Danger, Response, Airways, Breathing, Circulation. Perhaps a paramedic may explain it better.
    The comments on the youtube (before it was removed) were interesting. I grabbed one before they were all deleted:
    I'm a paramedic.. what I noticed as they are doing cpr is the intubation is NOT taped in place on her mouth, and her head is tilted to the side which obstructs the airway. If she was shot in the neck I doubt that even the best could intubate. If there's blood coming from the mouth and nose that means there is intrusion to either the airway or esophagus either way the trauma to that area would cause major inflammation and you wouldn't get a tube down.. you would have to put in a trach. Even in these situations there are steps that MUST be done.. and I've done compressions many times and NOT ONCE has my hand EVER covered a nipple.. wrong position.

    She also NEVER grabbed for her neck, she moved her hands and held down the ring and pinky finger which is IMPOSSIBLE for an unconscious patient..anyone that was shot always grabs for that area, and if you are having trouble breathing you grab for your throat.. And an unconscious patients hands are limp noodles, they'd not be up by her head. She didn't show any posturing signs, She was a drama actor!! I've seen plenty of FAKERS and they all seem to OVERACT!!! That is what usually keys us into them!! There are definite signs with each injury illness ect.. the writers of the script have no medical knowledge!!!
    Other comments I remember: the blood is the wrong color, there wasn't enough blood given the injury, blood should be pumping out all over the place, the flag scarf would have been removed immediately...instead they just kept tugging on the scarf...they never would have moved a possible spinal injury like that...the list went on and on.

    The thing that jumped out at me was just the cringe factor of the horrific acting. It brought back a childhood memory from an acting workshop at the "School of the Arts" where the instructor put us on stage, and told us to improvise a natural disaster: "Go!"

    The looks on everyone's faces reminded me of that experience. I think the acting teacher call it "Duper's Delight"'s a smirk you see on bad actors faces. Seeing that in the video made me sick to my stomach. I'm embarrassed for them as I've experienced that feeling on stage before, and I'm saddened that nobody else sees the obvious....this isn't real.

    Even people in the footage were screaming..."They are all actors!"

    Think about the context of this event. The politicians were about to vote on whether to allow a few key states to recount their votes. This event was used by the politicians to nix the effort to get an accurate count. "I was going to vote for this, but I cannot support this act of terrorism...blah blah blah." It is now being used to impeach a citizen (Trump), label "wrong-think" individuals as terrorists, and re-launch the 16 years plan to destroy "America".

    And, they really are going to impeach a non-President...just to demoralize/destroy the country's spirit to resist and think freely. This is what happens to ANYONE who dares to challenge "the system"....even a Billionaire. "Now you ants understand; we have no rules."


    For those who are ready...and who appreciate The Matrix metaphor, this Anonymous post will strike a chord:
    The world is now at a point of almost total corruption in all of society's "systems" - political, financial, legal, judicial, pharmaceutical, environmental, corporations, healthcare, religion, science, education, food production, journalism, entertainment, 'humanitarian aid', 'child protective services', and anything else you can think of. Systems that supposedly exist to serve the betterment of people, communities, states, and countries, but are now just authorities of control and exploitation over the people.

    The more I learn, the more I realize how insightful "The Matrix" series was, and how its metaphors make the situation clear and easier to discuss.

    It is high time for humanity to 'exit The Matrix', but this must be accomplished on an individual basis, one-by-one, realizing that every worldly system of authority is a deception, a system of control, and the opposite of what it claims to be. Then when enough individuals are awake, they will be able to work together towards a new genuine way of life by combining their efforts and ideas with others who are awake locally, in groups of family, friends, and neighbors. I think that is the only way that daily life will fundamentally change and people can build a new way of life that is not dependent on the systems.

    The only possibility for an 'awakening' to succeed in a significant and lasting manner is if the tipping point is reached, in terms of the percentage of awakened people in the population. Otherwise, the system will continue to be able to segregate out the few who do not accept the programming and the slavery. (as "anomalies" that the controllers have been unable to completely eliminate "from what is otherwise a harmonious system." While it remains a burden to deal with, "it is not unexpected, and thus not beyond a measure of control.")

    The system confines the free-thinkers to dark corners of society where they are relatively free but never a threat, until the numbers of these nonconformists grow to where they might be able to accomplish something. At that point the system crushes the will, the resources, and the reputations of these small groups. ("Rest assured, this will be the sixth time we have destroyed [your haven of freedom and safety], and we have become exceedingly efficient at it.")

    I'm starting to see why a "great awakening" is the only possible way, and also why it is taking so long. The hope of a swift military solution seems unrealistic to me now, and it would most likely not solve the root problems or provide long term stability.

    t some point I realized that this has somehow got to be…well, enormous… to work.

    It has to be at least 9/11 big. That was a moment when time stood still for much of the planet– literally everyone knew about 9/11 within moments or a few short hours.

    The shock lasted for days I remember everyone on the highways in Massachusetts actually let people change lanes in front of them. While I'm being a bit cheeky, that was an actual thing people were stunned into awareness of their fellow man and the courtesy spillover was real.

    Court cases, voting irregularities, corrupt pols and judges? Nah. No one cares. People aren't going to pay any attention unless is this at least a 9/11 scale event.

    A % of the population lost for ever due to brainwashing. This is our last chance to do this, I believe enough people world wide are awakened enough to help those who are just now questioning to bring about the flood of undeniable truth that will shock the world and this is starting now, the drip drip drip.

  7. #11017
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    Die Welt obtained leaked emails that reveal the German government hired a bunch of scientists to strategize on how to maximize corona fear, with the goal of increasing support for 'corona' restrictions.

    The timing of the leak indicates the government is confident it will firmly remain in power with the 'temporary' restrictions in place indefinitely.

    I'm expecting many more leaks from different countries to drop soon.

  8. #11018
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    Quote Originally Posted by wiigelec View Post
    If Georgia’s Sec of State unilaterally violated Georgia’s state law concerning the presidential elector selection process, why hasn’t Georgia’s state legislature filed suit against said Sec of State in Georgia’s state court?
    Are you seriously suggesting that the reason the Georgia legislature did not file suit is because the Georgia SoS did not break the law? How old are you, 10?

  9. #11019
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    Are you seriously suggesting that the reason the Georgia legislature did not file suit is because the Georgia SoS did not break the law?
    No, Mark, I’m seriously suggesting Georgia needs a new state legislature; get on it Georgia voters.

    How old are you, 10?
    Only when I must rise to the level of discourse, as is the case here.

  10. #11020
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    Quote Originally Posted by wiigelec View Post
    No, Mark, I’m seriously suggesting Georgia needs a new state legislature; get on it Georgia voters.
    So the GSL should have voted differently, and the people of Georgia should have voted differently too. I think I understand now.

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