Go easy on him Rip. Od proposed a workable approach to effing the system while still living within it, and Jenni implied that to do things this way is to be a pussy. She wrote many pages ago that it was better to wear the medical masks and not some eff you version, to shock people into realizing how insane these new rules are, rather than normaling the unnatural behavior.
Jenni, kudos to you for pointing out an interpretation of this vexxine work-around (bribe the nurse to vexxinate the trash can instead of you, behind closed doors) that I hadn't even considered, but od is right here: the treatment of the 1/6ers shows how futile and painful it is to go too far risking financial and physical well-being as you try to buck the system. Shop maskless and refuse the temperature checks, yes- as far as I know no one's getting arrested or heavily prosecuted for shunning the muzzle. But getting oneself fired over the illegal vexxine mandates when a workaround such as od1's exists seems shortsighted.
Russia has forever had people forging medical, knowledge test (for immigration), and other docs - it's how you survive within such regimes without actually giving in to the inane demands. When I went to Kiev for a new Russian visa many years ago, I was told at the consulate that I'd need a negative HIV test result. My American mind was infuriated that, after all the calls and research I'd done before the visa run, I was incorrectly being told I'd, in fact, actually need to do this test!!
But then when I reached the HIV test "office" (an apartment down the road), after paying a fee the worker simply printed my negative HIV test certificate with my name typed onto it.
Embrace the new second world normal- it's a work in progress for 40+ years that is finally coming to be!