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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #19591
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    NT, Australia


    • starting strength seminar december 2024
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    Saving Democracy From the Pandemic by John Ioannidis and Michaela Schippers.

    "Anyone who believes that it’s possible to cleanse “science” of error through brute force censorship has no understanding of how science works or how accurate, unbiased evidence is accumulated in the first place. The idea of arbitrators who select what is correct and dismiss what is incorrect is the most alien possible concept to science. Without the ability to make errors or make (and improve on) inaccurate hypotheses, there is no science. "

  2. #19592
    Join Date
    Mar 2018


    I don't know if this woman is controlled opposition or what, but she seems to speak the truth with conviction. I like that.

    Greatest threat to our democracy is the likes of Hillary Clinton and Deep State cohorts #Shorts - YouTube

  3. #19593
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    Jun 2008

  4. #19594
    Join Date
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    North Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by mkm5 View Post
    I don't know if this woman is controlled opposition or what, but she seems to speak the truth with conviction. I like that.

    Greatest threat to our democracy is the likes of Hillary Clinton and Deep State cohorts #Shorts - YouTube
    Dream ticket 2024: DeSantis/Gabbard.

    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrfunk View Post
    These fucking pussies are making lots of friends in Ottawa.

  5. #19595
    Join Date
    Mar 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Dream ticket 2024: DeSantis/Gabbard.

    These fucking pussies are making lots of friends in Ottawa.
    I might reinstate my voter registration for that ticket in 2024.

  6. #19596
    Join Date
    Jun 2021


    George you asked for specifics a while back, sorry I don't get on much over the weekend.

    First of all it's utterly irrelevant. But I'll give some specifics for shits and giggles, I'll start with some observations first. There is a large segment of society, and depending on what criteria you slice it with, a majority. Given that it's such a large group there's no way to accurately define it with any form of high fidelity, but I think calling them "dissatisfied" with the current government. This doesn't mean that there is any form of unity within this majority though. It ranges from someone who's just now questioning why they need a 4th shot because their heart is starting to hurt, to the guy who's in rural montana in a shack checking that his thousand pounds of explosives are still dry and in working order for when the UN invades. Everyone else is in between somewhere.

    As has been pointed out, many many times, being a disarmed Australian I have a sycophantic obedience to my government. If that's true, it gives me a different point of view. Paraphrasing Hans Landa, a Rat sees the world differently than an Eagle. American's, at least the real ones, are spectacularly stubborn and independent. This is both a blessing and a curse. As was hashed out futilely over over multiple pages a while back, the 400 million guns in America presents a unique fall back option. But it's a MAD option, there's no way for citizens to use force against the government to change it. If it goes well, that's an uprising and a coup, if it goes badly that's a civil war.
    Back in the 70's the political left tried this, the Weather Underground and other similar groups were committed to overthrowing the US government. It didn't move the needle, if anything it resulted in harsher criminal sentencing as they generally resorted to crime to fund their operations.
    The "dissatisfied right" is completely different to the Weather Underground, but on the balance I believe it has less advantages than the weather underground.

    I don't have much time and am just scribbling this but I don't believe direct violence will be an effective tactic, for a multitude of reasons.

    But, being a Rat, there are different options available. Violence should be eschewed not for principled reasons, but for practical reasons. It would be far better to topple the establishment under it's own weight of lies and contradictions. A classic guerilla campaign. Eventually it will becomes so ridiculous it will collapse. The second element of this is not presenting a target for attack so that the government must resort to heavy handed tactics that work against itself.
    Patriot Front is a good example of a group that is an effective first step. Everyone has strong opinions about them but at the end of the day all they do is put up stickers.

    Have you seen a standard npc come across a subversive sticker in the wild? they claw at it, it's bizarre to watch and I wish I recorded it when I saw it. And this is just a sticker, and it causes a response from local authorities to put up bulletins about "hate stickers" which is fantastic because it opens them up for mockery. Everyone under the purview of that authority now either resents the authority or has to bear the additional psychic stress of cognitive dissonance.

    Take the Canadian Truckers. You want specifics? Leave and go home, ideally 4 days ago. A) Because logistically moving that many trucks back through a city will cause even more chaos then they currently are, and B) you remove any ability for the government to formulate a response.

    You can now have additional trucker convoy protests in other cities. The best part is that you don't even have to have them at all, just announce them and see the targeted city lose it's mind and arrest/detain random trucks delivering food.

    Announce a dozen convoys at once, without planning which ones will be attended, give instructions "If there's no-one there go to another location" Where do the Police gather? The smaller side in any conflict must always be the more nimble and unseen side.

    But ultimately this is all irrelevant because this is predicated on the idea of people acting in a unified manner for a larger strategic cause. This is where the curse of the American stubborness comes in. Look at people's reactions to Patriot front, they are hated on both sides, they cannot be effective because the "right" is holding them back/stabbing them in the back. The idea of doing something for a cause is an anathema to most people. You cant win a war with soldiers that wont obey orders. Take Rip for example, Imagine if he went on Joe Rogan and spent 3-4 hours absolutely eviscerating everything about this government and the stupidity of modern society. He's logical and persuasive and entertaining to boot. Imagine how effective that would be at moving the needle, his message would go to 10's of millions of people, conservatively a million people or more would permanently shift their opinion on everything. But he wont go on Joe Rogan because he's decided not too. That's the blessing and curse aspect.

    Specifics are irrelevant because there is no for groups of individuals who want to stay individuals to beat unified opposition. Soy bugmen working in groups have been beating Strong Individuals since the days of the Neanderthals.

    I see the only thing that changes that in the future is an acceleration, once authority chases people to the wall and there's nowhere else for them to run, then there might be a hope.

  7. #19597
    Join Date
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    George read the latest from Denninger, Where Is The Uprising? in [Market-Ticker-Nad]. I had it open when I was writing the above but hadn't read it yet. Specifics don't matter because not enough people are aligned with what he wrote about.

  8. #19598
    Join Date
    Jan 2019


    Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson, who is a contributor for the WEF, says he'll use The Emergency Powers to try and sell the confiscated trucks and equipment.
    "You vill own nossing and be happy"

    Sell vehicles towed during protest to cover city'''s costs, says Watson | CBC News

    If only people realized what their stupidity has brought on to us all.
    COVID policies restricting liberties may be applied to other '''public emergencies''' | America'''s Frontline Doctors

  9. #19599
    Join Date
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    South of France


    Quote Originally Posted by Subby View Post
    <lots of things I broadly agree with>
    I see the only thing that changes that in the future is an acceleration, once authority chases people to the wall and there's nowhere else for them to run, then there might be a hope.
    Unfortunately, once you reach that point, and painfully go through it, you generally find mountains of wreckage on the other side, both physical and 'moral' (as in, would you take revenge on a neighbour who cheered on Twitter while your truck was confiscated and your bank account frozen? The experience of post-1945 Italy was not pretty in that respect, and I quote this because I know it a bit, for obvious reasons).
    I agree with the main argument; a totalitarian regime usually collapses under the weight of its own contradictions (or by violent outside intervention), but there is a very heavy price to pay in the process.


  10. #19600
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    starting strength coach development program
    Another example of our "open societies", our "liberal democracies", showing their true colours. It didn't wake up the masses, but the nasty smell it created has certainly disturbed their sleep. Overall, this is a good thing and the truckers, on one hand, can be seen as heroes who sacrificied their liberty in order to help wake people up.

    It was always always going to fizzle out like this, though. The fact is these guys are brave and principled but the general public was always relatively complacement about it. Until that changes, from a political perspective, no amount of road blocking/disruption/horn honking/flag waving will spark anything larger. The elite's tactic of laying the rhetoric down ahead of time, manufactoring the consensus that these people are insurrectionists, nazis, extremists, misogynists... it simply works on a mass political scale.

    This emergency bill forced the tow truck companies to do these tows under penalty of up to 5 years of imprisonment without trial, having their bank accounts and assets seized, having their commercial driver's licenses taken away, etc. These people have children to feed and bills to pay. Where is the mass public outrage at this? It's simply not there, yet.

    The totalitarian effects of Covid will long outlast Covid itself. If you are a populist, your politics directly goes against the continued existence of the globalism and the WEF, IMF, Davos crowd ONLY EXIST in order to support this globalist structure.

    Elites dealing with populist protests in this totalitarian way, with emergency powers, is the new normal, but the next George Floyd political movement, for example, will be permitted because it doesn't run counter to global capitalism. In fact, the browning of majority white Western countries, and flooding of our economies with cheap labour (who always vote left and cannot/will not politically organise outside of this pattern), directly supports globalism. Any political movement which is essentially anti-white, or seeks to erode the idea of the nation state or otherwise pull apart the West, dissect its norms & ideals, and push us in a globalist direction will be permitted and supported by the elites, and this certainly doesn't include white, working class truckers complaining about totalitarian governance.

    Things are going to have to get a lot more painful for people before there's enough mass political energy. Looking at economic growth and real unemployment levels, I would say we are getting there. I don't think the rate of inflation is going to burst skyward, but I do think the long term trend is up. There's only so much fiddling the Fed can do to make the CPI look good for the gov before something gives. If at some point the arse falls out of the stock market, bringing down everything else with it in a disorderly manner, and the CARES Act 2.0 or whatever is introduced, then this may create the conditions for enough pain to be the political catalyst, but this isn't happening on Biden's watch. In their hubris, they already have a plan for that wealth transfer and creation of a true two-tier society, and it's called the Great Reset and judging by the members of the public I encounter on a daily basis, they are right to be confident in their plans. I think they are overly confident, though.

    As we go into the future of this new normal, I also think well-meaning, good people need to be extra vigilant when getting involved in apparently "organic", "grass roots" populist political protests and events, like the march on Capitol Hill, and like this trucker roadblock. It could be like shooting fish in a barrel.

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