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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #19641
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkm5 View Post
    I've said this before; get your fiat out of the banks and invest it in hard assets. The shit show is already here. Orwell would be impressed.

    Impending financial system collapse not withstanding, now your access to fiat will be monitored and controlled by tyrants who would like to silence dissenting views.
    Did you miss the part where in 33 the Government seized gold reserves?

  2. #19642
    Join Date
    Mar 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by Subby View Post
    Did you miss the part where in 33 the Government seized gold reserves?
    I lost all my gold, silver, firearms and ammo in an unfortunate boating accident, probably.

  3. #19643
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    Is the person on the list employed with a unit enforcing this bullshit? Did the person resign or at least speak out publicly? If the answers are yes and no, it can't be that wrong.
    I don't recall Luke and Han pausing to find out which stormtroopers were the one "wrong" ones to hurt.

    il Donaldo Trumpo (@PapiTrumpo): "😭🤣🤣🤣" | nitter

  4. #19644
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Charles View Post
    Sure, your romantic version of Texas illustrates some interesting contrast. Your ideology is compelling. It’s just not accurate. Objectively across every demographic (and all things measurable) Texas looks like the USA. More so than less.
    Why are you conflating his ideology with a claim about Texas? If anything, Texas being smoothed out with the rest of the US would only bolster his broader points. It would suggest that even interstate migration is highly destructive to cultural diversity. Of course, I mean real diversity, not the homogenizing double-speak version.

  5. #19645
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    Matt, thanks for that post. It hit home.

    The man pummeled by Ottawa Police on viral video speaks out!

    There are two kinds of men. Those who can get up from that beating and carry on....and those that never move on until a one-on-one "conversation" takes place with each of his abusers. Sooner or later, they are going to beat one of the latter.

  6. #19646
    Join Date
    Mar 2018


    I tried typing several descriptions of the following video of this corrupt, senile moron, and his cackling, arm- flapping, head bobbing side kick. I decided there are no adequate words, so I'll just leave it here:

    Biden ?Driving That, Eh, You Know, Uh, Was Up There, Uh??I Don?t Know, Man.? - YouTube

  7. #19647
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    United Kingdom


    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    Why are you conflating his ideology with a claim about Texas? If anything, Texas being smoothed out with the rest of the US would only bolster his broader points. It would suggest that even interstate migration is highly destructive to cultural diversity. Of course, I mean real diversity, not the homogenizing double-speak version.
    There's a reason liberal whites are scurrying away from liberal hellholes and are being attracted to places like Texas. It's not for the food or landscape. Sure, they will bring their fashionable and destructive anti-white politics with them and insert them into local life and unthinkingly try to dissolve the place from within simply by virtue-signalling and kneeling and pushing CRT/men wearing makeup in their kids' schools. In contrast with the heritage Americans who actually made Texas what it is, and made it an attractive place for these escaping roaches in the first place.

    I've never even been to Texas. The only place in the US I've visited was KY and that was 20 years ago, and I went all over the place including the rural east. It was a life changing trip because as a young lad I encountered people who believed in freedom at the being level and it was (literally) a foreign concept to me. The average Englishman is simply built NOT like this. Culturally. Genetically. We haven't needed to be or evolved to be. The Englishmen who hopped on boats and made America were NOT AVERAGE Englishmen. I can safely say that the same heritage American exists in Texas as in rural eastern Kentucky. Places where these people are or were the majority until recently are objectively nicer places to live than liberal hellholes.

    There's no need to pick holes in this, Barry. We know what places like Houston are like. Globalism means that I can live essentially the same life and share exactly the same (empty) beliefs as the average liberal, card-carrying globohomo Houston urbanite over here in urban UK.

  8. #19648
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    Feb 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by mkm5 View Post
    I lost all my gold, silver, firearms and ammo in an unfortunate boating accident, probably.
    You REALLY don't want people buying Bitcoin, do you?
    You know the reason why that quote is so famous is because your bitcoins are not traceable, so you can say you simply lost them, which also used to be pretty common in the early days.
    Nobody loses their gold, silver, ammo or firearms. So it doesn't really apply.
    Plus, they take up space, they are not as easy to buy off the record as bitcoins are, and it's more expansive to find a secret place to hide them where no one would think of looking. Especially your firearms and ammo, which I guess you wanna keep as close as possible to you.

    So, as much as you are trying to divert the attention from Bitcoin with more practical use of money, I feel like I should reiterate that bitcoins ARE money, which allow you to buy all that stuff without being so easily traceable. Again, that is the whole point. If you use fiat to buy things, they are not really 100% yours, because governments and banks can track it and seize it, pretty much all of the time, without that much effort.
    If you use bitcoins it's way harder for them to make this happen. And the more people use them, the harder it gets, because instead of buying btc on some centralized exchange and keeping it there, there would be highly frequent peer-to-peer exchanges, and people would quickly learn how to be as anonymous as they can be.

  9. #19649
    Join Date
    Jun 2021


    Quote Originally Posted by mkm5 View Post
    I lost all my gold, silver, firearms and ammo in an unfortunate boating accident, probably.
    If it ever comes to death camps in America they should put that above the gates.

    Damn who'd have thought that just lying to cops would make them go away.

  10. #19650
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Los Alamos, NM


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    Why are you conflating his ideology with a claim about Texas?.
    I didn’t.

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