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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #19821
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Charles View Post
    They leap before they look.
    A sin preferable to always keeping your ass safely on the ground.

  2. #19822
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    Jul 2018
    United Kingdom


    Quote Originally Posted by Gilead View Post
    While the WEF is not as big and bad as they would like us to think they are. They do play a significant part in influencing leadership at least in western countries. They do have a significant foothold in Israeli Knesset as well.
    If you have more insight please elaborate and share links or data so I can analyze it.
    That's just it. We know Schwab or Gates aren't next in line to be the caped World Dictator - but you can think about our situation like a car hurtling down a steep, rugged hillside at breakneck speed. The terrain is varied with its huge boulders and gulleys and drops and the car will naturally have to vary its direction in order to keep descending safely towards its destination at the bottom of the hill. It doesn't plunge straight down, it follows a route dictated by the terrain, but there is a desired destination and the car can't be totalled on the way down. The car's direction isn't controlled in a total, unyielding manner and the job of the WEF, WHO, etc., working in tandem with other powerful entities, and through our politicians and the media and various layers of power, is to ensure we reach the desired destination.

  3. #19823
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkm5 View Post
    Never heard of him. Will look into it now.
    I tried listening to a 40 minute podcast from him, couldn't make it through 5 minutes. This guy is actually saying inflation is a figment of our imaginations? What am I missing here?

    Here's the podcast, I tried watching further, will keep trying.

    5 Biggest LIES About the Economy, the FED, Inflation, QE, and Gold in 2021 - Jeffrey Snider - YouTube

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Barry, watch this. Really. What Russia Wants From Its Invasion of Ukraine—and Why Zelensky Is Evil - YouTube

    __________________________________________________ _______________________________

    This will be over Chuck's/rk's head: The Ruling Class Is A Far Greater Threat To Americans Than Russia Is
    Yep, here's your hypocrisy Charlie.

  4. #19824
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharlesAmaro View Post
    So let me see if I got this straight. You are for citizens standing up to tyranny. Yet you are also against the citizens of a sovereign nation standing up to a foreign country from invading them. Simply amazing in your complete lack of self awareness regarding your hypocrisy within a single post.
    Since the "government" has started handing out weapons to civilians, the only thing the the citizens are having to stand up to is armed criminals breaking into their houses with the purpose of looting. Imagine a longer term BLM thing, but with trained killers and no cameras. The Ukrainians are not as stupid as you, so they have taken a break from this if they can afford it.

  5. #19825
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    I watched it a few times. It seems like he’s making this stuff up. It would have been more compelling if he had predicted this before it happened. But, I suppose it is possible he is on to something.

    It is more likely, in my opinion, that the weak and blundered response to Russia taking Crimea in 2014 was a green light for more unchallenged territory. Especially given the gift of Obama 2.0. In the form of Sleepy Biden.

  6. #19826
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jovan Dragisic View Post
    Come on dude, this permanent Covid thing is getting old, we got new hoaxes to deal with, let's try to drop the bad WEF actors, the old guard is on the move now, we need analytical skills for the new stuff.
    You sure we can just discard the WEF that easily? They're not involved in this?

  7. #19827
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kitsuma View Post
    Hey BoomerTards, 2011 is calling: Assange nails it

    Charles, you are the only person here who stated there has been no invasion. When the media builds a false reality around something that is real, it becomes "fake" a video game.

    Truth is not a right wing concept.
    Really? Let's peruse the boards here a bit.

    Quote Originally Posted by Yngvi View Post

    .................We cannot fall into their trap of calling this conflict an "invasion".
    They are trying to define the narrative through propaganda in language.
    It is only an "invasion" in the same way the Jan 6 protests were an "insurrection"......................

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe
    Yeah, I know. I should have used scare quotes.
    Quote Originally Posted by AFNick68 View Post
    Prior to the "invasion": Joe Biden needs, right now, to explain to American taxpayers what the definition of success is in any involvement in Ukraine. Before that Joe Biden needs to explain, convincingly, why American taxpayers should pay to defend the Ukraine border at all. Don’t hold your breath., Jeffrey Gundlach (pretty smart guy)
    I am assuming the quotations around the word invasion was an attempt to diminish the word. The author of that post can provide text if they choose.

    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrfunk View Post
    Ukraine is being less invaded by their neighbor than the US is.
    I would say several posts have been made that clearly were stating this was not an invasion. These were the posts I was referring to. Would you care to recant your statement?

  8. #19828
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  9. #19829
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Many of the citizens of this invading country prefer the invaders to their sovereigns. But you're really good at sticking to the Black/White thing.
    First, your sentence structure is quite confusing. You appear to be saying that Russia (The invading country) prefers themselves (the invaders) as opposed to their sovereigns (Both Russia and Ukraine are sovereign, so who knows what you are talking about). I am assuming you mean that "many" (quite an ambiguous word as you never specify percentages or sources) Ukrainians prefer Russia over Ukraine. Why don't you ask the people of Ukraine who democratically elected their president and ousted their previous Russian puppet who they prefer? Can you point us towards these pro-Russian Ukrainians and why haven't they taking up arms against their own government now that the savior Russians have come to free them? You appear to be making the same miscalculation that Putin made. The only people in the entire world that are Pro-Russia at the moment are Putin and the republican party. That is who you are aligning yourselves with.

  10. #19830
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkm5 View Post
    I tried listening to a 40 minute podcast from him, couldn't make it through 5 minutes. This guy is actually saying inflation is a figment of our imaginations? What am I missing here?

    Here's the podcast, I tried watching further, will keep trying.
    I don’t intend to fight you on this. Jeff Snider is a great resource and you are definitely smart enough to understand him, but I really can’t force you.

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