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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #20291
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    Quote Originally Posted by Subby View Post
    Nothing new here but a run down of the two most striking collections of data that is non medical/government body of vaccine injuries/deaths.

    Overview of the Evidence of Widespread Covid Vaccine Injuries and Deaths - Documenting the Enormous Increase in Injuries/Deaths Since the Vaccine Rollout
    Ashmedai the apparent proprietor of the Resisting the Intellectual Illiteratti | Ashmedai | Substack web page I give a credibility rating of -0. Ashmedai is a name given to the King of the Demons (Satan) so Subby I would take any information therein as absolutely dubious. It is a silly page.

  2. #20292
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    Jan 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by Subby View Post
    This might be premature since Covid is "over" but what artifacts of the panic do people think will remain?
    The that fact that emergency powers are still in place means it's not over.
    Hence, the only reason why there is less panic is because the heat has been lowered from the pressure cooker. Let's see how people respond when the heat is turned up again for the next medical crisis.

    Dr. Klaus Schwab or: How the CFR Taught Me to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

    Is Your Governor a Marionette for the World Economic Forum? - UncoverDC

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilead View Post
    In general, our mainstream media is CNN on steroids or sometimes crack. Hence, I rarely follow them closely as I just can not stomach it. They rarely deviate from the global mainstream narrative
    Here's a prime example.
    As Ukraine war rages, Israel grapples with fate of Jewish oligarchs

  3. #20293
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    It's hard to understand: why kill the sheep when you need obedient sheep? It's hard to imagine a scenario in which you don't need sheep. You need some of the bigger ones for the jackboots. Are they merely through with the sheep, and it's easier to bury them than feed them? We know they want to reduce the population, but I can't see how leaving us alive vs the sheep is useful to them.
    The day that AI and automation is fully realized is the day the global population drops. Once the billionaires can fully replace human labor, the liquidations will begin.

  4. #20294
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    Quote Originally Posted by wal View Post
    Ashmedai the apparent proprietor of the Resisting the Intellectual Illiteratti | Ashmedai | Substack web page I give a credibility rating of -0. Ashmedai is a name given to the King of the Demons (Satan) so Subby I would take any information therein as absolutely dubious. It is a silly page.
    Right, wal. The only good sources are those with names like CNN/ABC/ABC/CBS/BBC/NBC -- trustworthy names you've heard of. And the only good independent sources are people with fine Christian names like Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

  5. #20295
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Right, wal. The only good sources are those with names like CNN/ABC/ABC/CBS/BBC/NBC -- trustworthy names you've heard of. And the only good independent sources are people with fine Christian names like Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
    Some of those so called fine Christian people are promoting some of the silliest covid nonsense and mostly from the states. As for CNN etc I do not listen to them. You have been for some time a good source of information particularity from this thread, but Subby's link is a dog. Sorry.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan DCNT View Post
    The day that AI and automation is fully realized is the day the global population drops. Once the billionaires can fully replace human labor, the liquidations will begin.
    The rate at which western countries are shutting down coal fire generators and trying run the grid with "green" wind and sun I don't think that the reliability of the distribution network will be available all the time to run our domestic energy requirements let alone AI. If you have ever lived though a situation where the grid has failed you can't even make an electronic transaction. If you want reliable base load generation you need steam turbines run by oil, coal or nuclear and they are not "green" friendly. The world has become dependent on a reliable source of electricity and wind and solar cannot be turned on at demand. The green folk are are going to send us back into the stone age.

  6. #20296
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    All Along the Watchtower - by Robert W Malone MD, MS
    Latest blog post by Robert Malone which makes me surprised substack hasn’t cracked down on counter narrative posts yet.
    Definitely interesting watching a bunch of boomers getting red pilled, both on this forum and in general.

    Quote Originally Posted by wal View Post
    Ashmedai the apparent proprietor of the Resisting the Intellectual Illiteratti | Ashmedai | Substack web page I give a credibility rating of -0. Ashmedai is a name given to the King of the Demons (Satan) so Subby I would take any information therein as absolutely dubious. It is a silly page.
    Yeah and “wal” is short for “wally” which is Australian slang for a fucking galah.
    So by your own logic I give your post a credibility rating of -0. Mate.

  7. #20297
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    The illusion that Russia and the US are at odds with each other over Ukraine as well as the war being a distraction from covid rather than simply part of the same plan really needs to be broken.

    Technocracy: The Operating System For The New International Rules-Based Order

  8. #20298
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    Quote Originally Posted by Subby View Post
    No real indepth knowledge of crypto mechanics or encryption, but I think that’s irrelevant as to whether the government can interdict bitcoin.
    The article doesn’t really give much info apart from 2 paragraphs:
    “However, these efforts haven’t escaped the government’s attention. The bank accounts of those involved in this initiative were quickly frozen, and the Bitcoin was seized and flagged by regulators”
    Bank accounts are the weak point, and obvious target to crack down on bitcoin, it doesn’t matter what you can/can’t do with bitcoin if you banks aren’t allowed to purchase it. There’s no way to exchange bitcoin to currency. It’s uses then become hyper niche.

    “Bitcoin’s failure is partially due to society's deep dependence on centralized exchanges and banks, which will, realistically, not change anytime soon. Bitcoin has existed for over 13 years and has failed on every promise, including being an inflation hedge and store of value.”
    This is true, the blockchain is the most centralised financial vehicle probably ever created, eventually it will become so large that only large corporations will be able to process it, moving us back to square one. The article doesn’t say what the promises it has failed on are, but I’d say as a story of value and hedge against inflation it has certainly risen dramatically, which satisfy both of those goals.

    One of the main structural problems that I’ve heard come up from bitcoin round tables is that bitcoin has 2 potential uses. 1) As a store of value akin to gold bars. 2) As an alternate non fiat currency, which requires it to be easily transferrable. Due to the nature of bitcoin easy transactions are not possible due to the requirement to update and very the block chain on every purchase, each transaction requires a fee to be paid to the miner who does the actual checking/updating of the blockchain. Imagine buying a $2 ice cream at a store and having to wait for minutes for the transaction to go through, or pay $10 to have it go through instantly. It just doesn’t work as a currency, and it’s increasing price, while satisfying criteria #2, counteracts use #2.
    The discussion was that for bitcoin to reach wider adoption people actually had to use it, not speculate on it. But using it increased the value and thus the benefits of speculation and holding. I don’t see a long term future for bitcoin in its current state, but I’m still not rushing to dump what I have.
    This scalability problem is starting to get solved with Lightning Network. Get a lighting wallet and I will send you any amount of money in seconds, from cents to millions, paying a much much smaller fee than the on-chain transactions. And it will be YOUR money. And no intermediary will intercept it and control it.
    I love how people immediately label Bitcoin, a new disruptive technology, as useless, after only 13 years of its invention.
    As if the Internet didn't take decades to become what it is today.


    My roadtrip around the balkans is almost over.
    This is a summary of the covid situation:

    ALBANIA, Tirana.
    No covid restrictions, they don't even know what a vax pass is and most people don't even talk about covid anymore. They had an 11pm curfew but it was lifted. Probably the cheapest place in Europe. Lovely capital, very lively, and safe.
    Roads outside the capital are still a problem.
    Lots of investment opportunities especially on the coast, for land and housing.
    Also, lots of americans there.
    Albanians speak english, Italian and sometimes even german/french very well, in the capital.

    MACEDONIA, Skopje.
    Mild enforcement of mask wearing in one mall. That's it. Also very cheap, didn't like the capital that much.
    Roads outside the capital are mostly under construction.

    KOSOVO, Pristina
    Kosovo is basically 90% albanians, so pretty much the same thing. They use the Euro, even if not in the EU. They seem to love the US a lot.

    BULGARIA, Sofia
    EU country, so of course more enforcement. Malls, supermarkets, museums and some shops enforce the mask. I actually had to tell a bulgarian Karen to go fuck herself. Only one burger place asked me for a vax pass.
    Other than that, no restrictions.
    Not as cheap as Albania, or Macedonia. More homeless people or beggers on the street. Weird eating schedule, at least for me (food joints close at 10/11pm, even on a saturday night, and bars are the only ones open).
    Very frustrating to find someone who speaks english well. Not very good workers. They looked lazy or annoyed.
    Lots of italian students.

    I hope this is helpful for someone.

    I am honestly scared of going back to Italy after 1 month of almost no covid bullshit.

  9. #20299
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    North Texas


    DeSantis/Gabbard 2024.

    Tulsi Gabbard unloads on Mitt Romney over ‘treasonous lies’ smear –

    If Mitt Romney had a single molecule of honor in his entire being, he would resign, and then seppuku and bathe in his own guts.

  10. #20300
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    DeSantis/Gabbard 2024.

    Tulsi Gabbard unloads on Mitt Romney over ‘treasonous lies’ smear –

    If Mitt Romney had a single molecule of honor in his entire being, he would resign, and then seppuku and bathe in his own guts.
    I really want to trust Tulsi, since she's beens saying all the right things. But what do you make of this affiliation:

    Tulsi Gabbard | World Economic Forum

    I've seen some that said she was added there years ago and hasn't really participated at all. I would hope that's true.

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