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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #2031
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noah Ebner View Post
    at the end of the day, only really anal pedants care about CIs on a such a small sample size AND more importantly, it doesn't affect the conclusion of the paper one iota: prevalence is significantly higher than previously thought.
    How do you reckon?

    The CIs are large enough that we have no fucking clue about the prevalence based on this study. The study provides hardly any useful information at all.

  2. #2032
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    Jan 2019


    Rip, Noah is not correct. I've explained why, and don't care to explain further, since a 2nd version of the paper will soon address the shortcomings.

    Quote Originally Posted by Noah Ebner View Post
    Dollars to doughnuts says the mathematical errors get published as is, because, at the end of the day, only really anal pedants care about CIs on a such a small sample size
    CIs are important precisely when sample sizes are small. Maybe your papers were published with grim mathematical errors, but this one received scrutiny and is being fixed.

  3. #2033
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    Friends of the family have kept their entire family in quarantine for the duration, with rigor, because of some vulnerabilities.The Mom (40s) is a diabetic and there are some other medical concerns elsewhere in their family. They just got tested for COVID. Results are positive, but they’re not feeling it. Another friend (geriatric nurse) tested positive, with no serious symptoms.

  4. #2034
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrunoLawerence View Post
    And actually no, people weren't posting videos of scientists, epidemiologists, or statisticians. In fact I literally stated that those type of individuals would hold a little more weight in regards to the discussion. This was then argued against by others and mocked.
    The following youtube videos have all been linked to at least once in this thread.

    Among these videos there are many interviews of doctors and scientists discussing the danger of coronavirus and the current policy decisions that are being made in response. Did you miss these posts?
    I wonder...
    Is it futile for me to re-share these with you? Will you refute all of them? Will you insist that each and every individual in these videos is unqualified to comment? Surely some of these videos present reasonable ideas that are worth considering. No?

    Quote Originally Posted by BrunoLawerence View Post
    What I have been mostly presented with has been articles from random right-wing internet bloggers and links to websites who as I pointed out numerous times also contained articles related to "rainbow Doritos being a gateway snack to homosexuality". In this context, links to late night talk show hosts is on equal footing which is absolutely insane!
    These two articles are the ones that you are referring to.
    Please notice that these articles have different authors.
    Trying to discredit the ideas of the "police state" article based upon the fact that it simply co-exists on the same website as the crazy "rainbow doritos make your kids gay" article is irrational. Perhaps you should discredit the "police state" article based upon its own merit (or lack of merit). And not based off of a different author's unrelated ramblings that just so happens to occupy another page on the same website.
    By the way, its totally fine if you don't agree with the conclusions in the "police state" article. I just reject how you came about to deciding that it was not credible or worth discussing.

    Quote Originally Posted by BrunoLawerence View Post
    Do you actually think I was supporting my position with that clip? If so, you missed the point of the exercise. I am in total agreement that it is ridiculous if I were attempting to support my position from such a clip.
    I suspected that you weren't trying to support your position with that clip. I decided to post anyway because I knew what you were getting at.
    It is your opinion that those taking stances/viewpoints opposed to yours are trying to support their viewpoints with unsatisfactory sources. I wouldn't deny that this has happened a time or two or three in this thread.
    However, I contend that there have been many sources shared in this thread that are satisfactory and worth some consideration that happen to disagree with your opinion. You seem to have missed or ignored these sources.

    Quote Originally Posted by BrunoLawerence View Post
    Thankfully the last few pages after my previous posts have since been arguing about the statistical merits of certain studies. I will gladly let that discussion be had among the folks who have a much greater background in math and statistics than I do.
    Agreed. I am happy to watch the discussion about the statistical merit from the sidelines.


  5. #2035
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mainstream View Post
    A country (i.e. Sweden)....that is basically doing NOTHING...has lower infection rates and fatalities....
    Imagine that.

  6. #2036
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    Quote Originally Posted by ltomo View Post
    I had a discussion with a coworker about this earlier today. Our hypothesis is that the job market might favor younger people once the panic is done. The economic downturn is a good excuse for companies to drop older, more expensive workers and hire some younger, cheaper guys. Could vary depending on your area though. There's almost always jobs available if you're willing to move around the country.
    Thanks for the encouraging words. I reasoned that being young and inexperienced comes with its own hassles and expenses that employers wouldn't want to deal with during these times. But perhaps you're right and young people like me will be favored more.

    However, I don't want to succeed at someone else's expense. I hope older workers don't have it rough either.

  7. #2037
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yngvi View Post
    Centuries of culture, history, tradition, tastes, preferences, genetics, religion and group-think opinion do not somehow leave the body of immigrants like an exorcised poltergeist the moment they cross the border.

    In unassimilated communities, those differences will persist indefinitely; In many examples, this has lasted over 1,000 years. You are from an area that seems to have learned this from experience.
    Yeah, we did conduct some fairly thorough ethnic cleansing in the past 80 years or so, on numerous occasions. Funnily enough, the differences seem to completely fade away when we run into each other in countries we are migrating to in droves, but the purists back home are pretty happy with their culturally clean Lebensraum, except the Serbian ones, because NATO stopped them from cleaning up the southern part.

  8. #2038
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mainstream View Post
    A country (i.e. Sweden)....that is basically doing NOTHING...has lower infection rates and fatalities....
    This is wrong. Sweden has been implementing physical distancing measures. The difference is that they are voluntary and not as intense as most other places.

    Sweden would be doing even better had they more aggressively protected vulnerable populations (e.g. nursing homes).

  9. #2039
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    Quote Originally Posted by sethiroth95 View Post
    Among these videos there are many interviews of doctors and scientists discussing the danger of coronavirus and the current policy decisions that are being made in response. Did you miss these posts?
    I wonder...
    Is it futile for me to re-share these with you? Will you refute all of them? Will you insist that each and every individual in these videos is unqualified to comment? Surely some of these videos present reasonable ideas that are worth considering. No?
    Don't bother engaging him. Bruno is just trolling the discussion. He's allegedly an LVN, but my suspicion is that he's a college kid whose first language isn't English.

  10. #2040
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    Quote Originally Posted by VNV View Post
    No money to be made in flat markets. There's a lot of potential profit in volatility. Run towards the fire.

    The new currency will be bullets and slave girls.

    Quote Originally Posted by ltomo View Post
    I had a discussion with a coworker about this earlier today. Our hypothesis is that the job market might favor younger people once the panic is done. The economic downturn is a good excuse for companies to drop older, more expensive workers and hire some younger, cheaper guys. Could vary depending on your area though. There's almost always jobs available if you're willing to move around the country.
    This has been happening already for over a decade, but more with cheap foreign imported workers.

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