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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #20741
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    Quote Originally Posted by Satch12879 View Post
    That was my impression, thus my tongue-in-cheek rhetorical question. It just came off as excessively boomer-con, which doesn't totally jive with P.J.'s usual tone.
    As far as I can see, PJ media's take on Putin is that he is going on a mass destruction spree just because they read the Telegram of the worst kinds of idiots from Russia. It might be entertaining, but what a waste of cyber paper. Unless they are also Russian shills, in which case it is some kind of disinformation campaign.

  2. #20742
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Yeah, it's really hard to know what the hell is actually happening there: Putin Won't Go, Russia Won't Collapse--So What Will Biden Do About Ukraine? – PJ Media
    So we have Putin is doomed on one end and Putin is about to flatten every Ukrainian city on the other. I get the general feeling that most western commentators simply have no idea what to make of this situation, but they still gotta write something.

    The explanation that seems to fit the pace of the war best is that Russia has large segments of the Ukie army surrounded, and because they would rather not annihilate all these men wholesale, they are killing them slowly to persuade more to surrender and abandon (the "cauldron" strategy identified early in the war). This isn't having as quick an effect as hoped since the Zelensky regime seems willing to sacrifice every last Ukrainian male in protest to Putin's actions. In the cities like Mariupol, where Azov are hiding like rats, the strategy is different. They will find and kill those guys no matter what, and they don't care at all how many of them die. All of this squares with their goals stated from day one, i.e. "de-nazification", and I don't get why most Western commentators won't even consider it. The guy above thinks Putin is already at the "flatten Ukraine" stage, when he still hasn't even gone into the "utterly destroy the Ukrainian army" stage.

    Russia called the invasion a "special military operation" for good reason. It's not just something a propagandist pulled out of his ass, although propaganda effect is always considered. The Western notion that everything another country claims is a pure inversion of truth is projection more than anything. Deep down, they all know "The War on Terror" was really "The War on Freedom", so they assume everyone else is just as degenerate in their propaganda. In fact, probably the best way to confuse Westerners is to tell them the actual, honest to God, truth. They'll never see it coming.

  3. #20743
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  4. #20744
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    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    So we have Putin is doomed on one end and Putin is about to flatten every Ukrainian city on the other. I get the general feeling that most western commentators simply have no idea what to make of this situation, but they still gotta write something.

    The explanation that seems to fit the pace of the war best is that Russia has large segments of the Ukie army surrounded, and because they would rather not annihilate all these men wholesale, they are killing them slowly to persuade more to surrender and abandon (the "cauldron" strategy identified early in the war). This isn't having as quick an effect as hoped since the Zelensky regime seems willing to sacrifice every last Ukrainian male in protest to Putin's actions. In the cities like Mariupol, where Azov are hiding like rats, the strategy is different. They will find and kill those guys no matter what, and they don't care at all how many of them die. All of this squares with their goals stated from day one, i.e. "de-nazification", and I don't get why most Western commentators won't even consider it. The guy above thinks Putin is already at the "flatten Ukraine" stage, when he still hasn't even gone into the "utterly destroy the Ukrainian army" stage.

    Russia called the invasion a "special military operation" for good reason. It's not just something a propagandist pulled out of his ass, although propaganda effect is always considered. The Western notion that everything another country claims is a pure inversion of truth is projection more than anything. Deep down, they all know "The War on Terror" was really "The War on Freedom", so they assume everyone else is just as degenerate in their propaganda. In fact, probably the best way to confuse Westerners is to tell them the actual, honest to God, truth. They'll never see it coming.
    Good take, but I think even this is only partially true. Keep in mind that the Russian side is also involved in heavy duty information warfare, and they have historically proven themselves to be good at that. `We are in the very early stages of this, say we are nearing the end of the beginning, so it is really hard to tell, but I got some thoughts that I pulled from all the disinfo. I think the only real military objective in the whole operation was Mariupol and the Azov gang. You can see this from how the Russians had zero qualms about leveling the whole city in order to get to them, even at the expense of civilian lives, which they have taken care to preserve in other places. My guess is that they are trying to capture as many of these guys alive in order to get info and leverage on their handlers, mostly Rinat Akhmetov and Ihor Kolomoyskyi. I have no idea what they want to leverage these guys into, but word on the webz is that the Russian military is finding all sorts of stuff in the Azovstal plant and that Akhmetov is freaking out.

    But the main point of the war I think is financial, and the military part is just a means to an end to wage financial warfare. The longer you have a low level conflict, the heavier the financial crisis becomes. The Western governments have fired all of their heavy guns all at once, to no avail. The EU front is already breaking apart, for a very simple reason. The EU has essentially been living on two pillars, one was offshoring noncompetitive industries to Eastern European member states thus maintaining an illusion of profitability, and the other was exporting euro inflation both to those same new member states and to Russia. The Russian counter sanctions have completely cut this off, now all of the new members are getting the Russian part of the inflation squared, completely irrespective of whether they are part of the eurozone or not. All the while the dazed and confused WEF young leaders in Western Europe are trying to get them to cut off Russian gas while Germany makes a deal of its own. Needless to say, it is not working. This is all before food prices have trippled because of the fertilizer ban. Keep in mind that all of this was done just as the EU spent literally all of its money on the "pandemic". They have no way to counter any of this, they got caught at the worst possible time. Once the EU front breaks, the American one will follow, but I think the financial warfare bit as far as America goes is directed at the winter election season, so that we all make triple sure that the GOP comes in and impeaches Biden, or sets up the stage for a military takeover if the Dems try to pull a massive election theft like in 2020. It is really entertaining if you discount the fact that you will put up the bill for all of this.

  5. #20745
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    And I'd like to hear what Laureys thinks about this: What We Can Learn From Russia's Debacle – PJ Media
    The article baits you because in the first half you're screaming, but wait, the USA did the same thing in ITS 21st century wars, and no one said that about them....and then in the second half he concludes that both Russia and the USA ultimately displayed their hidden weaknesses by taking military action. Deploying your military uncovers weaknesses, sure, that's inherent in moving from closely-guarded military drills to fighting out in the open, but what's so insightful about that?

    But this military operation will have historians declaring it a YUGE success in that, contrary to the author's conclusions, Russia demonstrated its first-world-ness in its delicate and overly-humane approach to civilian casualties, just like us in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    An interesting side benefit to this military operation is that, much like how our leaders lured out their "bad guys" with their 1/6 entrapment, this Ukraine business has all the wrong kinds of Russians emigrating (self-selecting themselves out of Russian society) - maybe Putin and the Duma are saying Do Svidaniya to their Progressive, Russia-hating comrades! And, even those cosmopolitan, liberal Russians must be praised for ACTUALLY emigrating out, unlike all our Hollywood elite who only TALKED big about Trump- Russians really are interesting, resourceful, bold creatures.

  6. #20746
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    It's remarkable how these articles never even mention the word "vaccine".

  7. #20747
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    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    So we have Putin is doomed on one end and Putin is about to flatten every Ukrainian city on the other. I get the general feeling that most western commentators simply have no idea what to make of this situation, but they still gotta write something.

    The explanation that seems to fit the pace of the war best is that Russia has large segments of the Ukie army surrounded, and because they would rather not annihilate all these men wholesale, they are killing them slowly to persuade more to surrender and abandon (the "cauldron" strategy identified early in the war). This isn't having as quick an effect as hoped since the Zelensky regime seems willing to sacrifice every last Ukrainian male in protest to Putin's actions. In the cities like Mariupol, where Azov are hiding like rats, the strategy is different. They will find and kill those guys no matter what, and they don't care at all how many of them die. All of this squares with their goals stated from day one, i.e. "de-nazification", and I don't get why most Western commentators won't even consider it. The guy above thinks Putin is already at the "flatten Ukraine" stage, when he still hasn't even gone into the "utterly destroy the Ukrainian army" stage.

    Russia called the invasion a "special military operation" for good reason. It's not just something a propagandist pulled out of his ass, although propaganda effect is always considered. The Western notion that everything another country claims is a pure inversion of truth is projection more than anything. Deep down, they all know "The War on Terror" was really "The War on Freedom", so they assume everyone else is just as degenerate in their propaganda. In fact, probably the best way to confuse Westerners is to tell them the actual, honest to God, truth. They'll never see it coming.
    Yep. Obfuscation at it's finest. Thanks state media.

  8. #20748
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    I really can't believe what's going on with our country. I've been a skeptic of many things since I was very young. Religion really caught my attention since I felt I was being forced into something I didn't understand or believe, so I never got on board. I'm not saying there's no god, but I'm not smart enough to figure it out. It did however result in me being in outcast from society for asking questions about it.

    During the cold war, I really questioned the nuclear arms race. Those nukes are meant for us plebes, not DC elites. Then, NAFTA hit, and I knew we were screwed 30 years ago. Shortly after, H1B and H2A were enacted to displace American citizen's jobs with cheap foreign labor, and almost no one batted an eye, except for maybe Rand Paul and Ross Perot.

    Next 9/11 and $10 trillion gets lost at the Pentagon, and Building 7 freefalls from an office fire; then bank bailouts in 2008, now the Fed printing trillions of dollars of monopoly money and investing it in the stock market while millions of illegal aliens cross our southern border and AGs let criminals out scot free.

    All the while, we're all racist misogynous white national supremacists part of the oppressive male patriarchy, no matter our skin color if we don't agree with the state media narrative.

    Everything is categorized and compartmentalized to divide us and keep the attention away from the real criminals in government.

    Anyone on a fixed retirement income just took a 25% hit from inflation they will never recover, and we're only 1 year into this incompetent administration.

    Now, after almost 40 years, we once again have a serious threat of nuclear apocalypse and WWIII.

    Good job big gov, you've fucked things up even worse than this self proclaimed conspiracy theorist could have ever imagined in my wildest dreams.

  9. #20749
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    Quote Originally Posted by UberBabs View Post
    Wait until they add MAP.
    Oh, I think we aren't far.
    For those who don't know MAP means "minor attracted person(s)". It's Newspeak for pedos. It's meant to reinforce the idea that not everyone attracted to young people and children is an offender (kiddie diddler). Imo it's meant to push the idea that being attracted to the pre-adolescent bodies of children is just another notch on the sexuality spectrum. And it may be. In the bell curve of sexuality there are probably outliers who are attracted to both the very young and very old. But a thing being a science fact is not the same as saying it's okay in society. Infanticide and rape are scientific facts about mammals too and we still have laws against them. These people, again imo, are trying to make those who like the kids a socially acceptable minority just like gay or bisexuals.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Why is she so obviously light on kiddieporn? I understand that kiddie and pedophilia may not be the same thing, but it's easy to spot the pattern, so why is she doing this? No other serious explanation. So, again, why?
    I think that's why- it's one of the new progressive agendas. It's been coming down the pipeline for years. I used to be on a debate site that had a prominent "out" MAP. I used to see one pop up here and there on places like Twitter.* Here lately, the "grooming" has become more prominent and more public. I think the judge is one of those people that would prefer to see less criminalization of such predilections because they (falsely, imo) believe that it will lead to more pedos seeking treatment. Or at least, that's the party line. I don't buy it. Not for a second. We don't see pedos lining up for the chemical castration that would be necessary to keep that sort of shit in check do we?

    Quote Originally Posted by CommanderFun View Post
    There are a lot of powerful people who are fucked in the head because they are so detached from the human condition by said power, and a lot of them are into the underaged. They seem to get off on the fact that it's so taboo, but they can get away with it because they're special.
    It reminds me of a quote from the character Nero (Jimmy Smits) in Sons of Anarchy: "Depravity craves innocence."

    *I tend to keep a jaundiced eye on the topic because of shit that happened to me in childhood so I am NOT a neutral source on this. I'm pretty sure the only good pedo is a dead pedo.

  10. #20750
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    This whole thing with the Azov Battalion reads like a comic book written by a 10 year old.

    They use Nazi symbolism, venerate Nazi heroes and they act like Hollywood Nazis.
    However, their actions oppose Nazi ideology:
    -Yes, there were hundreds of thousands of openly Jewish Nazi Party members and military leaders, but no Nazi would ever fight for a Jewish president or allow themselves to be ruled by somebody who is Jewish.
    -The Nazis hated communism and bolshevism, but they did not view Russians as their enemies.
    -The goal of the Nazis was to preserve the lives and future of their people; As such, they had strict codes of conduct that would not tolerate soldiers killing their own citizens, using them as human shields or detaining and shooting fleeing civilians.

    The atrocities of the Azov Battalion are actively being ignored, but if Ukraine wins, the actions of these "Nazis" will become the focus of our international media in an attempt to justify a global crackdown on free speech, 2nd amendment support, libertarianism, conservatism, medical freedom, anti-lockdown sentiment and other "Nazi" activities.
    If Ukraine loses, Azov may be blamed and the country will be deNazified, thus still satisfying the good vs evil plot of the comic book where the Nazis must lose and the Russians are the eternal enemy.

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