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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #20851
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Charles View Post
    Think before you leap. If organ donors are tested for COVID prior to transplant, dead or alive, there is no need to require a COVID vaccination in order to be a donor. As such, there is no possible additional risk from an unvaccinated donor for medical consideration.
    And yet the Doctor stands by his position, however illogical it may be, because he is controlled by the government, and he cannot stray from the narrative despite the facts. Bright 12-year-olds think more clearly than most doctors, unless the doctor knows better and is merely shilling to keep his job. That's probably the case here.

    Denninger "touches" on it today (he doesn't usually just "touch"): So You'd Like A Functional Nation? in [Market-Ticker-Nad]

    I've long warned of the various nightmare issues in the not-so-distant future, issues that were clearly visible more than a decade ago. My initial warnings on Medicare and what it was going to do to the budget, for example, date back to the 1990s when I was running MCSNet. Even then the Monthly Treasury Statement out of the Federal Government, and what was being reflected back into private firm health insurance data and pricing, was obvious. So was how it was happening: A cornucopia of fraud and wildly-felonious activity in the medical system as a whole, including but not limited to price-fixing, monopolization and other forms of ****ery, all of which had been illegal for the last 100 years.

    If you think this is just "recent" corruption you're flat-out insane. In the 1970s the pharmaceutical industry produced a crap-ton of defective DTP vaccine doses and they were administered to kids; some with very little active ingredient and others with far too much. Many kids were injured and some died. The parents sued, the insurers of the pharmaceutical industry withdrew coverage and in response, rather than force the guilty parties to eat responsibility for the harm they did the Federal Government not only provided them with near-blanket immunity on a forward basis (NCVIA, which is how we got "VAERS") they also allowed the manufacturers to change the formula to DTaP rather than fix their quality control problems. Pertussis (whooping cough) was nearly eradicated in the United States prior to this change with fewer than 1,000 annual reported cases. Today there are twenty times as many cases because the new formulation is not sterilizing; that is, it doesn't prevent either getting or transmitting the disease. Not only did the parents of the time not demand blood from the guilty parties they allowed them to change the shot to an easier to make but far less effective formulation, screwing a few hundred thousand Americans over the next forty years and said screwing continues to this day. Exactly none of what happened after that with HIV/AIDS (Bactrim and AZT, to name two specific instances) or Covid (too many to list) would have occurred if heads had been taken as everyone would have remembered the price of attempting to do it again. That failure to hold the government and pharmaceutical firms to account has literally cost more American lives than every single war since 1900 combined.

    Remdesivir, which was found worthless in an extremely-large international trial and in fact potentially harmful (it can destroy your kidneys), a drug used in-hospital allegedly for Covid-19 was the largest single drug by dollar volume in hospitals in 2021, amounting to roughly 10% of all in-hospital drug use by dollar amount and exceeding the next three drugs used in hospitals combined. We knew it was wildly toxic, by the way, years earlier as it was tried (and failed) for Ebola. But mass-use under "EUA" for Covid made everyone involved in it very wealthy even though by the data kills people as often as it "helps"; that is, net-net it's a zero at best. It likely killed one of my friends.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigredbull View Post
    Bling Lives Matter. This tell us everything we need to know:

    BLM Gloats About Getting Away With It - YouTube

    What do you think about that Rip?
    They are a money-laundering organization. The FBI will not touch them. Don't have to think about that.

  2. #20852
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sainame View Post
    I am advocating for minimizing the risks or complications for both the donor (father) and the boy receiving a renal transplant. I am also advocating for freedom of the Physician and Cleveland Clinic to perform what they feel is best practice. COVID infections increase the risks associated with the surgery for all participants involved. The Physician should not be obligated to perform a surgery where the risks are unnecessarily increased. This particular family involved is currently doctor shopping (I have read this from other articles) trying to find someone willing to perform the surgery and take on the unnecessary risks. The state is not involved. Let's put this in terms perhaps you will understand. If a trainee comes into your gym and demands that they will not squat, your staff is free to show them the door as that is not the type of training you endorse. If one of your Starting Strength coaches decides that their programming will now consist of leg presses and cable cross overs in place of squats and bench, you would be free to no longer have them represent your brand and show them the door as they would not be performing what you feel is best practice. In these cases the trainee or coach is more than able to seek out others who will comply to their demands, as there is nothing stopping them. If you were to keep your current views/outrage consistent you would be compelled to train this person and keep this coach employed on their terms despite your freedoms being encroached upon regarding what you feel is best practice.

    Let me now ask you again, should doctors be forced to perform a surgery without minimizing the risks associated with it simply because of the demands (freedoms) of the individual asking? If so, wouldn't their individual rights also be infringed on? If the state forced them to comply with these demands of the patient, the state would certainly have to be involved (which it appears as though you are against).

    As for the Texas woman, I am not 100% certain on the timeline of the abortion. Most articles make it sound like it was within 6 weeks, but I know nothing definitive. What I do know is that she went into a clinic after a miscarriage, divulged some information to the staff regarding the self-abortion (sounds like it should be a HIPPA violation), and was arrested under the new Texas guidelines regarding their moronic abortion laws they just enacted. If you are against the state being involved, I hope that this does in fact make you outraged as well.
    This is where you start to realize that unrestricted unfiltered immigration is what ruined us.

    Requiring experimental injections in order for life-saving medical procedures to be performed on your children and allowing men into women's rooms and women's sports based on loosening sex definitions are ludicrous topics to even have up for debate.

    With a more homogenous culture a set of moral norms probably naturally forms, and insanity like this never has to be logically debated, because only the [backwards nation]'s allow for [backwards cultural practice], and that's not part of our social fabric. Remember this when you're debating COVID restrictions and transgenderism - in a way, just by debating this absurdity itself, you are condoning it.
    As to the cultural shifts, remember how it used to considered that the French had too much sexuality in their films and culture?

  3. #20853
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post

    As I had to tell our friend Robin a while back, we are not going to turn this into an abortion discussion. It will be unproductive and divisive, and I don't want to read it. Nobody else does either. Stop NOW.
    Two points: I did not bring it up, and my point wasn't abortion, specifically, but instead to tie it back into everything else discussed in current events. I believe it is all related, and indicative of a much deeper decline that we'll never vote or shoot our way out of...

    Wishes respected. I won't mention it again even in rebuttal, and my apologies if my previous post missed the mark.

  4. #20854
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    You know what, I take back part of what I said.
    It can't just be that (immigration), obviously boomers, the children of the Greatest generation, and Gen Xer's somehow fell short in passing along our strong cultural norms and values.
    How did that happen? Was it perhaps because corporations selfishly sucked women into the workforce, and neither parent had the time or energy to pass along such values? Or is it simpler, more like that "good times breed weak men" saying?
    Not sure what led to that critical aspect of childrearing being neglected, but it's quite obvious that not passing along our cultural norms and values led to such quackery as transgenderism, LGBTQ, free birth control, and other society-suiciding becoming normalized, debatable topics. Not sure how we get this cat back in the bag, but debating insanity on its merits won't get us there.

  5. #20855
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yngvi View Post
    Who do you think is taking the risk here?
    You seem to think the procedure is being done for the benefit of the surgeon.
    Are you suggesting that the surgeon is taking no risks? What happens to the surgeon if easily avoided complications occur from the surgery?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jovan Dragisic View Post
    I mean sure, but can they not just test the dad for Covid before doing the transplant? They would do so anyway even if he was vaccinated, right? Does Covid even get transmitted through the organs? Do we have studies on that?
    I don't think you understand post operative complications. Recovering from a major elective surgery and getting sick "after" the surgery is completed while you are recovering also has significant consequences.

    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Charles View Post
    Think before you leap. If organ donors are tested for COVID prior to transplant, dead or alive, there is no need to require a COVID vaccination in order to be a donor. As such, there is no possible additional risk from an unvaccinated donor for medical consideration.
    See above, the lack of understanding of post operative complications seems to be endemic of this board.

    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    Your profession has become an utter joke. Don't be surprised if one day you find yourselves hunted in the streets.
    Cool. I'm not a surgeon, but with broad generalizations such as these you would appear to be suggesting that this boy who is in need of a kidney transplant probably shouldn't get one regardless of COVID. Since you appear to believe the entire medical community is a joke, I guess he would be better off on his own. Perhaps he can squat his way out of kidney failure?

  6. #20856
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yngvi View Post
    They won't check at all.
    A dead person can't be coerced into taking an experimental medical treatment, so why would they bother?

    Who do you think is taking the risk here?
    You seem to think the procedure is being done for the benefit of the surgeon.

    Do you mean political beliefs, like supporting the system that has the power to revoke your medical license if you ask questions?
    Your last statement is blatantly false, however I understand you are required to believe it if you want to keep your job.

    Personally, I think it is a bad decision for a healthy person to risk his health by sacrificing an organ to temporarily improve the health of a sick person, but I should not be able to make that decision for other people.
    The state should not be able to make that decision either.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jovan Dragisic View Post
    I mean sure, but can they not just test the dad for Covid before doing the transplant? They would do so anyway even if he was vaccinated, right? Does Covid even get transmitted through the organs? Do we have studies on that?
    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Charles View Post
    Think before you leap. If organ donors are tested for COVID prior to transplant, dead or alive, there is no need to require a COVID vaccination in order to be a donor. As such, there is no possible additional risk from an unvaccinated donor for medical consideration.
    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    Remember (mid 2017, I think) Trump said he was going to move the FBI out of DC to somewhere in flyover country? And then no one ever talked about it again?

    We can only imagine how much more corrupt the CIA is. This whole shit show is going to collapse, and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it. The sooner it happens, the less death and destruction there will be. None, or a little is out of the cards at this point.

    Your profession has become an utter joke. Don't be surprised if one day you find yourselves hunted in the streets.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    And yet the Doctor stands by his position, however illogical it may be, because he is controlled by the government, and he cannot stray from the narrative despite the facts. Bright 12-year-olds think more clearly than most doctors, unless the doctor knows better and is merely shilling to keep his job. That's probably the case here.
    Yup, the lack of understanding of postoperative complications of surgery is endemic on here.

  7. #20857
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    Jan 2019

  8. #20858
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sainame View Post
    Are you suggesting that the surgeon is taking no risks? What happens to the surgeon if easily avoided complications occur from the surgery?
    What happens to the kid if he doesn't get the surgery? You're asking for sympathy for the wrong person here, and are not likely to get it.

    I don't think you understand post operative complications. Recovering from a major elective surgery and getting sick "after" the surgery is completed while you are recovering also has significant consequences.
    Digging the hole deeper, Doctor.

    See above, the lack of understanding of post operative complications seems to be endemic of this board.
    Dig, dig, dig.

    Cool. I'm not a surgeon, but with broad generalizations such as these you would appear to be suggesting that this boy who is in need of a kidney transplant probably shouldn't get one regardless of COVID. Since you appear to believe the entire medical community is a joke, I guess he would be better off on his own. Perhaps he can squat his way out of kidney failure?
    You appear to be suggesting that the kid and the surgeon are subject to equivalent risks. WE certainly understand post-op complications. If the kid gets infected and then septic from the surgery, which happens all the time, that's your fault, Doctor, and that of the staff who can't be bothered to wash their hands. You're saying that if the kid gives you a cold, that's just as bad????? You, sir, are a fool. Your only concern about the risks are those concerning you. And, of course, the money. When you bent the knee to the state to keep your license, even though you know -- or should know by now -- that the narrative is bullshit, you did that for the money.

    There are lots of good doctors, many of whom post on this board. But shit like this has cost the industry its reputation and our good will. As you have seen. And be sure to read this, for further insight: Covid Vaccines Increase Risk of Heart-Related Deaths by Up to 50%, Lancet Analysis of Trial Data Finds – The Daily Sceptic

    And don't tell us that the paper has not been reviewed yet, please.

  9. #20859
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sainame View Post
    they will likely have a difficult time finding a surgeon willing to take on the increased risk of the procedure
    About 60% of transplant centers do not require vaccination.

    especially when the risk is easily mitigated.
    The vaccine is not immunogenic for half of organ transplant patients, even after 3 doses.

    I have ben granted my medical license by the state of Pennsylvania
    There are no “red line” requirements for transplant candidates, even pertaining to other vaccinations or lifestyle modifications. Everything is, and should be, evaluated in a multifactorial manner. It’s unfortunate that your brand of dogmatism is surfacing.

  10. #20860
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sainame View Post
    I don't think you understand post operative complications. Recovering from a major elective surgery and getting sick "after" the surgery is completed while you are recovering also has significant consequences.
    It does not seem like anything that could not be handled by a waver of some kind. I hereby understand and have been informed of the risk of catching Covid while unvaccinated in direct contrast to the performing physician's recommendation. I don't know, I'm sure the hospital has some clever lawyers to make this easy. I don't think you are a doctor though, but this round of trolling is admittedly not bad, I like how you play at people's vanity about their lack of bogus medical knowledge you purport to have.

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