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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #21051
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Grantham View Post
    This is obviously true...even to Them (or maybe it Us, since I'm apparently one of Them...I don't know.)
    Consideration of nefarious uses and consent is warranted...paranoia and panic attacks, not so much.
    Ah, the Voice of Moderation. Or, a robot (he doesn't know)? Which is it?

    __________________________________________________ _________

    Here's a good piece from Revolver: Debunking the Lying Press: Why Hungary Is More of a "Democracy" Than the US - Revolver

    It’s not hard to figure out what is going on here. There is nothing “extreme” or “anti-democratic” about Orban’s government. Hungary has invaded nobody and threatens nobody. Unlike America, it is not holding any political prisoners in third-world torture gulags. Its positions on immigration and gay rights are indistinguishable from those held by many countries right now, or those held by the U.S. all of 25 years ago.

    Hungary’s only crime is supposedly “voting against democracy.” This bizarre formulation reveals far more about the Globalist American Empire than it does about Hungary, though. Every one of the Globalist American Empire’s complaints about Hungary’s “dying” democracy is fake. For our corrupt ruling class, “liberal democracy” is a fake gloss thinly disguising a demand for total political submission.

    In reality, Hungary is far more of a democracy than the United States and has been for decades. That is partly why Hungary’s government is so hated.

  2. #21052
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Yeah. That kind of shit.
    Not that it's something to worry about around here, but this might violate constitutional law. Roadside breathalyzers for alcohol aren't viable for an arrest decision, and BAC machines are only administered post arrest. That means you already have established probable cause. An individual can still refuse the tests. Perhaps of interest, urine samples do not require warrants, but blood draws do.

    Not that a tyrannical government or corrupt court would be interested in upholding constitutional protections...

  3. #21053
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    Jan 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    I have a friend living in Hungary. He is a Rabbi and teacher in one of the orthodox Jewish communities there. He told me that the covid crap propaganda has not been as intense there in comparison to other European states. And their current vaccine policy is rather non intrusive to basic bodily autonomy and rights. He feels safe and free.

    Similarly with regards to Putin. Judaism has been allowed to flourish in Russia under his rule. In all of Russian Jewish history, I don't think Jews have ever had the level of respect, freedom of human rights and rights of worship as they do today.

    I suppose they are feeling the pressure of the midterms.
    BREAKING: Biden administration makes announcement on oil leases on federal land

    (2018) Bill Gates Says He Encouraged Trump Not to Investigate Vaccine Safety

    “That would be a bad thing, don’t do that”

    (2018) Bill Gates Says He Encouraged Trump Not to Investigate Vaccine Safety

    Jason Whitlock Says Professional Athletes are ‘Being Manipulated and Used to Undermine America’. On the same note, comedians and ministers are supposed to be the vanguard of free speech by which they have seriously failed.

    Clip: Jason Whitlock Says Professional Athletes are ‘Being Manipulated and Used to Undermine America’

    Dr. McCullough: "On a Clear and Convincing Basis, the Vaccines Are Causing Death"
    Dr. McCullough: "On a Clear and Convincing Basis, the Vaccines Are Causing Death"

    Dr. Peter McCullough Uses the Bradford Hill Tenants of Causality to Determine the Vaccine's Relationship to Death

    1.) Is it a big signal? Yes. 12,000 U.S. VAERS deaths.

    2.) Is it biologically plausible? Yes. Spike protein is lethal.

    3.) Is it temporally related? Yes. 80% of the deaths are within a week; 50% are within two days.

    4a.) Is it internally consistent? Yes.

    4b.) Is it externally consistent? Yes.

    5.) Have randomized trials confirmed this? Yes, but only one of large scale has been done (Pfizer's own trial). There were more deaths in the vaccinated group than in the placebo group.

    "The Bradford Hill Tenants of Causality have been fulfilled. On a more probable than not basis, and I would probably upgrade that to on a clear and convincing basis, the vaccines are causing death."
    Smoking Gun: The Rate of Change of Millennial Deaths Points Directly to the Jab - Edward Dowd

    Dr Tess Lawrie has done and is still doing incredible work!
    Urgent - my video call with the WHO this morning

  4. #21054
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    Feb 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by Gilead View Post
    I have a friend living in Hungary. He is a Rabbi and teacher in one of the orthodox Jewish communities there. He told me that the covid crap propaganda has not been as intense there in comparison to other European states. And their current vaccine policy is rather non intrusive to basic bodily autonomy and rights. He feels safe and free.

    Similarly with regards to Putin. Judaism has been allowed to flourish in Russia under his rule. In all of Russian Jewish history, I don't think Jews have ever had the level of respect, freedom of human rights and rights of worship as they do today.
    If you exclude the German countries like Czechia, Slovakia and Poland, the rest of us in Eastern Europe actually like the Jews. This is usually weird for you guys, you always think we got a trick up our sleeve.

  5. #21055
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Grantham View Post
    This is obviously true...even to Them (or maybe it Us, since I'm apparently one of Them...I don't know.)
    Consideration of nefarious uses and consent is warranted...paranoia and panic attacks, not so much.
    Yup, you’re definitely one of “them”. This is the kind of baseless and unspecific gaslighting we’ve seen for the last 2 years. You should dust off your resume, I think Trudeau could use your help.

  6. #21056
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilead View Post
    Check out Mathew Eherets' work. You will probably connect with it well considering your acceptance to this compelling narrative you elucidate above.
    I'd never heard of Ehret. You are right. After listening to a couple interviews, we ordered two of his books. Many Thanks!

  7. #21057
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    Jan 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by Jovan Dragisic View Post
    If you exclude the German countries like Czechia, Slovakia and Poland, the rest of us in Eastern Europe actually like the Jews. This is usually weird for you guys, you always think we got a trick up our sleeve.
    Your probably correct. I could possibly include certain areas of Poland into that list as well.
    My statement above however, was merely qualifying the state of Hungary according to Rips article, using freedom of religion as a yard stick.
    My intention regarding Putin was along the same lines. Which is an important fact foolish Jews who get carried away with their hypnosis from the media seem to not realize. The Jewish fools of the west including the suicidal Israeli Ministers that choose to follow the WEF propaganda and ignore recent history of Jews in Russia, are the ones that will be truly culpable if a new era of pogroms start in Russia.
    Elon Musk Believes Twitter Algorithm Should Be Open-Source - It's FOSS News
    “And so one of the things that I believe Twitter should do is open-source the algorithm and make any changes to people’s tweets, if they’re emphasized or de-emphasized, that action should be made apparent so anyone can see that action has been taken. So, there’s no sort of behind-the-scenes manipulation, either algorithmically or manually“
    3-Letter Agencies Now Focus their Attention Inward - to USA Citizens - YouTube
    Last edited by Gilead; 04-17-2022 at 11:49 AM.

  8. #21058
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    Quote Originally Posted by GioFerrante View Post
    So Twitter board of directors are attempting to commit seppuku instead of be bought out by Elon Musk. Am I understanding this situation correctly?

    These pretty much cover it.

  9. #21059
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    They're going to have to kill this guy.

  10. #21060
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilead View Post
    My intention regarding Putin was along the same lines. Which is an important fact foolish Jews who get carried away with their hypnosis from the media seem to not realize. The Jewish fools of the west including the suicidal Israeli Ministers that choose to follow the WEF propaganda and ignore recent history of Jews in Russia, are the ones that will be truly culpable if a new era of pogroms start in Russia.
    I am not very well versed in Russian history, but I think that the pogroms in the old Russian Empire were largely concentrated on what is now Ukraine and Poland.

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