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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #24631
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    North Texas


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    You possibly heard about Carol’s death a day or two ago, but now we have an official coroner report and an update from Saskatchewan Health: the death had nothing to do with the vaccine and the lady died from NATURAL CAUSES, 7 minutes after receiving her booster.
    Hey, it happens! I'm happy for her. She's a hero!

  2. #24632
    Join Date
    Jan 2019


    California Mulls Ban On All Gas And Diesel Truck Fleets | ZeroHedge

    The plan would mandate that all new trucks operating around busy railways and ports be zero emission vehicles by 2024 - while all diesel trucks would be phased out by 2035, and eventually, banishing every truck and bus fleet from California roads by 2045, where feasible, according to SFGATE.

  3. #24633
    Join Date
    Jan 2019


    Federico Andres Lois:
    Let me dispel some myths caused by credentialism statements like: "Trust me, I am a surgeon and I been doing this for decades".
    Thread by @federicolois on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App

  4. #24634
    Join Date
    Jun 2021


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    This is a damned interesting development: Musk says he will support DeSantis if Florida governor runs for president

    Trump really fucked up last week with his sillyass "Ron Desanctimonious" comment. He cannot disguise his narcissism well enough to be taken seriously after fucking up the last half of his term with the virus, Fauci, the vaccine, and failing to protect us from the thugs in his government he failed to fire. He needs to sit down and shut up, and he's just not capable of doing it. It's becoming obvious these days.
    Trump from 2015 - 22 really exemplifies the motto "You can't teach an old Dog new tricks" Which is a shame because I loved the 2015-17 period. But he's apparently completely failed to adapt his tactics to what's going on.
    The one upside is that since he's still such a magnet for attention, anyone similar has to definitely be more based then Trump to get out of his orbit.

    I hope Desantis doesn't make the Trump mistake and continues to bus migrants to marthas vineyard every week untill they ring it with national guard troops.

  5. #24635
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    Albany, Western Australia


    The poor poor Victorian Australians somehow voted in the government that held them in the world's longest lockdown of almost two years, again.

    I'm not holding out much hope for my state of WA now.

    In other news, I ended up back in ED last weekend. Progressively lost feeling in both legs until they were up the waist and groin... MRI was broken so they did CT scan. Fortunately not cauda equina and just bulging disc hit both S1 nerves instead of just the one side. Still not back at my previous work role. Probably not allowed back ever now. Yes I need to squat and deadlift.

    Also my wife is pregnant. So far baby is all healthy. Only two shots for wife. I hope we can afford it next year.

  6. #24636
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    May 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by smokeyjones View Post
    Just like America needs to get rid of all of their weapons and stop manning the Southern border. Having a presence at the border is essentially an invasion after all.
    Illegally penetrating a border in large numbers would be a much better definition of invasion, whether armed or not.

    And what does it mean for America to man the southern border? It needs to be defended, not "manned".

  7. #24637
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    Garage of GainzZz


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    This is a damned interesting development: Musk says he will support DeSantis if Florida governor runs for president

    Trump really fucked up last week with his sillyass "Ron Desanctimonious" comment. He cannot disguise his narcissism well enough to be taken seriously after fucking up the last half of his term with the virus, Fauci, the vaccine, and failing to protect us from the thugs in his government he failed to fire. He needs to sit down and shut up, and he's just not capable of doing it. It's becoming obvious these days.
    Someone I heard describe DeSantis as being the kind of rare-ish politician who is capable of telling “the experts” what they’re saying is stupid and that he’s not going to do what they’re “advising” him to do. I sincerely hope he can do that with whoever might push him to run for federal office in less than two years.

  8. #24638
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    May 2014


    Breaking Report: The Brazilian military stands with Bolsonaro… is prepared to invoke Article 142…

    This is all still speculative, but if Bolsonaro succeeds where Trump so abysmally failed, I will find it very amusing. Make it happen, Brazil.

  9. #24639
    Join Date
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    Jackson, MS


    Quote Originally Posted by Subby View Post
    To whom is child support paid?
    To the state, of course. California keeps millions in child support while parents drown in debt - CalMatters I'm sure the money taken from the mouths of children is pocket change compared to what they make off the results of the destruction of the family as a basic social unit.

    Quote Originally Posted by Yngvi View Post
    theatrical false-victimhood hierarchy that gives unchecked power to certain groups
    This isn't even a little wrong.

    We're very different critters, men and women. Different tools for different jobs. We do best when we accept that different does not imply anything pejorative. I'm comfortable with "How" the whole thing has turned foul, I see the money and power in it for those who are inclined towards social engineering for nefarious purposes. What I don't understand is Why we all got so mealy-mouthed and incurious that we've accepted their paradigm without more of a fight. Are we really this malleable as a species? The recent Covid scam would suggest so but it's still rather disappointing. I hate fence sitting. I've always said it's for cowards and crows. But I find myself on the fence between a hope that we'll grow a pair and the hopelessness of the realization that we're too far gone.

    Yes, I understand that when a couple breaks up that parties involved can be absolute shits. This is why in spite of Gilead's kind words I am sure no one wants to hear my podcast. It would just be me telling everyone they're doing it wrong. For one, you chose well to start with. Be honest about who you are and who they are and that would solve half the shit before it ever gets rolling. And then when the couple does decide to go tits up you damn sure don't hand one of them the court system to use as a bat on the other party. If something does need to go to court you send it to a real court, not the kangaroo popularity contest that is the "Family Court System". But doing it right is hard and we know how people hate to do hard things. Especially when those hard things don't come with likes on Instagram.

  10. #24640
    Join Date
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    starting strength coach development program
    This is an open letter to every physician who senses that something is wrong, yet maintains a policy of willful ignorance so as to protect their careers.
    An Open Letter to the Silent Doctor

    In addition to the informed consent ethic and primum non nocere, every critical pillar of medical ethics has been egregiously violated: the Nuremberg Code, early detection and early treatment, off-label prescribing, the distinction between an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) medicine and a medicine fully approved by FDA, the right to visit hospitalized loved ones, the inviolability of electronic medical records, and the importance of stopping a medical experiment when there is unequivocal evidence of harm.

    We have been informed by CNN and other mass media networks that over a million Americans have died from Covid, yet the majority of these deaths involved the elderly and those with significant comorbidities. Indeed, these were overwhelmingly with Covid deaths, not of Covid deaths. Undoubtedly, many also died due to the suppression of early treatment modalities such as the Zelenko protocol, The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons protocol, and the Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) protocols, as well as dubious hospital treatments as described in Erin Olszewski’s book Undercover Epicenter Nurse: How Fraud, Negligence, and Greed Led to Unnecessary Deaths at Elmhurst Hospital. The squelching of early treatment options involving the use of repurposed drugs coupled with a relentless and utterly hysterical pressure to take an investigational vaccine is emblematic of an inversion of medical ethics.

    Billions of human beings have been bullied, arm-twisted, and blackmailed into taking an experimental inoculation, thereby violating the brightest of redlines in medicine. Moreover, this was done while Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, medicines approved by FDA decades ago and which have a long-established safety profile, were relentlessly vilified and demonized despite a robust body of evidence demonstrating efficacy. The censorship of dissenting voices by Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, which in turn profited off of the lockdowns, has contributed to the quelling of scientific debate, yet failed to alter the truth.

    Here is the official response from the CDC about the death safety signal being triggered in VAERS

    Fauci emailed friend saying masks were 'ineffective,' pushed for mandates anyway, Missouri AG says | Fox News

    What a beautiful man Kirsch is. A man of conviction and integrity. Even though many of us are familiar with many of the issues, I highly recommend listening to this interview. The way he explains his personal journey together with the data and proof backing his revelations, is extremely touching, eloquent and clear.
    ‘This Has Cost Millions of Lives’: Steve Kirsch on Suppression of Repurposed Drugs and a Spike in Deaths 5 Months After Vaccine Rollout

    Rip, have you tried reaching out to him for an interview? I am sure Jessica could help facilitate it.

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