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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #24901
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    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    I suspected Americans/Westerners created, and likely unleashed, this virus almost from the beginning because it does almost nothing to children. It was such an obviously western-ish thing to get a propaganda virus to do.
    Which explains why, in their benevolence, they recommended against masking, school closures or vaccines for school-aged children.

    Oh, wait...

    No, I think it was merely a happy accident that they accidentally made what they did, and that it wasn't far more catastrophic. The mere fact that they cobbled an aerosolized respiratory virus together, entirely jumping over the whole of natural evolution, was like playing Russian roulette with more than one loaded chamber. The whole reason I don't think, along with many of my old military peers, that it wasn't "weaponized" was because the military long abandoned viruses a long time ago because it was deemed nearly impossible to make them discriminatory, and even if it was possible they wouldn't stay that way for long.

    This was just idiots in power playing God. They likely believed they could control it and the outcomes just fine. And since they've set themselves up as gods they had zero compunction over seizing rule of the people they were supposed to protect. Far more concerning than merely Hitler or Stalin.

  2. #24902
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    Jul 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    I suspected Americans/Westerners created, and likely unleashed, this virus almost from the beginning because it does almost nothing to children. It was such an obviously western-ish thing to get a propaganda virus to do.
    It was created under American direction in a Chinese lab because gain of function research was forbidden in this country. They outsourced the danger to China, a country known for cutting corners on best practices. The document contends the whole goal of creating it was to ultimately generate some kind of coronavirus vaccine from it, which tells me this was all the result of scientific hubris. That's a pretty buyable explanation for me. The political stuff has all been just the usual actors not letting a crisis go to waste. What I really hope is that the fact that it was a case of hubris in research really gets drilled into the public. We need to learn that science does not understand everything, and that it does not make us gods. If we don't, fuckups like this will continue to happen, and they will be even worse in magnitude.

  3. #24903
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    This is rather compelling. Dr. John Lott's testimony before the criminals in the US House of Representatives -- who are not listening.The actual facts are inconvenient.

    WATCH: Dr. Lott Testifies Before House Committee (Gives 3 Basic Facts Everyone Should Know!) - GunsAmerica Digest

  4. #24904
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilead View Post
    It also turns out this virus wasn't really that dangerous for most, possibly all demographics if treated early with Truly safe and effective off label drugs and vitamins.
    The virus was only dangerous if you were stupid enough to get yourself hospitalized or take advice from a doctor following WHO guidelines.

  5. #24905
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    According to Gate's latest Catastrophic Contagion exercise, we shouldn't have to worry about the children or the Africans who got off easy in the first manufactured pandemic.
    The newest exercise involved a disproportionately large number of African leaders and is promised to affect young, healthy people (including children) most severely.

  6. #24906
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    This is rather compelling. Dr. John Lott's testimony before the criminals in the US House of Representatives -- who are not listening.The actual facts are inconvenient.

    WATCH: Dr. Lott Testifies Before House Committee (Gives 3 Basic Facts Everyone Should Know!) - GunsAmerica Digest
    Places with strict gun control laws are great places for attacks? Shocking.

  7. #24907
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jovan Dragisic View Post
    The virus was only dangerous if you were stupid enough to get yourself hospitalized or take advice from a doctor following WHO guidelines.
    Correct. Using antibiotics like your home-grown Azithromycin would have saved countless lives, since a huge percentage of deaths was probably pneumonia based. This act alone probably would have kept the vast majority of people out of the hospital.

    Tucker is always on point.
    How the Left Became What It Once Hated How the Left Became What It Once Hated

  8. #24908
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    North Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by Gilead View Post
    Tucker is always on point.
    How the Left Became What It Once Hated How the Left Became What It Once Hated
    Jeffrey Tucker, this time:

    So too, this is what Trump Derangement Syndrome has done to the Left in this country. It began in 2016 when he won the presidency over Hillary Clinton, who was somehow supposed to win. After that, the single-minded focus of opposition became to grind him and his presidency into the ground and oppose everything about him, including his supporters and even the system that brought him to office.

    The bitter irony here is that the Left has become the very thing they warned against. They said that Trump was an authoritarian and brutal, a financial racketeer who lived off manipulation. They warned that he would use his personality cult to impose a quasi dictatorship.

    And here we are six years later and what do we see of the Left in this country? Especially during the COVID crisis, they embraced censorship, authoritarianism, imposition on bodily autonomy, and attacks on the freedom of association. For a time, the word freedom itself became a bad word to them. People who were merely trying to get schools open or the freedom to run a small business became the object of their loathing, even to the point that the Left began to label as fascist those who wanted freedom.

    Someone coming of age right now would never have any idea that the Left once had some central principles that revolve around themes of freedom. They were free speech, bodily autonomy, peace, small business over large, the poor and middle class over the rich, freedom of expression and art, and opposition to ruling-class manipulation of the system on behalf of the privileged instead of the common good. They were deeply suspicious of the national-security state, corporate elites, and arbitrary uses of executive power. They were against corruption in government.

    They were once for human rights and against segregation based on medical compliance. Probably today, no one under the age of 25 would believe this but trust me: these used to be central principles of the Left.
    Right on the money. Read it all.

  9. #24909
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by Gilead View Post
    Correct. Using antibiotics like your home-grown Azithromycin would have saved countless lives, since a huge percentage of deaths was probably pneumonia based.
    Not treating pneumonia was a brilliant stroke.

  10. #24910
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Jeffrey Tucker, this time:

    Right on the money. Read it all.
    Thanks for quoting from it, Rip. Anyone know if there's an option to read it without registering for an account?

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