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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #25271
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    This is some very sinister shit:

    I think you’ll agree that there is no way that there should be 7x more deaths than hospitalisations in the unvaccinated group given that the corresponding ratio for two dose, three dose and four dose vaccinated are all less than 0.1 and really not much different from each other. In fact anybody that has been paying attention will know that the authorities have told you that “two doses is not enough” and “get your booster” (because two doses is not enough) and so it is not possible that this could be the ratio for unvaccinated folk.

    Which brings us to a very dark conclusion on which I will end:

    The only logical conclusion absent data manipulation is that NSW doctors have withheld treatment (antibiotics or other therapies) from unvaccinated patients diagnosed with COVID and sent them straight to their death without being treated in hospital.

    I would love to be wrong on this. The only way I can be is if the authorities answer their Freedom of Information request in a way that confirms that they have made fundamental errors in reporting of deaths in the unvaccinated (of which there have been essentially no hospitalisations for months).
    You poor fuckers have really gotten yourselves back into a penal colony.

  2. #25272
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    Quote Originally Posted by golftdibrad View Post
    democracy dies in data adulteration - by el gato malo

    A very good analysis and reading of some of the core issues we face in our modern society. The Bad Cat man elegantly ties in the corruption of data science re: covid-19 to the anthropogenic global warming lies. It's interesting how this bad top down science has become a systematic problem. The cat doesn't mention it, but there are giant bright line parallels in the food science and diet world too. Ancel Keys, need we say more?
    And this is the goddamnedest thing I've read in a while, certainly the most important thing in several months. A few excerpts:

    and so it is also with technocratic government: the data is the debate, and it’s the part of the debate that we are losing most badly because so few pay any attention to it.

    the public punditry rages around policy and “decision makers” but what informs these people? the data. and who generates that data? who knows? you never hear their names or numbers called, but they are producing the “facts” that feed and inform all else.

    who decided to define covid deaths as “any death with a positive PCR test at a 40 Ct” or even a death within 30 days of such a positive test?

    who decided to count as a covid case any positive test result using a monstrously over-sensitive diagnostic underpinned by a regime of mass testing of the asymptomatic never before undertaken in human history?

    this did not come out of nowhere. someone made these choices and determined what the “data” was going to be for this whole affair. and that person pivoted the whole world upon the fulcrum of this seemingly small technical choice.
    covid has been an explosion of bad data and data suppression. i wrote the other day about the ONS seeming to suppress data every time the series go against their preferred narratives and highlighting some concerns about the nature of their data’s quality that had been raised by gatopals™ martin neil and norman fenton who have done such great work here. i spoke also about the unsatisfying explanations the ONS was putting forward regarding this curtailment.

    then we get this which you’re honestly going to have to read to believe.

    they have outright admitted that their widely used data is not fit for purpose and should not be used to impute vaccine efficacy.

    Where are the numbers?
    UK Statistics Regulator agrees with our recommendation to ignore any claims of vaccine safety based on ONS deaths by vaccination status data
    On 11 November 2022 we wrote a formal letter of complaint to the Statistics Regulator about the Office for National Statistics (ONS) data on vaccine mortality. We said it was not fit for purpose: Note that we concluded by saying:Where are the numbers? is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free o…
    Read more
    2 days ago · 114 likes · 17 comments · Norman Fenton and Martin Neil
    they were apparently concerned enough about this data to stop reporting it in may 2022, but it is only 8 months later after who knows how many people have relied upon it and its badly dated reliance upon 2011 census to generate and support policies and personal choices.
    the CDC has been just awful.

    they are playing games with data, failed to do their job as required on monitoring adverse events, only provided data under duress of FOIA and lawsuit, and continue to play down issues and play hide the ball to this day.

    were it not for folks like aaron siri and ICAN endlessly suing the CDC and trying to pry this data from them, we’d probably have never seen any of this.

    CDC counts of covid cases and deaths look to be outlandishly high because they used definitions and detection modalities that never made sense. even the NYT was dunking on them. and yet it seems an article of faith that covid killed a million americans. they reported case rates without reference to sample rate and mistook a massive rise in testing for a rise in covid. the issue was so severe it inverted the slope of the case curve.

    they used a narrow cherrypick of this data in kansas to claim that “masks worked” and published it knowing full well it had been invalidated already.
    and if you think this is bad you should see what’s going on with climate science where the data is of such low quality, so adulterated, and so deliberately misrepresented that it takes 2 weeks just to really explain to someone how to read it critically. and yet this “data” produced by a bunch of people who you have never heard of is being amplified through a zillion watt PA system to not only justify wildly aggressive and ill conceived global energy policy, but to whip up public fervor and endlessly indoctrinate all of public education.

    these people have been caught cheating and hiding the data so many times as to disqualify them from ever being trusted again. the “hockey stick” used by al gore and the IPCC in AR4 was a complete fraud. the math was so bad that it created hockey stick shapes from random number strings.

    and the issues go all the way to the base data.

    the US temperature system run by the NOAA has one-sided warming slanted error rates that far exceed the century scale signal they seek to measure. the system as a whole almost certainly has a > 2 degrees C warming bias from bad siting near heat sources, increased urbanization, and a reduction in sampling sites in rural areas.
    fewer than 8% of the CRN network’s stations meet its own (already quite lax) siting guidelines. over 70% have a warming bias in excess of 2 degrees C. this signal is so tainted that there is no way to get back at any sort of truth state. you’re trying to track an alleged temperature signal in the 0.1 degree per decade range using a system with an error rate that’s likely 20-40 times that.

    the NOAA has done nothing about this. they are not adjusting temps down to try to compensate. they are adjusting them up and literally going back and reducing past temperatures to make the uptrends look steeper.

    because that’s good for budgets and grant grabbing.

  3. #25273
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Charles View Post
    A reminder for everyone. The difference in path length through the atmosphere directly overhead and at the horizon is 7 times.

    The path length reduces the amount of light proportional to “e” raised to the path length due to scattering and absorption. This is a factor of 1000.

    Bottom line is other than around the equator you only get a few hours of usable solar energy. There is no technology solution to change that fact. The only knob to turn is the size of the farm.
    Would that then explain why most homes around where I live are not just fitting panels to the Northern side (I live in the Southern Hemisphere),but are fitting them to the East and West also? As It was explained to me it is to get a more even distribution of solar energy then getting a large short burst if panel were fitted to the Northern side? In mid summer we get about 14 hours or so of usable solar energy.

    Quote Originally Posted by IlPrincipeBrutto View Post
    Hi Wal,

    I have the feeling we are talking past each other, my apologies for my part in this situation.
    Let me just put one last note here, the last useful contribution I think I can make; it goes back to your initial assertion that the EU will be the only power left after this sorry story ends.

    Here's what I want to say; most EU member countries have foreign troops stationed on their territory. This, I would say by definition, means that they are not independent, and that their fate is ultimately controlled by the owner of those troops. For the EU to emerge as an alternative superpower of sorts (I am not going to discuss the pros and cons of this goal), a necessary pre-condition has to be the removal of those foreign troops.

    I am sure you can see how big an undertaking that would be, and how talk of a EU empire of any sort is way premature while this situation is not sorted out.IPB
    My point is the history of Europe has been to unite and that the impetus is to continue in that direction, all it is waiting for is the dominant leader to arrive.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jovan Dragisic View Post
    The EU, instead of being as you say getting ready to become a superpower, is deep into the take the money and run scheme.
    Well only a Superpower would be that organsied to co-ordinate such graft on a massive scale, yes?

    The "Brussels Effect": The European Union as a Global Superpower in Its Ability to Diffuse Regulatory Frameworks Around the World | The Atlas Report

    Do you have an opinion on the above article?

  4. #25274
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    Quote Originally Posted by wal View Post
    Would that then explain why most homes around where I live are not just fitting panels to the Northern side (I live in the Southern Hemisphere),but are fitting them to the East and West also? As It was explained to me it is to get a more even distribution of solar energy then getting a large short burst if panel were fitted to the Northern side? In mid summer we get about 14 hours or so of usable solar energy.
    You get about 14 hours of sunlight, which is different from usable solar energy. The angle of incidence at the panel is a huge factor in solar panel efficiency, as is the aforementioned solar angle through the atmosphere.

    My point is the history of Europe has been to unite and that the impetus is to continue in that direction, all it is waiting for is the dominant leader to arrive.
    I seem to have missed the Unified Europe-tendency you refer to here. Maybe Hitler is who you had in mind? But that started a pretty decent war, if I remember correctly.

  5. #25275
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    And this is the goddamnedest thing I've read in a while, certainly the most important thing in several months. A few excerpts:
    Very good read. It illustrates why Scott Adams is a fool to say it was a coinflip on who was right. He is right about our heuristics being good, but dead wrong to assume that we had no reason to choose them. You are wise to fall back on good heuristics and personal observations when the data and authorities are so demonstrably untrustworthy, and you are a fool to do the opposite. Simple as. And as much as it pains me to say it, Nassim Taleb succumbed to the same folly.

    crisis is cashflow
    All this nonsense ends when the biggest debt bubble in the history of the world finally pops.


    Completely tangential nitpick, but why have I recently seen writers omitting capitalization like this one did? I think this is the second time I've read a well written article in this style. He doesn't even capitalize names.

  6. #25276
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    Quote Originally Posted by wal View Post

    My point is the history of Europe has been to unite and that the impetus is to continue in that direction, all it is waiting for is the dominant leader to arrive.

    Well only a Superpower would be that organsied to co-ordinate such graft on a massive scale, yes?

    The "Brussels Effect": The European Union as a Global Superpower in Its Ability to Diffuse Regulatory Frameworks Around the World | The Atlas Report

    Do you have an opinion on the above article?
    I submit that Klaus Schwab is the best the EU has to offer for that at the moment. He is a powerful mediocrity, like Hitler. It doesn’t take a superpower, just cult-like babble and behaviors, and money. You find exactly that in Klaus.

    But I think you are expecting someone more Popish to fill this role.

  7. #25277
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    Quote Originally Posted by wal View Post
    My point is the history of Europe has been to unite and that the impetus is to continue in that direction, all it is waiting for is the dominant leader to arrive.
    The unity you refer to has always been achieved through untold amounts of violence and coercion, and has never lasted long (as most violent or coerced things tend to). Let me say I don't find this an appealing perspective, let alone the basis to build a viable global superpower.

    Apart from that, there is already a unifying actor on the European scene, one that is able to dictate the policies of most countries on the continent, even when they run counter to the interests of the local population. It just happens that this actor comes from outside; my previous message gives a fairly obvious clue:

    Quote Originally Posted by IlPrincipeBrutto View Post
    most EU member countries have foreign troops stationed on their territory. This, I would say by definition, means that they are not independent, and that their fate is ultimately controlled by the owner of those troops.

  8. #25278
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    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    Very good read. It illustrates why Scott Adams is a fool to say it was a coinflip on who was right. He is right about our heuristics being good, but dead wrong to assume that we had no reason to choose them. You are wise to fall back on good heuristics and personal observations when the data and authorities are so demonstrably untrustworthy, and you are a fool to do the opposite. Simple as. And as much as it pains me to say it, Nassim Taleb succumbed to the same folly.
    All doubt in my mind was removed the day johnst_nhb explained PCR cycle thresholds here in this thread at StartingStrength. On that day, it officially became a Scamdemic for me...calling for deep research & skepticism regarding any "vaccine" that followed. So many other tells followed. All you had to do was LOOK.

    Too bad Scott Adams et al didn't find a smart, honest scientist like we did here in this weight lifting forum.

  9. #25279
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    You get about 14 hours of sunlight, which is different from usable solar energy. The angle of incidence at the panel is a huge factor in solar panel efficiency, as is the aforementioned solar angle through the atmosphere.
    So are PV sets a good idea or not? Or do you have to live on near the equator to make any use of them?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    I seem to have missed the Unified Europe-tendency you refer to here. Maybe Hitler is who you had in mind? But that started a pretty decent war, if I remember correctly.
    Well European history appears to be one of a continual direction towards unity reigniting the old Roman Empire which the Roman Church has been pursuing since the days when Constantine turned the state over to make a so called "Christian" caliphate. Just a theory I could be wrong.

  10. #25280
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    Quote Originally Posted by wal View Post
    Well only a Superpower would be that organsied to co-ordinate such graft on a massive scale, yes?

    The "Brussels Effect": The European Union as a Global Superpower in Its Ability to Diffuse Regulatory Frameworks Around the World | The Atlas Report

    Do you have an opinion on the above article?
    I do have an opinion, it is absolute bollocks. Look wal, you obviously have a desire for the world to be a certain way, I can't blame you for it, I too wish that the girl with the perfect ass that came in the gym last Friday would just offer herself up to me. As it stands however, I am more likely to have to go through her set of regulations than superpower her with my own.

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