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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #26021
    Join Date
    Jan 2019

  2. #26022
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Russia has been sending US-provided weapons captured in Ukraine to Iran, sources say | CNN Politics

    Russia has been capturing some of the US and NATO-provided weapons and equipment left on the battlefield in Ukraine and sending them to Iran, where the US believes Tehran will try to reverse-engineer the systems, four sources familiar with the matter told CNN.

    Over the last year, US, NATO and other Western officials have seen several instances of Russian forces seizing smaller, shoulder-fired weapons equipment including Javelin anti-tank and Stinger anti-aircraft systems that Ukrainian forces have at times been forced to leave behind on the battlefield, the sources told CNN.

    In many of those cases, Russia has then flown the equipment to Iran to dismantle and analyze, likely so the Iranian military can attempt to make their own version of the weapons, sources said. Russia believes that continuing to provide captured Western weapons to Iran will incentivize Tehran to maintain its support for Russia’s war in Ukraine, the sources said.

    US officials don’t believe that the issue is widespread or systematic, and the Ukrainian military has made it a habit since the beginning of the war to report to the Pentagon any losses of US-provided equipment to Russian forces, officials said. Still, US officials acknowledge that the issue is difficult to track.
    Just tell this to the reporterette and she will dutifully write it down. Why would Russia NOT send the shit to Iran? This is kinda what happens when you get yourself in another guy's fight, and when there's lots of money involved.

    Same Army, same government: Army to continue ‘tape tests’ to measure body fat despite flaws -

    March 12 (UPI) -- The U.S. Army will continue to use the antiquated "tape test" to measure soldiers' body composition in spite of a study that shows the test to be flawed.

    The army has researched alternatives to the old-fashioned tape test and came to two decisions, according to The first decision is that it will continue to use the archaic method of roughly estimating a soldier's body composition. The second is that a soldier may challenge the results -- even overcoming a failed test -- if they score high enough in their overall Army Combat Fitness Test.

    The decades-old test is simple to perform. If a service member exceeds recommended weight limits, a measuring tape is used to measure their neck and waist for males, and neck, waist and hips for females. Those measurements are compared to their height to estimate the percentage of body fat they are carrying.

    Moving forward the test will be confined to measuring a soldier's waist, regardless of gender. If a soldier exceeds the body-fat allowance to serve but they score a 540 in the Army Combat Fitness Test with at least 80 points across each event they can waive the body-fat test, Army Times explains.
    Because a soldier's commanding officer cannot possibly determine whether the soldier is in shape for combat without a $5 measuring tape.

  3. #26023
    Join Date
    Feb 2023


    Quote Originally Posted by DylanClarke View Post
    The lightbulb was invented by Joseph Wilson Swan, a British inventor who had no government funding of any kind.
    Your argument that "It was originally developed in Great Britain who had a history of funding research" is the perfect example of leftish shit that you're pushing. It makes about as much sense as saying "Starting Strength was developed in Texas where a lot of people like cheeseburgers, therefore the blue book is a printed on a cheeseburger."

    In one of my posts I conceded that the funding of research and development has changed over the past 150+ years. I am not certain if I said this before or after your post. Regardless, there was a lot of research that needed to be done before the idea of a lightbulb even came into existence. For example, without electricity the lightbulb does not exist. When people were first experimenting with electricity I am certain that the idea of the lightbulb was not yet even conceived. Where was this research performed? I am not about to go and track down how the funding was provided from a period over 150 years ago. But I am certain that you will find that Universities performed a lot of research and these Universities were funded by the State and helped to further advance the technology.

    If you look at the more recent claim that Mark made in regards to fracking being entirely funded by within the industry (i.e. no government funding was provided), that claim is completely false. Much of the early research funds were provided by the government, which is explained in the article I linked to (I realize the post I am referring to was after your current post). Without the initial government funding the industry would not have been willing to take on the risk of exploring new technology. It also helped to disseminate the information within the scientific community, allowing for the technologies to improve. This is exactly what I meant by saying it would slow down the development of new medications. Investors are not going to be willing to take on the risks of developing new technology/medications. The initial startup cost would be far to prohibitive for investors to see a return on investment. And if someone was willing to take on that risk (which is unlikely), they would have to recoup those costs from somewhere leading to much more expensive medications.

    As much fun as it is to bash on the government you have to admit that in the specific case of fracking (that was brought up by Mark) the government played a critical role in helping to develop the technology. Even those within the industry who get the credit for developing the technology are saying as much.

  4. #26024
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    Jan 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    You clearly do not understand that the government lies about everything. They're even lying about what time it is, as of today.
    NOW - Biden: "The banking system is safe."

    So Grobbleaugg, do you believe him?

  5. #26025
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by Grobleaugg View Post
    In one of my posts I conceded that the funding of research and development has changed over the past 150+ years. I am not certain if I said this before or after your post. Regardless, there was a lot of research that needed to be done before the idea of a lightbulb even came into existence. For example, without electricity the lightbulb does not exist. When people were first experimenting with electricity I am certain that the idea of the lightbulb was not yet even conceived. Where was this research performed? I am not about to go and track down how the funding was provided from a period over 150 years ago. But I am certain that you will find that Universities performed a lot of research and these Universities were funded by the State and helped to further advance the technology.
    You are certain. But you do not actually know anything.

    If you look at the more recent claim that Mark made in regards to fracking being entirely funded by within the industry (i.e. no government funding was provided), that claim is completely false. Much of the early research funds were provided by the government, which is explained in the article I linked to (I realize the post I am referring to was after your current post). Without the initial government funding the industry would not have been willing to take on the risk of exploring new technology.
    How do you know this? You don't know a goddamn thing about it beyond what you've read on the google.

    It also helped to disseminate the information within the scientific community, allowing for the technologies to improve.
    How did it do that?

    This is exactly what I meant by saying it would slow down the development of new medications. Investors are not going to be willing to take on the risks of developing new technology/medications. The initial startup cost would be far to prohibitive for investors to see a return on investment. And if someone was willing to take on that risk (which is unlikely), they would have to recoup those costs from somewhere leading to much more expensive medications.
    The government has involved itself in the medical services sector since 1966 with the advent of Medicare. The whole industry is hopelessly fucked up, as we have seen for 3 years, longer for those of us paying attention.

    As much fun as it is to bash on the government you have to admit that in the specific case of fracking (that was brought up by Mark) the government played a critical role in helping to develop the technology. Even those within the industry who get the credit for developing the technology are saying as much.
    If the role was "critical" you should be able to tell us what it was. Do so, or this is your last post.

  6. #26026
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    Feb 2023


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Seriously?? You are quoting Google quoting government sources claiming a sea level rise, when buildings are still being constructed on the beaches in Florida? The Government lies about everything, and you don't seem to realize this. Are you 7?

    A quote from anybody who gets any money at all from the government is going to reflect their willingness to keep getting money from the government, not how much money they got (it doesn't say) and how critical it was.

    This is not a serious attempt to do anything but argue with me, and I'm done. Please go away.
    The guy who was quote was the Vice President of Mitchel Energy, the company founded by George Mitchel, the entrepreneur who is credited for the development of fracking. And the article does explain how much government funding was provided and how critical it was (especially at the beginning stages). But more importantly you just stated that this man was in fact receiving money from the federal government! I thought that fracking was developed 100 within the industry. Interesting pivot. You dont have any argument because the examples you provided clearly fell apart under scrutiny. So yes, you are in fact done.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    You are certain. But you do not actually know anything.

    How do you know this? You don't know a goddamn thing about it beyond what you've read on the google.

    How did it do that?

    The government has involved itself in the medical services sector since 1966 with the advent of Medicare. The whole industry is hopelessly fucked up, as we have seen for 3 years, longer for those of us paying attention.

    If the role was "critical" you should be able to tell us what it was. Do so, or this is your last post.
    Yes Mark, this is my last post. I like how you demand proof, yet have never provided any of your own. You are literally getting angry with me because I am able to use google to fact check your bullshit claims. BTW, Medicare, which may be government funded, is not government funded research. You have a bad habit of conflating issues to dance around topics instead of addressing them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilead View Post

    NOW - Biden: "The banking system is safe."
    Biden seeks to calm Americans that U.S. banking system is safe after SVB failure -

    So Grobbleaugg, do you believe him?
    Why are you asking me? What post of mine has ever addressed this?

  7. #26027
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    The Future: Vision and Invitation | EP 339 - YouTube

    Follow up on a previous video with JBP and his idea for an international DECENTRALIZED alliance with a positive vision for humanity. I really think this has great potential and shouldn't be ignored. We need a group of intelligent people to lay out the problems of our society (western mostly), ask the right questions and give moral and practical guidance towards a better future. I believe young people especially are craving for things like this. Most of them unfortunately end up being the victims of leftist/marxist propaganda as usual, but deep down they just want to know the truth and would like a better future, but they are being told over and over by everyone around them that hope is useless and the future is certain despair, and are being lied to about their historical, physical and psychological identity, so they turn to narcissism, resentment and short-term thinking.

    This is the website: Welcome to ARC

  8. #26028
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    Mar 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by Grobleaugg View Post
    Why are you arguing with me about this? This was the reason I did not answer the ridiculous question being asked. I am not going to be drawn into a climate change argument.

    Here are my sources for the rise of sea level.

    Let Me Google That

    Now, why does the rise in sea level matter in this specific conversation. Do you honestly think that geological research and petroleum don't receive government funding?

    Hydraulic Fracturing: A Public-Private R&D Success Story – ClearPath

    That quote from the Vice President of Mitchel energy literally just stated exactly what I have been saying. Maybe my Google does work better than yours. Did someone switch your search engine to Bing by accident?
    Not arguing about anything, just asked a couple of questions about why climate and sea level etc are "expected" to remain at some arbitrarily pre-determined level of homeostasis for the sake of humanity? I've stated this before, where I live, the "climate" varies 130 degrees F from winter to summer.

    People have survived and thrived here for many years, even before any electricity or central heating or indoor plumbing ever existed.

    We the People are perfectly capable of managing our own lives without big government's "help." Unfortunately, I think we are in the cyclical phase of "good times create weak men."

  9. #26029
    Join Date
    Jun 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by Grobleaugg View Post
    What is this leftist shit you keep talking about? At some level there was likely funding from the government that ultimately led to the development of the lightbulb. It was originally developed in Great Britain who had a history of funding research. I don't really care enough to do that deep of a dive into the history of the lightbulb. Regardless, without the research of others before him Edison would not have been able to bring it to commercial success. That is the whole point! Same thing with fracking. The industry may have developed it, but there certainly was years of geological research which contributed to its development, much of which was funded by the government. Without the prior research, it would not have existed. I will concede that the way government funds research now differs greatly vs 150 years ago. But this helps to advance knowledge, technology in addition to the economy and private industry. But sure, lets stop funding research now. That will go real well for the country.
    A Russian, Alexander Lodygin, is the one who beat Edison to the punch:
    Alexander Lodygin - Wikipedia

    Yes, your Google machine is broken, but only the Slavs can get us out of this mess, as usual: Try Yandex.

  10. #26030
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by mkm5 View Post
    Unfortunately, I think we are in the cyclical phase of "good times create weak men."
    Good times create Grobleauggs, Grobleauggs blow the motherfucker up.

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