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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #26271
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    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    I think in practical terms, religion is more integral to the function of civilization than to the function of individual psychology. Time-established Religion provides the masses with the best, and maybe only, means of effectively defying human authority. When a civilization has paired with a religion over time, the religion becomes the civilization's firewall. It says in absolute terms "this far, and no farther". It inherently has boundaries that even a king cannot openly cross, much less more novel authorities. The civilization can only be radically changed if the firewall is neutralized, which is why all the different groups of Marxists who have subverted the West always aimed their first attacks on Christianity. When the firewall is gone, you can even say 2+2=1 and get away with it.

    The masses will never have any interest in philosophy, so that isn't even an option. The masses can be godless but they can't be atheists. It takes an IQ above the average to even be interested in such ideas. Because of this, all civilizations require some type of unifying propaganda. A healthy civilization will have one that educates (old sense of the word), edifies, and animates them. That has historically been the role of religion. When it does its job, a society can never become as suicidal and demoralized as we have. Of course, this also means that when the established "propaganda" system is torn down, another must replace it if things are to start functioning again. And that's what we've seen in the new religion being forced upon the West: WWII is the creation myth, climate change is the eschatology, sacrificing fuel usage and access to food is penance, and Whiteness is original sin (this is also near proof that our new religion is not natively European, and is likely genocidal in the long run). Really, it's more like a lazy, spiteful caricature of Christianity than a new religion. But the most important thing that sets the new religion apart from the others is that it hasn't been voted on through a selection process spanning generations. It's a novel, test-tube mutant, artificially created by what are probably the most mal-educated crop of elites in the history of Western civilization. An uninspiring, unpoetic, idiotic monstrosity that is destined to fail very quickly in the grand scheme of things.
    I would also add that marxism is also a religion, specifically the tenets of gnostism in practice, if not so much in theory.

  2. #26272
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    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    Pretty amazing Tucker segment.

    I guess it goes without saying that the rest of the media didn't exactly give this story the synagogue treatment. (Has Jonathan Greenblatt decreed it officially antisemitic to draw such comparisons yet?)
    Good one from Tucker. He has balls too.

  3. #26273
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Charles View Post
    I really can’t follow what you have written, which is on me, but at face value, religion seems as evil as anything organized we are experiencing today. I find the parallels uncanny.
    The point is, you're going to have such a system whether you like it or not. You can try to come up with whatever nerdy ass religion substitute you want, but it's either going to wither on the vine or turn into something worse than what it was trying to replace. Just stop with all the silly bullshit and deal with reality as it is.

    Quote Originally Posted by golftdibrad View Post
    perhaps leftisms' rise in the recent decades coinciding with increased college attendance is no coincidence. Our culture has shoved millions of people into a system they don't have the mental capacity to be in.
    It was certainly another cog in the machine. Inflating the education bubble had the dual benefit of reprogramming the middle class and stealing their money. This is the Clown World bubble I'm most excited to see pop.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan DCNT View Post
    I was just having a discussion the other today about how, in my opinion, Helena convincing Constantine to force Rome to adopt Christianity was the major turning point for Abrahamic thought to infect European peoples. It still blows my mind that people of European descent worship the god of Israel, despite having access to at least some knowledge about the belief systems of their pre-Christian ancestors.
    They weren't thinking about it like you are. They weren't trying to come up with an expression of their culture, but were looking for something that they found compelling. Christianity bubbled up to Constantine after gaining organic popularity. The selection process was well under way before elites jumped on the bandwagon.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan DCNT View Post
    Turn the other cheek, love your enemy, give up the founding principles of civilization that your ancestors have built, commit cultural suicide, because it's the pious and virtuous thing to do. Why? Because we said so. And don't mind that we're doing the opposite.
    This makes some sense, but you have to take into account that all this weakness and suicidal tendency only emerged after Christianity was already mostly neutralized. Western civilization was still virile and robust while Christianity dominated. Anyway, it is what it is. It's kind of like complaining about your spine. You're free to argue that it's not the best arrangement for you as an upright, bipedal creature, but it's certainly better than not having one at all.

    On that note, you might also want to consider the hunter-gatherer individualism explanation for the unusually high trust European nature. The very bad wrong-thinker Kevin MacDonald made a pretty good case for it in Culture of Critique, one of the few books to be banned on Amazon:

    Recent research by evolutionary economists provides fascinating insight on the differences between individualistic cultures versus collectivist cultures. An important aspect of this research is to model the evolution of cooperation among individualistic peoples. Fehr and Gächter (2002) found that people will altruistically punish defectors in a “one-shot” game—a game in which participants only interact once and are thus not influenced by the reputations of the people with whom they are interacting. This situation therefore models an individualistic culture because participants are strangers with no kinship ties. The surprising finding was that subjects who made high levels of public goods donations tended to punish people who did not even though they did not receive any benefit from doing so. Moreover, the punished individuals changed their ways and donated more in future games even though they knew that the participants in later rounds were not the same as in previous rounds. Fehr and Gächter suggest that people from individualistic cultures have an evolved negative emotional reaction to free riding that results in their punishing such people even at a cost to themselves—hence the term “altruistic punishment.” Essentially Fehr and Gächter provide a model of the evolution of cooperation among individualistic peoples. Their results are most applicable to individualistic groups because such groups are not based on extended kinship relationships and are therefore much more prone to defection. In general, high levels of altruistic punishment are more likely to be found among individualistic, hunter-gather societies than in kinship based societies based on the extended family. Their results are least applicable to groups such as Jewish groups or other highly collectivist groups which in traditional societies were based on extended kinship relationships, known kinship linkages, and repeated interactions among members. In such situations, actors know the people with whom they are cooperating and anticipate future cooperation because they are enmeshed in extended kinship networks, or, as in the case of Jews, they are in the same group. Similarly, in the ultimatum game, one subject (the ‘proposer’) is assigned a sum of money equal to two days’ wages and required to propose an offer to a second person (the ‘respondent’). The respondent may then accept the offer or reject the offer, and if the offer is rejected neither player wins anything. As in the previously described public goods game, the game is intended to model economic interactions between strangers, so players are anonymous. Henrich et al. (2001) found that two variables, payoffs to cooperation and the extent of market exchange, predicted offers and rejections in the game. Societies with an emphasis on cooperation and on market exchange had the highest offers—results interpreted as reflecting the fact that they have extensive experience of the principle of cooperation and sharing with strangers. These are individualistic societies. On the other hand, subjects from societies where all interactions are among family members made low offers in the ultimatum game and contributed low amounts to public goods in similarly anonymous conditions. Europeans are thus exactly the sort of groups modeled by Fehr and Gächter and Henrich et al: They are groups with high levels of cooperation with strangers rather than with extended family members, and they are prone to market relations and individualism.

  4. #26274
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stump View Post
    Police got the first call to 911 at 10:13 a.m.

    By 10:24 a.m. Hale was dead.

    Nashville shooting: Who are officers Rex Engelbert, Michael Collazo?

    From the body cam footage released today: 3 minutes and 25 seconds from the time Officer Engelbert pulled the handle to open his car door until he pulled the trigger and took her down.

    Have no idea how much they train for something like that, but one thing is certain – on this day those mother fuckers had their shit wrapped tight.
    It's how officers have been trained, from the academy onward, for years. I got my initial assessment of Uvalde so wrong because I rated the reality as so low on the scale of probability -- it was such a staggering systemic failure across every domain. My defense at that time was of the rest of the officers out there who train to execute these responses exactly like what was done here. It's the kind of thing you hate to be good at... stepping over the bodies of dead children to stop the threat and secure the scene as quickly as possible.

    And there are no winners. There is no happy ending. It's likely that some of the officers knew some of the people involved. I am so tired of the politicking around these events. I'm disgusted by society for producing this, and for how Christianity is so wrongly perceived in such a pervasive way (and largely due to the behavior of Christians). My heart breaks for these families. I pray for peace for them, but I pray more that the tolerance for the insanity ends.

  5. #26275
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    Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Twitter account suspended over ‘Trans Day of Vengeance’ post
    Censored by the Twitter bots or subversive censorship agents for drawing attention to the "Trans Day of Vengence" events planned for April 1st

  6. #26276
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    The RISK Act; it's like the Patriot Act, except it explicitly targets American citizens and no longer pretends to respect the US Constitution:
    VPN Users Could Face Decades in Jail Under New RESTRICT Act

    Following on the heels of the extremely unpopular (and likely unconstitutional) Social Media Bill out of Utah.
    The uniparty must be getting nervous.

  7. #26277
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Charles View Post
    Both you and Ryan (following post) are describing an evolutionary process, I think, as opposed to a grand conspiratorial plan as others have suggested.

    I think we largely agree that the direction is for the worse but I think where we differ is that I see things having much broader spectrum. As such I am very sensitive to black white statements and will usually challenge them.
    I mean, it is conspiratorial, it's just that (most) of the planning and discussion happens in the open; in academic journals, conferences, NGO and non-profit work, lawfare, politicking, etc. There is a very definite if broad end goal of (not to sound like JBP here) inverting any and every hierarchy: moral, psychological, social, economic, political, and biological especially. They differ on means and the details but the end is the same. That is what's so frustrating about American politics - the biggest conspiracies happen out in the open - they literally say what they want to do and how they intend to do it - but because Anderson Cooper doesn't talk about it, people look at you like you grew a 2nd head if you do. Much the same with history.

  8. #26278
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    An excellent piece from Kevin Downey Jr. today: Tolerance and Acceptance Were Never Going to Be Enough for the Trans Crowd – PJ Media

    Today, we are at a point where a 6’4″ man named “Lia” Thomas has been allowed to dominate women’s college swimming, while the real women on the team were told to shut up and not complain about losing their accolades to Thomas and having to eyeball his twig and berries in the showers.

    Major publications like the NY Post, the Daily Mail, and even the Post Millennial have called “he” a “she.”

    People have lost their jobs for refusing to play make-believe with the small portion of the country plagued by a mental malady called “gender dysphoria.”

    Despite all the ass-kissing the trans crowd has enjoyed, they feel they are being “genocided” out of existence. So much so that they are planning a “day of trans vengeance.”

    In the United States, the trans crowd walks on water. Yet six people — three of them only nine years old — had to die, just five days before the “day of trans vengeance.” One of them was the daughter of the school’s pastor. I’m sure that was just a coincidence, right?
    Good luck with your "Day of Trans Vengeance", children. You bleed too.

  9. #26279
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    Quote Originally Posted by my_back_hurts View Post
    I mean, it is conspiratorial, it's just that (most) of the planning and discussion happens in the open; in academic journals, conferences, NGO and non-profit work, lawfare, politicking, etc. There is a very definite if broad end goal of (not to sound like JBP here) inverting any and every hierarchy: moral, psychological, social, economic, political, and biological especially. They differ on means and the details but the end is the same. That is what's so frustrating about American politics - the biggest conspiracies happen out in the open - they literally say what they want to do and how they intend to do it - but because Anderson Cooper doesn't talk about it, people look at you like you grew a 2nd head if you do. Much the same with history.
    Empires only last so long. Start at about 8min, but everyone here will enjoy this in its entirety. It’s from Freeman Dyson. I may have posted before but he also explains climate change what matters, why the models don’t work, etc.

    Freeman Dyson: Heretical Thoughts About Science and Society - YouTube

  10. #26280
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    starting strength coach development program
    Space travel update: NASA unveils new spacesuits for upcoming moon mission

    NASA has just unveiled the new spacesuit that will be worn during Artemis III, an upcoming mission to put the first woman and person of color on the moon’s surface — and it’s a huge upgrade from the suits worn by the Apollo-era moonwalkers.
    The nation's space program has a brand-new purpose, and it has nothing to do with space.

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