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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #29221
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    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    Attachment 8527

    Interstate immigration is now practically just as destructive as any other type of immigration. The Texan has to go back.
    More destructive if they’re Californians.

  2. #29222
    Join Date
    Jan 2023


    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    Attachment 8527

    Interstate immigration is now practically just as destructive as any other type of immigration. The Texan has to go back.
    This is how a lot of people in TN feel about californians coming here. And in my limited personal experience, the californians being driven here are exactly the type of people we want here. Of course I say this as someone driven to TN out of Louisiana, but whatever. The midterm election maps may not have generated a red wave, but they did generate some good data - and one inescapable fact is that other than TX, red states are getting redder and blue states are getting bluer.

  3. #29223
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    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    Attachment 8527

    Interstate immigration is now practically just as destructive as any other type of immigration. The Texan has to go back.
    Yet another flaw of democracy.

    When I lived in Florida, which is overrun by foreigners who really just want sunshine + whatever shitty state or country they came from's problems, it became crystal clear to me that you absolutely should NOT get a vote when you relocate to another state. Five years minimum, but maybe an entire generation is a better probationary period.

    You can see this all over the country right now. Places like Denver and Austin have both been turned to shit via out of state-rs (mostly Californians) moving there. It'd be bad enough if it was confined to those big cities, but it spills over to state politics simply due to the numbers game. I used to do gigs all over small town CO and never met a single person who wanted anything to do with being anything like Denver or Boulder, but it didn't matter because those places could pretty much out-vote the rest of the state. It was mostly revenue and Mexican immigration issues when I was there, but I am sure it is horrible with the Left going from being just annoyingly vocal to be militant about never leaving a soul behind to live in any way contrary to their wishes.

  4. #29224
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  5. #29225
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    Quote Originally Posted by smokeyjones View Post
    I'm curious. If, in your eyes, deliberately targeting and massacring 100s of unarmed people at a rave isn't terrorism. What's your opinion on: Manchester Arena bombed during Ariana Grande concert (

    England not only supports the US and Israel. They were in control of & handed over the land Israel sits on. They could not be a more appropriate (and apparently deserving) target for Muslim wrath. So! Terrorism? Or, "un conventual warfare?"
    IS and Hamas are fairly different organizations. They have different mission statements, cover different areas and so on. You will be hard pressed to find Hamas claiming responsibility for any suicide attack not on Israeli/Palestinian soil.

  6. #29226
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    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    Obamas Score a Hit With Netflix Film ‘Leave the World Behind’


    I haven't seen it yet, but what I am interested in is the fact that it directed by Sam Esmail. Why? Because of his series Mr. Robot. I watched Mr. Robot after COVID, not before like most who've seen it, and the predictive programming for that event alone is absolutely off the fucking charts, not to mention all the other conspiracies the show alludes to. It's like the MK Ultra operators got to write a TV show. There are so many twisted and misdirected admissions of real truths in the show that I could write a book on it. Seriously, it's absolutely wild.

    I'll give just one example. This scene was aired in 2019, and probably filmed some time in 2018:

    Attachment 8513

    Odd, no? 4 out of 5 people in a New York subway wearing masks, but why? The show never really bothers to explains why. The mask theme kept popping up throughout the series, with randomly masked people shot very conspicuously in the foreground of several scenes. Here's another one, this one from season 2, so filmed either in 2015 or 2016:

    Attachment 8514

    Of course, the usual suspects will insist this must all just be a strange coincidence.
    Related data point: Journalists believe US intel agencies will run some sort of cyber 9/11-style event around 2024 election
    DOJ urges U.S. Supreme Court to let Border Patrol cut Texas’ razor wire.

    I don't think the J in DOJ stands for Justice.
    Retracted NZ Study Proved HPV Vaccine “Reduced Preterm Births” – By INVERTING THE DATA
    US now saying they’re just going to seize Russia’s $300 billion and give it to Ukraine.

    The Judeo-American Empire would gladly murder every civilian in Ukraine, or any country for that matter, over such an insult. And of course, Russia is supposed to just sit back and take it.

  7. #29227
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Jackson View Post
    What Lindsey Graham is really saying, when he speaks to Fox viewers, is that the US ought to go to war with anyone who stands in the way of US hegemony in the Middle East. It's disgusting how a man like Lindsey Graham can sit in D.C and talk about war killing people, and war, without any consequennces for what that means. It will have terrible consequences for normal Americans and for the world, and these politicians never suffer these consequences themselves. However, he can and maybe he will convince Americans to get behind a war by using the same thinking as Mark.
    Lindsay Graham is playing the warmonger part from the Republican side in order to try to sell the American public on as much war as possible, so that the Uniparty can steal the election from Donald Trump. Israel, Iran, Ukraine, Asia, whatever.

  8. #29228
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    A historical documentary about Israel made by an American Evangelical pastor:
    The Other Isreal

    This may be of interest to those who are Gen X, Boomer, Christian, mainstream Republicans or simply enjoy learning about history from well-documented sources.

  9. #29229
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    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    I see no basis for this accusation, especially considering the fact that Christians live in Gaza. Not many, admittedly, but by this logic, they should have all been hunted down to the last one and killed. Frankly, this sounds like the propaganda of early 2000s hysteria.

    "They have sworn to kill everybody that's not them." - Who exactly are they? And where is the evidence for this oath? Why was Islam historically quite tolerant of Jews?

    The only group that conservatives are allowed and even encouraged to despise in old racist terms are Muslims. There is very rarely ever any real consequence for expressing such thoughts, the way there would be with any other group. You have to wonder why. The odds that it's because the Anglo-sphere right mustered some balls for this one exception are of course zero. It's because the government wanted/wants you to kill them, obviously. And everyone the government wants you to kill become nothing but animals. The manipulation is just so blatantly obvious to me.

    Blacks kill far more innocent Americans and cause far more problems for the functioning of society than Muslims, yet even discussing their patterns of behavior makes conservatives piss their pants and cry. All I can see when I look at the American right is a regularly beaten dog on a leash who waits patiently, but excitedly, for his master to allow him to show his fangs. The reason for the display is irrelevant, and the permission is all that matters.

    Assuming the premise, I don't understand the conclusion at all. Would disliking Muslim culture make you hate yourself? How about a general dislike for Mexican or Brazilian culture? How does this work?
    Okay, anti, fine. I don't like foreign aid either. Not for anybody. Not for Jews, or Swedes, or Eskimos. At no point in this discussion have I advocated for money or military aid to Israel. But there's still this:

    And you're just fine with that. I understand that some of you guys here don't like the Jews. I get that. I understand your argument. But at some point this turns into you hating yourselves. And fuck that. If we walk you, Matt Jackson, into Gaza by yourself and leave you there, how long do you live despite the fact that you understand why Allah commands that they kill you? Do you hate yourself so much that this is okay with you? And is this okay enough with you that you condone these animals fucking Israeli girls while they stab them in the back until they cum covered in the girl's blood??
    If you advocate for Hamas, they will still kill you, and that is self-hatred. The only thing they know is hatred, they teach it to their children, and it is the glue of their "society." Hamas has been launching rockets into Israel for many years, and living among the Palestinians while they did it. Hamas rules the place with the permission of the Palestinians. Hamas hates everybody, and that's why no other Arab/Muslim country will help them by taking them in. Iran gives them arms, but not shelter, for some reason. The British Empire started the process, and then United Nations finished fucking this up in 1948, and it can't be unfucked at this point. If you stop foreign aid to Israel, they will nuke somebody, and that may not turn out well for those downwind. So all this shit continues. For it to stop, something must cease to exist, and this seldom happens voluntarily. Israeli soldiers do not fuck Palestinian women while they bathe in their blood, so by my moral sensibilities -- and by virtue of the nukes -- Israel gets to stay and Hamas gets to cease to exist. This may be harmful to the Palestinians, but it has been harmful to lots of other people too. As I said earlier, "Can you not come to grips with the very adult idea that "fair" and "right" are children's concepts that keep society somewhat together, and that "is" and "is not", like up and down, are the only real concerns?"

    If Israel starts at the Gaza border with Egypt and marches north while killing everybody who will not lay down arms and surrender, this will cease to be a problem, and is the cheapest way out.

  10. #29230
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    From reading the last few pages I don't see how people are on opposite sides of the Palestine issue. Everyone tends to agree on the main issues that of course if you crush a people they will take the only option available to them. It's understandable but not worthy of sympathy. I can understand why a druggie on the street user begs for money and uses it to buy drugs instead of food, but I'm not sympathetic to his choices.
    Palestine has a poor hand, and they have played it poorly for decades and continue to play it poorly. They are being used as a cudgel by their so called "allies" and countrymen and seem willfully ignorant/happy to be used as human bullets.

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