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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #29621
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizuchi23 View Post
    ....To anyone else, the easy way about this stuff is if you disagree with someone then challenge them and debate civilly. If you really disagree or a morally offended then just scroll on. And if it's worse than that just log off or trust that the Mod will intervene if and when the Mod sees fit. But I'm an autist so this stuff is obvious to me.
    Good comment.
    We are supposed to be the side that allows free speech and urges individuals to weigh the evidence for themselves.
    We cannot let ourselves sink to the level of the side that uses personal attacks or touchy-feely perceptions of racism, offensiveness, disinformation etc. to shut down conversation.

    A few years ago, there were many people, even here, who wanted to attack me personally, bully me into self-censorship and shut down the conversation, because I had the wrong opinions on Covid or the mandated shots or masking ineffectiveness or the synthetic lab-leak origins of the virus.
    You think I am wrong, but cannot support your position logically or with evidence?
    Terrific, you are free to ignore me and the future will offer its verdict.

  2. #29622
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    NT, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Kitsuma View Post
    Anyone else thinking this Tucker / Putin interview will shift many people's perspectives? From "Clandestine" substack post entited "The Biggest Interview in History":
    It is estimated to be roughly 2 hours long which will likely mean (a) most won't listen to the entire thing, and (b) will provide plenty of opportunities for MSM to cherry-pick sound bites or take comments out of context. A lot of people will probably just read a summary from their favourite MSM source.

    Anyone who has listened to Vlad's open conferences on the state of Russia will know he has enormous stamina and patience - the US Gov provides him with lots of material, i.e. countless examples of shitfuckery on the global stage. What would be interesting, beyond the Ukraine situation, would be some direct and incisive questions on the state of politics in Russia, even knowing the answers would be biased.

    Tucker's interview with Trump was a big let down, but hopefully this will be much better. As some have suggested, Tucker should have tracked down Ed Snowden while he was in the area.

    The Greatest Trick Big Brother Ever Pulled ⋆ Brownstone Institute

    One guy in a lawn chair jotting down license plate numbers is a nosy neighbor, maybe even a neighborhood crank, but not someone to whom you would pay much attention. When he starts following you around though to the point of knowing who your friends are, where you worship, and when you go to the doctor, he kind of becomes a stalker. But, when he develops the ability to gather this kind of information on everyone, he starts to develop a level of omnipresence and omniscience with which no one should be comfortable – which may be why you’re told he’s just a guy in a lawn chair.

  3. #29623
    Join Date
    Jun 2021


    Does Putin speak english? I wasn't aware that he'd ever given any speeches in English. I have no doubt he understand it perfectly fine. Having a translator while listening to everyone speak around you seems a very Putin thing to do.

  4. #29624
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    May 2014


    RFK Defends His Position On Israel - Dave Smith POTP Ep#1088

    I already respected Dave Smith a lot, but the way he handled this interview earned himself a few more points. I was expecting him to engage in some light sparring during the interview, but he surprised me and went very hard on RFK. One moment was particularly interesting, and has gone somewhat viral. At 1:05:52, Dave asks "Do you have concerns for the level of Israeli influence in our politics here in The United States of America?" After the longest pause of the entire interview, RFK answers that he doesn't know because he isn't a politician!

    On a subsequent episode of the podcast, Dave muses on this exchange:

    You could even be on Israel's side of this war... You could even say that you think the American taxpayers should fund this war. But if you're being honest and I ask you "Does Israel have a lot of influence on our government?" and you go, "I don't know what you're talking about"... for someone who's as well read as Bobby Kennedy, I just can't accept that's a genuine answer. I just think... I think you're not being honest with me, man. That's my honest feeling.

    "And look, I think a lot of you guys, people who listen to this show... I think you know me enough, and I think you can tell that I get no pleasure out of this. I don't like even saying that. Bobby Kennedy he's a fucking Kennedy! And he's come and done my show! And he's been very respectful of me, and I'll be honest there's something about the guy... that I think he's got like he's got an "It Factor" about him, man. This guy is running a national fucking speaking tour and he can't speak! And he's still so compelling. Like this guy's got a quality about him. He's an undeniable talent. I don't enjoy saying this, but when I hear stuff like that, I'm like this guy just isn't being honest with me right now. And I don't know what forces exactly are creating that situation where he can't be honest with me. But I'm just telling you I don't think he is.
    But what I found most interesting about the debate/interview is that RFK Junior's opening arguments were all explicitly built on the commonly accepted mythology of WWII. This is what inspired my post the other day that sent Jovan to the fainting couch, and set off the latest thread hubbub. This mythology is the lynchpin of all the rhetoric that justifies our never-ending empire. It is how one of the greatest American subversives of the 20th century, William F. Buckley, turned American conservatism into a movement that openly embraces totalitarianism and an enormous federal government, just so long as it used to bolster a certain foreign policy.

    On Taboos

    When I piss people off, it is almost without exception because I attack a political taboo. But to be clear, I don't think all taboos are bad. When taboos have been selected for over many generations, and especially when equivalent taboos exist across different cultures, I think they are likely to serve a good purpose. But when a taboo is explicitly used for political purposes, is enforced rigorously in a political context, and forbids discussion of relatively recent historical events, alarm bells should go off. These are the taboos that I think need to be attacked without hesitation.

    The reason such political taboos are created is to rapidly manufacture consensus where consensus would otherwise not be achieved. This means that if someone is immune to the consequences of breaking a taboo, attacking the underlying proposition the taboo is designed to defend is usually remarkably easy. And this, I believe, is what infuriates those who believe in the taboo. When they are exposed to someone who does not respect the taboo, they have no choice but to logically defend the underlying proposition. But this is very difficult, which is why the political taboo was created in the first place! If logic and common sense could prove what the taboo defends, the taboo wouldn't even be necessary.

    Certain political taboos are clearly stronger than others, especially when the cost of breaking the taboo is extremely high (why RFK had to lie), or when the taboo is two or more generations old. So when Jovan asks what the hell is wrong with me to challenge a certain taboo, I don't take him to mean that my position is logically untenable. I take him to mean that he thinks I am a fool for attacking a taboo that enjoys such widespread social acceptance. A good propagandist would never directly attack such a taboo. For example, Ellul says of the fundamental myths of society: "Propaganda is forced to build on these presuppositions and to express these myths, for without them nobody would listen". I am fully aware of this, yet I do exactly the opposite! This is because I am not a propagandist. If I were a propagandist, Jovan's critique would be absolutely correct. But I am not interested in "moving the masses". I am a rhetorician and logician whose concern is to convince a small minority who is capable of being convinced.

    And even though I absolutely despise our current elite, I am fundamentally an elitist. I just think we need a new and far superior elite that is grounded in the traditions and values of Western Civilization. That is what I fight for, and if I can convince a handful of people to reject these false political taboos because logic compels them to perceive the lie, I will consider my small part in this broader war as well fought.

  5. #29625
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    Quote Originally Posted by Subby View Post
    Does Putin speak english? I wasn't aware that he'd ever given any speeches in English. I have no doubt he understand it perfectly fine. Having a translator while listening to everyone speak around you seems a very Putin thing to do.
    Yes, he speaks both German and English. But I think he probably speaks German a lot better.

  6. #29626
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    Aug 2023


    Quote Originally Posted by golftdibrad View Post
    Not wearing a mask during COVID-19 health emergency isn’t a free speech right, appeals court says

    They are gearing up to do this crap again. Of all the covid BS, the masks were the most blatant anti science control measure forced upon the population.
    The masks were complete bullshit.

    Only beta males followed along with that nonsense.

    Pathetic disgusting creatures....

  7. #29627
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    Albany, Western Australia


    Sydney to get a brand new '30-minute city' with car-free streets: Here's what it will look like | Daily Mail Online

    Another conspiracy theory coming soon to a place near you. Note it will be "cyber smart." I'm sure they'll say that doesn't mean that all the streetlights track your every move.

    To be fair though, I already live in a 30 minute City and it's not that bad. It takes 30 minutes to drive from one end to the other.

  8. #29628
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    Dec 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    There are now several states in These United that are not fit for habitation. If you don't move, you are owned.
    I can no longer tolerate or cohabitate with these states. We are moving out of Texas and headed to the Midwest with no big cities. My wife has been red-pilled lately (Thank Vivek) and is more onboard than ever. It’s crazy to hear her bring up a new medical racket she looked into on daily basis. I just smile inside, but I don’t say anything. The sooner this country puts its big-boy pants on and files the papers, the better.

    NY Mayor Eric Adams: "Have you ever seen this much chocolate leading the city of New York?!#newyork - YouTube

  9. #29629
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    Chillicothe, TX


    Quote Originally Posted by Jason Donaldson View Post

    Wait, I think I know the beat and the steps to this dance...

    And, that's bingo for my card! What do I win? Oh, wait...
    The latest - scary, it could be close to YOU!!!!

  10. #29630
    Join Date
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    In yesterday’s ruling, the Hawaii Supreme Court rejected more than Bruen’s interpretation of the 2nd amendment. On page 40:

    As the world turns, it makes no sense for contemporary society to pledge allegiance to the founding era’s culture, realities, laws, and understanding of the Constitution.
    So be it. But maybe, in the next sentence, don’t flaunt the primacy of contemporary culture with the most insipid, trivial quote of a fictional drug dealer in a marginally entertaining TV show?

    ‘The thing about the old days, they the old days.’ The Wire: Home Rooms (HBO television broadcast Sept. 24, 2006) (Season Four, Episode Three).

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