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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #29631
    Join Date
    May 2014


    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    --A group of four American college students cannot figure out what 15x4 is.

    Jovan, in another thread you asked if the Starbucks employee with a sociology degree is actually a real thing. So, I want to ask you... If you went to any college campus in Eastern Europe, or even the rest of Europe for that matter, would it be possible for you to find a group of four college students this obviously unqualified for "higher education"?

    --First actual preview from the Putin interview.

    --GOA Files Suit Against NY’s Position on No Carry for Non-Residents

    Reminder that the NRA is a joke organization that is ultimately a subversive force. If anyone is interested in supporting a 2A organization, you should support the GOA, and tell the NRA to go fuck themselves.

    --We read those words differently than the current United States Supreme Court. We hold that in Hawaiʻi there is no state constitutional right to carry a firearm in public.

    I mean, if the constitution is "living and breathing", they certainly have a point. The document might have just been hung over on the day the SC made that ruling.

    --Kentucky Trans Pedophile Won't Go to Prison

    Reduxx provides the answer: For one, trans activist and lawyer Madison Leach chose to represent Childers in court (he sure knows how to pick them), and was able to file a motion reducing Childers' bond because he didn't receive estrogen in jail.


    For some insane reason, the motion was ultimately approved, and Childers had his $100,000 bond reduced to $5000. All he had to do was stay away from kids and his former place of employment (like that would do any good).

    At the end of January, Childers struck a deal: if he pleaded guilty, his charge of 1st-degree sexual abuse of a victim under 12 would be demoted to class a misdemeanor sexual misconduct, and the other charges would be dropped.
    Meanwhile, James Fields is serving three life sentences for giving a fat woman a heart attack when he tried to escape an Antifa mob in his car. Being a wrong-thinker is objectively far more dangerous in America than molesting literal babies. But "YoU hAvE nO eViDeNcE tHaT tHe sYsTeM pRoTeCtS pEdOpHiLes."

  2. #29632
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    --A group of four American college students cannot figure out what 15x4 is.

    Jovan, in another thread you asked if the Starbucks employee with a sociology degree is actually a real thing. So, I want to ask you... If you went to any college campus in Eastern Europe, or even the rest of Europe for that matter, would it be possible for you to find a group of four college students this obviously unqualified for "higher education"?
    I questioned the existence of sociology majors in Starbucks. Oh, you would find students like these, no question. I even work with people like that all the time.

  3. #29633
    Join Date
    Jun 2021


    I think the funnier thing is despite referring to the concept of democracy the first smooth brain reply is "thats a direct democracy, we have a representative democracy" and it's stated with such certainty that it is in fact a witty comeback.

  4. #29634
    Join Date
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    United Kingdom


    Interesting to note the Rootin' For Pootin interview isn't being ignored by the mainstream press, but feverishly and sensationally and ghooooulishly advertised.


    Elon, the richest, most hyped guy in the world. Hosting the most influential TV host in the US (and 'conservative' sphere of the entire world?), interviewing the leader of one the biggest, baddest empires on Earth.

    But somehow, we're told this is somehow somethingorother to do with the underdogs, and is "grass roots", and kinda sticking it to the man. Free speech!

    I'm starting to change my position on this Russia vs Clown world cul-de-sac the political Right has been forced down. Not doubting Russia is objectively a better place to have a conservative family and raise a kid (if you have some money) than some Western multicultural, rainbow flag city. I'm just not convinced Russia is MY friend, as a European Nationalist, any more than the US government or the European Union is my friend.

    This "clown world" VS "based" Russia thing doesn't add up when you actually listen to what the people in power are saying.

  5. #29635
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Garage of GainzZz


    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    RFK Defends His Position On Israel - Dave Smith POTP Ep#1088

    I already respected Dave Smith a lot, but the way he handled this interview earned himself a few more points. I was expecting him to engage in some light sparring during the interview, but he surprised me and went very hard on RFK. One moment was particularly interesting, and has gone somewhat viral. At 1:05:52, Dave asks "Do you have concerns for the level of Israeli influence in our politics here in The United States of America?" After the longest pause of the entire interview, RFK answers that he doesn't know because he isn't a politician!

    On a subsequent episode of the podcast, Dave muses on this exchange:

    But what I found most interesting about the debate/interview is that RFK Junior's opening arguments were all explicitly built on the commonly accepted mythology of WWII. This is what inspired my post the other day that sent Jovan to the fainting couch, and set off the latest thread hubbub. This mythology is the lynchpin of all the rhetoric that justifies our never-ending empire. It is how one of the greatest American subversives of the 20th century, William F. Buckley, turned American conservatism into a movement that openly embraces totalitarianism and an enormous federal government, just so long as it used to bolster a certain foreign policy.

    On Taboos

    When I piss people off, it is almost without exception because I attack a political taboo. But to be clear, I don't think all taboos are bad. When taboos have been selected for over many generations, and especially when equivalent taboos exist across different cultures, I think they are likely to serve a good purpose. But when a taboo is explicitly used for political purposes, is enforced rigorously in a political context, and forbids discussion of relatively recent historical events, alarm bells should go off. These are the taboos that I think need to be attacked without hesitation.

    The reason such political taboos are created is to rapidly manufacture consensus where consensus would otherwise not be achieved. This means that if someone is immune to the consequences of breaking a taboo, attacking the underlying proposition the taboo is designed to defend is usually remarkably easy. And this, I believe, is what infuriates those who believe in the taboo. When they are exposed to someone who does not respect the taboo, they have no choice but to logically defend the underlying proposition. But this is very difficult, which is why the political taboo was created in the first place! If logic and common sense could prove what the taboo defends, the taboo wouldn't even be necessary.

    Certain political taboos are clearly stronger than others, especially when the cost of breaking the taboo is extremely high (why RFK had to lie), or when the taboo is two or more generations old. So when Jovan asks what the hell is wrong with me to challenge a certain taboo, I don't take him to mean that my position is logically untenable. I take him to mean that he thinks I am a fool for attacking a taboo that enjoys such widespread social acceptance. A good propagandist would never directly attack such a taboo. For example, Ellul says of the fundamental myths of society: "Propaganda is forced to build on these presuppositions and to express these myths, for without them nobody would listen". I am fully aware of this, yet I do exactly the opposite! This is because I am not a propagandist. If I were a propagandist, Jovan's critique would be absolutely correct. But I am not interested in "moving the masses". I am a rhetorician and logician whose concern is to convince a small minority who is capable of being convinced.

    And even though I absolutely despise our current elite, I am fundamentally an elitist. I just think we need a new and far superior elite that is grounded in the traditions and values of Western Civilization. That is what I fight for, and if I can convince a handful of people to reject these false political taboos because logic compels them to perceive the lie, I will consider my small part in this broader war as well fought.
    I have reminded many a traditional Catholic who has expressed disdain for revisionism even in general that apologetics is by its very nature revisionism. Sometimes the false equivalence fallacy can make a good point.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shiva Kaul View Post
    In yesterday’s ruling, the Hawaii Supreme Court rejected more than Bruen’s interpretation of the 2nd amendment. On page 40:

    So be it. But maybe, in the next sentence, don’t flaunt the primacy of contemporary culture with the most insipid, trivial quote of a fictional drug dealer in a marginally entertaining TV show?
    The graph must trend upward. Today is always the best it has ever been. The Whigs want you to not just be ignorant of one’s history, but actively reject the very idea of history.

  6. #29636
    Join Date
    Jul 2019


    I am getting really tired of having to talk about these things, but this is some real North Korea level shit:
    Israeli bill banning October 7 denial is 'red flag' for free speech - Israel News - The Jerusalem Post
    A bill that would criminalize denial of or questioning the circumstances of the October 7th Hamas attack.
    The bill reportedly has broad support across all israeli political parties.
    Among israeli citizens and jewish Americans, I am not only seeing widespread support for the bill, I am also seeing calls that it doesn't go far enough; they want the death penalty for 10/7 deniali-ism.

    The Truth doesn't need to hide behind laws.

    If they are willing to do this to their own people, what do they want for yours?
    Straight from the whore's mouth that they actively meddle in US politics:

    Can anyone dig up something...anything that suggests israel is not our greatest geopolitical adversary???
    Are they a people and culture fundamentally opposed to the bedrock ideals of Western Civilization, like freedom of speech, classical liberalism and scientific inquiry???
    It would be much much easier if for me if I could find any evidence I might be wrong about this, so I could stop talking about it.

  7. #29637
    Join Date
    Jan 2024


    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    --Kentucky Trans Pedophile Won't Go to Prison

    Meanwhile, James Fields is serving three life sentences for giving a fat woman a heart attack when he tried to escape an Antifa mob in his car. Being a wrong-thinker is objectively far more dangerous in America than molesting literal babies. But "YoU hAvE nO eViDeNcE tHaT tHe sYsTeM pRoTeCtS pEdOpHiLes."

    I am not going to comment on the individual accused of sexually assaulting a child because I do not know anything about the case. If that is what happened, yes, they should be going to jail and justice was not served. However, don't you think you are being a bit loose with the facts regarding James Fields? The fat woman's weight does not matter. Her heart attack was caused by blunt force trauma to the chest after being hit by a car that accelerated at high speeds into a crowd of counter protestors that were protesting against white supremist a white supremist rally. No one was coming after him until after he accelerated his car into a crowd of people, injuring 38 other people and leaving 8 others with permanent disabilities. The idiot had ties to the white supremists and was there as part of their protest/rally. It is not like he was commuting to work and happened to come across a mob of protestors that surrounded his car. That asshole belongs in jail.

    Fucking hell, this is the type of shit that gets posted on this board and no one even bats an eye about!

  8. #29638
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Northern USA


    Here is a link to Tucker Carlson's interview with Vladimir Putin if anyone is interested: Just a moment...

  9. #29639
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Yngvi View Post
    I am getting really tired of having to talk about these things, but this is some real North Korea level shit:
    Israeli bill banning October 7 denial is 'red flag' for free speech - Israel News - The Jerusalem Post
    A bill that would criminalize denial of or questioning the circumstances of the October 7th Hamas attack.
    The bill reportedly has broad support across all israeli political parties.
    Among israeli citizens and jewish Americans, I am not only seeing widespread support for the bill, I am also seeing calls that it doesn't go far enough; they want the death penalty for 10/7 deniali-ism.

    The Truth doesn't need to hide behind laws.

    If they are willing to do this to their own people, what do they want for yours?

    Straight from the whore's mouth that they actively meddle in US politics:

    Can anyone dig up something...anything that suggests israel is not our greatest geopolitical adversary???

    Are they a people and culture fundamentally opposed to the bedrock ideals of Western Civilization, like freedom of speech, classical liberalism and scientific inquiry???

    It would be much much easier if for me if I could find any evidence I might be wrong about this, so I could stop talking about it.
    That is a very good question.

    Straight from the whore's mouth that they actively meddle in US politics:
    Netenyahu plays 4D chutzpah.

  10. #29640
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Garage of GainzZz


    starting strength coach development program
    Pete Q and Matt from Kingpilled as promised the other day:

    Episode 1011: Is the 'PayPal Mafia' Making Elite Moves? w/ Matt Erickson - YouTube

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