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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #29641
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frivillesid View Post
    I am not going to comment on the individual accused of sexually assaulting a child because I do not know anything about the case. If that is what happened, yes, they should be going to jail and justice was not served. However, don't you think you are being a bit loose with the facts regarding James Fields? The fat woman's weight does not matter. Her heart attack was caused by blunt force trauma to the chest after being hit by a car that accelerated at high speeds into a crowd of counter protestors that were protesting against white supremist a white supremist rally. No one was coming after him until after he accelerated his car into a crowd of people, injuring 38 other people and leaving 8 others with permanent disabilities. The idiot had ties to the white supremists and was there as part of their protest/rally. It is not like he was commuting to work and happened to come across a mob of protestors that surrounded his car. That asshole belongs in jail.

    Fucking hell, this is the type of shit that gets posted on this board and no one even bats an eye about!
    This propaganda expired after the 2020 riots. If you were to show someone uninitiated the video, devoid of any context, they'd say "Oh, that looks like one of those Antifa/BLM car rushes from the 2020 riots." We all know who the instigator is now. No one bats an eye because it's obvious. Also no one really cares about commie leftist protestors associated with BLM and Antifa. So your moral outrage just seems a bit silly.

    Charlotsville was prep for the 2020 psyop. What Cialdini called pre-suasion, and Ellul calls pre-propaganda. It's pretty obvious in retrospect.

  2. #29642
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    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    But what I found most interesting about the debate/interview is that RFK Junior's opening arguments were all explicitly built on the commonly accepted mythology of WWII. This is what inspired my post the other day that sent Jovan to the fainting couch, and set off the latest thread hubbub. This mythology is the lynchpin of all the rhetoric that justifies our never-ending empire. It is how one of the greatest American subversives of the 20th century, William F. Buckley, turned American conservatism into a movement that openly embraces totalitarianism and an enormous federal government, just so long as it used to bolster a certain foreign policy.
    It's also painful to admit what we've let happen to us, the country, and those intrepid souls willing to battle to defend us. My family has served in multiple branches. We have enough medals to start a scrap yard. All the way back, we've fought when called upon to do so. To admit our heart and steel was used by nefarious people for nefarious purposes intended to bring down the very system we believed in is a sort of existential crisis. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels that. To face this with unemotional eyes is maybe not something we can expect people to do easily. WWII is the lynchpin to a lot. However, I believe the roots of that great myth lie further back in the financial legacy of country. I think the moneyed interests got their hooks in even before that and thus created the circumstances by which we were drawn into that war and the military-corporate industrial complex that came from it. Knowing all this doesn't make the matter easier. And it doesn't really tell us where to go from here. It may be that those of us interested in freedom will always have an uneasy arrangement in whatever place we live, trying to walk the line between living in the modern world and living what we believe.

    Just a moment...
    Did anyone see Weinstein on Tucker about the Darien Gap? That shit was wild.
    Points for the tl;dw crowd:
    - The migrations are originating in Ecuador, which has no visa requirement. That means that anyone from anywhere can simply fly to Ecuador and get to America among a sea of people no one is checking on. We could be letting in literally anyone.
    - The Central American countries have sort of just decided to wave all these fartknockers on through with the understanding that they aren't staying, they are going to the US. The tight militarized borders mean nothing in this situation.
    - This whole madness is going to cause/is now causing both a human and environmental crisis. Anyone who gives a rat's ass about people or the environment ought to be shouting from the roof tops about this and yet, the so called liberals are all about this destruction. Make it make sense. Please. I'll wait.
    - The Chinese have their own camp there. They have money though so they don't risk their lives in the Gap. Bret was very careful to parse that he did not think these Chinese were simply running from an oppressive regime. Once they pay their way past the hard part of the Gap they are free to join the throngs entering the US.
    - Somebody is building a bridge. There's very little reason for the locals to do it. The foreman of the project didn't know but speculated it was to transport yucca which makes no sense.
    - There are numerous African and Middle Eastern people among the Central Americans.

    The whole thing was interesting to me. I am in a position where I can listen to audio for many hours in the day, so it wasn't a sacrifice for me to listen to the interview while performing accounting tasks. Happy to answer questions for those with less of that kind of time. I know some people don't like Bret but I don't think he's a liar, by any measure. I believe the man when he says there was a Chinese camp. Ecuador's visa policy is easily Googled. Even if these are the only two facts we can know with certainty that's enough to know that this is going to be a serious problem. On multiple levels and in multiple geographic locations. This is bad. The only up side I can see here is that this has the potential to get so bad so fast that even the dipshits will be able to see it.

  3. #29643
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    So here's someone who's ox got gored (so to speak), and now he's interested in "being more vigilant":

    Mayo Clinic Vaccine Research Director Calls For Expanding Detection Of ''Silent'' COVID Vaccine Risks | ZeroHedge

  4. #29644
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frivillesid View Post
    I am not going to comment on the individual accused of sexually assaulting a child because I do not know anything about the case. If that is what happened, yes, they should be going to jail and justice was not served. However, don't you think you are being a bit loose with the facts regarding James Fields? The fat woman's weight does not matter. Her heart attack was caused by blunt force trauma to the chest after being hit by a car that accelerated at high speeds into a crowd of counter protestors that were protesting against white supremist a white supremist rally. No one was coming after him until after he accelerated his car into a crowd of people, injuring 38 other people and leaving 8 others with permanent disabilities. The idiot had ties to the white supremists and was there as part of their protest/rally. It is not like he was commuting to work and happened to come across a mob of protestors that surrounded his car. That asshole belongs in jail.

    Fucking hell, this is the type of shit that gets posted on this board and no one even bats an eye about!

    Are you aware that photo's show the brake lights active on his car before he hits the crowd? The alleged speed at the time of impact estimated at between 23-28 miles per hour. Does that seem slow to you for a late model Dodge Challenger? Why would a white supremacist drive a car into a crowd of white people? Why did it happen in broad daylight in the middle of the day but the actual unite-the-right rally was at night, why else would they need tiki torches? Are you aware that there is video showing a member of the crowd hitting the car with a weapon before it accelerates?

    There is plenty of questions around this event.

  5. #29645
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ramus View Post
    Here is a link to Tucker Carlson's interview with Vladimir Putin if anyone is interested: Just a moment...
    Thank God for 2x speed.


    His style was so gloriously culturally foreign to Americans. He comes across as a bit of a show off, but I thought it was refreshing compared to the typical American style that panders to retards.

    Tucker had no idea what he was in for. His face at times was priceless.


    When someone starts reading one of my more "rambling" posts.

  6. #29646
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    Quote Originally Posted by Satch12879 View Post
    I have reminded many a traditional Catholic who has expressed disdain for revisionism even in general that apologetics is by its very nature revisionism.
    This is an interesting point. If you think about it, "revisionism" is just a negatively-loaded way of saying "challenging the mainstream narrative about the past".

  7. #29647
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yngvi View Post
    I am getting really tired of having to talk about these things, but this is some real North Korea level shit:
    Israeli bill banning October 7 denial is 'red flag' for free speech - Israel News - The Jerusalem Post
    A bill that would criminalize denial of or questioning the circumstances of the October 7th Hamas attack.
    The bill reportedly has broad support across all israeli political parties.
    Among israeli citizens and jewish Americans, I am not only seeing widespread support for the bill, I am also seeing calls that it doesn't go far enough; they want the death penalty for 10/7 deniali-ism.

    The Truth doesn't need to hide behind laws.

    If they are willing to do this to their own people, what do they want for yours?
    Straight from the whore's mouth that they actively meddle in US politics:

    Can anyone dig up something...anything that suggests israel is not our greatest geopolitical adversary???
    Are they a people and culture fundamentally opposed to the bedrock ideals of Western Civilization, like freedom of speech, classical liberalism and scientific inquiry???
    It would be much much easier if for me if I could find any evidence I might be wrong about this, so I could stop talking about it.
    Even with this law, Israel still has more freedom of speech than any other country in the middle east or Russia that you people suddenly love so much (there are so many Russian people in prison just for saying they don't want Putin as a president). Israel is not as "free" as USA, of course. For example, it's illegal to burn the flag here.

    > If they are willing to do this to their own people, what do they want for yours?
    Who cares what Israel wants? Israel is currently US little soyboy slave. Under US influence Israel stopped making its own weapons and is forced to rely on American weapons, the US closed an Israeli settler's account in an Israeli bank for "violence" or something, when ever has Israel closed an American's bank account? Stop pretending like Israel is controlling the US, it's the opposite.

  8. #29648
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frivillesid View Post
    No one was coming after him until after he accelerated his car into a crowd of people, injuring 38 other people and leaving 8 others with permanent disabilities. The idiot had ties to the white supremists and was there as part of their protest/rally.
    Them white supremists are a threat to our way of life and our democracies. I'm all for freedom of political thought, and stuff, but seriously those guys need the jail.

  9. #29649
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    While everyone is being distracted by the MSM being mad at Tucker for doing journalism, our government has admitted that we live in a banana republic. I am not sure if this is due to bureaucratic incopentence or cockyiness.

    Behind paywall for a bit:
    URGENT: The report from prosecutors on Joe Biden's handling of classified documents might be WORSE for him than an actual indictment

    The report argues he should not be charged in part because he would likely present himself to a jury as “a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” making convicting him difficult.

    Worse, it says the prosecutors themselves saw him that way when they interviewed him in October. On two separate occasions, Biden did not seem to know when he had served as vice-president, they wrote. He also could not remember when his son Beau had died.

    A sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man. Hard to imagine a description further from “presidential” than that one.


    Notably, during a trip to Hamptons in August 2010, Biden apparently lost a briefing book that contained Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information - the most highly classified material the United States government possesses:

    Mr. Biden failed to return Top Secret, Sensitive Compartmented Information (also referred to as “codeword”) contents of a classified briefing book that he had received during a trip to the Hamptons, in New York. We were unable to determine whether these materials were ever recovered.


    But he held on to his notebooks, which he told the special counsel were “my property.”

    As the report explains, Biden:

    treated the notebooks markedly differently from the rest of his notes and other presidential records throughout his vice presidency, for example, allowing staff to store and review his notecards, but not his notebooks.

    Biden viewed the notebooks effectively as diaries, and he did not want to return them, even if they contained some classified material, according to the report.
    The fact that Brandon has lost his marbles is not new to anyone paying attention. The fact that his DOJ is prosecuting Trump for the exact thing while choosing not to prosecute Biden is astounding. It may be arguably worse than Trump's (alleged) transgressions since it appears that it was intentional at a time Biden DID have a couple neurons left to rub together.

    Running Biden is political suicide for the democrats. If they continue down this path, one has to ask, why? What do they have planned for a 2nd Trump administration to take back power? There are other questions too, but I'm probably already on too many lists.

  10. #29650
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    starting strength coach development program

    Biden incompetent to stand trial? Who would have thought that?

    Biden Livid After Special Counsel Questions Mental Fitness: MAGA Pounces

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