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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #29701
    Join Date
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    • starting strength seminar december 2024
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    Quote Originally Posted by smokeyjones View Post
    The problem is other countries aren't looking at the damage the West has done and seeing it as an evil to be avoided. Rather, they've seen the benefits and have been biding time for their turn.
    Yep. "Reparations" without all of the media fanfare and virtue signaling. Just the gov't paying out while we all pay attention to the noise.

  2. #29702
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    Mar 2018

  3. #29703
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jovan Dragisic View Post
    Obviously! This is the longest “Tell me Hitler did nothing wrong without telling me Hitler did nothing wrong” post that I’ve read in a long time.
    Obviously he did, but only only because he lost.

  4. #29704
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    Jun 2021


    Quote Originally Posted by Jovan Dragisic View Post
    Obviously! This is the longest “Tell me Hitler did nothing wrong without telling me Hitler did nothing wrong” post that I’ve read in a long time.
    I don't want to pick a fight because you've got a long history of quality posts. But this topic seems to bring out the worst in you. It's very jarring.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tyler Woodruff View Post
    Surely this deserves a shirt.
    We should all pitch in and send him one of our own. Probably not what he had in mind though but you never know.

  5. #29705
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    kitten corner: US election interference - by gatito bueno

    Is it such a stretch of logic that if it's admitted they do it over there, why not over here too?

  6. #29706
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    Seminar, WFAC, February 2024

    I was there, and everyone who stayed for the Sunday evening Q&A reading this post will know exactly who I am. I think this is an acceptable risk, and I expect it will be sufficient to silence the usual suspects' claim of "hiding behind anonymity". Just refute the arguments or shut up.

    The weekend was time well spent. Thanks, Rip.

    Quote Originally Posted by Subby View Post
    If there's another civil war, the leftists will win it. Anxiety attacks and rainbow dildo's along for the ride. Because they are already winning it.
    If everything hums along as usual, you're probably right, but I wouldn't count on it. The current pattern of the Empire's aggression towards Russia and China has been banking on past performance as well, and that isn't working out so well for them.

    The first civil war was fought for the birth of the empire, while the second will be fought as it stumbles about wounded, trying to stave off its own death. My question at the Seminar's Sunday Q&A was on this point. There's basically two schools of thought: Clown World collapses and we balkanize, or Clown World "manages" this crisis, secures total control over the citizenry, and we all essentially either become slaves or something resembling those guys living in the sewers in Demolition Man. I think it is unwarranted defeatism to just assume it's going to be the latter.

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry Zaks View Post
    The Jews have been expelled from almost every country they have been in. Make every Jewish USA citizen take a loyalty oath.
    Barring dual citizenship would be the better path, but either way, how do you think that would go over with the diaspora? You think they'd just smile and go along with it?

    It's also important to realize that loyalty oaths are totalitarian by nature, and "propositional nations" require totalitarian control. What prevents someone from feigning loyalty? How do you verify that people maintain allegiance to the propositions that define such a "nation"? Wouldn't you have to regularly interrogate their thoughts to make sure? Without strict enforcement, there is no "propositional nation" and the whole notion becomes meaningless.

    The only effective way to nurture and maintain a true nation (i.e. an actual group of people and their posterity) is to severely limit immigration, thus allowing a genuine national identity to establish itself and develop over time (a nomadic nation, similarly, would severely limit entry to the group, which is one of the reasons Jews do not proselytize in the traditional sense). But the exact opposite of this process is what has been taking place in the US and Europe since the end of WWII. And during this time, limiting immigration is one of the things that the Jewish diaspora has opposed most vigorously across the West. This is clearly a problem, and it can't just be swept under the rug.

  7. #29707
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jovan Dragisic View Post
    Obviously! This is the longest “Tell me Hitler did nothing wrong without telling me Hitler did nothing wrong” post that I’ve read in a long time.
    What do you think about this: Why Everything You Know About World War II Is Wrong, by Ron Unz and Mike Whitney - The Unz Review

    I eventually concluded that the true history of World War II was not only quite different from what most of us had always believed, but was largely inverted. Our mainstream history books had been telling the story upside-down and backwards.

    With regard to Hitler and the outbreak of the war, I think an excellent starting point would be Origins of the Second World War, a classic work published in 1961 by renowned Oxford historian A.J.P. Taylor. As I described his conclusions in 2019:

    Hitler’s final demand, that 95% German Danzig be returned to Germany just as its inhabitants desired, was an absolutely reasonable one, and only a dreadful diplomatic blunder by the British had led the Poles to refuse the request, thereby provoking the war. The widespread later claim that Hitler sought to conquer the world was totally absurd, and the German leader had actually made every effort to avoid war with Britain or France. Indeed, he was generally quite friendly towards the Poles and had been hoping to enlist Poland as a German ally against the menace of Stalin’s Soviet Union.

  8. #29708
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Jackson View Post
    Obviously he did, but only only because he lost.

    Intellectual sunk cost is possibly the worst kind.

    There are things people cannot even allow themselves to question because of even the possibility of the unsettling answers.

    Not that I blame most people. Most people never seem to even care about "dangerous" ideas, but it's sad watching people claiming to be looking for truth put on the brakes...usually while acting morally superior while doing it.

  9. #29709
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    United Kingdom


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Obviously, Mr. Unz is just a self-hating, bad Jew.

  10. #29710
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Subby View Post
    I don't want to pick a fight because you've got a long history of quality posts. But this topic seems to bring out the worst in you. It's very jarring.
    Why? I don’t mind Nazi fans, I just find it funny how they will write novellas to disguise the fact. Just go full Hitler. I kind of dig Hitler, he had entertaining speeches.

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