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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #29901
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by wal View Post
    We currently could not defend 12 miles of our coastline, that is why we depend on the US to cover our back.

    However under a Trump administration all this may end up for a renegotiation.

    Otherwise we will need to learn Chinese very quickly.
    It's too bad that countries like yours didn't use the past few decades since WWII to get your collective shit together and learn to do this for yourselves. If you can't defend it, it's not yours. Not really. That's our coastline.

    Quote Originally Posted by wal View Post
    It is like any "miracle" drug Mark, if folk think it will work you just take more than the prescribed recommendation. You know as as well as I do that all western counties are overdosing on medications, both legal and illegal. It is the amount you take. You may not die if you over take Ivermictin, but there is a certain amount of collateral damage that will occur. 50Mg per Kg in animals and 200uG in humans, you can do the maths.

    Serious adverse reactions associated with ivermectin: A systematic pharmacovigilance study in sub-Saharan Africa and in the rest of the World - PMC
    Ivermectin is not a pleasure drug. People are not overdosing on it in large numbers. The few who do are not dying from it. (Anyone interested NEJoM has an article or three.) Even your link says "While our results do not put in question ivermectin’s excellent safety profile, they show that as for all drugs, appropriate pharmacovigilance for adverse reactions is indicated." Which is true for literally any damn thing on the planet. There's always going to be a handful of us fuckers who react badly to some shit. This drug has one of the safest profiles and if you even halfway believe what you're saying your medicine cabinet had better be empty because the safety profile of everything from Tylenol to high blood pressure meds isn't nearly so good.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    I don't know, wal, seems pretty succinct to me. Can or cannot China invade India?
    Unknown but unlikely.
    Anyone disagreeing needs to break down for me exactly how you get armored infantry down towards Delhi from Lhasa over the Himalayas. For any of us with aircraft knowledge flying over the Hump is known to be a hell of a flight. It's dangerous. It's not just flying over mountains like you would going from LA to wherever in the eastern US. It's a serious range with unpredictable weather and peaks higher than the standard commercial airline paths. And don't fuck up because there's still vast areas that are relatively uncharted, unknown, and unreachable by rescue. I don't see how China's pretty newish Navy helps in this matter. Even if it's as good as they think their port alliances aren't. (I couldn't resist, Subby, lol.) The PLA is full of the young and unblooded, unlike in the 60's when these two clashed. The LAC shifts, because you know, big mountain climate. While both are militarizing that border I just don't see how a full scale invasion occurs. Even the recent clash in 2020 didn't involved guns.

  2. #29902
    Join Date
    May 2014


    If I were to say Janet Yellen is not an American because she is not descended from Americans, it would widely be viewed as racist or antisemitic. So why not make it easier on myself and insist she's not an American because she doesn't hold to America's constitutional propositions? We are a "propositional nation", after all, aren't we? If we are, then she, and others like her, should be physically removed and prevented from continuing to subvert, loot, and destroy the American nation. But we all know that is not going to happen, and they are going to call you antisemitic or racist either way you go about it.

    The truth is that almost everyone in America is incoherent on national identity just to be polite. It's all just kind of embarrassing. This is one of the things I enjoyed about working with Brazilians and all manner of central/south Americans when I was younger. There is no bullshit about race with these people. They openly talk about blacks being lousy tippers, and just go on and on unabashedly listing all the problems they cause. They aren't under a lot of the spells whites are under. It's refreshing.

    The greatest of all the American myths--that every human being on the planet is equally a potential American--must indeed die for the nation to live. This specific denial of reality is the American people's greatest weakness, and it has been exploited magnificently. All the propaganda is concentrated most strongly here because equality is the cornerstone of their global world order. In the long run, they wish to eliminate race altogether. When they say whites racially organizing is the greatest threat to their power structure, they are simply stating the truth.

    They actually made whites defending themselves into a taboo. They made a race hate itself. That's how good their propaganda was back in the day. But they also devoured their own poison, and degenerated along with their host. Now, once again, they become desperate in their impotence.

    --Noem signs historic anti-semitism bill into law

    I find it interesting that two of the COVID rebels ended up going hard on curtailing freedom of speech via "antisemitism" bills. Just a coincidence, I'm sure.

  3. #29903
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    Jan 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Subby View Post
    Big Cold Mountains. No March Army Across.
    Mountains don't stop wars mate, things like weather, logistics and the other side having a bigger army. Planes and parachutes have overcome time, distance and height. Look at the war in Ukraine, small cheap drones are destroying, tanks, artillery and trains. The Russian problem is logistics and the rail network, that is why you see Ukraine targeting vital infrastructure.

    Quote Originally Posted by Subby View Post
    Why have those skirmishes never escalated?
    Because Subby the cost was not worth the trouble.

    "It was a “no-man’s land, where nothing grows and no one lives.”

    Neville Maxwell

    Watch: Beating retreat ceremony at Attari-Wagah border on I-day eve - YouTube

    I have been up near here, there is more military in the North of India due its proximity to Pakistan and that is where the real heat is. While I was on a train to Delhi it was packed with soldiers, one of them tried to rob us on the train.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jenni View Post
    It's too bad that countries like yours didn't use the past few decades since WWII to get your collective shit together and learn to do this for yourselves. If you can't defend it, it's not yours. Not really. That's our coastline.
    Yep your right, place is too big and not enough people and a long list of governments have not spent the money on defense, also the woke folk have infiltrated all government departments including the Military. Bottom line is Jenni we do not have enough as you put it "shit". Although I am familiar with "shit", I have trodden on it a number of times, dog shit to be exact, but you know what "shit" smells like? Well............. "shit".

    Quote Originally Posted by Jenni View Post
    Ivermectin is not a pleasure drug.
    That is right it is an anti parasitic drug to kill parasites, but even Dr Kory had to double the dose after he caught COVID at convention some years back.
    Why Dr. Pierre Kory Got COVID-19 Despite Taking Ivermectin! | Rojak Pot

  4. #29904
    Join Date
    May 2014


    The CDC And Your Doc Have Lied For 40+ Years

    An important article from Mr. Denninger:

    I did not know these tables and MMR report existed. I was tipped off more or less by accident and went looking for them -- they're still there. They prove that our so-called "public health" authorities didn't just lie during Covid; they've been lying about the efficacy and "protecting others" element of vaccination for the last forty years and not one thing has been done to them for those who were injured or killed as a result of said laws and false presentation of "duty to protect others" when, in fact, by the data no such protection of others occurs and no such protection was present in 1981 yet there were no wild epidemic outbreaks of measles thereby proving that all the claims of same were and remain, for the last forty years, a lie.

    The public health authorities lied to you.

    Your doctor lied to you.

    Your school board lied to you.

    And if your kid, or you, got fucked as a result of taking that shot they should all be held personally and criminally accountable for those lies. Your jabbing under deliberately false pretense was in fact a criminal assault.
    Lies are the glue that holds together the empire, and as they are exposed, it begins to crumble.

  5. #29905
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    Jan 2019
    NT, Australia


    A relatively concise summary of what happened when someone flicked a switch in late Feb 2020. February 27, 2020: The Lockdown Plan Goes Public ⋆ Brownstone Institute

    Jenni, what you said here is very true, even though it stings a little to admit - "If you can't defend it, it's not yours. Not really. That's our coastline." However, and this is admittedly a tenuous and probably pointless argument to make - just as the Himalayas provide a natural impediment to invasion, if an army was to invade Australia, it would have to travel through a vast and barren nothingness in order to get to civilisation. I'm not sure 90% of the population would notice if the top 75% of the land mass disappeared overnight and I sometimes wonder what the Japanese Zero pilots thought when they flew over the northern coastline in Feb 1942. Probably something along the lines of "what a fucking waste of time and effort this is, where the hell is everyone?".

    All moot, I know. A few warheads and this desert island can no longer accommodate US soldiers and spy stations - invasion not required.

  6. #29906
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    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Subby View Post
    Not that you will, but can you please reconcile those two, sequential sentences as they seem contradictory to me.
    Which, like your suggestion I think they sail over the mountain in boats, is because you prefer using strawman to make your point. I trust you're clever enough to have understood if you'd made an honest attempt at comprehension.

    The logic behind the lockdown was slowing or eliminating the virus. Whether it was good reasoning is another story. Once you hit the point where infection was so rampant it wasn't accomplishing either goal. It has failed in it's intended purpose.

    Australia and NZ (especially) were victims of their own success. We're isolated & not all that dense population wise. So, it worked. Well enough that we eliminated it domestically, multiple times.

    Which, of course, is where you have a hearty chuckle at the premise of eliminating something multiple times. The equivalent of saying penicillin doesn't cure syphilis. Because you went back to the same whore after the fact and caught it again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jenni View Post
    It's too bad that countries like yours didn't use the past few decades since WWII to get your collective shit together and learn to do this for yourselves. If you can't defend it, it's not yours. Not really. That's our coastline.
    Australia is in the top 10 spenders of military per capita. They're involved in your sub and jet programs. They've let you build navy and spy bases on their territory. Do their part to monitor the pacific and have sent men to die in support of every modern conflict your country has been involved in.

    Your country would have to be morally bankrupt and fucking stupid to throw away 30million allies in the pacific.

  7. #29907
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Is it possible that a backlash to this shit may be brewing? Do these people have any idea what they are creating here?
    Gold Star folk are very angry also, not for loosing a son or daughter in war, but for stupidity and culpability. Anger divides a nation quicker than a hot knife through butter.

    Could cost him the election.

  8. #29908
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by wal View Post
    That is right it is an anti parasitic drug to kill parasites, but even Dr Kory had to double the dose after he caught COVID at convention some years back.
    Why Dr. Pierre Kory Got COVID-19 Despite Taking Ivermectin! | Rojak Pot
    Yeah, he underdosed the ivermectin. I take 30-40mg a week, and have for 3 years -- not because I'm scared to get COVID, which I've probably already had, but for the prophylaxis effects on several other conditions. Because it is not merely an anti-parasitic drug. Not at all.

    One more time, wal, look up the LD50 for ivermectin, wal, and tell us how you overdose it. And if you figure out a way to overdose it, isn't that the reason it should be prescribed by a "doctor"?

    Quote Originally Posted by smokeyjones View Post
    The logic behind the lockdown was slowing or eliminating the virus. Whether it was good reasoning is another story. Once you hit the point where infection was so rampant it wasn't accomplishing either goal. It has failed in it's intended purpose.

    Australia and NZ (especially) were victims of their own success. We're isolated & not all that dense population wise. So, it worked. Well enough that we eliminated it domestically, multiple times.
    It was the flu. The fucking flu. That's all it ever was -- the flu. It killed a few people, always has and always will, and somehow civilization survived, although in a horribly altered state. It was not necessary to eliminate it, because that can't be done and it eliminating would be far more costly than just taking some vitamins and ivermectin and going on with your day. But the cost, in this case (and probably many others) was the point. A lot of people made a lot of money because they convinced you that the fucking flu had to be eliminated when we've lived with it since the Dawn of Time.

    We shut down the economy of the world because of the flu. Small businesses everywhere are still closed because of the flu. We developed vaccines that killed a whole lot of people because of the flu, and sold them for more money than has ever before been spent on a consumer product. We failed an important test, and people continue to believe something good happened, even though they should know better. Believing the lie makes them feel better, I suppose.

  9. #29909
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    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    It was the flu. The fucking flu. That's all it ever was -- the flu. It killed a few people, always has and always will, and somehow civilization survived, although in a horribly altered state. It was not necessary to eliminate it, because that can't be done and it eliminating would be far more costly than just taking some vitamins and ivermectin and going on with your day. But the cost, in this case (and probably many others) was the point. A lot of people made a lot of money because they convinced you that the fucking flu had to be eliminated when we've lived with it since the Dawn of Time.

    We shut down the economy of the world because of the flu. Small businesses everywhere are still closed because of the flu. We developed vaccines that killed a whole lot of people because of the flu, and sold them for more money than has ever before been spent on a consumer product. We failed an important test, and people continue to believe something good happened, even though they should know better. Believing the lie makes them feel better, I suppose.
    I'm not disagreeing with that. Saving grandma and not going to work was attractive to alot of people.

    I find it nauseating that my country has one of the worst housing crises in the world. As well as cost of living, crime, roading, water infra, education, Healthcare and looming energy issues to worry about and apparently no resources to fix them. Yet, we could spawn billions out our ass to pay people to stay at home and give billions to a pharmaceutical company with a known history of being unethical.

  10. #29910
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    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    If I were to say Janet Yellen is not an American because she is not descended from Americans, it would widely be viewed as racist or antisemitic. So why not make it easier on myself and insist she's not an American because she doesn't hold to America's constitutional propositions? We are a "propositional nation", after all, aren't we? If we are, then she, and others like her, should be physically removed and prevented from continuing to subvert, loot, and destroy the American nation. But we all know that is not going to happen, and they are going to call you antisemitic or racist either way you go about it.

    The truth is that almost everyone in America is incoherent on national identity just to be polite. It's all just kind of embarrassing. This is one of the things I enjoyed about working with Brazilians and all manner of central/south Americans when I was younger. There is no bullshit about race with these people. They openly talk about blacks being lousy tippers, and just go on and on unabashedly listing all the problems they cause. They aren't under a lot of the spells whites are under. It's refreshing.

    The greatest of all the American myths--that every human being on the planet is equally a potential American--must indeed die for the nation to live. This specific denial of reality is the American people's greatest weakness, and it has been exploited magnificently. All the propaganda is concentrated most strongly here because equality is the cornerstone of their global world order. In the long run, they wish to eliminate race altogether. When they say whites racially organizing is the greatest threat to their power structure, they are simply stating the truth.

    They actually made whites defending themselves into a taboo. They made a race hate itself. That's how good their propaganda was back in the day. But they also devoured their own poison, and degenerated along with their host. Now, once again, they become desperate in their impotence.

    --Noem signs historic anti-semitism bill into law

    I find it interesting that two of the COVID rebels ended up going hard on curtailing freedom of speech via "antisemitism" bills. Just a coincidence, I'm sure.
    I’m on the waiting list to be seen by the Italian consulate in order to be recognized as an Italian citizen. Italy recognizes the transmission of citizenship by blood. I’m not applying for citizenship; because my grandmother did not naturalize as an American before a certain date, her Italian citizenship was transmitted to my mother and she passed it to me. I am simply proving my genealogy and asking Rome to recognize it.

    Frankly, it’s amazing they still let them do that. Because there’s no ethnicity “American,” this very concept is preposterous to most Americans.

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