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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #29931
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    Why don't the Haitians just go into the Dominican Republic instead using the boats? It's right there.

  2. #29932
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by wal View Post
    No I get your point. You said you take 30 to 40 mg of Ivermectin per week, about 6mg per day, do you mean "m" for milligrams or micrograms which is usually designated as "u"? As "m" generally means milligrams i.e. in the "1000's". So 6mg per day if you mean milligrams is about 6000 ug, that is sort of a lot is it not?

    I have been taking or I should say eating a yeast extract since I was a boy, it is made from the dregs of beer manufacture, " Vegemite" very high in the Vitamin B group also good for the gut and fighting viruses. If you like I could send you some. If not Walmart might have it.
    The numbers below assume that IVM is metabolized in one day, which may not be accurate. I couldn't find any specific info on metabolism duration in a quick search.

    Non-Covid antiparasite dosage is generally one-time at 0.2mg per kg of bodyweight: Ivermectin Dosage Guide + Max Dose, Adjustments -

    Seems that the current covid treatment dose ranges from 0.4 to 0.6 mg per kg.

    35mg per week for a 100kg human is 0.05 mg/kg bodyweight per day, or 1/4 the normal parasite treatment dose, and 1/8 or less of the acute covid treatment dose.

    Alarmist Covidiot articles are generally quiet on what is the toxicity level. Example: Poison Control Centers Are Fielding A Surge Of Ivermectin Overdose Calls : Coronavirus Updates : NPR

    Various googlings hint toward LD50 toxicity ranging from 2 to 100 mg/kg of bodyweight, with an average being 25mg/kg or so. Example source: The multitargeted drug ivermectin: from an antiparasitic agent to a repositioned cancer drug - PMC

    At 35mg IVM per week, with daily dose of 0.05 mg/kg bodyweight, he's operating at 1/500 of the LD50 dose. For conversation, LD50 for ibuprofen is 636 mg/kg bodyweight...8 Advils per day for a 100kg human yields 1.6 grams of ibuprofen...about 1/400 of the LD50 dose.

    Horse paste tubes dosage?
    6.08 grams of paste per tube
    1.87% ivermectin content = 0.114g per tube
    Dosage target per tube is qty (1) 1250lb (567kg) animal. Dosage is therefore 114mg per tube / 567kg = 0.201 mg/kg. Appears to be some intent involved here.
    Number of tubes required to achieve LD50 for a 100kg human: 22

    Horse paste tubes have bodyweight graduations on the plunger, with a plunger stop. For a 100kg human, threat that sucker to 250lb increments and call it an afternoon. Double or triple that if treating Covid.

    IVM pills are 3mg increments, so it may be possible to dose more precisely, easier, with the horse paste. Depends on your skill with the plunger dial or scale usage.

    I can maybe? see overdose problems for an innumerate person guzzling injectable or sheep drench. But it would take a good amount of willpower to put away 10 or more tubes of greasy paste, costing $4 each or more. I call BS on the NPR article linked above.

  3. #29933
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    Quote Originally Posted by Subby View Post
    My original point was that China and India can't fight a major war, let alone invade each other because they have the Himalayas between them and mountains prevent wars between neighbours.
    I guess that is a no on the T shirt then.

  4. #29934
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Why don't the Haitians just go into the Dominican Republic instead using the boats? It's right there.
    Because Dominicans are sane enough not to take them.

  5. #29935
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Harvard doctor says animal products are essential for mental health - in blow to veganism: 'The brain needs meat'

    Some counter-narrative sanity for a change. Not that it will matter much, though, since the wholesomeness of meat is almost certainly why the Clown World elite want to discourage us from eating it.

  6. #29936
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    Jul 2019


    From the Jerusalem Post article dated 3 weeks ago:

    ...[anti-semitism] should be universally criminalized, and its perpetrators tried and punished.
    States would be required to criminalize antisemitism in their own domestic legislation and to cooperate and exchange information on perpetrators and on actions taken to prosecute or extradite them.
    Reports are coming out the effort to abolish freedom of speech in America through the restriction of social media platforms is the result a israeli lobbying efforts:
    The Israeli Lobby''s Motive Promoting The TikTok Ban | ZeroHedge

    Excellent reporting by Whitney Webb:
    The first VC investment Steve Mnuchin made after leaving Treasury was an Israeli intel front called Cybereason that simulated cyberattacks canceling the US election/ declaration of martial law w DHS during the Trump admin. Mnuchin's now on its board

    I get it.
    israel does not share the same values as the United States; that is fine.
    However, when israel decides to unilaterally impose their alien values on Americans, that is a direct attack on the sovereignty of our nation.

    We don't care if israel has free speech or not, but israel does not get to decide if America has freedom of speech!

  7. #29937
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vek View Post
    35mg per week for a 100kg human is 0.05 mg/kg bodyweight per day, or 1/4 the normal parasite treatment dose, and 1/8 or less of the acute covid treatment dose.

    At 35mg IVM per week, with daily dose of 0.05 mg/kg bodyweight, he's operating at 1/500 of the LD50 dose. For conversation, LD50 for ibuprofen is 636 mg/kg bodyweight...8 Advils per day for a 100kg human yields 1.6 grams of ibuprofen...about 1/400 of the LD50 dose.
    So basically what you are saying is you can spread IVM paste on your sandwiches and you would still be under dosage required for a parasite infection?

    What are the effects on the liver and kidneys over time?

  8. #29938
    Join Date
    Jan 2023


    1. Who cares if they call the Jews God's chosen people, it's literally what is says in the old testament. Maybe don't base your religion on Judaism if you don't want to hear quotes from the old testament. It's the same as Muslims calling Jews "the people of the book", it's not a compliment.
    2. Are you denying that there's crazy antisemitism going on right now, influenced by Qatar and China and Russia among others? Why do you only care about Israel's influence and not Qatar's?
    3. Why should an American Jew speak against an antisemitism law when they are the ones suffering antisemitism right now? Jews living in Israel don't have to endure psycho pro-Palestinian protests and getting beaten up on university campuses, lol.
    4. Also didn't it used to be "Jewish influence"? Now it's "Israel's influence"? Nice.

  9. #29939
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jenni View Post
    You know, if I was being attacked and my neighbor came to help me, I'd be damn glad for the assistance. But I wouldn't expect my neighbor to spend their entire lifetime helping protect me rather than me rectifying the issue on my end.
    Correct up to a point.
    To keep the metaphor, what if the neighbour actually doesn't want to leave, and demands control over your social life (i.e. foreign policy)? What if he is strong and aggressive enough to dictate the way you run your house, and what if it punishes any deviation from his wishes by bringing confusion and violence to your house?

    European nations have certainly displayed complacency and passivity, but these attitudes are also (not exclusively) the result of a US foreign policy that actively kept them in that state, and punished very severely any attempt to gain a modicum of independence and autonomy. Just think about the fate of both Enrico Mattei and Aldo Moro, for example (one could also refer to Germany and the bombing of NS2, I think).


  10. #29940
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    starting strength coach development program
    It'd be interesting to know what amount of corruption we see is novel vs what amount of being able to find it is novel.

    I definitely lean towards there being nothing new in the corruption except the advances in technology that extend both the reach of their corruption and our ability to find out about it.

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