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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #30001
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    Just to save you the trouble of looking it up, yes the owners of the ship that destroyed the Baltimore Bridge were full tilt on diversity and inclusivity to get more Women on board ships.

    I wonder if the bridge will ever be rebuilt?

  2. #30002
    Join Date
    Jan 2023


    one more:

    you are not a horse, you are not a cow - by el gato malo

    if you want change, there need to be consequences.

    if you want change, we need to name names and call people out. this was not an accident, it was a plan, a playbook.

    i'd really love to find out: who concocted and crafted this message?

    who green lit putting it out?

    seems like something the public should know and probably someone who really ought not be working at FDA anymore.
    None of what hes says is wrong, we need indictments or this shit will happen again.

  3. #30003
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    The movie is SHIT, perhaps one of the worst I've ever seen. Read the book.
    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    It wasn't just bad, it was openly mocking the source material. Almost immediately, I could smell that unmistakable contempt for everything "fascist". We should ask Mel Gibson to do it right.
    The movie was so terrible it was fantastic. The book stands up as excellent in its own right.

    I have no idea what you're talking about, AC. It was as cheesy and campy as every other 90s film.

    In other news, something that matters more than we probably realize yet:

  4. #30004
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    North Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by Jovan Dragisic View Post
    I was calling the Moscow attack fiction. People have already pointed out a whole lot of irregularities. As far as other attacks like these go, I think most of them are theater as well, but this doesn't hold too much interest for me.
    You don't think it actually happened?

    Quote Originally Posted by Subby View Post
    I wonder if the bridge will ever be rebuilt?
    Hopefully mindful of DEI this time. These people do such a fabulous job that I don't know why any of the rest of us have to work.

    Attention Required! | Cloudflare

    This is comforting:
    FBI Baltimore Special Agent in Charge William J. DelBagno has deployed to the unified command post.
    He has deployed. The Command post is Unified.

  5. #30005
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    You don't think it actually happened?
    I do not.

  6. #30006
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    North Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by Jovan Dragisic View Post
    I do not.
    As in, nobody is dead? Interesting. Laureys? You have an opinion?

  7. #30007
    Join Date
    Mar 2018


    This seems appropriate; although referenced in previous posts, it bears repeating:

    Yuri Bezmenov: Psychological Warfare Subversion & Control of Western Society (Complete) - YouTube

  8. #30008
    Join Date
    Jun 2021


    So from my quick research:

    It appears that Baltimore might be fucked. Baltimore exists due to it's ports due to it's location. What else does Baltimore do if not as a place to unload/load goods. I've seen 2 years as a time frame for rebuilding the bridge which is laughable considering it took 5 to build it originally. I'm not sure that America has the ability to rebuild it anymore either.

    Unless someone has any special knowledge around maritime infrastructure in the American north east, it appears that everyone will use other Ports for the next decade, meaning reopening the ports in Baltimore becomes a risks proposition as the customers coming back is an unknown proposition. I can't imagine cargo ships will be in a hurry to navigate the harbour untill it's confirmed same and clear of debris. But even if the ports are only closed for a month, that's a heck of a lot of disruption to the entire East Coast.

  9. #30009
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    Feb 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    As in, nobody is dead?
    Yeah, no dead people, like no dead Ashli Babbit.

  10. #30010
    Join Date
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    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    You don't think it actually happened?
    Quote Originally Posted by Jovan Dragisic View Post
    I do not.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    As in, nobody is dead? Interesting. Laureys? You have an opinion?
    My guess is Jovan means 'it' as in an actual terrorist attack. My daughter & wife go to Crocus City Hall often for athletic ballet dance competitions, thankfully they were not there on the 22nd but her coach was. My wife texted him the next morning and he just responded that it was an "awful nightmare." We haven't asked him to elaborate yet because we don't want to risk our daughter overhearing these gory details but news reports say there was in fact a dance competition going on that night, with only about 50 participants, so I doubt the dance coach is lying.

    I don't think Jovan thinks the KILLING (the event) didn't happen; he just thinks it wasn't a terrorist attack - he can correct me if I'm wrong.
    If it wasn't a terrorist attack I would love others to chime in here, not about whether false flag attacks exist, but about, if even only a few such attacks have existed, what it means for us as Independent Men (Autonomously Tribal Patriots) playing along by the rules, allowing our rulers to maintain their power: if our 'betters' will mercilessly kill innocents to keep their stranglehold on society, at what point does playing along peacefully become battered wife syndrome?

    Now I'll post a bunch of links I looked at the first two days after the attack; the killings did happen. These are all in Russian but if Google can't handle them Yandex has a pretty adept website and video translator service. - based terrorist-beater does actually exist, he says he saw the look of absolute terror in his wife's eyes as they exited, saw the terrorist pause to reload, and in a split-second he had to decide what to do. His brother is the one trained in fighting, based beater has no formal training but was just reacting instinctually to protect his wife; says he grabbed the rifle with his left hand and pulled down, delivered a few blows with his right hand, then another man came up to help with the beating. Commenters who claim this is an FSB false flag question where the terrorist's rifle is/was and how/why Based Beatdown Man did not t ake the weapon with him.

    <<Я вырубил террориста>>. Найден герой, спасший сотню жизней в <<Крокусе>> | Аргументы и Факты This link popped up for me too but I didn't read it; scrolling through it looks like it has a video of the interview with Based Beatdown Dude (you only see his back as it says in the photo caption in the previous article that he wanted to remain anonymous and only agreed to be filmed from behind)

    , , . 1 - YouTube - this video is an interview of the 15yo Wardrobe Worker Samaritan Kyrgyz who escorted dozens out of the theater area using a key only he and a few others had to an little-known exit, says he stuck around til the final person exited saw a dead man himself (or saw the man getting killed from one floor above him, behind an escalator? - I mixed up this part; my Russian language skills are based but not perfect); he says better to save many lives if you have the chance, even at the cost of your own single life. Now a politician transferred him a bunch of money and after someone found him through Telegram a bunch of anonymous people are transferring him money as thanks.

    Силовик объяснил, зачем террористу из <<Крокуса>> отрезали кончик уха This article explains why a piece of one terrorist's ear was cut off: it aids in getting info out of the suspect quick, when there may still be other terrorists from the same cell out there carrying out attacks, and it helps do this not just because of the pain but because Muslims, literally interpreting part of the Koran, fear they will not reach heaven with part of their ear missing. The article also says the Brits disclosed that we (America & the Allies) analogously coated our bullets with pig fat, openly disclosing this throughout the villages, to put anxiety in the enemy's mind that he won't reach heaven after having been in contact with swine (the article even says our SEAL shot Bin Laden with pigfat-laden lead).

    (BTW this video today from the Duran had the British dude Alexander saying that the emergence of a first-person video of the killings convinced him that it's likely that ISIS was, in fact, involved: Crocus City Hall, ISIS-K, and Russian retribution - YouTube I searched for this video in Russian and a Vkontakte (Russian FaceBook) link popped up with a video with the beheading of a dead victim edited out, the comments said the full video exists on Telegram and you can indeed find it there but I did not watch either as I think it will not be good for my psyche to watch all that senseless gore!)

    Don't know how much oF this was reported in the Western MSM so hopefully sharing the links here will be useful and interesting for some.

    And I typed up so damn much that I hope you all can at least briefly share what you think about whether these false flags are widespread amongst governments (and more/less prolific in certain counties) and how it should/does change our perspective on things, and the changes we should make, if they do in fact exist in large numbers!

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