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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #30091
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    Quote Originally Posted by David A. Rowe View Post
    Matt, what are your solutions? I've heard nothing but the same flatly disappointing rhetoric and absurdly useless vitriol from you for the entirety of this thread.

    I will never understand how people pick one government, ethnic group or any other coalesced power base in the world and say how much more terrible they are than another. Any objective reading of history will find each and every one guilty of some atrocity at some point.
    Ban any individual who has dual-citizenship, or who can attain it by birth-right, from holding a position of power at the state or federal level.

    If my message is boring and repetitive it's because the problem is equally tedious and tiresome.

    I will never understand how any patriotic American, who encompasses the values which America purports to stand for (justice, equity, fairness) can also support the actions of Israel.

  2. #30092
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Jackson View Post
    The thread took a weirdly therapeutic, hand-clasping turn but the real reason Dave was disturbed was my implication of having a problem with Western countries' foreign policy towards Israel.

    I mean the entirety of this thread, from day one, is just a bunch of people pissing and moaning about stuff at the governmental level - which we'd like to change, but we feel impotent about.

    It's specifically my implication of "ze Jews", as he puts it, which triggered Mr. Rowe. Because Holocaust.
    Quote Originally Posted by David A. Rowe View Post
    I will never understand how people pick one government, ethnic group or any other coalesced power base in the world and say how much more terrible they are than another. Any objective reading of history will find each and every one guilty of some atrocity at some point.

    I don't see the need to get into a pissing and moaning contest about which was worse, or why I should hate them more than anyone else.
    David this is baloney and as a policeman you probably were taught it through experience - the district you answer for is too big for you to police everyone, so you use profiling to help you efficiently expend your time to protect people from baddies.
    Similarly our world is too big to offer equal objectivity to everyone we encounter - stereotypes or painting broad-brushed pictures of 'governments, ethnic groups, or other coalesced powers' allow us to survive and thrive. Sorry, it may not be equitable, but that's just how the world is, and as Rip put it many times, fairness is a child's value.

    So the jEwIsH issue has ruffled a bunch of feathers for the past few weeks (way more than only David's so kudos to you David for standing up to defend your position, and not just reflexively allude to antisemitism) and I'm surprised no one mentioned the obvious metaphors in our culture that make THIS hot take baloney, too:
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Matt, does this have anything to do with the Jews? 12ft
    "Not every young black male is committing criminal acts but a statistically huge portion of all crime is being committed by A young black male." In today's society you can see variations of this sentiment expressed quite frequently. Phrases like this were entirely off-limits for decades and while pushing the correlation too far can still get you Cancelled today, the stating of the obvious has over the past decade become more widely accepted (Didn't Dilbert guy post something like this last year? Whereas not even the knock-out game permitted people to state the obvious correlations 15 years ago).

    What changed to allow for this massive shift in our society? Was it various loudmouths breaking with social norms and saying the unspeakable so many times; people like Trump and popular black or hispanic celebrities?

    Why hasn't the same shift occurred in society regarding Jewish people? Is religion more of a protected class than race? Are the Jew-ffended Americans on here claiming that the strong correlations don't exist? Are the Jew-ffended weary of too much stereotyping and broad-brushing occurring, should they admit the obvious? Are many different MSM and other powers aligned strongly to make sure Cancel Culture stops Americans from finally accepting correlations about Jews, similar to how society (recently) finally accepted the correlations about young black urban males (this seems to be anticausal's take but I think the former are more likely; we are frogs slow-boiling ourselves by being too Jew-ffended to recognize the correlations in our society)?

    For those who think that admitting to the correlations will result in broad-brush stereotyping, just stop. Everyone on this board knows they're reasoned enough to accept the correlation about violence and young black urban males, yet simultaneously not hide from interaction with every single urban black male out there. Similarly only a very small minority in our country will castigate every single Jew out there if these correlations become socially acceptable to discuss and address - we're not children and we have the ability to critically think.

    Now if you want a counter-example that fits anti's reasoning about the MSM and collaboration with TPTB to force a narrative - look no further than the stigmas created against Russians from the Cold War until now, and which still continue. And the drunken, communist, America-hating gangster Russian caricature that has been successfully spread throughout our society kind of supports the view of the Jew-ffended that recognition of correlations will lead to widespread castigation and alienation. But I would still wager that only a minority (but a large one!) buys into this thinking on the Russkies - look how many thought critically and realized what was really going on in the current Ukraine conflict!

    For the record I could really care less about the Jewish correlations, since we are slow-boiling ourselves by being offended about it all and pussyfooting around the topic. But the similarities to the unspeakable young black urban male taboos from the nineties - 2010's stood out to me as being so illogical to ignore that my critically-thinking mind could not shut up (Sorry, Jovan).

    Quote Originally Posted by Jenni View Post
    This reflects a Buddhist-like lack of ego and ambition that I admire but can't claim. I don't talk much about religion because it seems to bring out the worst in people but I'm not Christian. My faith is centered in myself and my gods are there to witness and hopefully take pride in my accomplishments. (Though, I suspect they also have a wicked sense of humor.) I seek to make myself and my ancestors proud of who I am and if I've come close to that I sleep well. I don't hold a faith that just sits in my heart and whispers that it's all going to be ok. Sometimes I envy that in the Christians and Muslims. Buddhists too. I can visit that peace. Especially in nature. But I can't hold it. I see the bad and I want to burn it out. I walk down the street safely so I want others to be able to. I am strong so I show the weights to others. I have choices I want others to have. I want choices taken from us given back even and especially if others will choose different than I. Desire, anger, don't go well with faith, it seems.
    jenni thanks for this comment and for your family's service and your strong desires to serve as well! Thanks for bringing up religion even though you beat me to the punch.
    We can all begin comprehending how critically-thinking Americans can channel this anger that David identified by thinking of the Hindu concepts of the Triguna system of the mind - Radjas (stimulation, movement), Sattva (harmony, lightness and clarity in thinking), and Tamas (heaviness and ignorance).
    The idea of being detached from results is that you outwardly exhibit as much Radjas as possible in pursuit of your goals, yet simultaneously Sattvically accept in your mind and soul that you are prepared for any possible outcome. I really like this Hindu approach because it flips that "it's all in your hands, God" position of most Christians on its head - YES I accept spiritually and mentally that any outcome is possible (since it's all in Your hands, God), but I will simultaneously (since I was born in this physical body in this physical world!) exhibit as must radjasic energy as possible in pursuit of those goals!
    So, David, IMHO this missing link between needing that angry energy but not letting it turn into uncontrolled, unproductive rage (or, even worse, passive & ignorant Tamasic energy!) is that you use the anger to motivate yourself to know whom and what to act upon, while accepting that the desired results of your actions are in no way guaranteed.

    One more thing I've been itching to put out there is how interesting it is that the board has come to a consensus that the Trans in Women's Sports issue will only get resolved when women start to take action, yet many here propose that withdrawal and focus on the self will magically resolve the myriad social issues that we discuss. If it won't get better til the female athletes act (& by acting they probably have a lot to potentially lose, too!), then why will our lack of direct action magically make things better for us and our descendants?

  3. #30093
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buddy Rich View Post
    Anthony Colpo is an incessant writer, seemingly compelled to pen his thoughts around the clock. Witness his latest article:

    So Who is Robert Malone, Really? Part 1
    Quote Originally Posted by Jenni View Post
    I disagree. I don't think we're impotent at all. I think that's the problem. This forum is full of people with character and the inner strength to do the hard things and we struggle with where and when to apply that strength. Whatever you want to label it- revolution, insurrection, etc. is serious business. People get hurt, people die, things get nasty. No one who is truly capable and understands that wants to go there without just cause. We outnumber and outgun the other side and we know what that looks like and I think we're all searching for a way to keep this peaceful. That's where there's impotency, if at all. We seem unable to convince the other side that there is actually a line that if they cross it that changes. The problem is that while none of us want to see our children deal with civil conflict, keeping the peace seems to be costing them in a deeper, more meaningful way. We're allowing whole generations to be shaped by political greed and corruption. The ethics of fighting vs not fighting are becoming a Gordian knot. They forced the shots and we didn't take up arms and we have young folk dying. I honestly can't tell which sin was the bigger.

    I suspect that's the secret conversation going on in a lot of hearts right now and why you see some things happening in the media (like reports of a Trump win to come). More and more are coming to see that not fighting is the bigger sin and there's struggle with that. Struggle from the top to come up with something to keep us in line (H5N1 anyone?) and struggle from the bottom to not say the C word (civil war.) Those struggles wouldn't exist if we were truly impotent. You can roughly measure how powerful we are by what the top does to try to keep us in line. These efforts have been psychological and with the help of government bureaucracies whose agents are mostly nameless and faceless in an effort to not draw attention to easy targets. If they thought we were impotent jack booted thugs would have delivered your vaccine door to door during their precious lockdown. But they aren't impotent either and underneath the photoshopped Joe Rogan pictures and accusations of horsey paste consumption are people who consider you a resource. Like cattle. To be tagged and fed and drugged as appropriate to their will, their use. Unless everyone likes the sound of that this cold war is going to go hot at some point. So if you truly think we're impotent I'd suggest the best use of brain power is to help us get potent real fast.
    Good post.

  4. #30094
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    Mike Johnson has betrayed his voters, he has betrayed his country and he has brought shame on his family:

    Johnson, Noem, Desantis; these people need to be held accountable.
    They are more dangerous to us than the people who openly tell us they are our enemies.

  5. #30095
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jenni View Post
    Well, yeah! I want power over my life but not everyone else's. To me the problem is we have way too many people with no character and no inner strength. Someone in power with character and inner strength feels no threat and therefore no need to control others. What I feel is sad is to learn that that lack of character and inner strength is so pervasive. That weakness is like a cancer and it's metastasized into everything. I'm sad to find that out about my people, my country.
    This seems very similar to the argument for "magic soil" immigration. What you're describing is tolerance. If it's a cancer and metastasizes into everything, why don't you feel the need to control it? because it feels the need to control you. A sick wild animal needs to be kept away from your herd.

    I come from a war fighter background. Multiple branches of military service, husband a sniper, a cousin who was commander of the 10th Air Force, etc., etc. I had already taken the ASVAB before they found out about my asthma. (I was crushed but found other ways to help.) As goofy as it may sound to some, these ideas of freedom, holding the line for the safety of others, etc. are part of me and it is a deeply changing paradigm shift to undergo these realizations. The received information is sad. But I also recognize that never in my life has wisdom come alone. It always travels with sadness and maturity and sometimes loss. I don't break though so this too, I will turn into growth.

    PS I greatly enjoyed the Laughter of Wolves.
    How would you win a conflict of any size without controlling or attacking the enemy in anyway? on defense alone?

    I find it an odd contrast that you'd try to join the military, the purpose of the military being bending other countries to your countries will in order to pursue the national interest. But don't transfer and apply that thinking to your personal life. If I were being hostile I'd call that "Boomer Thinking" that is the inability to transfer knowledge from one domain to another domain and update a strategy that's no longer effective.

  6. #30096
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nicholas Laureys View Post
    One more thing I've been itching to put out there is how interesting it is that the board has come to a consensus that the Trans in Women's Sports issue will only get resolved when women start to take action, yet many here propose that withdrawal and focus on the self will magically resolve the myriad social issues that we discuss. If it won't get better til the female athletes act (& by acting they probably have a lot to potentially lose, too!), then why will our lack of direct action magically make things better for us and our descendants?
    That's really good, Laureys.

  7. #30097
    Join Date
    Jan 2023


    Quote Originally Posted by Jenni View Post

    I disagree. I don't think we're impotent at all. I think that's the problem. This forum is full of people with character and the inner strength to do the hard things and we struggle with where and when to apply that strength. Whatever you want to label it- revolution, insurrection, etc. is serious business. People get hurt, people die, things get nasty. No one who is truly capable and understands that wants to go there without just cause. We outnumber and outgun the other side and we know what that looks like and I think we're all searching for a way to keep this peaceful. That's where there's impotency, if at all. We seem unable to convince the other side that there is actually a line that if they cross it that changes. The problem is that while none of us want to see our children deal with civil conflict, keeping the peace seems to be costing them in a deeper, more meaningful way. We're allowing whole generations to be shaped by political greed and corruption. The ethics of fighting vs not fighting are becoming a Gordian knot. They forced the shots and we didn't take up arms and we have young folk dying. I honestly can't tell which sin was the bigger.

    *snip*.... If they thought we were impotent jack booted thugs would have delivered your vaccine door to door during their precious lockdown. But they aren't impotent either and underneath the photoshopped Joe Rogan pictures and accusations of horsey paste consumption are people who consider you a resource. Like cattle. To be tagged and fed and drugged as appropriate to their will, their use. Unless everyone likes the sound of that this cold war is going to go hot at some point. So if you truly think we're impotent I'd suggest the best use of brain power is to help us get potent real fast.
    Bravo, well stated.

    I would add that this line or lines they would cross would need a critical mass of people saying "no." I don't know what that number is, but if the Supremes would have let the government covid vax mandate stand I reckon we would have been real close to it.

    i think one of those lines (pending any future reversal or come to senses in policy) in 10 years when energy is 10x what it is now, one can't buy a gas vehicle, and the electric option is 2x your annual salary a LOT of people will be waking up to say enough of this anti humanist silly shit.

  8. #30098
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    Apologies if this has been posted before (just a few days old, but that's like weeks now-a-days). If so I haven't seen it in the last couple of pages of this thread.

    Starting to see a lot of info around food supply. The avian -> bovine -> feline -> human flu/election variant has been in the news a lot lately and of course all of the processing plants burning down over the last year or two.

    We've heard for months "they" are going to start pushing mRNA for livestock also. I have not done any due-diligence on this info other than to say it's not a surprise based on everything else that I've seen over the last few months.

    Just more info to ponder:

  9. #30099
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    Quote Originally Posted by David A. Rowe View Post
    I will never understand how people pick one government, ethnic group or any other coalesced power base in the world and say how much more terrible they are than another. Any objective reading of history will find each and every one guilty of some atrocity at some point.

    I don't see the need to get into a pissing and moaning contest about which was worse, or why I should hate them more than anyone else.
    You don't understand "it" because the "it" you don't understand is nothing but a caricature. It is a caricature that is constantly pushed because it very effectively hides looking at the reality of the situation. "They just don't like the Jews because they hate the 'other', and all their arguments flow from that hatred!" This is pure fucking horseshit. How would this explain my youthful philosemitism for example? I got a late start (it's a long story, but I dropped out of high school sophomore year), and I did not have a successful career until my late twenties. I was working a fast food job in my early twenties, and I didn't have a single negative thought about the Jews. Literally not one. I grew up in a "They are God's chosen people!" home and church. I was an antiracist conservative, with some concern about rampant illegal immigration (I wanted them to come legally!), but nothing more. Shouldn't it be the other way around? Shouldn't I have been bitter at the Jews in my early failure, and forgotten all about them when I became successful? That is certainly the common trope. I feel like a fag getting personal like this, but people just don't fucking listen, and they assume whatever boilerplate reason Hollywood and the media injected into their brains as the explanation for those evil "antisemites". It's all just a bunch of fucking horseshit.

    The process probably started for me when I became a libertarian anarcho capitalist in my late twenties, but the reason I am "counter-semitic" now is quite frankly because of Trump and Twitter. Before Trump I was just nerding out on abstract mathematics (rigorous logical proof makes me feel all warm and fuzzy), engineering projects, reading libertarians like Rothbard (which only bolstered my philosemitism), and playing video games. I was in blissful ignorance. Spending my time like that is a hell of a lot more fun than trying to convince people that they have been brainwashed, and that most of what they believe is objectively, provably, nothing but a garbage dump of lies. It's also way harder than getting a full ride at an ivy-league adjacent university as a high school dropout, but I did that too, so maybe I just get off on thinking I can accomplish stupidly difficult shit.

    So back to Twitter. It's not that Twitter hypnotized me with a spinning swastika while feeding me "misinformation", or whatever dumb shit the media would have you believe. It's that I'd see people post stuff I just assumed were lies, and I'd think "Is that really fucking true?" So I'd dig deeper, and to an absolutely astonishing degree, many of the things I thought were "antisemitic tropes" and the schizophrenic ramblings of deranged neonazis, were indeed based in reality. Often they were not even disputed, but nonetheless deemphasized and hidden from the public. (My post on the obviously absurd "six million" number is a good example)

    My knack for pattern recognition also helped me see that a lot of the "far right hate accounts" were actually the opposite. They were obviously well-poisoning double agents. I have no doubt that Hasbara is very active on this front, for example. (I've been told that since Gab banned Israeli IPs, that kind of traffic has subsided considerably) Just like I now realize all those "neonazis" and "klan members" put on display on shows like Jerry Springer back in the 90s were almost certainly more often actors and feds, or some variation thereof.

    You speak of us seeing the Jews as being uniquely evil, but that is also misleading. Jews are just as morally bankrupt as any other group of humans. What is unique is their position, as nomads, in relation to their European cultural adversaries. They have developed many strategies over many hundreds of years to survive and thrive among foreign peoples, and many of these strategies are demonstrably detrimental to their host nations. This results in a cycle of opinion on the Jews that seems to repeat every few generations. I've written a lot about this in this thread, so I won't rehash it here. But acting like any group of people can just mix with any other is a big fucking lie. People are different, and they should be allowed to nurture their own cultural expression without foreign interference. One of the greatest accomplishments of the Jews post WWII is convincing everyone that we are not, in fact, different at all--our greatest, and most devastating 2+2=5. And I should also award points for style that in spite of the egalitarian claims, they simultaneously succeeded in propagating tropes of Jewish superiority in the masses. People have no qualms about saying Jews have the highest IQ in the world (even though this is not true), while you'd likely be socially shunned for saying that whites have a higher average IQ than blacks or mestizos! And don't get me started on the Jew worship among post-WWII American evangelicals. I'll definitely need to write more on that at some point.

    Since the Jewish culture has honed its knack for this kind of manipulation over centuries, they are very good at it. I mean, by the early 2000s, pretty much all whites had been conditioned to believe their own nepotism would be the greatest evil, while applauding it in Jews. Meanwhile, Jews at NGOs and institutions like the SPLC have notes on their wall keeping score on European replacement. It's just so fucking wild to me how we all just bend over and take this shit. We'll snap out of it eventually, but the more time that passes, the worse the counter-reaction is going to be.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nicholas Laureys View Post
    Why hasn't the same shift occurred in society regarding Jewish people? Is religion more of a protected class than race? Are the Jew-ffended Americans on here claiming that the strong correlations don't exist? Are the Jew-ffended weary of too much stereotyping and broad-brushing occurring, should they admit the obvious? Are many different MSM and other powers aligned strongly to make sure Cancel Culture stops Americans from finally accepting correlations about Jews, similar to how society (recently) finally accepted the correlations about young black urban males (this seems to be anticausal's take but I think the former are more likely; we are frogs slow-boiling ourselves by being too Jew-ffended to recognize the correlations in our society)?
    I'm not sure society has accepted the reality about blacks as much as you suggest, but it's definitely a less risky subject to talk about among conservative white Americans. I think this is simply because the antisemitism stigma is the last redoubt of the globalists. Giving up ground on the blacks is manageable, but allowing open discussion of Jewish influence would almost certainly deal a death blow to the post-WWII globalism project.

    Good post, btw. I've never seen the term "Jew-ffended" before. I am amused.

  10. #30100
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    Jenni, you're right to be perturbed. America is an experiment. At its root, it was started by some rebellious, intelligent but religiously maladjusted English.

    This IS the end of point of the Liberal experiment. This is it. Depressingly. There will be no "c word". The US government will shoot a TOW at your house.

    The original founders were high-IQ sexist, racists who benefitted from living in a time when this was the norm. The high-IQ racist was the standard type of person who was a politician for the first couple hundred years of American society. This is why America was great. It was, like Australia, a nation founded by White people for White people. Since the end of WWII, this has not been the case.

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