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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #30181
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    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    Rand Paul:

    Was there ever really a difference with any of them?

    Only tangentially related, but this brings to mind something that Trump could have done to damage the uniparty, but never did: bully the absolute shit out of congress over "omnibus" packages. I remember that first one he signed in 2017, he looked so distressed and promised it was "only this time" because he previously insisted he wasn't going to sign it. Of course, he kept signing them anyway.

    The omnibus is one of the most openly egregious things congress does. It's like a kid trying to attach toys and allowance money to his food and shelter expenses, and then insisting that if he doesn't get the former, you are starving him to death. No one in their right mind thinks these bills make sense. The establishment is very rhetorically vulnerable here, making it a perfect place to attack. Either he and his staff were too dull to spot this vulnerability, or they had other reasons to leave it alone.


    Simplicius' sitrep on the Iranian strikes is worth reading.


    A noteworth article from Haaretz:

    Saying What Can't Be Said: Israel Has Been Defeated – a Total Defeat
    That's a pretty good analysis from simplicius. If Iran did actually use ballistic missiles that is somewhat impressive. One thing that he also didn't touch on much was that the fog of War affects Iran too, there's no way of telling how accurate to their plans the attack was. And while they might refine their tactics for round two, this was a surprise attack. And it's rare to be able to play the surprise attack card twice successfully.

  2. #30182
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    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    Towards the end of knowing ourselves, I think we need to appreciate how horribly public school has fucked up our thinking. We were all more or less being indoctrinated in a minimum security state prison during the formative years of our lives. This is even true of boomers and those who went to "good schools". The subversion was still there, but it was less obvious and easier to swallow.

    The number one function of public school was to evangelize judeo-secular anti-religion and it has been tremendously successful. This is how the secular Jewish elite proselytize. They proselytized the same way in Russia.

    People always point to social media and technology as the reason so many people have basically become passive livestock. But it is public schools that have actually done it. Social media is just giving the passive, godless masses something to distract themselves with. Every anxiety tranquilized, and all boredoms amused.
    As much as public schools may or may not suck, it is not as if private schools have done much better, if at all.

    A religious school may very well prevent an anti-religious disposition, but even here I've seen them create it to a larger degree than public schools.

    Pretty much every American school I know of still taught the same post WWII pseudo-history and failed to teach critical thinking and such. Although the academic content was probably borderline irrelevant for most people because they either failed to learn it, failed to retain it, or both.

    I'd say the big negative influence of schools in general is the subverting of parental "ownership" of children and the overall cultural influence of mostly lefty women and other poorly raised kids. TV, Music, and such probably trump all of that anyway.

    All of which has been ramped up over my lifetime.

    All that said: my kids go to public school in a small town and we don't really deal with any of that stuff.

    Churches, from my experience, tend to suck, from priest/pastor to parishioner, when it comes to educating and influencing adults and children alike, which leaves both a vacuum and a lack of defenses against the spirit of the age.

    Most don't even seem to recognize there's a problem, much less want to do anything about it.

    It would seem that "Men go crazy in congregations, but only get better one by one." is the norm.

  3. #30183
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    Journalism: These two stories were published on the same day a few weeks ago �� | Not the Bee

    Bro, I kid you not these two stories were published on the same exact day — one from NBC News and the other from CBS News.

    Melting polar ice is slowing the Earth's rotation, with possible consequences for timekeeping

    Earth is spinning faster than it used to. Clocks might have to skip a second to keep up.
    And of course, the tired old plea to ignore what you actually know:

    CDC report finds no link between COVID vaccine and sudden cardiac deaths in young adults: Your guide to the latest virus updates

    A lot has changed since SARS-CoV-2 (the virus responsible for COVID-19) appeared on the world stage four years ago. In 2020, the novel coronavirus infected and upended the daily lives of millions of people, but today life has mostly returned to normal: Restrictions have been lifted, people are a lot less cautious and the etiquette rules around keeping yourself and others healthy aren’t so clear-cut. So if you’re confused about the current state of COVID-19 and how to reduce your risk, here’s a guide with everything you need to know — from variant- and case-tracking to the most up-to-date public health recommendations on masking, vaccines, testing and more.
    But whatever you do, never forget that we'll tell you what to do, and you'd better do it.

    And MSNBC apparently thinks that we should force black people to play baseball: The decline of Black players in MLB should be a warning about the war on DEI

    As Major League Baseball celebrates Jackie Robinson and his pioneering contributions to the game, I can’t help but think about the fact that the league is reporting a historically low number of Black American players in its ranks: only 6%.

    I think this is a teachable moment at a time when diversity efforts across various arenas (no pun intended) have come under attack. Major League Baseball, unfortunately, is a prime example of what it looks like to talk the talk without always walking the walk.

    Back in 2021, sports historian and professor Louis Moore wrote about the decline of Black players in MLB — and the league’s indifference to it:

    It was, and remains, a valid question. Over the past few decades, Major League Baseball has shown what it looks like to outwardly celebrate diversity (with things like Jackie Robinson Day on April 15) while thumbing your nose at it in practice.

  4. #30184
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    In 2020, the novel coronavirus infected and upended the daily lives of millions of people, but today life has mostly returned to normal
    A very important message in an election year... Also, Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.

  5. #30185
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    Quote Originally Posted by Subby View Post
    this was a surprise attack.
    What? It was trailed for at least a week. They might not have advertised the exact date and time, but everyone knew the hits were due.


  6. #30186
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    Iran told israel and the US that is was planning on attacking; Iran probably even told them the exact locations, times and weapons through back-channels.
    After israel decided to attack an Iranian embassy, Iran was forced to respond; no country would allow an attack on its embassy to go unchecked.
    However, in an effort to avoid sparking a larger conflict, Iran wanted to minimize damage while still putting on a display of force.

    Iran intentionally gave the US and israel time to prepare for the attack.

    Meanwhile, the attack by israel has precipitated more calls from little Mikey Johnson, Kristi Noem and all of the AIPAC-endorsed uniparty for more $$$ to Ukraine and israel.
    What a coincidence.

    Can't blame this next one on any type of incompetence; only malicious intent and seditious conspiracy can explain it.

    A subsidiary of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HiAS), which has been using tax dollars to fund an invasion of the United States is instructing illegal aliens to vote for Biden.
    Shadowy Mayorkas-Linked NGO In Mexico Tells Border Invaders To "Vote Biden" | ZeroHedge
    Jewish Americans should be up in arms about this, unless they are religious extremists or terrorist sympathizers.

  7. #30187
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    Why I don't feel a need to control is probably not a question I can answer. Why do others want to control me/us? I mean I have surface answers like money, power, and general sense of entitlement but those can be gained in other ways so it has to be something else, too.

    Of course one's approach to an enemy is different than to ones own tribe. I'm puzzled at how thats confusing. Or maybe I'm misunderstanding. I have not, until recently, thought of my countrymen as enemies. If the thinking needs updating, so be it. Better than pretending otherwise.

    Regarding current affairs: I wonder was that floating pier thing back in March an excuse to get troops in? I just can't see what everyone is thinking. This was perhaps a bad time for me to start reading Annie Jacobsen's new Nuclear War book.

  8. #30188
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    North Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by Jenni View Post
    This was perhaps a bad time for me to start reading Annie Jacobsen's new Nuclear War book.
    I keep thinking the same thing. Very bleak.

  9. #30189
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    United Kingdom


    Quote Originally Posted by Yngvi View Post

    A subsidiary of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HiAS), which has been using tax dollars to fund an invasion of the United States is instructing illegal aliens to vote for Biden.
    Shadowy Mayorkas-Linked NGO In Mexico Tells Border Invaders To "Vote Biden" | ZeroHedge
    Jewish Americans should be up in arms about this, unless they are religious extremists or terrorist sympathizers.
    I wonder if HiAS also advocates for open borders for Israel, too? Nah.

    What do we think Israel's next move will be? Another missile strike, this time within Iran, or a false-flag "the next 9/11" attack to galvanise Western public opinion?

    Something tells me we're about to hear a LOT more from the... All American-owned media, about how bad women and homosexuals and trans people have it in Iran.

    So, if Israel does something to escalate things, and drags their blackmailed slaves/allies, into a hot war will your sentiments about Iran be the same as with Hamas and Gazans generally?

    I was told that Israel had given "these people" enough chances, that the people themselves had democratically elected Hamas, and the assault on Gaza was entirely justified. I was told it wasn't a "genocide", it was the Jewish people's existential struggle for their own survival, just like our own in WW2.

    I was told to basically stop moralising and defining things in terms of a "genocide", anyway, because if I was parachuted into Gaza, my head would be hacked off by extremist Muslims, like Lee Rigby in... Oh yeah, London.

    Will all of the above also apply to the Iranian regime and people? I mean, they definitely house a population of what you'd call "extremist" guys running around in black uniforms and those creepy martyr headbands. They definitely fit the profile of enemies of Democracy, freedom, sodomy, McDonald's, teenage twerking competitions, etc.

  10. #30190
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jenni View Post
    Why I don't feel a need to control is probably not a question I can answer. Why do others want to control me/us? I mean I have surface answers like money, power, and general sense of entitlement but those can be gained in other ways so it has to be something else, too.

    Of course one's approach to an enemy is different than to ones own tribe. I'm puzzled at how thats confusing. Or maybe I'm misunderstanding. I have not, until recently, thought of my countrymen as enemies. If the thinking needs updating, so be it. Better than pretending otherwise.

    Regarding current affairs: I wonder was that floating pier thing back in March an excuse to get troops in? I just can't see what everyone is thinking. This was perhaps a bad time for me to start reading Annie Jacobsen's new Nuclear War book.
    History repeats itself unfortunately...

    This seems appropriate:

    Black Sabbath ~ War Pigs - YouTube

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