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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #30191
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yngvi View Post
    After israel decided to attack an Iranian embassy, Iran was forced to respond; no country would allow an attack on its embassy to go unchecked
    It was not the embassy, it was the building / consulate next door.
    Yes, Israel bombed a building next to the embassy because they were planning attacks, so no Iran did not need to respond.

  2. #30192
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Yngvi View Post
    Iran told israel and the US that is was planning on attacking; Iran probably even told them the exact locations, times and weapons through back-channels.
    After israel decided to attack an Iranian embassy, Iran was forced to respond; no country would allow an attack on its embassy to go unchecked.
    However, in an effort to avoid sparking a larger conflict, Iran wanted to minimize damage while still putting on a display of force.

    Iran intentionally gave the US and israel time to prepare for the attack.
    I don't think this is the case. That was no embassy, it was a military outpost run by Iranian military personnel planning for proxy wars with Israel. It is no secret that Iran wants to remove Israel of the face of the earth and only uses the Palestinians, Hezbolla and Islamic Jihad as its proxy army.

    Iran is Shia Muslim, but has joined forces with Sunni Islam to destroy Israel and western countries and once that has been achieved then Shia and Sunni factions will fight each other for dominance, that is the mindset of Islam, submit or die.

  3. #30193
    Join Date
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    Jackson, MS


    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Jackson View Post
    What do we think Israel's next move will be? Another missile strike, this time within Iran, or a false-flag "the next 9/11" attack to galvanise Western public opinion?
    Both. I think they are going to have to do a 9/11 style deal to get the US public to go along with backing them when they launch into Iran proper. I think they had been assured that backing before they did the attack on the consulate, which would obviously be seen as the declaration of war that it is. I think our and Isreal's leaders and the WEF types all see this as a win win.

  4. #30194
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Jackson View Post
    I wonder if HiAS also advocates for open borders for Israel, too? Nah.
    What do we think Israel's next move will be? Another missile strike, this time within Iran, or a false-flag "the next 9/11" attack to galvanise Western public opinion?
    The old "migrants for thee, but not for me" motto.
    That is not the way you would treat a friend or ally.

    The international jewish community is lobbying to continue the destruction of the US through weaponized immigration:
    17 Jewish Groups Express Concern Over Efforts to Impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas Used to Normalize Deadly "Invasion" and "Replacement" Conspiracies - Jewish Council for Public Affairs

    I do not know what will happen or when.
    They sloppily repeat the same patterns again and again.
    They might be priming the public to believe ISIS can also be your average White suburban kid:
    Idaho teen arrested for alleged plans to attack churches in name of Islamic State | Idaho | The Guardian

    Quote Originally Posted by rmscott_75077 View Post
    It was not the embassy, it was the building / consulate next door.
    Yes, Israel bombed a building next to the embassy because they were planning attacks, so no Iran did not need to respond.
    Both embassies and consulates are considered inviolable national territory under international treaties and conventions.
    According to all international law and convention, israel directly bombed the nation of Iran.
    The only way to interpret the bombing is an act of war.

    Quote Originally Posted by wal View Post
    I don't think this is the case. That was no embassy, it was a military outpost run by Iranian military personnel planning for proxy wars with Israel. It is no secret that Iran wants to remove Israel of the face of the earth and only uses the Palestinians, Hezbolla and Islamic Jihad as its proxy army.

    Iran is Shia Muslim, but has joined forces with Sunni Islam to destroy Israel and western countries and once that has been achieved then Shia and Sunni factions will fight each other for dominance, that is the mindset of Islam, submit or die.
    You are applying a double standard; this is also the mindset of israel.
    We should not be choosing between supporting one adversary with anti-American values or another foreign adversary with anti-American values.
    Colonel Douglas Macgregor Reveals TRUTH on Israel War in Middle East - YouTube

    Anti-American hate incidents have increased by 6,000% this year.

  5. #30195
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    Jun 2021


    Does no-one remember back in 2003 or so when the war in iraq was kicking off the neo cons were eyeballing Iran and collectively realised it just couldn't be done? It's 80 million people plus with a large mountainous geography. Countries like that don't get invaded and conquered.

    This is what I was thinking of:
    Apple presents the iRack - YouTube

    Back when mainstream TV could be funny.

  6. #30196
    Join Date
    May 2014


    The downside of diversity - NYT

    From 2007. The NYT would never publish something like this today:

    IT HAS BECOME increasingly popular to speak of racial and ethnic diversity as a civic strength. From multicultural festivals to pronouncements from political leaders, the message is the same: our differences make us stronger.

    But a massive new study, based on detailed interviews of nearly 30,000 people across America, has concluded just the opposite. Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam -- famous for "Bowling Alone," his 2000 book on declining civic engagement -- has found that the greater the diversity in a community, the fewer people vote and the less they volunteer, the less they give to charity and work on community projects. In the most diverse communities, neighbors trust one another about half as much as they do in the most homogenous settings. The study, the largest ever on civic engagement in America, found that virtually all measures of civic health are lower in more diverse settings.
    “The Stranger” — A Poem By Rudyard Kipling

    The Stranger within my gate,
    He may be true or kind,
    But he does not talk my talk–
    I cannot feel his mind.
    I see the face and the eyes and the mouth,
    But not the soul behind.

    The men of my own stock,
    They may do ill or well,
    But they tell the lies I am wanted to,
    They are used to the lies I tell;
    And we do not need interpreters
    When we go to buy or sell.

    The Stranger within my gates,
    He may be evil or good,
    But I cannot tell what powers control–
    What reasons sway his mood;
    Nor when the Gods of his far-off land
    Shall repossess his blood.

    The men of my own stock,
    Bitter bad they may be,
    But, at least, they hear the things I hear,
    And see the things I see;
    And whatever I think of them and their likes
    They think of the likes of me.

    This was my father’s belief
    And this is also mine:
    Let the corn be all one sheaf–
    And the grapes be all one vine,
    Ere our children’s teeth are set on edge
    By bitter bread and wine.

  7. #30197
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    From Zero Hedge today (which you should be reading anyway):

    The Purpose Of War According To George Orwell (1984) | ZeroHedge

    The primary aim of modern warfare is to use up the products of the machine without raising the general standard of living.

    Ever since the end of the nineteenth century, the problem of what to do with the surplus of consumption goods has been latent in industrial society. From the moment when the machine first made its appearance it was clear to all thinking people that the need for human drudgery, and therefore to a great extent for human inequality, had disappeared. If the machine were used deliberately for that end, hunger, overwork, dirt, illiteracy, and disease could be eliminated within a few generations. And in fact, without being used for any such purpose, but by a sort of automatic process — by producing wealth which it was sometimes impossible not to distribute — the machine did raise the living standards of the average human being very greatly over a period of about fifty years at the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth centuries.

    But it was also clear that an all-round increase in wealth threatened the destruction — indeed, in some sense was the destruction — of a hierarchical society. In a world in which everyone worked short hours, had enough to eat, lived in a house with a bathroom and a refrigerator, and possessed a motor-car or even an aeroplane, the most obvious and perhaps the most important form of inequality would already have disappeared. If it once became general, wealth would confer no distinction. It was possible, no doubt, to imagine a society in which wealth, in the sense of personal possessions and luxuries, should be evenly distributed, while power remained in the hands of a small privileged caste.

    But in practice such a society could not long remain stable.

    For if leisure and security were enjoyed by all alike, the great mass of human beings who are normally stupefied by poverty would become literate and would learn to think for themselves; and when once they had done this, they would sooner or later realize that the privileged minority had no function, and they would sweep it away.

    In the long run, a hierarchical society was only possible on a basis of poverty and ignorance.

    To return to the agricultural past, as some thinkers about the beginning of the twentieth century dreamed of doing, was not a practicable solution. It conflicted with the tendency towards mechanization which had become quasi-instinctive throughout almost the whole world, and moreover, any country which remained industrially backward was helpless in a military sense and was bound to be dominated, directly or indirectly, by its more advanced rivals.

    Nor was it a satisfactory solution to keep the masses in poverty by restricting the output of goods. This happened to a great extent during the final phase of capitalism, roughly between 1920 and 1940.

    The economy of many countries was allowed to stagnate, land went out of cultivation, capital equipment was not added to, great blocks of the population were prevented from working and kept half alive by State charity. But this, too, entailed military weakness, and since the privations it inflicted were obviously unnecessary, it made opposition inevitable.

    The problem was how to keep the wheels of industry turning without increasing the real wealth of the world. Goods must be produced, but they must not be distributed. And in practice the only way of achieving this was by continuous warfare.

    The essential act of war is destruction, not necessarily of human lives, but of the products of human labour.

    War is a way of shattering to pieces, or pouring into the stratosphere, or sinking in the depths of the sea, materials which might otherwise be used to make the masses too comfortable, and hence, in the long run, too intelligent.

    Even when weapons of war are not actually destroyed, their manufacture is still a convenient way of expending labour power without producing anything that can be consumed. A Floating Fortress, for example, has locked up in it the labour that would build several hundred cargo-ships. Ultimately it is scrapped as obsolete, never having brought any material benefit to anybody, and with further enormous labours another Floating Fortress is built.

    In principle the war effort is always so planned as to eat up any surplus that might exist after meeting the bare needs of the population. In practice the needs of the population are always underestimated, with the result that there is a chronic shortage of half the necessities of life; but this is looked on as an advantage.

    It is deliberate policy to keep even the favoured groups somewhere near the brink of hardship, because a general state of scarcity increases the importance of small privileges and thus magnifies the distinction between one group and another.

    By the standards of the early twentieth century, even a member of the Inner Party lives an austere, laborious kind of life. Nevertheless, the few luxuries that he does enjoy his large, well-appointed flat, the better texture of his clothes, the better quality of his food and drink and tobacco, his two or three servants, his private motor-car or helicopter—set him in a different world from a member of the Outer Party, and the members of the Outer Party have a similar advantage in comparison with the submerged masses whom we call ’the proles’. The social atmosphere is that of a besieged city, where the possession of a lump of horseflesh makes the difference between wealth and poverty.

    And at the same time the consciousness of being at war, and therefore in danger, makes the handing-over of all power to a small caste seem the natural, unavoidable condition of survival...


    ...war is waged by each ruling group against its own subjects, and the object of the war is not to make or prevent conquests of territory, but to keep the structure of society intact.

    The very word 'war', therefore, has become misleading. It would probably be accurate to say that by becoming continuous war has ceased to exist.


    War is Peace.

    In short - the purpose of war is to keep the ruling class in power while the lower classes remain powerless.

  8. #30198
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Yngvi View Post
    You are applying a double standard; this is also the mindset of israel.
    We should not be choosing between supporting one adversary with anti-American values or another foreign adversary with anti-American values.

    Anti-American hate incidents have increased by 6,000% this year.
    Every country has a right to protect itself if it is attacked. Iran has been attacking Israel for decades through its proxys. Hamas directly supplied and motivated by Iran went into Israel and raped and murdered and took hostages. Hamas a Sunni terrorist group supported and motivated by Iran a Shia Muslim country invaded Israel and by your own words an "inviolable national territory under international treaties and conventions."

    So if your own home which is protected by National and State laws is violated by individuals who want to steal and kill you are you going to stand aside and let it happen? Is it a violation of the law to defend yourself and your home?

  9. #30199
    Join Date
    Apr 2021


    Quote Originally Posted by wal View Post
    So if your own home which is protected by National and State laws is violated by individuals who want to steal and kill you are you going to stand aside and let it happen? Is it a violation of the law to defend yourself and your home?
    Only in Australia.

  10. #30200
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyler Woodruff View Post
    Only in Australia.
    Yep. The question comes down to what is a "reasonable" response in how you the person being attacked or robbed react. If you want to avoid a trail by jury it is better to run or submit.

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