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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #30351
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    implausible denial: morens outdoes himself

    Watch video at link. Its worse than I thought. Give this old fool immunity and go get Fauchi, like yesterday. He's too dumb to care about.

  2. #30352
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    North Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by Nicholas Laureys View Post
    That last line is good, Subby, except I don't even know if we can call it evil. Probably it's indifference + something else I can't put my finger on yet. Recall that saying that indifference is worse than hate because with hate you at least still care on some level about the person.

    With those mask mandates on trains in Moscow you had some workers who were indifferent, they forced you to put your mask back on even though they whispered off to the side that they disagreed with the rule and thought it was a bunch of bullshit, too.
    But then you had the workers who took joy in catching you letting your mask slip down to your chin, they got joy out of it, they wanted to seek you out and the last thing on their mind was to consider leaving you the fuck alone. Did they really fear for their job security? Is that their excuse for literally seeking you out to make an example out of you? I doubt they got bonuses for all the non-compliant who they harassed into masking up (same goes for those police in state parks in the States BTW)!
    Some kids in high school who were hall monitors got joy out of catching kids in the hall who were minding their own business but playing hookey. Is this some innate character trait people have from birth, or is it just that "something else" + indifference that all of us have, which gets amplified when we feel unsafe or a herd instinct and are given the opportunity to act on it?
    I don't know if it's an innate character flaw some are born with or just an amplification of indifference or herd mentality + __that smthg else____ that gets SWAT members and Karens and over-enthusiastic public transport mask-checkers acting like this, but that's definitely the same key trait that bureaucrats and politicians and people who love nanny-state policies also have! And you're right, Subby (unfortunately!), that a lack of desire to take initiative will be enough to stop them when they are given orders to go serve a warrant on [anticausal].
    Good one, Laureys. Contact Bre for your shirt.

  3. #30353
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    Jul 2012


    A few years before the damnpanic my employer created a policy where, in order to keep your insurance premium from rising (50%) you have to provide proof of an annual physical for all persons covered. The wife and I found a DO and "established care". During the damnpanic we quit doing the annual visit and took the ins. premium hit.

    7 or 8 weeks ago the wife suspected that, despite her usual care, a scrape had become infected. So she called to make an appt. The DO was no longer at the practice, so she was told that she would need to "establish care" again and the soonest she could come in was yesterday. She went to an urgent care and got an antibiotic and everything cleared up

    Yesterday's dialog:

    Doc: "When was your last mammogram?"
    "I don't know. Years ago."
    "Why? Are you adverse to them?"
    "I've had too many friends call me blubbering about 'They found a lump', only to go back and find out it was a false-positive."
    "How about a colonoscopy?"
    "Are you adverse to those too?" (At this point it was noted that the doc was becoming somewhat agitated... two questions into "establishing care".)
    She related this story.
    "Well I'm not even going to ask about vaccinations. I've had two COVID shots and I'm not getting any more. COVID is here to stay."
    "Yes it is. Just like all of the other coronaviruses before it."
    She said the doc's eyebrow shot up, but she didn't reply.

    The doc made some notes, took her blood pressure again (the nurse had already done so), then said, "Well, why are you here then?"

    The wife explained that she was almost 60 y/o and figured it was probably a good idea to be able to call and make a doctor appt. - in the rare event it was needed - without having to wait 8 weeks to "get in".

  4. #30354
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    North Texas


    I hope your wife learned some things, you too.


    I don't remember who posted this, but it's good: The American Right Grows Up, by Gregory Hood - The Unz Review

    For example:

    The Total State by Auron MacIntyre is therefore the most important book on the American Right this year.

    The author is a former journalist and writes that “watching firsthand as journalists completely altered events and details to fit their pre-selected narratives” was “eye-opening.” He accuses them of not just twisting their subjects’ words but making them up or outright lying (11). My own view is that the media are the regime because shaping public opinion from the top down is what democracy now is. Mr. MacIntyre says that whatever was happening in politics, and whatever theory said about the way government should work, “the media narrative seemed to dominate all other priorities, shaping people’s actions in ways I had never thought possible.” This is not just another book whining about a “biased” media; it explains that willful deception by journalists is the tip of the spear for the entire system.

    Some conservatives argue that the Constitution will save us, but Mr. MacIntyre shows it has already failed. “Division of powers” is pointless because each branch serves public opinion, which can be dictated by mass media, education, and marketing. “[M]aintaining power in a democratic system means maintaining control over how the populace perceives and understands the world around them,” writes Mr. MacIntyre. “As each branch of government becomes more vulnerable to the democratic process, control of power hinges increasingly on the ability to manipulate the masses.” (53) It may seem startling to conservatives to think of institutions becoming “vulnerable” to the democratic process, but Mr. MacIntyre makes this seem intuitive and natural. Manipulating public opinion becomes the only skill that matters in a democracy. Moreover, there is no purely “mechanical” system to guarantee a perfectly functioning government. A constitution is only a written distillation of what a people intuitively understands about the role of government, and if that people changes, so does that understanding.

  5. #30355
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    North Texas


    It's time to ask about exactly what's going on here: Attention Required! | Cloudflare

    The U.S. Department of Justice sued Oklahoma on Tuesday over a state law that seeks to impose criminal penalties on those living in the state illegally.

    The lawsuit in federal court in Oklahoma City challenges an Oklahoma law that makes it a state crime — punishable by up to two years in prison — to live in the state without legal immigration status.

    Similar laws passed in Texas and Iowa already are facing challenges from the Justice Department.

    Oklahoma is among several GOP states jockeying to push deeper into immigration enforcement as both Republicans and Democrats seize on the issue. Other bills targeting migrants have been passed this year in Florida, Georgia and Tennessee.

    The Justice Department says the Oklahoma law violates the U.S. Constitution and is asking the court to declare it invalid and bar the state from enforcing it.

  6. #30356
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    Jun 2021


    Quote Originally Posted by Nicholas Laureys View Post
    Is this some innate character trait people have from birth, or is it just that "something else" + indifference that all of us have, which gets amplified when we feel unsafe or a herd instinct and are given the opportunity to act on it?
    I don't know if it's an innate character flaw some are born with or just an amplification of indifference or herd mentality + __that smthg else____ that gets SWAT members and Karens and over-enthusiastic public transport mask-checkers acting like this, but that's definitely the same key trait that bureaucrats and politicians and people who love nanny-state policies also have! And you're right, Subby (unfortunately!), that a lack of desire to take initiative will be enough to stop them when they are given orders to go serve a warrant on [anticausal].
    I think it may be the worst possible scenario.
    Since time immemorial rulers have harassed those they rule to maintain their rule. When they go too far they get killed. In hindsight rule by King was pretty good in this one regard. You knew who was in charge, who supported him and how to depose him. None of those apply today in the total state. Regardless of the system, there's always been a balance that means "push too hard = get killed" in some fashion. Creating scenarios where mask karens are in power without directly having a relationship with them is part of it. There will never be an organisation chart between fauci and a mask karen.

    Rulers today are diffuse enough and anonymous enough that they can push without triggering a response. The worst scenario is that rulers have figured out the right amount to push, very slowly and with velvet propaganda gloves. It turns out you CAN boil a frog if you do it slowly enough and give it a TV to watch at the time. We are at the stage that rulers have figured out that glacial tyranny is most effective.

    I've always had karl marx written down as my answer to "what 1 person would you kill from history" but I think I might change that to Edward Bernays.

  7. #30357
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    Coffee with Scott Adams -- Debating with an advanced intelligence

    This is worth watching. He plays the Clown World AI like a fiddle.

  8. #30358
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    Quote Originally Posted by Subby View Post
    This is widely naïve for a variety of reasons, both conceptually and in practice.

    Firstly you only need 1 person to pull the trigger, the rest just bring the people in or hold them down/tie them up first.

    For a more historical look here's a brief follow up essay by Milgram after his famous experiments.
    The perils of obedience

    It's short but highly informative and goes into detail about specific subjects in the experiments.

    For a more contempary example, consider all the people and even parents that forced masks on struggling and unwilling children over the last few years. How many Parents did that to their own children? What do you think they'd do to someone else's children?

    And on a conceptual level, what makes you think these "good guys" in the police/military are going to stand up?
    Lets take an example and use our very own Based Barbarian, Anticausal, no doubt he has an extensive file with numerous intelligence agencies. Lets say that someone decides he's a LiTeRaL NaZi and decides to arrange a swat team to arrest him in his home, since he lives in a deep red county all of his local Swat guys are "good guys"

    The scenario will go something like this. Those good guys will leave their families in the morning and turn up to work and see AC's face with the dossier of his alleged crimes with the instructions "intelligence believes he is the ring leader of a white supremacist neo nazi group that is in the process of formenting armed revolt against the US, serve this arrest warrant at this address today"
    At what point will they stand up and refuse to follow those orders?

    Is it when they take the intelligence home and review it for themselves over the next few weeks?

    Is it when they raid his house and see his extensive library and lack of anything criminal and decide to take the cuffs off and go home? Or will it be when he points out that he is innocent and that they are acting as jack booted stormtroopers following orders?

    Help me out here, at what point do you envisage the "good guys" making the call to stand up and make a stand?

    The banality of evil is just that, banal. It's just going to be some bored and overworked dude acting as a cog in the machine unwittingly committing a small enough part of evil that they don't notice.
    I think if you had ever had first hand knowledge of what I was specifically talking about, then you wouldn't think it's naive. You probably also wouldn't have missed the tongue in cheek part.
    You certainly wouldn't have extrapolated it out to such an insane degree.

    And if you had been paying attention to the last year or more of my minor contribution here, then you would know that my answer is:

    The States are left, as the only meaningful entities, to challenge, diminish and dismantle the unredeemable Federal Government.

    You are also equally unaware of the resilience of the people from the same States beginning to provide such challenges even now. As I said way back around the election... they've jumped the shark in their efforts to re-exert the control. It's too obvious post Trump. The emperor is naked and sniffs kids.

    It's not that I put anything past them. They'll for sure try. That's why I talked about them flipping the table, and they've already started. It's just that I doubt their competence and cohesion utterly, and people aren't going to let it happen.

    Every "win" they get, much like the most recent examples of states pushing back on illegal immigrants, drives yet another nail in the coffin. It's why the election *has* to happen, and it doesn't matter if Trump wins or loses. No matter what, things will change.

  9. #30359
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    Since the Media will not discuss this, let's look at it here: Biden's daughter Ashley has finally admitted her diary about 'showers with dad' as well as fears she was 'molested' is real. So, MAUREEN CALLAHAN demands: What IS the truth, Joe? | Daily Mail Online

    In 2019, Ashley Biden, the then 37-year-old daughter of President Biden and his wife Jill, wrote in her journal about showering with her father at an inappropriate age as well as her fears that, as a child, she was sexually abused.

    Explosive stuff. Not that you would have heard about it, thanks to a near-complete, years-long media blackout.

    After undergoing treatment in rehab, Ashley moved to a halfway house in Florida, where she left the diary under a mattress.

    The diary, which also contained details of her drug use, was then found in 2020 by a Florida woman who stole it, leaked its contents online, and sold it for $40,000.

    All that time, the Biden campaign let the left-wing media, of its own volition, cast aspersions on the diary's authenticity, or dismiss it as a right-wing plant of dubious veracity, another Russia hoax. Just as with Hunter Biden's laptop.

    Turns out both are all too real.

  10. #30360
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    It's time to ask about exactly what's going on here: Attention Required! | Cloudflare

    watch from 05.30. This guy gives a neat explanation

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