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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #30681
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Jackson View Post
    This is why this year's RNC has the atmosphere of a jovial, retarded party...
    Is this different from the RNC any other year?

    I give you the real VP candidate; a man who is a true patriot, tough as nails and a real American:

    For all his faults, there were much much worse picks for VP than Vance.
    I believe Mr. Hogan would have been a better choice, however.

  2. #30682
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Jackson View Post
    This is why this year's RNC has the atmosphere of a jovial, retarded party, not a crisis meeting to literally save the lives of American people. We've been told that "they" want both Trump and his voters dead, and we've apparently just witnessed the most concrete evidence of this, and this is the response. The message was confused because these people, Trump included, stand for absolutely nothing.
    During early primaries, Team DeSantis (the actual rightwingers, not neocons) argued that Trumpism is just a sideshow of unseriousness. It “feels good” to wack on elites and cheer MAGA - another thing to have competence at the executive who can *actually play 4D chess (e.g. shipping illegals from FL to Martha’s Vineyard) To them, the choice was DeSantis.

    I couldn’t believe that Hulk Hogan was at Convention, ripping off shirt in celebration of failed assassination. I’m still in shock, actually - since *the fundamental trend has not changed*. The threat level is more imminent today than it was on Saturday (Trump supporters see someone invincible, but I the story as regime getting closer).

    Not suggesting we take to the streets in protest or violence, but WTF man - get serious on the legal/investigative end. I’m giving them a week to prove their seriousness post-Convention.

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