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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #30711
    Join Date
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    North Texas


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    I wonder what Dave Ramsey and his Ramsey Personalities think about this?

    Interest Payments on US National Debt Will Shatter $1,140,000,000,000 This Year – Eating 76% of All Income Taxes Collected | FAIRtax |

    Economist E.J. Antoni reports that based on the Fed’s June numbers, interest on the national debt is the equivalent of 76% of all personal income taxes collected by the government.

    “Interest on the federal debt was equal to 76% of all personal income taxes collected in Jun – that’s the Treasury’s largest source of revenue and three-quarters of it gets consumed just by interest; does Congress know? Do they even care?”

    Antoni says the cost to service the federal debt has exploded 33% in a single year, and set to get worse.

    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    Speaker Johnson: Supporting Israel Is One of America’s ‘Founding Principles’

    These subversives all deserve to be hung for treason.

    Feel free to heckle and mock the POTUS all you want, but you better not fucking disrespect the head of the Jewish state. The veneer over this whole charade is crumbling faster than I ever expected.
    An "ally" is defined as:

    a country that has agreed officially to give help and support to another one, especially during a war
    I saw this discussed recently. What exactly does Israel do for the United States?

  2. #30712
    Join Date
    Mar 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    An "ally" is defined as:

    I saw this discussed recently. What exactly does Israel do for the United States?
    Yes, what exactly does Israel do for the United States?

    I'm confused. Don't the Jews and Christians each say if you don't follow their path, you'll burn in hell for eternity?

    So the same people who think we will burn in hell are our allies?

    Please make it make sense.

  3. #30713
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    North Texas


    I'd be interested in what AC thinks of this:

  4. #30714
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    I'd be interested in what AC thinks of this:
    I'll check it out later. But back to the "1 inch hole" for a minute, shouldn't we be able to see it in this photo?


    I just measured my ear. It is 3 inches top to bottom and about an 1.5 inches wide, so a 1 inch hole (doctor actually said 2cm, but close enough) means that close to a third of his ear should be gone. I think such a wound would be a lot more obvious from a photo like this.

    Here's the doctor's statement.

  5. #30715
    Join Date
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    North Texas


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    I'll check it out later. But back to the "1 inch hole" for a minute, shouldn't we be able to see it in this photo?


    I just measured my ear. It is 3 inches top to bottom and about an 1.5 inches wide, so a 1 inch hole (doctor actually said 2cm, but close enough) means that close to a third of his ear should be gone. I think such a wound would be a lot more obvious from a photo like this.

    Here's the doctor's statement.
    I appreciate your skepticism, but are you saying that nothing happened to his ear? There was no blood, and then there was blood, gunshot noises, the other actually-dead guy, etc. are meaningless in the face of Trump's evil genius? Sometimes when a guy gets shot in the ear, he just got shot in the ear.

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