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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #31011
    Join Date
    May 2014


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    A Preview of Netflix Junior

    “When we win, do not forget that these people want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it’s funny.” - Sam Hyde

    It is humanly impossible to hate these people enough. If defeating Clown World means a period of logistical chaos and no one to pick vegetables, so be it. Carthage must be destroyed.

    "The foreigners who reside among you will rise above you higher and higher, but you will sink lower and lower. They will lend to you, but you will not lend to them. They will be the head, but you will be the tail." - Deuteronomy 28:43

  2. #31012
    Join Date
    Jul 2022
    Scottsdale Arizona


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Well, in her defense, she is fuckable.
    Good grief Rip. Old one eye may need a vision check.

  3. #31013
    Join Date
    May 2014


    How do you guys not get it, yet? So, we snap our fingers, and all illegal immigrants are teleported home, the borders are instantly fortified, an army of robots whose power supplies last just long enough for them to be replaced after a few years by humans fill all the labor gaps, and not one red cent leaves the coffers. No one dies. No one starves. No one loses their job or home.

    What are you going to do about the federal government, which only exists as an orifice by which those with influence, money and power extricate wealth and dictate control?

    It doesn't matter if you remove a piece from the board. They're breaking the rules while they invent new ones, and they're literally in all sectors of society and industry. Agriculture. Finance. Defense. Logistics. Transportation. Energy. Communication. Law. Politics.

    And it isn't some hive mind or secret cabal. It's just a collective of greedy individuals dipping into each other's orbits whenever their interests align. It is tyranny and greed, same as it ever was, across every era and nation.

    Until that situation is resolved, either by scattering the focus of power or by collapse, literally nothing else matters. It's rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, and it does nothing for the real people who will face the very real consequences of either the continued status quo or the collapse of the system, horribly corrupt as it is, which feeds us all.

    You have to build something new to replace the old, but more importantly to *displace* the old, and for each of us that starts with answering the higher calling of striving to live the virtues out, eliminating vices, and paying very close attention to the reality right in front of your face. Build up yourself, then your family and then your community. If you make it halfway there, well... congratulations. You lived well, and can die knowing you played your small part towards building a legacy that lives beyond you.

  4. #31014
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    BREAKING: Mexican government will reportedly start providing bus rides with police and military escorts to illegal migrants heading to the U.S. border.
    Anybody heard anything new about this?

  5. #31015
    Join Date
    Dec 2021


    Quote Originally Posted by David A. Rowe View Post
    How do you guys not get it, yet? So, we snap our fingers, and all illegal immigrants are teleported home, the borders are instantly fortified, an army of robots whose power supplies last just long enough for them to be replaced after a few years by humans fill all the labor gaps, and not one red cent leaves the coffers. No one dies. No one starves. No one loses their job or home.

    What are you going to do about the federal government, which only exists as an orifice by which those with influence, money and power extricate wealth and dictate control?

    It doesn't matter if you remove a piece from the board. They're breaking the rules while they invent new ones, and they're literally in all sectors of society and industry. Agriculture. Finance. Defense. Logistics. Transportation. Energy. Communication. Law. Politics.

    And it isn't some hive mind or secret cabal. It's just a collective of greedy individuals dipping into each other's orbits whenever their interests align. It is tyranny and greed, same as it ever was, across every era and nation.

    Until that situation is resolved, either by scattering the focus of power or by collapse, literally nothing else matters. It's rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, and it does nothing for the real people who will face the very real consequences of either the continued status quo or the collapse of the system, horribly corrupt as it is, which feeds us all.

    You have to build something new to replace the old, but more importantly to *displace* the old, and for each of us that starts with answering the higher calling of striving to live the virtues out, eliminating vices, and paying very close attention to the reality right in front of your face. Build up yourself, then your family and then your community. If you make it halfway there, well... congratulations. You lived well, and can die knowing you played your small part towards building a legacy that lives beyond you.
    Very well said, sir.

  6. #31016
    Join Date
    Jul 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by David A. Rowe View Post
    Do you live in such a place? Because I do. And the rest of the state is the same or worse. And it appears the surrounding states. The local farms, truck drivers and processing plants are all dependent on illegal immigrants to have enough bodies to function. One particular industry has somewhere on the order of three to four thousand workers in the city and county once you account for supporting industry. If you took them away, that would be the loss of 1/3 of the municipal population.

    It would also mean collapse of the local economy and many farms. Recently, Walmart dropped one of the processing companies as a primary supplier. It caused the plant to go from a six day week to a five day week. A loss of those plants and farms would equate to roughly a quarter of the total revenue in the area, which means county and municipal government would likely find themselves in the situation of mass furlough. Probably including first responders and the jail.

    Nearly every major agricultural or industrial sector here would be affected, though. The next three largest are the hospital system, Walmart and the banks. And this has been the case since the 90s. The average *household* income here is ~35k/yr., and somehow every single business, small or large... local or franchised... is hurting from lack of available and competent workforce. The going rate on a tiny apartment in the rough part of town is now $750-1000 dollars a month.

    So, where are places like this supposed to dig up an extra quarter of their population? Who is this mythical American worker willing to move into a poor rural community and freeze their ass off gutting and hanging chickens for $14 dollars an hour? Especially when they have to actually pay taxes and are less likely to receive "financial assistance" from the government, or otherwise be *wholely dependent* on the state and federal government to survive out here.

    So, I guess what I'm saying is you can "not buy it" all you want to, but it sure must be nice living on that level of utter denial of how severe the situation has become. We won't bother touching on the fact that rampant unchecked illegal immigration with virtually no controls or impedance has lead to one of the largest human trafficking (especially sexual trafficking and child trafficking) in human history. Nor should we discuss how much more difficult and expensive it would be when you're pushing the rope.
    David, you are repeating Ghost of Kiev stories.

    How many blatant lies do you need to hear about this topic before you stop this nonsense?

    They are only doing the jobs Americans won't do!

    We need them, because we have convinced White Americans to stop having children! The demographicccccxxxxs!
    They do not get welfare!
    They do not undercut the wages of Americans
    They are good for the economy
    They do not overwhelmingly vote for the communist politics of their home countries
    They will assimilate and learn English
    They are not lazy, they just want to work hard for a better life
    They are not criminals
    Demographic replacement is only a conspiracy theory

    All have proven to be blatant lies.

    The Fox news and CNN cycle has gone from describing the immigration problem as:
    Not actually happening to....
    .... happening, but it is actually a good thing... to
    ..... proven beyond a doubt to not be a good thing, but you need to be afraid of fixing the problem you racist!

    We do not want or need them
    We would immediately be better off in every conceivable way if the illegal alien population were to be gone tomorrow.

    Food prices would immediately drop.
    Rent prices would immediately drop.
    The opioid crises would immediately be solved.
    The homeless problem would immediately be fixed.
    Wages would immediately jump for all Americans.
    Traffic would immediately decrease.
    70% of California would vote center-right instead of 70% far-left
    Crime would immediately drop.

    Time to stop the fear mongering and lies about immigration.
    It could be solve and they could all be sent back very quickly.
    We would all benefit from a policy of immediate mass busing.

  7. #31017
    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    Jackson, MS


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post

    Anybody heard anything new about this?
    The APs carrying it. Mexico offers escorted rides north from southern Mexico for migrants with US asylum appointments | AP NewsIn the story, yeah it's Mexico bussing but it's us expanding the app that lets people apply for asylum. Like 800k have applied.

    I get what David's saying, really I do. I suppose cold turkey vs a step down approach depends on who you are as a person. But if this doesn't at least start to change I'm not sure anything else can be addressed. Those people may make 14 an hour but that's good money here and we don't get the literally thousands in monthly aid they do. Lately, I've seen EBT balances I've never seen before. I don't see how we keep this up.

    I think we're already in the civil war. It's cold. We don't realize it yet. But I think we're there. The ball has started down the hill. The imbalances are too great.

  8. #31018
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    May 2014


    The Tucker Carlson Show - Darryl Cooper: The True History of the Jonestown Cult, WWII, and How Winston Churchill Ruined Europe

    I highly recommend watching this one. This guy does some very interesting work. I had normie thoughts on Jonestown until I saw this. I had no idea almost everyone who died was black, and Jim Jones was a civil rights pioneer. The entire San Francisco Democrat party elite were in love with him and teleconferenced in to his compound regularly. Nonetheless the solidified narrative is: "Religious 'extremism' bad! Christianity bad! Churches bad!" They bitch and moan about blood libel so much because it's one of their favorite tools.

    In light of this truth, I think it's a lot more convincing to argue that the Democratic party acts like a death cult simply because it is a death cult.

    Darryl Cooper: The reason I resent Churchill so much for it is that he kept this war going when he had no way to go back and fight this war. All he had were bombers. He was literally, by 1940, sending firebomb fleets. Sending bomber fleets to go firebomb the Black Forest. Just to burn down sections of the Black Forest. Just rank terrorism, you know. Going through and, starting to, you know, what eventually became just the carpet bombing, the saturation bombing of civilian neighborhoods. You know, the purpose of which was to kill as many civilians as possible. And all the men were out in the field. All the fighting age men were out in the field. And so this is old people, it's women and children, and they knew that. And they were wiping these places out as gigantic scaled terrorist attacks. The greatest, you know, scale of terrorist attacks you've ever seen in world history. ... and he kept that going long enough for that plan to come to fruition [That plan being to get the US to enter the war. The parallel to Ukraine and Zelensky here is striking.] And to me, that's a craven, ugly way to to fight a war.

    Tucker: What was the motive?

    [long pause and a smile]

    Darryl Cooper: Well, you know Churchill has got a long and complicated history. You know, he's somebody who...

    Tucker [interrupting]: That was the ryest smile I think I've ever seen.

    Judea Declares War on Germany - 1933

  9. #31019
    Join Date
    Jun 2021


    Quote Originally Posted by David A. Rowe View Post
    You have to build something new to replace the old, but more importantly to *displace* the old, and for each of us that starts with answering the higher calling of striving to live the virtues out, eliminating vices, and paying very close attention to the reality right in front of your face. Build up yourself, then your family and then your community. If you make it halfway there, well... congratulations. You lived well, and can die knowing you played your small part towards building a legacy that lives beyond you.
    I finally snapped and started writing down all my disparate thoughts into a unified theory. I agree with this whole heartedly. It's a biological instinct for humans to revert to authority figures when threatened. Rebuilding has to include a remoralising aspect. Otherwise the chaos of collapse will make people cling to authority even harder.

    I think the key is identifying what can be built anew and what has to be retaken over. I think the line is "can you escape that institution" Higher education is an easy one, you can just create new universities. Jordan Peterson is doing this now, and you just go to employers and ensure that what you are teaching is what they want and they will hire graduates. Credentialing is irrelevant to getting hired. This stops at legally protected titles like "Doctor" In that case there needs to be a quick march through the institutions like the AMA to purge the marxists.

    In terms of illegals, Karl Denninger has identified the law on the books right now that results in jail time for those that hire illegals. If that was enforced once, at one time in one place, it would change the paradigm of hiring illegals nation wide. You could just slowly ramp up arrests over time and companies would filter out their illegals as quickly as they could without collapsing.

  10. #31020
    Join Date
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    United Kingdom


    starting strength coach development program
    You either have a conception of America as a country created by European people, along the lines of the broadly shared values/ideals/norms of European, and most importantly for European people - or you don't and you're like David.

    There's no point arguing about it, and citing crime stars and budgetary reasons. People both hysterical leftists and "conservative liberals"

    We've spoken about these things before, and he said something to the effect of "well, during my service, Brown and Black and White served side by side, and when the going gets tough, they fought just as hard and sacrificed just as much as we did. We all bled the same".

    On one hand, I understand and accept that. These people, with their anecdotes, don't like to talk about racial integration having been enforced on the masses, from the top-down. High-schoolers felt a government bayonet in the small of their back until they got with the programme. Nobody in Europe asked for or *voted* for replacement level mass immigration. It has all been implemented from the top-down. That's how power works.

    There are still people who believe this process was an organic one, in which change trickled upwards towards the seats of power from the little people, with their social theories and their activism.

    Back to reality, burying your head in the sand and working hard to make $200k/year for your family, going to church, being a good little upstanding goy and never mentioning Zionism again a la Jordan B Peterson isn't going to cut it.

    You're going to have to create "parallel societies", like Jenni once mentioned. What might that involve?

    First and foremost, in the US, if your Sheriff isn't one of your guys, I understand you can replace him.

    Then, look at an LLC described as a "private members club". Through it, collect contributions from members and purchase land. Imagine a Starting Strength Orania, if you will.

    Nobody wants to do this shit, though. They'd rather sit and describe the problem in ever increasingly clever and amusing ways online.

    A few groups are trying:
    Return to the Land (Arkansas)

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