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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #31101
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    Trump's relationship with the Jews is absolutely hilarious. No matter how much he sucks up and grovels, he's still a raving antisemite in the eyes of the diaspora.

    People worry about Kamala "accelerating the collapse", but there is demonstrably no one better at that job then Trump. The fact that Trump funnels some of the spoils of the destruction of America to the citizenry is what makes it hard for people to realize this. I'm not objecting. If anyone should get some of that sweet, freshly printed money, I'd rather it be Joe Blow than Citibank and Goldman Sachs.

    Quote Originally Posted by Marc Brainich View Post
    AC, it’s been 20 years since I read Itamar Rabinovich’s book on the 1973 Yom Kippur war, but a quick glance at the wikipedia article confirms my memory that yes, it was a real war.
    Didn't mean to make this semantic, but a "war" that lasts a few days is really just a battle or a policing action. A war is prolonged, existential, and attritional struggle. VD's point was made in the context of Russian views on war, and their culturally ingrained understanding of war fighting, which neither the Israelis or Americans can really relate to. We think these little battles and foreign adventures are "wars", but really we're just calling them that. Americans would start by pissing and shitting themselves if they found themselves in a real war today, while the Russians would hardly even bat an eye.

    The one American exception is the first Civil War, which was indeed a real war.

    Quote Originally Posted by smokeyjones View Post
    That would be pretty cool. Granted, pagers using 1950s technology ain't exactly the newest iPhone.
    Interesting thing about pagers is that they are receive only comms and do not transmit, so they will never reveal your location.

  2. #31102
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    North Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    Interesting thing about pagers is that they are receive only comms and do not transmit, so they will never reveal your location.
    True. But if you show up at the hospital with your cock and balls blown off (not in the good way), we know who you are. Data has been acquired.

  3. #31103
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    Arizona Cardinals Ripped for Forcing Woman to Throw MAGA Hat in Trash Before Entering Stadium

    The security official asserted that Rosener could enter the stadium if she threw the hat in the garbage. And so, she did just that, though she has since regretted the choice.

    “In retrospect, I wish I would have stood my ground a little bit, but I wasn’t sure what the repercussions would be, and my husband would kill me if I did something with the season tickets or that jeopardizes them somehow,” Rosener explained.
    The stakes weren't quite as high here as with the vax, but this story makes me wonder how many people signed up for myocarditis or turbocancer just to see a fucking ball game.

  4. #31104
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    The israeli pager terrorist attack gives us some useful information; pagers are enough of a threat to their war efforts that israel went through the effort of compromising a supply chain and committing an attack with little operational significance that has severely hurt israel's attempts to portray its actions as "self-defense" or victimhood or something.

    A little late on this one.
    Remember 9/11: Israel Did 9/11, by Wyatt Peterson - The Unz Review

  5. #31105
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    Jun 2021


    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post

    Trump's relationship with the Jews is absolutely hilarious. No matter how much he sucks up and grovels, he's still a raving antisemite in the eyes of the diaspora.

    People worry about Kamala "accelerating the collapse", but there is demonstrably no one better at that job then Trump. The fact that Trump funnels some of the spoils of the destruction of America to the citizenry is what makes it hard for people to realize this. I'm not objecting. If anyone should get some of that sweet, freshly printed money, I'd rather it be Joe Blow than Citibank and Goldman Sachs.

    Didn't mean to make this semantic, but a "war" that lasts a few days is really just a battle or a policing action. A war is prolonged, existential, and attritional struggle. VD's point was made in the context of Russian views on war, and their culturally ingrained understanding of war fighting, which neither the Israelis or Americans can really relate to. We think these little battles and foreign adventures are "wars", but really we're just calling them that. Americans would start by pissing and shitting themselves if they found themselves in a real war today, while the Russians would hardly even bat an eye.

    The one American exception is the first Civil War, which was indeed a real war.

    Interesting thing about pagers is that they are receive only comms and do not transmit, so they will never reveal your location.
    I would put forward that the Yom Kippur war was an existential threat to Israel, the incompetence of the attackers doesn't change that. If the Egyptian and Syrian forces met no resistance they would have met in the middle of Israel.

    A small positive realisation I had recently that came from covid, while watching my young Son play in the park the other day. We've only met one other Child that's the same age of a similar level of capability. He is absolutely thriving, of which we are very thankful. But he has only had a couple of immunisations, if Covid had never happened I probably would have been slightly uncomfortable about the day 0 shots, but wouldn't have stopped them occouring.

    This paradigm shift in raising him wouldn't have occoured if covid hadn't happened.
    Seeing him compared to his peers of similar, or older ages, really highlights just how much that decision has paid off, and is paying off.

  6. #31106
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    Quote Originally Posted by Subby View Post
    I would put forward that the Yom Kippur war was an existential threat to Israel, the incompetence of the attackers doesn't change that. If the Egyptian and Syrian forces met no resistance they would have met in the middle of Israel.
    An existential threat yes, but definitely not an existential struggle.

  7. #31107
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    Albany, Western Australia


    Here's a nice one for you from the land of Oz. After winning 2 of 3 claims that the Victorian government unlawfully arrested and I believe imprisoned her, she was made to pay $200,000 of the government's court costs because she refused a pre trial settlement... Should never have given up our guns.

  8. #31108
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    Quote Originally Posted by Martin Shenfield View Post
    Should never have given up our guns.
    That's been mentioned before. But be sure to watch this video. It is amazing how divergent Australia has become from their parent civilization.


    Denninger: This is an important piece, in light of the PagerBombings: War Is Hell; Make Sure You Really Want One.... in [Market-Ticker-Nad]

    Hundreds of years ago every King understood this. He had to leave his keep and get on his horse to prosecute the war because the war had to be led and the men needed said leadership and motivation. This meant he had to risk being personally killed. His men had to be so-motivated by his personal risk because they had to look the other guy in the eye while running him through with their swords and they knew damn well that the other guy would look them in the eye if he killed them in exactly the same way. There were no "safe spaces", there were no "rules of war", if you lost your kids were frequently slaughtered like dogs and your wife raped so as to produce more of "their" side's genetic material, it was very likely your town would be burnt to ash and everyone knew that every single person in the nearest village and in fact through the entire land was exposed to this risk as soon as war began.

    You thus only started and participated in said wars that were worth that deeply personal risk. If directly attacked you had no choice; fight or die. But otherwise, where you had a choice, you thought about it long and hard because there was no escaping the consequences all the way to the top.

    Now look at everything post-WWII. Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, the bullshit in Ukraine and now Hezbollah/Israel/whatever. Why should we, or those in Europe, think we're free of risk when we want to fund and supply these people? More to the point where do you think these assholes taking potshots and trying to blow up a political candidate get the idea they can do that without every one of their family members, and all of the political party members who have cheered on such acts via rhetoric such as displaying heads cut off in effigy being exposed to a retributive strike by members of the other side?

    The old ways, before we had push-button technology, forced you to confront the reality of what you were doing, whether directly or by providing supply, aid and comfort to those engaged in said actions. The "international" political apparatus of course wants to claim this is "illegitimate" through things like the "Geneva Conventions" but their concern is not for the people at large -- it is for their own skin and that of their families which damn well ought to be fully exposed up to and including at the cost of their lives when they wage war, whether directly, by proxy or by supply either through physical material or intelligence and whether domestically or otherwise.

    Why? Because only the very real risk of serious personal consequences -- not high-minded bullshit spewed from some ivory tower -- has a proven record of deterring people from being assholes. Even that is not a perfect record by any means but the last 70 years and especially the last decade right here at home with the politically-motivated riots in 2020 none of which were punished make clear that all the high-minded and mealy-mouthed bullshit is worthless. Without deterrence every unpunished crime begats another more-serious one because there is no cost imposed on anyone for committing it and therefore as long as there is benefit to commit the crime the pattern of escalation will continue.

    Arson is one of the most-serious felonies that is on the books and in fact a person RAISING BAIL MONEY FOR THE ALLEGED OFFENDERS is running for President and the Governor of one of the focal states of said attacks who sat back AND LET IT HAPPEN, PARTICULARLY CENTERED AMONG BLACK BUSINESSES despite having command and control of the National Guard is her VP candidate. Said candidates have the gall to expect black people's votes today!

  9. #31109
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    Judge rules Indiana must pay for trans baby murderer’s sex change operation.
    Is it possible that these two pieces of shit have an "extra-judicial" relationship?

  10. #31110
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    ...and, just like that, the fate of the country has been sealed:

    Johnson Shrinks Again As Congress Reaches Shutdown Deal Without '''Proof Of Citizenship''' SAVE Act | ZeroHedge

    It played out exactly as Thomas Massie said it would. Whether Trump wins or not, no political solutions exist.

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