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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #5981
    Join Date
    Aug 2017


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    All this seems too crazy to be real.

    "Human 2.0"? A Wake-Up Call To The World - YouTube

  2. #5982
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Where in this 20 minute video is the relevant part?

  3. #5983
    Join Date
    Jun 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Being a Brit, you may not understand that we have 3 branches of government here. He seems to have omitted the other two from the governing process. Not enough detail for more analysis.
    Are you saying that in order to propose any change in the executive branch, one has to present a comprehensive overhaul of the legislative and judicial branches as well? He explicitly said in that short description that the goal was to produce better leadership at the top.

    Britain has three branches of government. Almost every country does, at least in form if not in function. Being an American, you may not understand that.

  4. #5984
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    Jul 2011


    This was a very good interview. I have to wonder what motives the naysayers would ascribe to Dr. Risch? What does a man in his position have to gain for going against popular opinion as he has? It seems to me that the only realistic motive for him is discovering the truth.

  5. #5985
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    Aug 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Where in this 20 minute video is the relevant part?
    She is discussing Moderna and what they are going to be putting into this Vaccine we all need to get to survive.

    At about the 8 min mark.

  6. #5986
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    Dec 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Where in this 20 minute video is the relevant part?
    Potential modification of the human genome via fast-track vaccination with “RNA techniques” rendered mandatory by suppression of alternatives (HCQ). Does smack of transhumanism. Connects to the post about Risch. Wonder if he’d agree that these dots connect.

  7. #5987
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    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Does it matter to you about the race of the person murdered by the cops -- the Arizona Way -- in Democrat jurisdictions? If it does, you are a Racist.

    Police shooting in Kenosha, man shot 7 times in back — You Decide – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

    If this guy was reaching for a gun in the front seat, is this still okay?
    Seems like the question to be asking is why this man was resisting officers who had guns drawn. And then maybe whether or not non lethal force was used as a first option. The skin color of the "victim" is the least interesting thing about this video.

    Why does the media always absolve these slain of any responsibility they bear for their own safety when they resist arrest? Whether or not we know if the death was justified.

    Of course all we will hear and read about this story will be the usual racial injustice rhetoric dribble.

  8. #5988
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

  9. #5989
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    Leading UK Epidemiologist admits UK lockdown was a ‘monumental mistake’ and must not happen again.

    At the time I agreed with lockdown as a short term emergency response, because we couldn't think of anything better to do, but it was always clear that the moment we started to relax enough measures we were likely to see infection rates rise again either nationally or locally."
    (emphasis mine)

    Dr. Woolhouse is not only a well respected epidemiologist and professor of epidemiology, but he is actually on the scientific panel that advises the UK Government. He is privy to the inside conversations and processes that led to the advice to lock down, and initially supported this move. So to see him admit straight up that the reason for the lockdown was, literally, a combination of panic and not knowing what else to do, is simply astounding if you stop and think about it.

    He says further:

    Lockdown was a panic measure and I believe history will say trying to control Covid-19 through lockdown was a monumental mistake on a global scale, the cure was worse than the disease.

    I never want to see national lockdown again. It was always a temporary measure that simply delayed the stage of the epidemic we see now. It was never going to change anything fundamentally, however low we drove down the number of cases...I believe the harm lockdown is doing to our education, health care access, and broader aspects of our economy and society will turn out to be at least as great as the harm done by Covid-19.
    So they panicked, advised lockdown only because they literally didn't know what else to do, and did not consider the unintended consequences of this tactic that was at best a delay measure and not a solution. A leading expert in the relevant field straight up admits what some of us have been saying since March and April! There isn't some secret hidden knowledge that only the high priests have access to. They shat the bed, and have been scrambling to cover for that via obfuscation, doubling down on stupid, and insulting and blaming the populace for not adhering to measures that were never a viable solution in the first place.

    And now that we are 5+ months in, a few of them are finally realizing that the severity of those second and third order effects are rapidly becoming more damaging when viewed holistically, than covid itself. The cure is worse than the disease. As many of us have been saying since the Springtime.

    Like many others here, I have been consistently insulted and called names and have had my integrity and intelligence questioned for saying this back in March and April, and not backing down since. No one has apologized yet.

    One of the most interesting things about this, to me, is the common thread that the people who were able to see this for what it was earliest are people who are familiar not with virology and epidemiology and immunology and public health. Not at all. It was people who are familiar with the underlying case for free market economics, specifically Frederic Bastiat's "Seen and Unseen," Henry Hazlitt's "Economics in One Lesson" that expounds on Bastiat, Hayek's fatal conceit and spontaneous order concepts, and maybe Leonard Reed's "I, Pencil" understanding of the inherent interconnectedness of the economy and why you can't successfully label, by fiat, who is essential.

    You could've made a principled "rights based" case against lockdowns the whole time that I would have agreed with. But understanding early on - once it was clear that this was not a Frankenstein virus with the simultaneous deadliness of ebola with the spreading capacity of the common cold or flu - that rights aside, the consequences of lockdown would be worse than the disease it was intended to cure - was something I only saw from people familiar with these concepts.

  10. #5990
    Join Date
    Jan 2018


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Does it matter to you about the race of the person murdered by the cops -- the Arizona Way -- in Democrat jurisdictions? If it does, you are a Racist.

    Police shooting in Kenosha, man shot 7 times in back — You Decide – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

    If this guy was reaching for a gun in the front seat, is this still okay?
    his kids were in the car too

    but your question is still valid

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