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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #5011
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    Quote Originally Posted by ltomo View Post
    Interesting. Why do you think they didn't lockdown when neighboring Norway.
    No idea, but the turn of events is proving them right and nobody wants to admit it.

  2. #5012
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    Quote Originally Posted by SSNube View Post
    What? You wouldn't post nonsense statements like this if you actually tried backing them up. For my health and safety, I should move to one of these amazing countries where the people trust their experts more. [emoji2357]
    Why do you think the US has the most number of covid cases and deaths?

    And I never said anything about anyone moving to another country.

    Quote Originally Posted by No insect View Post
    At least in Sweden, almost nobody is wearing masks, except of course in the hospitals. And the virus spread is steadily going down. Wearing a mask could possibly give a false sense of safety.
    Why is Sweden the benchmark when their prime minister himself thinks their strategy didn't work well enough.

    Sweden opens inquiry into failure of no-lockdown coronavirus strategy - Business Insider

    Some excerpts from the article:

    Sweden's prime minister has ordered an inquiry into the country's decision not to impose a coronavirus lockdown after the country suffered thousands more deaths than its closest neighbours.

    "We have thousands of dead," Swedish prime minister Stefan Lofven said at a press conference on Wednesday, while admitting that the country's handling had exposed Sweden's "shortcomings," The Times of London reported.

    In May, Sweden's state epidemiologist, Anders Tegnell, justified this response by saying that countries that imposed strict lockdowns would likely suffer large second waves later in the year, whereas Sweden's would be smaller.

    "In the autumn there will be a second wave," Tegnell told the Financial Times. "Sweden will have a high level of immunity and the number of cases will probably be quite low."

    However, the strategy appears to have failed, with recent data suggesting the virus has spread faster in Sweden since Tegnell's remarks two months ago, while failing to stimulate sufficient antibodies in the community to prevent a second wave.

    A study published in May suggested that a small number of people in Stockholm, 7.3%, had developed coronavirus antibodies, casting doubt over whether Sweden could achieve herd immunity in the near future.

    Sweden's capital Stockholm has also failed to avert the same sort of economic downturn seen in other parts of Europe.

    "We did not manage to protect the most vulnerable, the elderly, despite our best intentions," the prime minister said.

    Quote Originally Posted by Frank_B View Post
    So, since diet and nutrition are valuable components of a healthy lifestyle, should we defer to medical doctors for diet and nutrition advice? They did, after all, go through medical school. They know a lot about the body. They know a lot about the ailments that happen when bad nutrition occurs in a person's life over time.
    Ofcourse not, that's a fallacious argument. Doctors are not trained in nutrition and diet! You have registered dieticians for that purpose. Doctors are not the expert there.

    Quote Originally Posted by ltomo View Post
    Interesting. Why do you think they didn't lockdown when neighboring Norway.

    As an aside, you guys really need to stop responding to Harshray or whatever his name is. Don't throw your pearls before swine. The man is obviously operating on a different plane of existance than the rest of the board
    Atleast I'm backing my statements with arguments. You on the other hand just seem to brush off any assertion that disagrees with your thinking, without providing any logical reasoning. I'm welcome to hear your thoughts and am open to having my mind changed. But your reply does not help. Your reply shows why you are not the expert here, thankfully.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    I'm really curious about how old you are, Harshray.
    And I'm really curious why you are obsessed with age? It seems when you do not have a logical response, you are unable to accept that you may be wrong, and you devolve into name-calling like calling me a "goddamn idiot" and resorting to sarcasm. This is disappointing and unexpected, since you have such an admirable scientific approach to barbell training. Give me one good logical reason why one should not wear a mask. At best masks slow down the spread of the virus. At worst masks do nothing. There are no adverse effects, unless one is advised to not wear one for medical reasons.

    And since you are so obsessed with age, by your logic you should probably listen to Anthony Fauci, he's 79 and older than you. I have no love for the man, but you seem to fallaciously correlate age and expertise, so there you go, listen to Fauci.

    And please don't call me a "goddamn idiot" again this time. Some novelty in name-calling will be appreciated.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kitsuma View Post


    a trendy, young mind

    One can find experts to defend both sides of any argument. He who picks The Experts, controls the minds of the trendies.
    Posters like you really lose your credibility when you do not reply with any proper arguments, and instead just resort to frivolous name-calling. I suspect that your ego doesn't allow you to accept that maybe you might actually be wrong here.

    Only George, mpaolis, Commander and a few others have replied back with proper arguments which I appreciate since I came here to learn your way of thinking, because I am genuinely curious. The rest of you like Itomo have no real arguments, you just resort to sarcasm and brush away others opinions when they don't match yours without so much as a reasoning to back up. It makes sense why you are on the internet, and not on the panel of experts who actually know what they are talking about.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nicholas Laureys View Post
    Harshray you have not thought through the policy implications of your opinion fully. If we are instituting undue harm to protect "all uncles," where are all the other costly protections? You know, like the common features of a nursing home, it would be costly to implement them, too, but if we shut down the economy for months on end to protect elderly uncles, why stop there?
    Ofcourse I understand that shutting down the economy has disastrous consequences and it's a choice between two evils here to make. Fair enough and now let's imagine a world in which the economy has not been shutdown, there's no lockdown. Now would you agree that, as a compromise, people should wear masks. If theres no lockdown and no harm to the economy, so why not try and reduce the virus spread by atleast wearing masks. At best masks will slow the flow. At worst they'll probably do nothing. So what's with the anti-mask sentiment?

    Scientists warn of potential wave of COVID-linked brain damage - Reuters

    Excerpt from the above article:

    COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus, is largely a respiratory illness that affects the lungs, but neuroscientists and specialist brain doctors say emerging evidence of its impact on the brain is concerning.

    "My worry is that we have millions of people with COVID-19 now. And if in a year's time we have 10 million recovered people, and those people have cognitive deficits ... then that's going to affect their ability to work and their ability to go about activities of daily living," Adrian Owen, a neuroscientist at Western University in Canada, told Reuters in an interview.

    In the UCL study, published in the journal Brain, nine patients who had brain inflammation were diagnosed with a rare condition called acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) which is more usually seen in children and can be triggered by viral infections.

  3. #5013
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    This should not surprise me but damn. Think about what this represents. And great work to request a Freedom of Information request to the. CDC to review and publish where the donations have gone.

    Always follow the money, it tells the real story.

    And many of these donations are from underlings who in political bureaucracies are forced by upper management to contribute to the way the executive director wants. But there is no deep state, nothing to see here.

  4. #5014
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Jackson View Post
    FWIW, over here we have plenty of well-known public voices on the left, who get corporate media platforms and interview party leadership candidates, who are self admittedly Marxists and Communisms. Our political history is different, of course. Here's the lovely Ash Sarkar clapping back at Piers Morgan with "I'm literally a communist, you idiot!" during live daytime TV. It wasn't irony.

    I am not talking about the master/slave dialectic, or Nietzsche. I wasn't referring to Karl Marx's work directly, either, despite my faux pas but since you described him as just an "economist", I would say he was a lot more than just production and labour.

    Marx was complex and clearly much, much more than just an economist. "Just an economist" would clearly not have so greatly influenced and set the philosophical trajectory for, to the degree his work did, people like Gramsci, and the aforementioned Germans, and The Frankfurt School, critical theory and intersectionality. He has informed everything about the left today.

    These increasingly complicated explanations for why our social problems can only be viewed through this prism of the "victim" and "oppressor" narrative, or as with intersectionality, how we are living at the intersections of overlapping, mindbogglingly tangled systems of "privilege" and "oppression" - have been promulgated and developed with one aim in mind: burn it all fucking down. It has nothing to do with creating an egalitarian utopia of equality and peace.

    Its job is to methodically vilify, then justify for the eradication and replacement of, all of the European traditions, norms and values which are responsible for the West in general.

    You combine that with liberal egalitarianism, and you have a situation where everyone, from corporate and money power, to the media and academia are telling black people they are allowed to, and indeed should, think of themselves in terms of a "group", and collectivize and politically organize themselves according to their shared racial identity.... but white Europeans must strictly adhere to the tenets of liberalism at all times. Be individuals, and act as individuals within a society of other atomized individuals. If we want to express an identity, we may do this by consuming products, and other forms of traditionally white culture and identity can, and should increasingly, be viewed with suspicion.

    If white people start to become a bit exasperated with this demand place upon them to only act as individuals, they are quickly reminded that it is for their own good, and the good of society and the world at large, as we, as a race, have been marked down in the history books as capable of unspeakable evil (the holocaust, colonialism, slavery...) A trip to the movies, or a night of Netflix, for a bit of light relief and escapism from it all, turns into a propaganda event where the message is repeated in creative and emotional ways. It does certainly seem to me that white people are the only race no longer permitted to act as ethnic group. It is no longer polite or fashionable for that to be a thing.

    There is a reason there has been a recent uptick in interest of the far right (as reported by the media), and it's nothing to do with Trump's "dog-whistling" tweets. You have kids on YouTube, who should be playing Call of Duty, and instead are live-streaming their debates on Third Position ideas. It's pretty crazy.

    To be honest, at this moment and with the problems we have, nobody gives a shit about whether Marx said this, or Nietzsche said that, or whatever. I don't think free market capitalism is the realistic answer to fixing the problems we face today, either, by the way. You have a highly technical, nuanced understanding of these ideas, and that is all well and good, but the arguments that the left have been permitted to make (due to liberal egalitarianism, and the way it limits the right's ability to counter them-) in popular culture and mainstream politics, for decades, has got us to this place of rioting and looting. Now questioning the police's existence, for God's sake.
    Hello again, old chap. I just watched this debate between Slavoj Zizek and Jordan Peterson that was hosted at the University of Toronto last year and it eerily echoed this exact discussion we had last month, so I thought I'd share it with you. I highly recommend the whole debate but the relevant part starts @1:44:45. Enjoy!

  5. #5015
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harshray Koladdy View Post
    And since you are so obsessed with age, by your logic you should probably listen to Anthony Fauci, he's 79 and older than you. I have no love for the man, but you seem to fallaciously correlate age and expertise, so there you go, listen to Fauci.

    And please don't call me a "goddamn idiot" again this time. Some novelty in name-calling will be appreciated.
    I think you're about 14, because you keep making the same logic mistakes common to young inexperienced goddamn idiots. I'm letting you babble on and on about experts because it appears to amuse the other people here, but when I ask you a direct question, you answer it or I delete you, like I have several other goddamn idiots in this thread.

  6. #5016
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    ... you answer it or I delete you, like I have several other goddamn idiots in this thread.
    Are they the same people? Or are the IO addresses different? They write nearly exactly the same.

  7. #5017
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    I think you're about 14, because you keep making the same logic mistakes common to young inexperienced goddamn idiots. I'm letting you babble on and on about experts because it appears to amuse the other people here, but when I ask you a direct question, you answer it or I delete you, like I have several other goddamn idiots in this thread.
    Here we go again, I'm trying to be civil here, but you just keep ranting without any rational statements.

    I have no issues telling you my age. I'm 29, soon to be 30. Now would you care to tell me why you don't wear masks? And why you think age has any correlation with expertise ?

  8. #5018
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    Quote Originally Posted by mpalios View Post
    Are they the same people? Or are the IO addresses different? They write nearly exactly the same.
    IP addresses are different. This one is more childish than even Bruno, who was really just a disagreeable asshole. This kid seems to actually believe in the Tooth Fairy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Harshray Koladdy View Post
    Here we go again, I'm trying to be civil here, but you just keep ranting without any rational statements.

    I have no issues telling you my age. I'm 29, soon to be 30. Now would you care to tell me why you don't wear masks? And why you think age has any correlation with expertise ?
    29 going on 30. We used to say that when we were 11 going on 12. I don't wear masks because 1.) they don't accomplish anything biological, and 2.) because I don't want to. It's already been discussed. Catch up.

  9. #5019
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    I hope this link pasted ok. The World Health Organization is looking for “influencers” to help the WHO get it’s credibility back. The WHO will pay back celebs to spew nonsense on their behalf. Can’t wait to see what third rate celebs take the money.

    World Health Organization Hires PR Firm to Find Celebrity Influencers to Counter Negative Publicity

  10. #5020
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harshray Koladdy View Post

    Posters like you really lose your credibility when you do not reply with any proper arguments, and instead just resort to frivolous name-calling. I suspect that your ego doesn't allow you to accept that maybe you might actually be wrong here.
    Hey man. Forget it. These folks live in their own universe. With their own facts and theories.

    First they said its wasn't contagious or that deadly.
    Then they said the government and the media were just making stuff up.
    Then they said it was only old and very sick people who got it.
    Then they said masks dont help, and in any case shutting down businesses is worse.
    They never accepted or understood that even if you survive a VERY unfortunate hospital stay, you could end up with long term medical problems - scarring, and worse.
    They say if you get sick, its your on problem.

    They dont accept anything in the MSM, anything that scientists say (they disparage 'scientism'), anythign that ANYone says that they dont like. They simply refuse to accept that this is a serious disease that is ridiculously contagious and quite deadly and disabling. And, we can deal with it now or later. That the ONLY way to ameliorate the long-term economic effects is to deal with the disease now....I never see anyone talk about how life is pretty much back to normal in much of Europe, or that the current outbreaks are EXACTLY in states where people refuse to socially distance, wear masks or even take this seriously.

    Finally, if you disagree with them, you are called childish names and insulted or blocked.

    You gotta move on. I check in here every once in a while and am just amazed. I keep hoping someone comes to their senses. This type of thinking needs to needless death and injury.

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