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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #5741
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    Thanks to sensible change in the UK, "A review of how deaths from coronavirus are counted in England has reduced the UK death toll by more than 5,000, to 41,329, the government has announced."

    Coronavirus: England death count review reduces UK toll by 5,000 - BBC News

    All we need now is for the Government to admit the number of people that died 'of' the virus.

    Does the US have a cut off period for including people in the death toll after recovering from Covid?

  2. #5742
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    Jul 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by JordanNewell View Post
    This is known as Facism. It was tried out in the mid 20th century and a number of significant downsides became apparent. Quite a lot of Americans died so the affected countries could get back to being representative democracies, following which things improved a lot. It really blows my mind that anyone would think it's worth another go round that particular carousel.
    My remark was for our commie to consider. Communism and socialism often have dictators or kings in charge. The primary difference is that a communist king is required to pretend he is not a king, virtue signal about his policies being "for everyone's own good" and impose strict, totalitarian societal controls through a vast bureaucracy. A monarch doesn't give a damn about virtue signalling or forcing compliance and equality of poverty "for your own good".

    Monarchy is not Fascism. Fascism is a form of socialism. Fascism was totalitarian national socialism with a dictator in charge.

    Monarchy worked very well in Britain for a very long time. It was under Monarchy that Britain was most prosperous and successful as a nation.

    Representative democracies do not work, have never worked. Representative democracy is merely a bastardized corruption of the founding principles of our Constitutional Republic.

    My ancestors died so America could exist as a constitutional republic. That republic has not existed for a long time. What they fought and died for has been lost, perhaps forever.

    If people are forced to choose between: communism, democratic socialism, national socialism or monarchy, monarchy may be the best choice.

  3. #5743
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    Woodside, CA (aka The San Francisco Bay Area or as I like to call it, the belly of the beast)


    Quote Originally Posted by Yngvi View Post
    My remark was for our commie to consider. Communism and socialism often have dictators or kings in charge. The primary difference is that a communist king is required to pretend he is not a king, virtue signal about his policies being "for everyone's own good" and impose strict, totalitarian societal controls through a vast bureaucracy. A monarch doesn't give a damn about virtue signalling or forcing compliance and equality of poverty "for your own good".

    Monarchy is not Fascism. Fascism is a form of socialism. Fascism was totalitarian national socialism with a dictator in charge.

    Monarchy worked very well in Britain for a very long time. It was under Monarchy that Britain was most prosperous and successful as a nation.

    Representative democracies do not work, have never worked. Representative democracy is merely a bastardized corruption of the founding principles of our Constitutional Republic.

    My ancestors died so America could exist as a constitutional republic. That republic has not existed for a long time. What they fought and died for has been lost, perhaps forever.

    If people are forced to choose between: communism, democratic socialism, national socialism or monarchy, monarchy may be the best choice.
    We need an Article 5 Convention of States now!

  4. #5744
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark E. Hurling View Post
    Floyd was indeed all of that. Even so, when he used passive resistance when put in the patrol vehicle, proning him out and kneeling on his neck was the wrong response. Just haul his big ass up and shove him in the back seat with whatever additional restraints might have been needed on him. Including fastening his cuffs to something solid and bolted to the frame of the vehicle. Then drive off to the nearest lock up with him.

    Done. Non-lethal. Out of sight of all the video cams and phones, which only made what WAS done look worse.
    I agree, from my perspective. It was a confluence of a cop superseding his training, being an asshole and a guy in a bad way (not said with empathy.) Non issue if he handled it as you describe above.

    But the cop walks for a myriad of reasons, including the prosecutors upgrade of the charges (intentional).

    We ain’t seen nuthin’ yet. Hang on.

  5. #5745
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    Jul 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by Jovan Dragisic View Post
    You can do a state run healthcare system, but then you can’t allow a private option. Otherwise you get a really bad public option and a very expensive private one at the same time. You gotta go full private or full state run, no in in between.
    Yup. This is why the Buttigieg and Warren proposals were so ridiculous. Your post leaves out an important bit of information though, which is that the experience humanity actually has with privatized healthcare strongly suggests that it is ass.

    Quote Originally Posted by JordanNewell View Post
    This is known as Facism. It was tried out in the mid 20th century and a number of significant downsides became apparent. Quite a lot of Americans died so the affected countries could get back to being representative democracies, following which things improved a lot. It really blows my mind that anyone would think it's worth another go round that particular carousel.
    My mind is blown too. In a previous post he even said that monarchists have no incentive to interfere with property rights, which betrays a profound lack of informedness in light of the fact that one of the key aspects of the Magna Carta (the first step away from monarchy western civ ever took) was guaranteeing citizens’ the right to own and inherit property.

    Quote Originally Posted by DylanClarke View Post
    Cool story bro.

    I grew up working class in Britain, did pretty well for myself during my mid 20s to mid 30s and have lived in the US for the last 3 and a half years, so I can do a first hand comparison of the US and UK health care systems.

    The British system is cheaper because it's not as good as the US one. Wait ages to have someone decide whether it's a good use of resources to give you a treatment, or whether they should just send you home to get sicker and pat themself on the back for being thrifty. Then if you are doing well enough to have private healthcare it ends up being a lot more expensive then in the US, and often only available in major metropolitan areas.

    When I was poor I had teeth go bad because the NHS dentist could only claim for so many fillings and knew he'd run out before the end of the month, so wanted to save them for people in worse health than me who couldn't cope as well with dental pain. I knew people who were denied therapy for depression just because they were male and some studies suggested it was a more cost effective treatment for women. I knew someone who was denied heart surgery because he was 55 and he was likely to live 5-10 years without it, so it wasn't a good use of resources.

    Then when I had money there were no private general practitioners within 200 miles of where I lived, and the NHS ones wouldn't consider referring me for the right treatment for a shoulder injury because the NHS didn't offer it. I ended up driving an 800 mile round trip to get the procedure done even when I was paying a lot of money for it.

    But hey, the NHS was free - well except for the extra taxes that were used to pay for it - so maybe it was worth all the unnecessary pain.
    Yes—great point. It oughtn’t even bear mentioning, Dylan, that no one has ever had a bad experience with a U.S. doctor or a private health insurance bureaucracy. Your one little anecdote really puts proponents of socialized medicine in their place. Doubly so given that so many people agree with you, which is why there is a huge chunk of the electorate that wants to dispense with the NHS in favor of the veritable garden of delights that privatized healthcare has been in the U.S.. As you can see, Brions despise their healthcare system so much that they are barely even more proud of it than their queen! Your views are clearly representative of most people’s. (The NHS: even more cherished than the monarchy and the army)

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    And those of us that have been paying attention to this for the past 30 years already know this. It amazes me that socialist vermin keep trotting out the theory in the complete absence of the facts to the contrary. They do this because they are not particularly intelligent, and they assume everyone else is also not particularly intelligent. This clown is a perfect example.
    Yes, those attention-paying folks see through the socialist scam that is the NHS. Its popularity, as you attention-payers are already aware, is terribly low. As you no doubt realize, it is only a matter of time until the downtrodden citizens of the UK, mistreated outrageously by socialism, rise up and demand the Beauty and Freedom afforded by private insurance. Sure, the actual data may suggest that people in the U.S. are more likely to be satisfied with military and gov’t-managed insurance (Americans With Government Health Plans Most Satisfied) , but this merely serves to buttress your previous well-made points about why democracy is so bad. The stupid people in this gallup poll BELIEVE that they are satisfied with their medicare coverage, but actually they hate it. Only intellectually polished folks such as yourself are insightful enough to understand how bad the healthcare coverage that they approve of is, which is why we can’t trust people to vote. Right, Rip?

    Quote Originally Posted by AndrewLewis View Post
    Are you familiar with the existing US government-run health care system that is a subset of the VA? Have you ever talked to anyone who has attempted to receive treatment in this "free" healthcare system?

    There are horror stories about the VA, sure. As was discussed above, it is very hard to succeed with a state “option” rather than full or near-full commitment to public healthcare, not east because it is easy get away with underfunding a program that only serves a small number of people without being punished by the electorate. That said, the poll linked above suggests that people treated by the VA are more likely to be happy with their health coverage than those reliant on employer-based insurance. I think the small number of bad cases is played up by people who have wealth and riches to gain by privatization.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dsquared1969 View Post
    I also have some experience with the awesome British medical system, my father was stationed in England from '76-78, I was 7 at the time and I ended up with a cyst on my neck that the socialist piece of shit doctors decided needed to be removed, to this day I still have a huge ugly scar just below my Adam's apple due to the botched removal and leaving the stitches in for too long (my dad ended up removing them because there was a wait list to bring me in and have them removed). So, yeah, I don't need to be lectured about the virtues of socialist medical systems by some over-educated douchebag socialist (HAGhstull), and I'm way beyond the age where I worry about whether or not I'm impressing someone.
    Yes. These waitlists are so oppressive that Britons everywhere, of every race, creed and color, are joining together in a mass populist movement focused on completely changing the way healthcare is done in their country.

    …. Oh, wait. That’s the U.S., isn’t it?

  6. #5746
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haghstull View Post
    Sure, the actual data may suggest that people in the U.S. are more likely to be satisfied with military and gov’t-managed insurance (Americans With Government Health Plans Most Satisfied)


    There are horror stories about the VA, sure. As was discussed above, it is very hard to succeed with a state “option” rather than full or near-full commitment to public healthcare, not east because it is easy get away with underfunding a program that only serves a small number of people without being punished by the electorate. That said, the poll linked above suggests that people treated by the VA are more likely to be happy with their health coverage than those reliant on employer-based insurance.
    That's not what the poll said at all. In socialist vermin school you learned an interesting set of rhetorical skills, like cite the poll and then misstate its data. "Say it enough times and people will believe you." "The bigger the lie, the easier the sell." Etc., etc.

    In your poll, the "Military or veterans" cohort was the second smallest of the samples, and no distinction is made within the numbers between active duty military -- those people on whom the services depend for their continued function -- and the fucking VA, widely recognized by even Democrat Politicians as the shittiest bureaucracy in the entire government. The VA with which you have no personal experience and, once again, do not know what the fuck you're talking about.

    Now, I've allowed you to lie repeatedly on this board so that people can see what socialist vermin do. Time for you to go away, back to whatever board you socialist vermin inhabit. I'm asking nicely this one time.

  7. #5747
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Every dystopian SF film has exactly this as a plot element, so the boy is not even that original.
    Pointless, dispassionate analysis of absurd scenarios is the purview of some "bioethics". Fine. But unnecessarily mentioning vaccination, public transit, rural defiance, and covert NGOs is simply Sokalian.

    I remain optimistic that Professor Crutchfield, like @sciencing_bi, is a phantasm.

  8. #5748
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    He really made a bad impression on you, Shiva. He could have written this too, with help from the socialist vermin above: Dear Men: Stop Working Out. | Sis, This!

    Look at this goddamn thing, and try to find a single true fact.

    Toxic masculinity refers to the cultural norms in a patriarchal society that equates masculinity with control, aggression and violence. Men are conditioned from a young age to believe that emotion, compassion and empathy are somehow “unmanly”.

    One of the main tactics used by those in power of a male-driven society is the exploitation of physical strength. Western governments use propaganda to perpetuate a narrative that men must work out and maintain a level of physical fitness if they want to be respected in society. This belief was created purposefully as a way to ensure that the patriarchal agenda lives on by continuing to force women into submission via intimidation.

    Women are, on average, intellectually superior to men. This intellectual maturity allows them to have a greater hold on their emotions when faced with confrontation. In comparison, the fragility of toxic masculinity creates an atmosphere where men feel the need to prove themselves as an “Alpha”, resulting in extreme aggression and physical confrontation. This reaction is enhanced when levels of testosterone are increased in the male body through physical fitness.

    Studies have shown that signs of aggression in male dogs decreased exponentially following castration. Dr. Nicholas Dodman, veterinarian and behavior specialist says, “Neutering your male [dog] has valuable behaviour benefits. It can minimize numerous unwanted behaviors, prevent frustrations and improve quality of life“. This same logic can be applied here – the lower the testosterone, the happier the man and the safer the society.

    As a progressive society, we must acknowledge the fact that increased volumes of testosterone and the lack of emotional intelligence amongst men is being used as a weapon by our government to continue the cycle of misogynistic oppression towards women.

    To the woke males out there: You need to take accountability for your fellow man’s actions and make a conscientious effort to put an end to this form of sexism. Don’t remain a sheep for the rest of your life.

    A concerned feminist.
    This is the way it's done, people. If enough shit like this is written, one day you wake up and it's August 2020.

  9. #5749
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    He really made a bad impression on you, Shiva. He could have written this too, with help from the socialist vermin above: Dear Men: Stop Working Out. | Sis, This!
    Not that this makes it any better, but I'm pretty sure "Journalist Katie" is just trolling.

  10. #5750
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    I was advised to get my head out of my ass and come visit this thread, but now I see that the advice was to make me feel better because everybody has their head up their ass.

    Quote Originally Posted by Christopher Button View Post
    Not that this makes it any better, but I'm pretty sure "Journalist Katie" is just trolling.
    Could well be.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jake Norman View Post
    I was advised to get my head out of my ass and come visit this thread, but now I see that the advice was to make me feel better because everybody has their head up their ass.
    Hard to argue with that. Lookie here: COVID-19 Provisional Counts - Weekly Updates by Select Demographic and Geographic Characteristics

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