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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #6091
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    Elections rarely interest me, especially the circus that is the US election, but I'm curious, so please humour me if these are silly questions...if Trump 'wins' this one, what do you Americans think will happen? Is a military coup impossible? Will the result, regardless of who wins, be dragged through the courts? If that happens, who runs the country in the interim? Does any of this matter to you, given the craziness going on?


    Top general rejects Democrats’ fantasy of military ousting Trump from White House — RT USA News

  2. #6092
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    United Kingdom


    The power of narrative, image, speed and technology will be harnessed to make an example out of Kyle - but in 2020, I think it still would be "bad optics" for the establishment if a court gave Kyle a guilty verdict. There's enough energy from the American conservative/libertarian-"I'm for private property"-Blue Lives Matter aspect to keep him out of jail. In 4 or 8 years in the future, however, I don't think that will be the case. I don't think we're going to be living in the same world in another 4 years. The Overton window is moving quickly.

    I think it's likely Kyle will win the case. What's key is even if this kid gets off - is his life will not be OK. The state will make an example of out him, as they still do with James Fields from Charlottesville. There will be a media crucifixion. Kyle will have consistent politicians, media outlets and Hollywood celebrities throwing his name out there, constantly, to illustrate the threat of the "far right" and the GOP will do nothing to counter this narrative. They will endorse it.

    The other important thing is that Antifa is being allowed to continue operating for a reason and it's being allowed to operate in Trump's America. This is made obvious for all but the most gullible to see and understand when the whole system, the entire Cathedral, shows its hand and publicly comes down full force on people like Kyle Rittenhouse during an incident like this. Antifa is basically state-sponsored terror. A paramilitary organization that is permitted to operate in the United States. They are the unofficial arm of the state, and that's why Trump has done nothing about them.

    These big, showy threats of sending in the Feds are all just election games designed to make you vote for the Republicans - there is no serious justice coming down on these rioters, and many of these Antifa destroyers are released immediately. However, you can bet if someone like Kyle starts shooting and a single Antifa/BLM rioter gets dropped (especially if they happen to be black - it's lucky he missed the black guy who tried to head-stomp him), the National Guard will get orders to move in without delay. THIRTY Americans were killed during the last three months of riots, prior to this.

    Kyle thought he was going out and enforcing the legitimacy of the United States, but he didn't realise he was going up against a state-endorsed organization, and put himself in an impossible kill-or-be-killed situation. Going up against these protected people, as a white conservative, is basically like going up against the US military - you will be prosecuted in the same way.

    As much as I want to pat Kyle on the back, and hold him up as an example of someone not afraid to defend himself... the US government is just not worth sacrificing yourself for, and they certainly will not have your back in a situation like this. There's something noble about what he did, taking the bull by the horns, but its also brash and foolish to go out there try to counter what is basically a state-endorsed protest/riot/

    That said, Kyle still should be given our unequivocal support. In all these situations, it doesn't matter "who" is being punished, or even "why" - but for who does it benefit to punish someone like Kyle, and who does it benefit to push a certain narrative?

    They are using a real person and his entire life is at stake. A real person who is being thrown to the wolves to promote a social narrative and scapegoat him. Whether you agree with him and his intentions or not, this is the ultimate betrayal. We have a duty to speak on his behalf, because he was trying to bring order, and do the right thing, and he is not being protected by his state, by the authorities, by the people he believed would protect him. All this is very important because it will visit you and those you love some day soon, and our kids will grow up in a world where they will be thrown to the wolves if they dare to stand up for themselves.

    Good on you, kid. Just don't do it again.

  3. #6093
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark E. Hurling View Post
    I'd be interested in an actual lawyer's take, like say, Brodie's on this teenager from Illinois and his actions that lead up to the shootings. If you ignore that he seems to have had no ties to Kenosha, at least that we know of, his actions in defense of himself don't seem out of line. Information is coming out now that all three of the thugs he shot had criminal records and the one who got shot in the arm and survived had a pistol in his hand.

    So why was the teen there? Did he work at a business there he was defending? Or a home or relative that he wanted to help and assist in defending? Because if the answer to either of those questions is no, it looks to me like he had no good reason to cross state lines and carry around a firearm in a community he didn't seem to have any ties to. Even if he did, if there was a responsible adult in the vicinity whose home or business he was defending should have kept him reined in close to that place. If not send him back to Antioch where he lived. One also has to wonder about this teen's parents. Where were they?

    I dunno, he was too young to be a legal security guard and in any event, probably not eligible to be one as a non-resident of WI in accordance with their regulations for such guards. He had no duty to perform. I can't see how he could claim any kind of citizen's arrest powers either. He placed himself in this situation and it went bad on him. And that is where it seems to me the problem begins for him in a clear claim of minding his own business and then being attacked. We're well rid of the two dead guys, and the 3rd one will have a permanent reminder of his own part in this. No regrets about that either.
    He was there earlier in the daylight cleaning up the area and graffiti. His gloves were from that. He didn't arm himself until later when the situation deteriorated.

    I am exceptionally pro law enforcement, and I understand some small part of what they deal with since I have some similar experiences. But if you're a police officer in Kenosha, Portland, Seattle, NYC, Minneapolis, etc... you need to enforce the law equally, resign in protest, or get the fuck out of the way. Those officers who are enforcing the edicts and whims of petty tyrants by unequally enforcing the law against those trying to take back or keep their communities will find themselves alone and thirsty in the desert.

    The silent majority IS backing you. Now either back them or get the fuck out of Dodge.

  4. #6094
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    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    The average IQ in the United States is 103. We tend to forget that.
    I know you’d agree, Rip, that this board is a highly representative slice of the population.

  5. #6095
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    Jul 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    I actually thought I'd seen all I needed to when it comes to Rittenhouse. All three shootings are caught on video and it's clear he's defending himself. His trigger discipline is pretty remarkable, especially right before he gets the last guy in the bicep. He actually didn't shoot him until he drew the gun after a fake surrender gesture. I think if I'd been in that scenario I'd probably be shooting at everything that moves and screaming for the mob to get away from me. But the angle in the link with the two potential agitators is fascinating.

  6. #6096
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    If pro athletes really cared about humanity, racism, justice, and the overall well being of society, they would protest school closures.

    Think about that for ten seconds.

  7. #6097
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    North Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by Ads View Post
    Elections rarely interest me, especially the circus that is the US election, but I'm curious, so please humour me if these are silly questions...if Trump 'wins' this one, what do you Americans think will happen?
    Clarify something for us: what do you mean by "wins"?

  8. #6098
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    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Jackson View Post
    The power of narrative, image, speed and technology will be harnessed to make an example out of Kyle - but in 2020, I think it still would be "bad optics" for the establishment if a court gave Kyle a guilty verdict. There's enough energy from the American conservative/libertarian-"I'm for private property"-Blue Lives Matter aspect to keep him out of jail. In 4 or 8 years in the future, however, I don't think that will be the case. I don't think we're going to be living in the same world in another 4 years. The Overton window is moving quickly.

    I think it's likely Kyle will win the case. What's key is even if this kid gets off - is his life will not be OK. The state will make an example of out him, as they still do with James Fields from Charlottesville. There will be a media crucifixion. Kyle will have consistent politicians, media outlets and Hollywood celebrities throwing his name out there, constantly, to illustrate the threat of the "far right" and the GOP will do nothing to counter this narrative. They will endorse it.
    Here is a rather silly example of a media outlet conducting their affairs in this direction: White Supremacists Were 'On A Hunting Spree' In Kenosha, Says Wisconsin Lawmaker | HuffPost

    I'll post the text so you don't have to give them a hit:

    White Supremacists Were ‘On A Hunting Spree’ In Kenosha, Says Wisconsin Lawmaker
    They were “driving around in pickup trucks, targeting protesters,” said state Rep. David Bowen.
    By Mary Papenfuss

    A Wisconsin lawmaker has accused armed vigilantes in Kenosha of organizing a “hunting spree” against protesters with little interference from local police.

    “I literally witnessed firsthand a massive amount of organized white supremacists driving around in pickup trucks, targeting protesters,” Democratic state Rep. David Bowen of Milwaukee said in an interview Thursday on “Democracy Now.”

    “They were there not there to try to defend businesses,” added Bowen, who was at the protest Tuesday night when two demonstrators were fatally shot. “They were there to hurt people. They were armed, and they were using chemical irritants. They were harassing protesters.”

    A possible vigilante recruit and Donald Trump supporter, 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, has been charged with homicide in the shooting deaths of two demonstrators and the wounding of a volunteer medic Tuesday night. He traveled from his home in Illinois armed with a semiautomatic rifle, according to investigators. The shootings were captured on video.

    The protesters were killed as they demonstrated against the Kenosha police shooting of Jacob Blake, a 29-year-old Black father, on Sunday. Blake was shot seven times in the back by as he walked to his car, where his three young children were waiting for him.

    The vigilante “Kenosha Guard” had been recruiting members on Facebook to join the “Armed Citizens to Protect Our Lives and Property” in Kenosha. The call to arms was picked up and distributed by the far-right conspiracy website Infowars.

    Bowen said Rittenhouse was seen “joking around” with police before the protesters were killed.

    “You don’t walk around shooting people away from a property that you supposedly were there to defend,” Bowen said. “It’s very clear that they were on a hunting spree. This was not the defense of property. And we should be very clear about that.”
    Amazing. But they will say anything, because there is no actual Journalism anymore.

    The other important thing is that Antifa is being allowed to continue operating for a reason and it's being allowed to operate in Trump's America. This is made obvious for all but the most gullible to see and understand when the whole system, the entire Cathedral, shows its hand and publicly comes down full force on people like Kyle Rittenhouse during an incident like this. Antifa is basically state-sponsored terror. A paramilitary organization that is permitted to operate in the United States. They are the unofficial arm of the state, and that's why Trump has done nothing about them.
    Being from the UK, you have an understandable misconception about how things work in the US. I may be wrong about the technical details here, but your system is much more National in nature than ours, and US law enforcement is almost entirely in the hands of state and local officials. For example, Murder in the US is not a federal crime -- all states have laws against murder, the laws vary in the details of the charging circumstances, and the state prosecutes the crime, with local officials acting as agents of the State in which the crime is committed. The Federal Government has jurisdiction in matters which cross state lines, but rioting in Portland happened in Portland, and the Antifa pussies destroying Portland are violating the laws of the State of Oregon, even if they came in from San Francisco. Oregon is responsible for letting Portland be destroyed.

    The current circumstances are quite clear here: President Trump cannot enforce local laws. The Federal Government has no jurisdiction in downtown Portland aside from the protection of Federal property. If the Governor of Wisconsin and the Mayor of Kenosha choose to not enforce the laws of the State of Wisconsin against theft, arson, assault, breaking and entering, attempted murder, and murder, then the laws do not get enforced. I have a lot of friends who think that the feds should do something about Minneapolis, but they cannot do anything the Governor of Minnesota doesn't specifically ask them to do with respect to the enforcement of the laws of the State of Minnesota. Minnesota has to enforce their own laws, and if they fail to do so, it is not Donald Trump's fault, but rather the fault of the voters of the State of Minnesota who elected these fools. The evidence is quite clear: riots and mayhem are a local phenomenon. Every city on fire right now has a Democrat administration, the majority of them having had it for decades. I know of no Republican/conservative municipalities that have tolerated riots this year.

    The burning of downtown Minneapolis was a decision made by the Democrats who run Minneapolis. I talked to a friend in law enforcement about this yesterday. Several smaller cities in Texas have received intel on BLM/Antifa activities organizers -- these are not spontaneous events, you must know -- coming to town, and the police were prepared, often with the help of the citizens of the area. When word is passed that the protest is to turn into a riot, the cops make it known that the first brick through a window gets answered with 5.56mm. The event stays either peaceful or it disperses completely, depending on the original intentions. This is what happened in small towns across Texas. I am told that Governor Abbott has adopted this policy at the State level.

    The local administration decides what will happen. Minneapolis decided differently. This is not Donald Trump's fault, nor is it his responsibility -- it is not Donald Trump's America. Not at all. The voters of Minneapolis are ultimately responsible, and not one penny of my federal taxes should be spent bailing them out of their bad decisions. My question for my buddy was, when do police departments across the country finally decide that they are going to quell the riots with the only thing that has ever worked -- blood -- and his answer was simple, although not satisfying: When they decide to do so. This cannot be made Federal. Portland voted for burning itself to the ground -- let it proceed.

    Now, a case can be made that BLM/Antifa are a terrorist organization, and that the members of these organizations are therefore subject to federal arrest, trial, and incarceration. I have heard that this is in fact taking place, and it would be reassuring to know more about it, and how many are being dealt with daily. If tens of thousands of these little white English/Sociology-major rioting pussies who have done incalculable harm to our society were rounded up, shipped in rail cars to extermination camps, and burned alive, it would be very satisfying to watch, but probably impractical, so the slower pace will have to be tolerated. For now.

  9. #6099
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    The burning of downtown Minneapolis was a decision made by the Democrats who run Minneapolis. I talked to a friend in law enforcement about this yesterday. Several smaller cities in Texas have received intel on BLM/Antifa activities organizers -- these are not spontaneous events, you must know -- coming to town, and the police were prepared, often with the help of the citizens of the area.
    This was true in Charleston when King Street was the target of rioting, looting, assault and arson. CPD and CCSO were all prepared and ready. Their intelligence unit had tracked the four buses offloading at three different hotels. When the moment came to confront them, the mayor gave a stand down order. Of course, they said they didn't in the press, but everyone on the radio heard it. You can FOIA request it if you'd like to hear it.

    After King St. they pushed to take the Ravenel Bridge. As they pushed the ramp, CPD was order to abandon the bridge, and so they did -- leaving CCSO alone to hold it. They called Mt. Pleasant PD, staged at the other end, and told them if they didn't want the rioters to break through and push their city that they had better come assist.

    As soon as MPPD and CCSO laid the batons and mace to them the rioters dispersed. The intelligence units noted that they were all back at the hotels later to be picked up and bussed out.

    If these Democrat mayors and governors aren't held accountable for this... maybe a temporary collapse of law and order will be necessary.

    Oh, and then there's this, too.

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  10. #6100
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    starting strength coach development program
    Why riot? Why destroy the property and livelihoods of people who have nothing to do with the cause you so passionately believe in? I’m even sceptical of “peaceful protests” - mostly the ridiculous endorsement of the protesters by our moronic politicians. As if taking a day off your media studies course to shout at police forced to do overtime away from their families is somehow commendable, leaving the mess to be cleaned up by minimum wage stiffs whose self worth isn’t judged by Instagram likes.

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