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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #30671
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buddy Rich View Post
    Wal, I agree with you on this. I shared the article because Colpo is always intriguing, regardless of whether you agree with him. In this case, though, he’s way off. He has two other articles that are even more bizarre, but I won’t be linking those.
    No worries Bud. Here is a link to a computer generated model on the assassin's bullet path near Trump's head, you may have seen it already.

  2. #30672
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    Quote Originally Posted by gregpall603 View Post
    I'm a stock trader, and had that bullet connected and killed Trump, the market would've likely hit circuit breakers last Monday a la Covid lockdowns. Institutions are hedged, but I find the detachment to this "limit down" event so unbelievably weird. Do people not understand the destabilizing effect this would have on the US as a "safe" investment.

    Lots of anti-Trumpers are Boomers who of upper middle class persuasion - who love being abused so long as housing prices and 401K's are up, and pensions are well-funded. It's these very people (the life blood of the regime) who have most to lose, ironically.

    What makes this so different from 2016: we're seeing the rise of a new elite, not populism. From David Sacks, to Bill Ackman, to Elon Musk, to even Jamie Dimon serving a Treasury post. Most elites were either closeted pro-Trump or rabidly anti-Trump in 2016 and even 2020. People who aren't going to just let an assassination go. The whole detachment to the implications (incl. at the jovial RNC) is just really strange to me.
    Of course the markets would react to a political assassination, but Trump would have easily been replaced by someone else and the show would go on.

    Boomers will be dead before they see the worst of it. I doubt I'll even have access to a government pension. British Boomers can sit pretty with their triple locked gov pensions and watch it all go down with a nice glass of red.

    The thing is, Lefty Boomers have been brainwashed to describe the existential threat as "fascism". Conservative boomer's have always characterised the threat as "socialism". They're both wrong, it's the intentional replacement of Whites in America and slowly, but surely, in patches America will operate and feel more and more like a third world country.

    This is why this year's RNC has the atmosphere of a jovial, retarded party, not a crisis meeting to literally save the lives of American people. We've been told that "they" want both Trump and his voters dead, and we've apparently just witnessed the most concrete evidence of this, and this is the response. The message was confused because these people, Trump included, stand for absolutely nothing.

    Except the guy who appeared on stage and barked at the goyim "SCREAM IF YOU LOVE ISRAEL!" and described Trump as "the most pro-Israel president ever". He definitely believes in something. Republican National Convention Milwaukee 2024, Day 2 - YouTube

    It is beyond parody. The Jewish guy, and AMBER ROSE.

    (Cue the mandatory comment about my noticing the fact there's something wrong with Americans being required to worship and submit to another country)

    Your description also perfectly sums up why no grassroots candidate from truly outside of the false left/right paradigm/uniparty structure could EVER ascend to power and represent the American people. Why the whole idea of American democracy is a joke. If anyone upset the status quo, can you imagine the capital flight out of the USA? Would this ever be allowed to happen? This is the real source of the problem - not trannies, not green haired kindergarten instructors, and not "socialists".

  3. #30673
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    Quote Originally Posted by David A. Rowe View Post
    Vance is a ***Marine***, lawyer, and has an Indian wife. It's not a "unity" ticket like RFK Jr. (which was a poor idea), but it does give Trump a bulldog of a VP. Presumably. Vance also has the look, and is his own kind of unity candidate.
    ***He was a public communications marine*** or something; sounds like a glorified wartime correspondent journalist for the media branch of the military (aka propaganda).

    What look exactly does he have that is beneficial?
    The Indian wife is a good thing politically for some reason?

    Yes, I believe any of those choices would have been excellent and that there were probably 20 more excellent choices.
    Trump is the frontman; no name recognition or charisma needed for VP candidate.

    He looks to me like he comes from the same failed cookie-cutter politician model of: selfishly ambitious ivy league educated lawyer with highly questionable military service credentials who had a miraculous revelation that making America great again or putting Americans first is actually a good thing, not evil as he had previously said.

  4. #30674
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    I just watched JD Vance speak for the first time and my impression is that he has the Hill-dog Clinton look; Overly practiced, overly careful, overly scripted, robotic and disingenuous.

  5. #30675
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    Vaccinated Man Who Said You Won'''t Get COVID If You'''re Vaccinated Gets COVID Again

    Brandon has covid again. Such safety, so effective

    President Joe Biden has tested positive for COVID, yet again, the White House announced on Wednesday afternoon.

    Biden, who claimed to have a cold during June's disastrous debate against former President Donald Trump is set to miss a scheduled speaking engagement in Las Vegas after testing positive. The White House's statement announcing the positive test result repeated the necessary line that most public figures repeat after getting COVID: he's vaccinated and boosted.

    "He is vaccinated and boosted and he is experiencing mild symptoms," the White House statement said. "He will be returning to Delaware where he will self-isolate and will continue to carry out all of his duties fully during that time. The White House will provide regular updates on the President’s status as he continues to carry out the full duties of the office while in isolation."


    Somehow, after nearly four years of the vaccines and boosters utterly failing to stop infection or transmission, public figures still resort to the "vaccinated and boosted" line when announcing their latest positive test. Similarly to how those who studiously wore masks would blame others when they test positive.

    Speaking of masks, after testing positive for COVID, Biden was seen getting out of a car, walking near other people and even heading into Air Force One without wearing a mask.

    Maybe he and his team have finally realized that masks don't work.

    This is the same person who wanted 2-year-olds to mask in government programs after all mandates for adults had ended. Now he's walking around smiling and waving, forcing the media to confront its worst fears: an unmasked person with COVID.

    Then there's the other all-important question: what does this mean for Biden's future as a candidate for president? After his debate performance and a series of embarrassing public appearances, many, if not most Democrats, want Biden to drop out. He's repeatedly stated he has no intention of dropping out, though in a recent BET interview, claimed he'd consider it if he had a "medical condition that emerged."

    "If I had some medical condition that emerged, if somebody — if doctors came to me and said you got this problem, that problem," he said when asked what would lead him to exit the race.

    Well COVID can certainly count as a "medical condition," especially if Biden's team wants it to. Given the increasing calls from former supporters that he step down, that seems like a distinct possibility.

    As if we needed more proof of what a farce the media and expert obsession with boosters and masks really, Biden's latest positive test provides even more of it. Just wait until he gets it again after another booster this year.
    What are odds the olde ticker just stops in the next week "from covid" or what we really know will be some of that sea eye eh joose. They have to not be zero.

  6. #30676
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jason Donaldson View Post
    Think of the scene in The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly where multiple parties are counting the time it takes the bank guards in El Paso to make their patrol circuit, and how that gets used against the bank.
    Crap - I messed this up. That scene's in For a Few Dollars More.

    Quote Originally Posted by wal View Post
    I do have a Scofield Bible which does have a non-allegorical approach to prophecy hence its understanding that Israel will continue as a nation and has not been replaced by the "Church" and the US contained the largest diaspora of Jews after WWII, but that is not relevant to what is happening in the US, unlike Australia in the US the "Christian" Nationalists tie politics and Christianity together. They are mostly republicans and support a right wing government and believe that God's nation is the USA and Trump is the man that will bring back the USA to its rightful place to rule the world. Call it a "Christian" caliphate if you will and that only the USA under a Christian POTUS can keep those evil nations subdued and usher in a "Christian" utopia. It is true that countries such as Australia including Israel benefit from a strong America and under Biden that security has fallen.
    The influence of Scofieldism is definitely a major worldview factor in American political support for the modern state of Israel. Its particular style of eschatology became the default in many influential circles some time ago. While it seems to be on something of an ebb in terms of theological traction, the politics are still pretty entrenched.

    I'd say the Christian dominionism you describe is more rooted in a different view (postmillenialism, historically), though. Scofield's dispensationalism is a more grim, pessimistic view in general, but the postmillenial approach has long resulted in that sort of cultural triumphalism, going back to the era of the Pilgrims.

    It's largely splitting hairs, though, especially from a political standpoint, as they can mesh perfectly fine, as we see in political entities' simultaneous use of both sets of outlook to win followers. (How's that for grim and cynical?)

    As to those using Revelation 13:3 (presumably to paint Trump as an antichrist/the Antichrist), as someone who reads classical and koine Greek, I can tell you it doesn't work grammatically. I'd be happy to discuss, but it's Rip's board, not a Biblical exegesis one.

    Quote Originally Posted by David A. Rowe View Post
    The shooter was shooting from elevation at 150m with glass. A modern quality AR-15 is going to come from the factory with an average 1-1.5 MOA barrel, and if you're slinging 77 gr. match quality ammo we're seeing less lateral deviation from wind.
    The early press reporting, for what it's worth, said he bought 50 rounds of ammo the day of. If accurate, and if that's what he used, it's probably not match grade, but 55 gr old-school or 62 gr green-tip, I'd guess. I do still agree with your assessment on the simple shot, though, and how close it was to a very different outcome. Like with my comment about my own movie mistake, I'm just busting out my superhero identity of Captain Pedantic...

    Quote Originally Posted by David A. Rowe View Post
    No, that was purely unlucky for the shooter. Now, my faith calls more for divine providence over direct intervention, but miraculous none-the-less.
    I will point this out in reference to this and wal's comments: There's ample room in Christian understanding of both providential and particular care for God preserving the life of a leader who is neither good nor a blessing. One who believes that God intervenes in history, particularly one following the Bible, should be able to see that leaders often serve to curse nations, too, and at least as often....

  7. #30677
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    Quote Originally Posted by Subby View Post
    Meh… I’ve been shorting it pretty often myself. Buying calls is probably the right thing to do now that he won.

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