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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #30721
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    It doesn't matter if Trump was shot, or not, or by whom, of there was another shooter. None of it matters because this event didn't alter the predetermined broad outcome of US politics which was set in motion many months ago. The entire system of US electoral politics, every possible outcome, is managed.

    Trump could have had his head split open, showering everyone with brains, and NOTHING WOULD HAVE CHANGED. As with JFK. There would be no civil war. America is obese and passive, and they watch the news like a conversation and a TV show.

    Indeed, after the round whistled past his head, he called for unity, like the true political professional he is. If anyone at this point still thinks Trump is remotely outside of the system, or anti-bureaucracy in any way, then I am sorry but you are an idiot. OH WOW ELON MUSK FINALLY CAME OUT AS A MAGA GUY! MARK ZUCKERBERG!!!!

    Remember when Dinesh D'Souza became the de facto leader of the "stop the steal" movement, and after the election result came in, he changed his tune. It all became about defining "democracy". Trump just said he "took a bullet for democracy". It always comes back to the belief in democracy.

    As long as you engage and believe in democracy, vote, and give life to the uniparty system, you will be stuck in this endless political conversation forever, and all your energy will be used up and wasted. In four years' time this thread will be discussing the same stuff and having the endless conversation right here still.

    Most importantly, while you're tied up with the endless conversation, there can be no space to even ask questions like "Why is Zionism central to US politics?". Nobody wants to talk hear about that icky subject when they could be discussing the latest... Event.

    Subjects can be endlessly spoken within this system until the masses are sick and tired of hearing about them, and so demoralised, that everyone just kind of accepts that a consensus has been reached and the matter has been dealt with. Immigration is a good example subject. Completely talked about to death. No action has taken place, nor will it. Everyone sits around, passively consuming news media about it, complaining, and wondering where it will all lead. They turn up at a booth every 4 years, cast a vote. The show goes on.

  2. #30722
    Join Date
    Mar 2018


    Crooks, Fink, Black Rock, Cheatle? Ya can't make this shit any more ridiculous, they're just ducking with us now.

    It's interesting that Crooks was in a Fink Black Rock commercial that was recently disappeared...

  3. #30723
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


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    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    Obviously there was the sound of gunshots, confusion, and eventually some visually convincing blood-like substance on his ear and face. But yeah, I suspect his ear doesn't have a wound or even a scratch on it. I also think the NY Times' photo of the bullet is fake. (How many miraculous coincidences am I supposed to gobble down in a week?)

    What we all actually observed is this: we heard a gunshot, and then saw him react and quickly go to the ground, where he remained for some time before standing back up and displaying his "wounded" ear to the world.
    How about the other actually-dead guy?

    Quote Originally Posted by wal View Post
    Intelligence, the Uzi, Drip irrigation, Encryption code, the 8088 CPU, anti ballistic missile systems, ViOP, Copaxone, the USB flash drive, The Iron Dome system, etc,
    All of which we have to buy from them.

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