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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #30941
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas

  2. #30942
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    Blaire Eloc's The Jews
    Put that as placeholder, meaning to look up his name (which I can never remember) before clicking send, but forgot to. It's Hilaire Belloc.

  3. #30943
    Join Date
    May 2014


    A Home Gym May Be in Your Immediate Future

    The near-term environment looks pretty bleak. We may be heading into World War III with blithering slobbering idiots in charge, and even with geniuses in charge a World War tends to disrupt many things. Your training may be one of them, if you don't plan in advance.
    This is an very important public service announcement, and a great article.

    Like I've said several times in this thread, the lockdowns were very likely a dry run for WWIII restrictions. I wouldn't be surprised if they try to preemptively lock everyone up who effectively resisted the COVID psyop.

    They have a list now. They know who is willing to resist. It is likely that J6 and the UK riots were encouraged, or even implemented by operatives trying to normalize the imprisonment of political dissidents. It's Pre-suasion, as Robert Cialdini describes it in his book by the same name.

    Notice how they are emphasizing that the UK prisons are full, and true criminals are being released to hold thought criminals. They created a problem, so of course they will present a solution: "Ok! You win! We'll stop releasing actual criminals. Instead we'll just open up a camp where you will serve out your sentences."

    There is no such thing as "peaceful protest". That's just silly nonsense told to children.

  4. #30944
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    The Boomers.

    The advent of television created one of the greatest propaganda moments in history. The Boomers had three sources of information, and a handful of men telling them things through a screen. And they believed it all with absolute certainty. They stood by and let thousands of years of social norms be upturned for access to casual sex, normalized abortion, and "uncensored" visual entertainment. "We're in a revolution, man!" Biggest fucking dupes in the history of the world. They deserve nothing but contempt as a generation. They should be cursed so that all future generations fear to engage in anything that might resemble Boomer behavior.

    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Jackson View Post
    Wal is a White boomer...

    We simply have to wait this out. Until this demographic is gone, Western political debate goes nowhere.
    So what's the plan once we're gone?

    Are you going to do anything while you're waiting out the 20-30 years until we are, or just keep cursing, bitching about and blaming us for everything on social media?

  5. #30945
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Stump View Post
    So what's the plan once we're gone?
    I know if I go first my Mrs is going to sell all my stuff that I have stuffed into my shed, all my tools, car parts, drill press, welder, half finished projects, all of it will be gone.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stump View Post
    Are you going to do anything while you're waiting out the 20-30 years until we are, or just keep cursing, bitching about and blaming us for everything on social media?
    I have no social media accounts, no Fake Book, no X, no Tick Tac, no Whats Crapp, No Wizz Chat, no Snap Shit, no Red It Yesterday, when I come home I can go to sleep.

  6. #30946
    Join Date
    Jun 2021


    Quote Originally Posted by Stump View Post
    So what's the plan once we're gone?

    Are you going to do anything while you're waiting out the 20-30 years until we are, or just keep cursing, bitching about and blaming us for everything on social media?
    I could try for hours and not come up with a boomer response like that.

    I think once the "zeitgeist" moves past making fun of liberals (this is still important but it's merely a step towards the end goal) and towards acknowledgement that civilisation needs rebuilding and remoralising it'll happen quite fast as it'll have a positive vision, and it'll be materially better than globo homo. Someone will rise to political power on the backs of zoomers with the phrase "Born too late to explore the world, too soon to explore Space, but just in time to rebuild civilisation"
    Some structures of society have to be retaken over from the marxists, (the globalists aren't ideological they're just stupid and wont offer any resistance) most things will have to be recreated in a better form. Eg Education and how Khan Academy has replaced anything up to university and Peterson academy is the first attempt to replace universities themselves.

  7. #30947
    Join Date
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    United Kingdom


    Quote Originally Posted by Stump View Post
    So what's the plan once we're gone?

    Are you going to do anything while you're waiting out the 20-30 years until we are, or just keep cursing, bitching about and blaming us for everything on social media?
    There is no "doing anything" while the WW2 slop narrative is dominant.

    1) End "alliances" that serve only one party, end forever wars in the Middle East, and, finally, talk about policy change that previously would have your segment of the electorate foaming at the mouth and making comparisons with 1940's Germany.

    2) Increasingly ignore media and politics. Keep reminding ourselves that if something is pushed in front of our noses by the media and political elite, it's because they want us to look at it.

    Get on with our personal lives.

  8. #30948
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Stump View Post
    So what's the plan once we're gone?

    Are you going to do anything while you're waiting out the 20-30 years until we are, or just keep cursing, bitching about and blaming us for everything on social media?
    Doing absolutely nothing would be a huge step up from decades of wanton boomer destruction.

    Why do you get defensive over this? Are you happy that the boomers allowed and cheered on one of the most destructive cultural revolutions in the history of the world? Do you think just sitting by as centuries of established social order was overturned was cool and groovy? Are you proud of what your generation allowed to be normalized? If so, defend it. Because the only empty bitching I see here is your post.

    Just take divorce, for example. Your generation is worse than any generation before or after. Why is that?

  9. #30949
    Join Date
    May 2014


    On today's episode of "You're Not Being Replaced":


  10. #30950
    Join Date
    May 2014


    starting strength coach development program
    Robert Kennedy JR explains how Covid implemented an MK Ultra technique akin to the Milgram Experiment. I know of no public person who elaborates more succinctly on MK Ultra than this. It's clips like these that tell me that RFK is on the right side of history and should join forces with Donald Trump. RFK's family line has suffered at the hands of the CIA and Trump was nearly just shot by a lone gunman. It's time to join the houses.

    "One of the interesting experiments that came out of MK Ultra is called the Milgram experiment..He recruited about seventy people from every walk of life..And he would bring them in to take part in this experiment, and he would put them at a table like this And on the table there was a dial and they were told that the dial was connected to a man who was sitting in the next room who was tied to a chair and that when they twisted that dial he would it would administer an electric shock. And that they would do an experiment on him…And they were told by a guy who was a doctor. He was in a white lab suit and he had you know kind of badges on him that made him look like an authority figure. And he would tell them okay turn it up. Turn it down. Turn it up. Turn it down. When they turn it up they could hear the guys struggling and screaming and sometimes pleading and crying. And a lot of the subjects were saying, I don't wanna do this anymore. You know can I stop?

    And the doctor would say no you can't. And he'd say turn it up and five and six I think sixty-seven percent of it .You could actually…Sixty seven percent turned it up to where it said potentially lethal. And which is like two hundred and fifty volts or something. What Milgram said is that the voice of an authority figure has the capacity to overwhelm all of your most deeply held beliefs and ethical precepts for the normal person. Yeah That they will If if somebody who they believe in this authority tells them to do something that they know is wrong they're gonna do it. But the good news is that thirty three percent of them got up and walked out. And that is roughly what we saw during COVID because COVID seemed to me from the beginning a giant Milgram experiment where we had a doctor and you know all these doctors who were assembled at the top of the society and they were telling people to do things. So we all knew we're wrong to censor the press. To do what you're told. Trust the experts. Okay? That was never a thing. Trusting the experts is not a feature of democracy. It's not a feature of science. It's a feature of totalitarianism. It's a feature of religion. But it's not science to trust secularism." @RobertKennedyJr @therealroseanne
    This is also excellent proof that universal franchise voting is evil. They tell everyone they are giving them "freedom", while knowing perfectly well that they can manipulate 60+% of them like robots.

    And if you did a demographic focused version of this experiment, I'd bet you that those pesky white male land owners would be at the top of the pack when it comes to rejecting dubious authority.

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