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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #31021
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yngvi View Post
    David, you are repeating Ghost of Kiev stories.

    How many blatant lies do you need to hear about this topic before you stop this nonsense?

    They are only doing the jobs Americans won't do!

    We need them, because we have convinced White Americans to stop having children! The demographicccccxxxxs!
    They do not get welfare!
    They do not undercut the wages of Americans
    They are good for the economy
    They do not overwhelmingly vote for the communist politics of their home countries
    They will assimilate and learn English
    They are not lazy, they just want to work hard for a better life
    They are not criminals
    Demographic replacement is only a conspiracy theory

    All have proven to be blatant lies.

    The Fox news and CNN cycle has gone from describing the immigration problem as:
    Not actually happening to....
    .... happening, but it is actually a good thing... to
    ..... proven beyond a doubt to not be a good thing, but you need to be afraid of fixing the problem you racist!

    We do not want or need them
    We would immediately be better off in every conceivable way if the illegal alien population were to be gone tomorrow.

    Food prices would immediately drop.
    Rent prices would immediately drop.
    The opioid crises would immediately be solved.
    The homeless problem would immediately be fixed.
    Wages would immediately jump for all Americans.
    Traffic would immediately decrease.
    70% of California would vote center-right instead of 70% far-left
    Crime would immediately drop.

    Time to stop the fear mongering and lies about immigration.
    It could be solve and they could all be sent back very quickly.
    We would all benefit from a policy of immediate mass busing.
    So, I'm a liar, then? Don't believe my lying eyes since I was a child? Forget what it was like growing up in a poor state?


    Quote Originally Posted by Jenni View Post
    The APs carrying it. Mexico offers escorted rides north from southern Mexico for migrants with US asylum appointments | AP NewsIn the story, yeah it's Mexico bussing but it's us expanding the app that lets people apply for asylum. Like 800k have applied.

    I get what David's saying, really I do. I suppose cold turkey vs a step down approach depends on who you are as a person. But if this doesn't at least start to change I'm not sure anything else can be addressed. Those people may make 14 an hour but that's good money here and we don't get the literally thousands in monthly aid they do. Lately, I've seen EBT balances I've never seen before. I don't see how we keep this up.

    I think we're already in the civil war. It's cold. We don't realize it yet. But I think we're there. The ball has started down the hill. The imbalances are too great.
    I'm there with you, Jenni. I don't want it to continue. It was obvious when there was a problem when it started. I see the stark differences, even out here in the sticks, between cultures. There are distinct differences between the Mexicans and Guatemalans. I've also seen things like meth go from being cooked in bathtubs in the woods to exclusively supplied through the Southern border.

    I don't want any of it. I want it to stop. I want the situation to be addressed and corrected even when it will take decades. I just don't ever see it happening, or even getting better, as long as the Federal government exists in its current scope and state. It has to be torn down, and the only way is through the States. I'm also fairly sure that won't happen, though. It's a possible outcome, but the probable is a slow collapse.

    The States are really going to have to get it together soon, regardless. Perhaps a second Trump term will be enough of a pressure dressing to allow them some time, but I suspect it will be more of a shot of morphine to dull the pain instead.

    It's why I harp on self, families, churches, neighborhoods, and community so much. That really is our last and only resort for the time being. Do what you can with the time you have left. It's what we should have been doing, anyway.

  2. #31022
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    Still reflecting on that Tucker podcast and how incredible it was. They didn't just nudge the Overton Window, they took a baseball bat to it. Darryl Cooper posted a post-podcast thread, fleshing out more of the truth about Churchill:

    Why I think Churchill was a chief villain of World War 2

    I can't help but think about Ben Shapiro and his ilk smouldering with impotent rage over this loss of narrative control, and it makes me smile.

    This all must happen, because nothing can ever be truly fixed until the founding myths of the post-WWII Clown World Order are uprooted and tossed into the fire.

  3. #31023
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    Some interesting new stuff here: We Have Explosive New Whistleblower Revelations About the Trump Assassination Attempt – PJ Media

    "Why didn't the Secret Service chief mention that the locals were the first ones to get rounds off on Crooks, not the Secret Service?" asked Watters. "Why the Secret Service turned down a drone. Why they never pick up the radios they were supposed to use to communicate with locals with. Why wasn't the Wi-Fi working that day? Why wasn't there a countersniper team on the roof? And why aren't the FBI and Secret Service cooperating with congressional investigators?"

    Those are all good questions. Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) provided further insights into the situation based on information from whistleblowers, revealing shocking details about the agents present at the rally.

    Hawley disclosed, “Most of the agents who were there at that rally in Butler were not Secret Service agents. They were, in fact, Homeland Security agents. And get this, most of those Homeland Security agents, the only training that they received was an online webinar, a two-hour online webinar.”

    "It is absolutely outrageous," he added.

  4. #31024
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    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post

    This all must happen, because nothing can ever be truly fixed until the founding myths of the post-WWII Clown World Order are uprooted and tossed into the fire.
    Totally agree, but this isn't something which can be achieved through argumentation. People find race realism *after* experiencing the dystopian effects of replacement level mass immigration. You can't change someone's world-view with statistics or historical revisionist YouTube videos. The mass is moved by emotions.

    Time will have to pass.

  5. #31025
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    Quote Originally Posted by David A. Rowe View Post
    How do you guys not get it, yet? So, we snap our fingers, and all illegal immigrants are teleported home, the borders are instantly fortified, an army of robots whose power supplies last just long enough for them to be replaced after a few years by humans fill all the labor gaps, and not one red cent leaves the coffers. No one dies. No one starves. No one loses their job or home.

    What are you going to do about the federal government, which only exists as an orifice by which those with influence, money and power extricate wealth and dictate control?

    It doesn't matter if you remove a piece from the board. They're breaking the rules while they invent new ones, and they're literally in all sectors of society and industry. Agriculture. Finance. Defense. Logistics. Transportation. Energy. Communication. Law. Politics.

    And it isn't some hive mind or secret cabal. It's just a collective of greedy individuals dipping into each other's orbits whenever their interests align. It is tyranny and greed, same as it ever was, across every era and nation.

    Until that situation is resolved, either by scattering the focus of power or by collapse, literally nothing else matters. It's rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, and it does nothing for the real people who will face the very real consequences of either the continued status quo or the collapse of the system, horribly corrupt as it is, which feeds us all.

    You have to build something new to replace the old, but more importantly to *displace* the old, and for each of us that starts with answering the higher calling of striving to live the virtues out, eliminating vices, and paying very close attention to the reality right in front of your face. Build up yourself, then your family and then your community. If you make it halfway there, well... congratulations. You lived well, and can die knowing you played your small part towards building a legacy that lives beyond you.
    You are making a lot of sense with this post. Well done!

  6. #31026
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Jackson View Post
    You either have a conception of America as a country created by European people, along the lines of the broadly shared values/ideals/norms of European, and most importantly for European people - or you don't and you're like David.

    There's no point arguing about it, and citing crime stars and budgetary reasons. People both hysterical leftists and "conservative liberals"

    We've spoken about these things before, and he said something to the effect of "well, during my service, Brown and Black and White served side by side, and when the going gets tough, they fought just as hard and sacrificed just as much as we did. We all bled the same".

    On one hand, I understand and accept that. These people, with their anecdotes, don't like to talk about racial integration having been enforced on the masses, from the top-down. High-schoolers felt a government bayonet in the small of their back until they got with the programme. Nobody in Europe asked for or *voted* for replacement level mass immigration. It has all been implemented from the top-down. That's how power works.

    There are still people who believe this process was an organic one, in which change trickled upwards towards the seats of power from the little people, with their social theories and their activism.

    Back to reality, burying your head in the sand and working hard to make $200k/year for your family, going to church, being a good little upstanding goy and never mentioning Zionism again a la Jordan B Peterson isn't going to cut it.

    You're going to have to create "parallel societies", like Jenni once mentioned. What might that involve?

    First and foremost, in the US, if your Sheriff isn't one of your guys, I understand you can replace him.

    Then, look at an LLC described as a "private members club". Through it, collect contributions from members and purchase land. Imagine a Starting Strength Orania, if you will.

    Nobody wants to do this shit, though. They'd rather sit and describe the problem in ever increasingly clever and amusing ways online.

    A few groups are trying:
    Return to the Land (Arkansas)
    I presume you also follow Will Tanner on X?

    Re the Trump secret service "whistleblower"

    Doesn't the term whistleblower entail some form of hidden truth that's being revealed? It wasn't so much of a whistle blow as stating an obvious truth we all know.

  7. #31027
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    Trump Calls for Increased Immigration: 'We Need More People, Especially With A.I. Coming'

    It seems Trump has been taking a lot of retard pills lately. And someone makes a good point on Twitter: "Remember, Minneapolis got this way through LEGAL immigration"

    "Yes, we need to replace Americans, but it must be done LEGALLY!"

    And Vox Day points out that conservatism is fundamentally nothing more than a psychological disposition towards the easy and cowardly that has been around for millennia:

    Conservatism isn’t an actual philosophy or ideology, in any time or place. It is simply the cowardly preference for the status quo, for a temporary peace, and above all, for the approval of the authorities. Here is one modern example of conservative openness to the influence of a Court: the false and stupid distinction between legal and illegal immigration. We’ve all heard it many times; some of us may have even said it ourselves: “I’m all for LEGAL immigration, the problem is ILLEGAL immigration”.

    No, the problem is people from different nations, religions, languages, and cultures invading the land and gradually replacing the natives, their religion, their language, and their culture. Whether that invasion takes place with the blessing of the Court or not is totally irrelevant with regard to the inevitable consequences. But the conservative is always more concerned about the present opinion of the Court than he is about the future consequences of his lack of action.

    So, it’s informative to see that conservatives have always been part of the problem, even dating back to the year 327 AD, because it allows us to conclude that they cannot, and will not, ever be a significant part of the solution. Cuckservative is not a subset of conservative, it is a synonym.

    Barring the total defeat of Clown World, this cartoon becoming reality is only a matter of time.

    "American conservatism is merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward towards perdition." - Robert Dabney, 1871

    I'd like to see someone argue that he was wrong.

  8. #31028
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    I ran the numbers for a typical pediatrics practice and can confirm a least 50% of their revenue comes from vaccines. What's not mentioned here is that their overhead is 50%, so without vaccines they can't even stay in business.

    A single vaccine administration fee for the pediatrician is only $35, but they do so many of them that it really adds up:

    An average pediatrics practice has 1500 patients per provider (some have twice as much or more).

    Those 1500 patients get 60 shots over the course of birth to 18 years, which is 1,620,000 total shots administered in 18 years, or an average of 5,000 vaccines administered per year. That’s $175,000 in vaccine administration fees alone at $35 a pop.

    This is essentially the median salary of a pediatrician. Of course most practices bring in about double to account for their overhead expenses, which run 50-60%. But without the $35 payments there would be basically nothing left over. Pediatrics is not economic for the most part without vaccines.

    And this doesn't even count the bonus payments they get for vaccinating 85%+ of their practice.

  9. #31029
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    North Texas


    Who pays them a bonus for going 85%? I can guess, but tell us.

  10. #31030
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    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    Trump Calls for Increased Immigration: 'We Need More People, Especially With A.I. Coming'

    It seems Trump has been taking a lot of retard pills lately. And someone makes a good point on Twitter: "Remember, Minneapolis got this way through LEGAL immigration"

    "Yes, we need to replace Americans, but it must be done LEGALLY!"

    And Vox Day points out that conservatism is fundamentally nothing more than a psychological disposition towards the easy and cowardly that has been around for millennia:


    Barring the total defeat of Clown World, this cartoon becoming reality is only a matter of time.

    "American conservatism is merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward towards perdition." - Robert Dabney, 1871

    I'd like to see someone argue that he was wrong.
    It's not any different than what he said in 2016. A big, beautiful wall with a big beautiful door.

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