Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
Who pays them a bonus for going 85%? I can guess, but tell us.
It's in the quoted tweet's video clip of RFKj. Blue Cross Blue Shield (probably other insurance companies too, but he only mentioned BCBS).

Quote Originally Posted by David A. Rowe View Post
It's not any different than what he said in 2016. A big, beautiful wall with a big beautiful door.
You are correct. After all, he's a New Yorker, a 1980s Democrat, and will always be hopelessly boomer. We just cut him more slack when he was high energy and saying genuinely interesting and risky things. Nowadays he's as exciting as a dead fish. The high energy has been beaten out of him, and he's been reduced to doing pathetic things like passing the blame to his own followers for the "lock her up" chant. Sad!