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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #31041
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yngvi View Post
    The claim being made is that "millions of Americans" will starve to death and lose their businesses if we have immediate mass deportations.
    I don't believe it any more than I believed it when people were telling me Covid would kill 100 million Americans.

    How many millions of Americans have already lost their businesses and jobs because we have not yet implemented immediate mass deportations?
    These are real numbers; and if you don't believe the numbers, go outside of your house or talk to your neighbors.
    Great Replacement Job Shock: 1.3 Million Native-Born Americans Just Lost Their Jobs, Replaced By 635,000 Immigrants | ZeroHedge

    How many millions of Americans have already lost their lives to illegal immigration?
    Wouldn’t it be good if they would at least deport the violent criminals

  2. #31042
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Johnsonville View Post
    This exactly. Americans want to work; I truly believe a big part of the mental health crisis with younger kids is the fact that they don’t work hard rewarding jobs. I struggle to compete as a mason contractor with the illegals, it’s a crew of 5 or 6 of them against me and my machine. I would have a hard time hiring employees because of the massive amount of expenses and liability that come along with that, where they have their boys all under the table. I would love to hire a few young guys who want to learn, and I could pay them well, but the damn taxes, social security, workman’s comp, and extra paperwork make it less profitable than just working by myself. This is not even close to a level playing field and takes away the ability for a young American to learn a skill.
    A good and thought provoking post.


    The vast majority of college students are just in day care for adults, learning an inversion of what a classical liberal arts education was meant to be. Instead of edifying the student, it degenerates and brainwashes, which of course is why Clown World pushes it to the masses.

    University is for the intellectuall elite, not a bunch of delusionally confident mediocrities. Most kids in college are getting in debt to pay for what is essentially a lobotomy. They are being scammed, and the university endowments should all be seized in order to forgive the debts of their victims.

  3. #31043
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    Jul 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by Subby View Post
    America (And the world) didn't get like this by marxists refusing to vote because the candidates they wanted to vote for weren't opening gulags on day 1. It happened slowly and consistently. "The work continues" is a phrase of the left.
    A "Big beautiful wall with a big beautiful door" is a step in the right direction because it allows for the possibility of locking the door.
    Here is the problem; we have watched time and time again across the western world over the past two decades as the "conservative" candidate promises to stop mass immigration, only to have a change of heart when he gets into office.
    Why do you think the Brits chose to elect a deeply unpopular communist this election cycle?
    It was because the "conservative" Rishi Sunak did not do anything to stop mass immigration, despite his campaign pledges.

    Every time we have seen a "conservative" politician start talking about increasing "legal" immigration or how difficult it will be to deport the illegal aliens, it has meant the "conservative" politician plans to increase mass immigration by dragging their feet on the deportation process and changing the law to legalize higher levels of immigration.
    It has meant they will use whatever semantics and legal loopholes they can find to justify increasing mass immigration and avoiding deportations.

    Just look at the talking points David is repeating; "it would be dangerous to immediately deport them".
    This is an absolutely ridiculous thing to say; I highly doubt he genuinely believes it, but he still says it.

    Now, in Amerca we have JD Vance set up to be the VP and next Republican leader after Trump; Vance and his rhetoric sounds a lot like what the Brits heard from Sunak/Johnson.

    How many times does this have to happen before we recognize a pattern?

    Quote Originally Posted by David A. Rowe View Post
    Forgive me if I don't give a damn about your opinion on it. No one cared when it started in California. No one cared when it started here. No one cared when it gradually spun out of control, but, now that's it's a problem for everyone, you just won't be satisfied without an absolute solution. Whoever may suffer for it be damned, because NOW it's a problem, right? We can't have things like unique solutions for unique populations across 48 different states. Nope. They ALL have to go right NOW.

    You vote for whoever you want, and have fun jerking yourself off to how self righteous you are about it... now.

    You won't we satisfied unless the problem takes "decades" to fix, but you want to call me self-righteous?
    Ok Boomer.

    You are over the hill if your eyes refuse to see this isn't just my opinion.
    A large number of Trump's younger supporters are ready to leave him and the Republican party forever over this shift and they are right in threatening to do so.

    Ya know, that Kamala Harris fellow doesn't sound too bad to me; kinda likable, in fact:

  4. #31044
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yngvi View Post
    I don't believe it any more than I believed it when people were telling me Covid would kill 100 million Americans.
    Whatever its extent, the disruption would almost certainly be less than the disruption that the covid response caused.

  5. #31045
    Join Date
    Jul 2019


    All together, now!:
    How the Tory war on immigration backfired | Immigration and asylum | The Guardian
    Legal migration is too high, says Rishi Sunak
    It has long been a trick of immigration politics for governments to signal their “toughness” with punitive commitments to crack down on illegal migration, in order to distract from parallel policies that have increased legal immigration numbers
    But Mr Sunak has taken a less hard-line approach, and has said more seasonal fruit pickers will be allowed to come to the UK if required.

    The messaging from the global media is following the same lockstep attack as the Covid propaganda.
    Messaging points in the media are exactly the same regardless of the size, demographics, employment statistics or economic needs of the nations.
    Talking points include:
    -Drawing attention to highly visible illegal immigration deterrents while quietly increasing "legal" mass immigration.
    -Conceding that nobody wants mass immigration, then claiming the real problem is that it is unrealistic to even attempt to solve on any reasonable time scale.
    -A fear campaign telling people that even though mass immigration is not working, economic devastation would result if it ever slows down.
    -Claims that the immigrants are needed for food security to do primarily agricultural jobs despite high unemployment within the 20-50 year old native male demographic of the country.
    -Ridiculous and provably false claims immigrants are welfare schemes afloat (How can they support a welfare system when they take out 10X what they put in every single year??)

    Just another coincidence, I am sure; same as Covid or the Ukraine war or israel war or internet censorship.
    Millions will die and the economy will be gone if you don't continue allowing your daughters to be raped and sons to be knifed by the invaders!

    Fuck this.
    No way in hell I am voting for Trump unless the messaging becomes Truthful about immigration:
    We do not need or want them!
    Moratorium on ALL immigration, until everything is sorted the fuck out!
    If that takes "decades", then so be it.

  6. #31046
    Join Date
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    Garage of GainzZz


    Quote Originally Posted by anticausal View Post
    A good and thought provoking post.


    The vast majority of college students are just in day care for adults, learning an inversion of what a classical liberal arts education was meant to be. Instead of edifying the student, it degenerates and brainwashes, which of course is why Clown World pushes it to the masses.

    University is for the intellectually elite, not a bunch of delusional confident mediocrities. Most kids in college are getting in debt to pay for what is essentially a lobotomy. They are being scammed, and the university endowments should all be seized in order to forgive the debts of their victims.
    I’m almost at the point of saying don’t even go to study the sciences or engineering anymore. I’ve given up on law and medicine. My boss fired a first time new hire this week with a master’s degree from a few years ago after he doubled down on refusing to learn any of the basic skills we thought he picked up in school, along with his chronic tardiness at job sites, and blatant absenteeism the rest of the time. Then, he decided to abuse him and his immediate supervisor as he was being sacked.

  7. #31047
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    North Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by Yngvi View Post
    No way in hell I am voting for Trump unless the messaging becomes Truthful about immigration:
    We do not need or want them!
    Moratorium on ALL immigration, until everything is sorted the fuck out!
    If that takes "decades", then so be it.
    I have a good friend who hates Trump. HATES the fucker, like he knows him and has pictures of him fucking a pile of his own shit on top of the body of a child.

    Irrational hatred, for one of the two people who is going to be elected POTUS. I don't like the guy, and he's made too many stupid mistakes to have any confidence in him, but to the extent that it makes any sense to even vote in a national election, if you don't vote for Trump, what is your net effect? This is a thoroughly unsatisfactory situation we're in here, a true lesser-of-two-evils decision, and it may be the last time we do it if the whole thing goes off the rails, like it might actually do. I'm going to vote against these fucking communist Democrats by voting for the fool Trump. Because if the commies win, we won't get another chance.

  8. #31048
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    I have a good friend who hates Trump. HATES the fucker, like he knows him and has pictures of him fucking a pile of his own shit on top of the body of a child.

    Irrational hatred, for one of the two people who is going to be elected POTUS. I don't like the guy, and he's made too many stupid mistakes to have any confidence in him, but to the extent that it makes any sense to even vote in a national election, if you don't vote for Trump, what is your net effect? This is a thoroughly unsatisfactory situation we're in here, a true lesser-of-two-evils decision, and it may be the last time we do it if the whole thing goes off the rails, like it might actually do. I'm going to vote against these fucking communist Democrats by voting for the fool Trump. Because if the commies win, we won't get another chance.
    These are the considerations I am making:
    -Is it better to live under a completely incompetent and chaotic communist government or a semi-competent, semi- functioning communist government at a point 4ish years in the future?
    South Africa vs. North Korea?
    You don't select a young lawyer with uncertain feelings about American nationalism as VP if you intend to continue on with Trump's America First convictions.
    Is it better for people to realize they are ruled under an open neo-marxist globalist government or for people to be told bad decisions are being made for their own good?

    -A fast and obvious descent into madness or a slow-boil into postmodernist apathy augmented by baseless hope?
    UK under Starmer vs. UK under Sunak?
    When there is a Qanon or a Trump to hope for as a political saviour, people fall into a pattern of using that hope as an excuse for inaction.
    If Trump wins, the course of least resistance for most people is to do nothing while hoping things improve.

    -Is it better that israel's wars are fought by a completely incompetent and undersupplied US army or by a well-oiled machine?
    WWIII is less likely if the US is less capable of pushing the war fronts in Ukraine and israel.
    israel does not prefer a strong United States, except when it can be used as a cudgel against israel's enemies; the minute its wars are won at the expense of the US, it will return to lobbying for policy that weakens US strength and nationalism.
    Under both Administrations, war for israel is likely; under Trump/Vance the outcome would likely be more catastrophic due to their comptetence.

    -Discomfort, danger and purpose or comfort, security and apathy?
    The people who are currently in charge of most institutions and aspects of society are often justifying their decisions based on the assumption they will be able to kick the can down the road long enough they will be dead before any tough decisions need to be made; inaction and apathy will no longer be incentivized in a more chaotic situation.

    -Propaganda and censorship that most people can recognize or more subtle messaging?
    The immigration policies appear to be largely the same; the difference is the Kamala regime openly tells you they are trying to murder and replace you, while Vance tells you they are doing their best, but it is unrealistic to fix the problem.
    Vance will always need 4 more years to fix the problem, meanwhile military-aged aliens continue to solidify their control over wide swathes of formerly US-held territory.
    ...and of course he will tell you the mass of aliens who just "legally" took your job is needed, because you didn't want it anyway.
    The subtle messaging appears to be convincing enough that people who really should know better begin repeating it; after 4 years of that, you are much weaker and susceptible to more severe "communism"

    The purpose of considering not voting or voting for Kamala is either to pressure the Trump campaign to change its messaging or to at very least call attention to the illegitimacy of the messaging they are now pushing on issues like immigration/israel; if the messaging is not pushed back on, the normies start believing it and repeating it as if it were True.

    What is the correct decision when the available information is too little, too uncertain or of too poor quality to make a good decision?

  9. #31049
    Join Date
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    Garage of GainzZz


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    I have a good friend who hates Trump. HATES the fucker, like he knows him and has pictures of him fucking a pile of his own shit on top of the body of a child.

    Irrational hatred, for one of the two people who is going to be elected POTUS. I don't like the guy, and he's made too many stupid mistakes to have any confidence in him, but to the extent that it makes any sense to even vote in a national election, if you don't vote for Trump, what is your net effect? This is a thoroughly unsatisfactory situation we're in here, a true lesser-of-two-evils decision, and it may be the last time we do it if the whole thing goes off the rails, like it might actually do. I'm going to vote against these fucking communist Democrats by voting for the fool Trump. Because if the commies win, we won't get another chance.
    Suspension of the sperg reflex is crucial for succeeding in the politics game. Broad strokes, not details, which are best left for later. Politics is power, that’s all. The friend-enemy distinction is the only principle that matters.

    Hell, even moral theology understands this, because it teaches, clearly, that to avoid a bigger scandal, the lesser of two evils is permissible. Not permanently, but in that scenario. The bigger picture of justice must be observed.

    I’ve actually decided to vote for the bastard myself; one, because I love my children; and two, it’s the only way I’ll get to fuck my wife any time soon. I can’t wait to see what he’s going to do.

  10. #31050
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yngvi View Post
    Here is the problem; we have watched time and time again across the western world over the past two decades as the "conservative" candidate promises to stop mass immigration, only to have a change of heart when he gets into office.
    Why do you think the Brits chose to elect a deeply unpopular communist this election cycle?
    It was because the "conservative" Rishi Sunak did not do anything to stop mass immigration, despite his campaign pledges.

    Every time we have seen a "conservative" politician start talking about increasing "legal" immigration or how difficult it will be to deport the illegal aliens, it has meant the "conservative" politician plans to increase mass immigration by dragging their feet on the deportation process and changing the law to legalize higher levels of immigration.
    It has meant they will use whatever semantics and legal loopholes they can find to justify increasing mass immigration and avoiding deportations.

    Just look at the talking points David is repeating; "it would be dangerous to immediately deport them".
    This is an absolutely ridiculous thing to say; I highly doubt he genuinely believes it, but he still says it.

    Now, in Amerca we have JD Vance set up to be the VP and next Republican leader after Trump; Vance and his rhetoric sounds a lot like what the Brits heard from Sunak/Johnson.

    How many times does this have to happen before we recognize a pattern?

    You won't we satisfied unless the problem takes "decades" to fix, but you want to call me self-righteous?
    Ok Boomer.

    You are over the hill if your eyes refuse to see this isn't just my opinion.
    A large number of Trump's younger supporters are ready to leave him and the Republican party forever over this shift and they are right in threatening to do so.

    Ya know, that Kamala Harris fellow doesn't sound too bad to me; kinda likable, in fact:
    I agree. Trump has a history of backstabbing and walking back his supposed principles. But he is not rishi sunak and the US is not England. He's better in the white house taking all the slings and arrows at the very least. And frankly, for no other reason. The worst enemies we all have, absolutely despise him. That's as good a reason as any.

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