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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #31151
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    I hope the video goes viral too. He is either a noble whistle blower or a poser and part of the problem.

    My gut tells me the if the Military helicopters are being held back, it is due to the high concentration of civilian helicopters in a relatively small space. Securing the airspace is essential and the TRF will accomplish that. Encountering a civilian "cowboy" helicopter during a critical stage of entering or exiting a remote LZ places the military crew in needless danger. The airspace can get very crowded and needs to be controlled.

    Feel free to ask me how I know these things. Been there, done that!

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    I won't bore you with the stories about LA and MSARNG helicopters rescuing thousands from roof tops during Katrina. It would be a much longer read.

  2. #31152
    Join Date
    Dec 2021


    Look, I understand the concern about various actors not under unified control and communication operating in the same area. However, you have people who are certainly under danger (up to and including death) who need help, and you have actors who are willingly accepting precisely those risks to go and help them. Some of these volunteers might get hurt or killed if they're allowed in. A lot of them will be able to help people. If they're not allowed in, then there are people who will die, and people who will not get help.

    And whom do the blocks on the news media serve? Cui bono?

    The individual and small-unit actors have proven that they can mobilize and act far faster than the juggernauts. Will some of those small groups produce more needing rescue? Possibly. Will there be increased risk to all the volunteers? Likely, though I wonder to what extent.

    But solely avoiding those risks ignores the certain impact of the null solution that those in need are being stuck with right now, in the name of bureaucracy. Small units close to the action are always more effective and make better decisions than those multiple layers away - the best high-level organizations understand this and empower it...and they are exceedingly rare.

    Always remember that it is always in the individual bureaucrat's self-interest to obey the rules. In absence of clear rules, it is always in his self-interest to do NOTHING.

    And rarely, as we see here, is either of those in the best interest of those whom the bureaucrat putatively serves.

  3. #31153
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    These NCARNG Soldiers need to be appreciated for the work that they are doing. A Blackhawk can deliver much more aid and supplies that dozens of the civilian "cowboy" helicopters.

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  4. #31154
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    Jackson, MS


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    My mother worked for MEMA when my children were young (late 90s to early 2000s). This is true and how it plays out depends on local officials. The stated intention is okay in theory. Which is that you want to use vendors you have a relationship with so the vendor knows they get paid and the state knows the goods are up to snuff. You don't want hucksters handing out bad food or water, for example. Sounds good, right? Except that often, in practice, it becomes a money grab at best or a power grab at worst. It's also gotten us situations like the formaldehyde filled trailers from Katrina. The other problem is that the whole thing moves on its own time scale. It doesn't matter that your elderly dad needs oxygen or your infant needs diapers, the machinery gets there when it gets there. So yeah, we do need the larpers and the cajun navies, and the random country boys in a truck with chainsaws. The messy amateurs keep people alive long enough for the state machinery to get in and do the organized longer term stuff. And yeah, I'm probably biased because when it goes down over here, I'm one of those amateurs. In Katrina, we were feeding people and gathering stuff for the kidlets at the coliseum before MEMA ever got on site. Was it illegal? Technically. But what's the answer? Let your folk starve? I'm supposed to be aware of hungry Americans fleeing a natural disaster within a mile of my home but not feed them because me, Tina May, and Kroger aren't on the approved vendor list? Yeah, fuck that. And I bet that's exactly where the amateurs in NC are right now.

    Rooting for you, Kit. All of you. This could have easily been my people over here. Holler when you can, tell us what we can do, if anything.

    For everyone else who wants to help, Ryan Hall's Yall Squad (can be found on X or You Tube) is taking Starlink panels, generators, and supplies up there. It's the only group I have had personal contact with to know they're on the up and up. I hear from my buddy that Mike with Mountain Mule Packers is a good guy too. I don't know Mike but the buddy vouching for him is a good dude.

  5. #31155
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    May 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by David Roberts View Post
    I hope the video goes viral too. He is either a noble whistle blower or a poser and part of the problem.

    My gut tells me the if the Military helicopters are being held back, it is due to the high concentration of civilian helicopters in a relatively small space. Securing the airspace is essential and the TRF will accomplish that. Encountering a civilian "cowboy" helicopter during a critical stage of entering or exiting a remote LZ places the military crew in needless danger. The airspace can get very crowded and needs to be controlled.

    Feel free to ask me how I know these things. Been there, done that!

    I won't bore you with the stories about LA and MSARNG helicopters rescuing thousands from roof tops during Katrina. It would be a much longer read.
    The civilian helicopter effort, at least in part, is professional pilots being coordinated by a member of the Florida State Guard Special Missions Unit. He responded before he was officially given orders. Additionally, professional civilian pilots who are regional are going to be the best informed pilots flying the area. I don't believe the running narrative that trained local pilots are somehow "clogging airspace" is anywhere close to reality.

    The reality is that, on a good day, FEMA and the guard are slow. This has been a long run of not good days. There are people dying, and I can believe it. We had a flash flooding event (~18") with severe 80+ mph straight line winds here last year. Comms were down. Radio was spotty. 60-70% of city and county roads were impassable. All services were overwhelmed. Power was out everywhere but the hospital and dispatch. I forded a flooding road in my unit for a structure fire caused by a massive oak collapsing on a house. When I got there there were other units working the scene, so when I attempted to recross less than a minute later to go to a tree down on an occupied vehicle in the road I was almost swept off into a creek. Totalled my unit striking a low concrete barrier. As soon as I could be recovered, I pulled another unit and went back out.

    I was grateful for every neighbor who came out to help that day. Chainsaws. Water. Helping to locate people for welfare checks. Helping re-home and feed people. Recovering vehicles wrecked or swept into water. I can only imagine that doubled and over such a broad range.

    They need everyone on deck they can get, and they need good leadership coordinating what will be dozens to hundreds of individual areas. THIS is why you need strong states, strong communities and stronger people.

    I'm going to meet with some city and county officials and read them Kitsuma's post. If I can't be there to help for this one, then maybe I can get the ball rolling to prepare for the next one.

  6. #31156
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    NT, Australia


    Iran and Israel

    If nothing else, the above post by Moon of Alabama helped a dummy like me understand a bit more about what the hell has been going on in the middle east. A follow up post below.

    Biden Is Pushing Israel Towards Larger War

    The U.S. has many indefensible assets in the Middle East. Its troops in Iraq and Syria are few and in precarious positions. Its bases in the Gulf states have no defense against attacks from Iran and its navel forces in the Middle East lack the ability to refuel the fleet.

    Should Israel be allowed to strike Iran the security of all U.S. forces in the Middle East, the energy infrastructure of the whole region and the global oil supplies will be in danger of imminent destruction. It is high time for someone to wake the White House up to those facts.

  7. #31157
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    Jun 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Glenn Beck heard from his guys in NC that FEMA is telling private charities to either give all of their supplies to them, so FEMA can distribute them as they see fit, or they will leave the area. This government is fucking evil.

  8. #31158
    Join Date
    Jan 2023


    Quote Originally Posted by David Roberts View Post

    I won't bore you with the stories about LA and MSARNG helicopters rescuing thousands from roof tops during Katrina. It would be a much longer read.
    I recall it taking several days for them to mobilize that effort as well, and the damage / infrastructure was flooding from slow moving rising water, not a flash flood. Helene IMHO is a much worse situation than Katrina. Source: I lived on the west bank of NOLA growing up, and live in east TN now.

    Safety is not always priority #1. We want to operate in the safest way practical, but the things need doing. If our reserve military can't share airspace with well meaning civilian aid, what the hell do we expect them to do in an actual war?

  9. #31159
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by David Roberts View Post
    These NCARNG Soldiers need to be appreciated for the work that they are doing. A Blackhawk can deliver much more aid and supplies that dozens of the civilian "cowboy" helicopters.

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    True. But what is better for hungry people, 10 hamburgers or 11 hamburgers? The National Guard guys are appreciated, of course, and nobody has said they aren't. The problem is apparently FEMA, who are apparently trying to reduce the number of Republican voters.


    And here is FEMA's bullshit response: Hurricane Helene: Rumor Response |

    Rumor: FEMA distributes aid based on demographic characteristics.
    FEMA provides assistance to survivors regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, English proficiency or economic status.

    October 4, 2024
    Rumor: FEMA is in the process of confiscating Helene survivor property. If I apply for disaster assistance and my land is deemed unlivable, my property will be seized.
    FEMA cannot seize your property or land. Applying for disaster assistance does not grant FEMA or the federal government authority or ownership of your property or land. When you apply for disaster assistance a FEMA inspector may be sent to verify the damage on your home. This is one of many factors reviewed to determine what kind of disaster assistance you may be eligible for. If the results of the inspection deem your home uninhabitable, that information is only used to determine the amount of FEMA assistance you may receive to make your home safe, sanitary and functional.

    October 4, 2024
    Rumor: FEMA is no longer accepting applications for housing assistance.
    FEMA is still accepting assistance applications throughout areas affected by Helene. For current application timelines, visit You can also see if applications are being accepted on FEMA’s state specific Helene disaster webpages; Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia.

    October 4, 2024
    Rumor: FEMA does not have enough money to provide disaster assistance for Helene.
    FEMA has enough money right now for immediate response and recovery needs. If you were affected by Helene, do not hesitate to apply for disaster assistance as there is a variety of help available for different needs.

    October 3, 2024
    Rumor: FEMA is asking for cash donations and turning away volunteers.
    This is false: FEMA does not ask for or generally accept any cash donations or volunteers for disaster response. We do encourage people who want to help to volunteer with or donate cash to reputable voluntary or charitable organizations. After a disaster, cash is often the best way to help as it provides the greatest flexibility for these reputable organizations working on the ground to purchase exactly what is needed.

    If you encounter someone claiming to represent FEMA and asking for donations, be careful as that is likely a scam. Government employees will never solicit money.

    alert - info
    Learn more about how to help after a disaster: How to Help After Hurricane Helene

    October 3, 2024
    Rumor: Funding for FEMA disaster response was diverted to support international efforts or border related issues.
    This is false. No money is being diverted from disaster response needs. FEMA’s disaster response efforts and individual assistance is funded through the Disaster Relief Fund, which is a dedicated fund for disaster efforts. Disaster Relief Fund money has not been diverted to other, non-disaster related efforts.

    October 3, 2024
    Rumor: FEMA is confiscating donations for survivors.
    Rumors about FEMA turning away donations, stopping trucks or vehicles with donations, confiscating and seizing supplies often spread after a disaster. These are all false.

    FEMA does not take donations and/or food from survivors or voluntary organizations. Donations of food, water, or other goods are handled by voluntary agencies who specialize in storing, sorting, cleaning, and distributing donated items.

    FEMA does not conduct vehicle stops or handle road closures with armed guards -- those are done by local law enforcement.

    October 3, 2024
    Rumor: FEMA will only provide $750 to disaster survivors to support their recovery.
    This is false.

    One type of assistance that is often approved quickly after you apply is Serious Needs Assistance, which is $750 to help pay for essential items like food, water, baby formula, breastfeeding supplies, medication and other emergency supplies. There are other forms of assistance that you may qualify to receive once you apply for disaster assistance. As your application continues to be reviewed, you may still receive additional forms of assistance for other needs such as support for temporary housing and home repair costs. Learn more about the types of assistance available. If you have questions about your disaster assistance application and what you qualify for, contact us at 1-800-621-3362 to speak with a FEMA representative.

    October 3, 2024

  10. #31160
    Join Date
    Jul 2019


    starting strength coach development program
    Civilians who are able to help in this situation and willing to find a way on their own or working with the system are an asset to the nation.
    People like David Rowe will end up saving more people than either the state or federal government... just not Kits- he is too prepared to need saving.

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