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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #31361
    Join Date
    Dec 2021


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    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Quote Originally Posted by David A. Rowe View Post
    I'd like to congratulate all of my fellow Americans for this long awaited moment: the cessation of constant spam calls and text during a general election year.
    Amen to that, brother.

    Did those of y'all not in "battleground states" get the daily deluge of dead tree ads in the mailbox, too, or was it just us? In retrospect, I wish I'd saved all of them from start to finish, just to have a read on the full volume. And to burn them now, to watch all the pretty colors go up in the flames...

    I also won't miss the constant ads on YouTube, et al.. Did anyone else have the experience that all but about two of the Republican side political ads were skippable after a short time, while almost without exception, every single Dem ad was not skippable at all? Most curious, that...

  2. #31362
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    This is a profoundly important video from Bill Whittle at PJ Media. I hope you watch it all.

    I hope he's right.
    I hope he's right as well.

    My fear is that all the propaganda over the last 16 years has permanently warped many on the left, especially the 20-40 year olds.

    The vitriol that leftists in this cohort have been spewing the past 36 hours is frightening in it's stupidity, and malice.

    Big Government is their religion, and they.are.not.happy.


    On a separate note, that link to The Midwestern Doctor on DMSO you provided an month ago is eye opening in regards to the FDA, and how that Dept operated back then, and still does today. I'll be very interested to see what Bobby Kennedy Jr. has in store for that group. Oh, and I ordered some DMSO for my balky knee ... four weeks into using it topically and I'm happy to say it works.

  3. #31363
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    North Texas


    Democrats sink into despair after Trump win
    Some members of Harris’ campaign began bracing for defeat.

    With each successive swing state that fell to the former president, Democrats’ ever-present anxiety gave way to shock, despair and, finally, acceptance: Harris was going to lose.
    “Really never fully took in that this could happen again,” said one former Democratic Party official, granted anonymity to speak candidly. “It is beyond any words I can use to describe.”
    Browndog is right. The propaganda has warped these idiots into a level of detachment from reality that is difficult to understand outside the context of clinical-quality psychological manipulation. There are lots of videos of this screaming lunacy all over the place, and it makes me happy that they are hurting so badly.

    Watch: The Lefty Meltdown Continues Over Trump's Victory, Including One Woman Who Shaves Her Head in Rage – RedState

  4. #31364
    Join Date
    Mar 2018


    I saw a chart earlier today on YouTube, can't find it now.

    It showed total R and D votes for the past four elections.

    The numbers look fairly consistent for each election except the extra 20 million votes Biden "got" in 2020...

  5. #31365
    Join Date
    Jan 2023


    Quote Originally Posted by mkm5 View Post
    I saw a chart earlier today on YouTube, can't find it now.

    It showed total R and D votes for the past four elections.

    The numbers look fairly consistent for each election except the extra 20 million votes Biden "got" in 2020...
    I believe this is what you are looking for.


  6. #31366
    Join Date
    Dec 2021


    An angry, reactionary woman who demonstrably cannot figure out how to operate a simple set of hair clippers offering to shave other women's heads in the name of feminism because she didn't get what she wanted in life... That sounds almost paradigmatic.

  7. #31367
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    Mar 2018


    Also, here's the Soros plant Jocelyn Benson SoS trying to explain boxes of ballots showing up at 2am in Detroit, Michigan.

    I can't tell if it's filmed in Detroit, but I'd trust Project Veritas before Benson.

    I'm thinking she held off on calling the election until DJT already won the electoral college, then maybe backtracked on their ballot stuffing afraid they'd gotten caught?

  8. #31368
    Join Date
    Mar 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by golftdibrad View Post
    I believe this is what you are looking for.

    Yep, that's it!

  9. #31369
    Join Date
    Mar 2018


    So why do all the libs have a sign language interpreters at their press conferences? Are they trying to distract away from themselves?

    Hasn't every television had closed captioning for the past 30 years??

  10. #31370
    Join Date
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    "Crumbs from the white man"

    Holy shit lol.

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