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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #31921
    Join Date
    Aug 2015


    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Anthony Colpo’s latest and a good one:

    U.S. Heart Failure Deaths Now at Highest Level Since 1999

  2. #31922
    Join Date
    Jan 2023


    another gem from the cat

    move overton - by el gato malo - bad cattitude

    people now mostly know the virus came from a lab.

    they do not realize that NIH paid for it.

    they do not know that the mRNA “vaccines” used NIH technology and that NIH staffers were paid direct royalties that they had no requirement to disclose.

    the fact that the drugs that were shipped were not the same ones in the trials is not known by most.

    the fact that “long covid” is mostly vaccine injury is not known by most

    most still think “the vaccine helped” and are in for a nasty rugpull as the facts emerge

    this is all coming soon.

    the panic is starting.

    this yale “study” was damage control.

  3. #31923
    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    Jackson, MS


    Quote Originally Posted by Sturw View Post
    Weapons are not sold or manufactured by states in the capitalist/western economy, that shit is handled by private
    That's a terribly adorable and naive statement.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sturw View Post
    What I am talking about is the fact that your democracy and republic is being wound down bit by bit. But if that is what you want, fine so be it. I don’t even LBBS anymore so that’s it.
    We're a republic. No one is confused about what you're saying. I just think you're retarded for making the assertion that that damage is coming from Musk as opposed to the entrenched and corrupt thieves he's exposing.

    Quote Originally Posted by wal View Post
    What about way back in 1970 when the Military was used at Kent State?
    That was the Guard. National Guard is specifically for domestic use in cases of disaster or unrest. I assume you bring up Kent because of the shooting. Except nobody was under orders to shoot, that wasn't the plan. That was a few young soldiers threatened by a crowd that had talked about killing their parents, napalming a dog, and had already injured police. It wasn't handled as well as it could have been, but at some point when one is pursuing and throwing things at armed soldiers one may want to stop and contemplate the current ratio of fucking around to finding out.

    I've had this discussion with friends in and retired from the military. Units are very mixed so the idea of sending military from say, Boston, to kick civilian ass in Texas isn't really a thing. I get what Subby is implying but I don't see how it's practically applied. The average soldier's real loyalty is to his brothers and the immediate command. Cake eaters from the top ordering action against citizens will only go well if you can convince the boots on the ground that something bad has taken place. The right holds the military regardless of who's president. In my opinion, this is why Covid lockdowns didn't go worse. The left couldn't muster military support for more of a crackdown. David may be right about the rank and file not being needed to control the population, though. With daily revelations about the extreme theft the politicians have perpetrated the situation grows more black and white. Not a lot of grey area left to hide the "good people on both sides" arguments, which hopefully makes armed conflict less likely. Civilians who are of a similar mind as me versus military would be a heartbreaking family feud that I hope we don't allow the evil, corrupt politicians to push us towards.

    Quote Originally Posted by David A. Rowe View Post
    I will only say that I regret the failure and not the effort.
    There are honorable tasks on this earth which cannot be completed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    I think we're swiftly reaching a point where either real change comes or those of us who've tried to maintain peaceful action may have to decide if we're willing to cross the line. Musk is finally answering the question, "who's 'they'?" People are always asking us conspiracy theorists who's "they". Well, here you go. People always claim the government is too inept to conspire, too incompetent to do the things we've hollered about. Well, here you go. Finally proof of the stuff we've said for years. The incestuous nature of DC, the hiding it in NGOs and private corporations, all finally coming to light. So now we get to find out if all the people we had those discussions with are honest, intelligent people or just livestock in denial.

  4. #31924
    Join Date
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    North Texas


    Denninger is good today: Oh Speech Eh? in [Market-Ticker-Nad]

  5. #31925
    Join Date
    Apr 2024


    Quote Originally Posted by Sturw View Post
    I’m Finnish, not German. Doesn’t really matter eh?

    I do not have any thoughts what so ever on the opinions of Rippetoe or anyone else. Live and let live. I have not accused anyone of genocide or colonialism. Nor have I accused anyone of being a fascist, I have just pointed out what is going on in the land of the free and supposedly home of the brave.

    What I find fascinating is that no one acknowledges what is actually going on: the deconstruction of your democratic society as you know it. A muppet was elected for president and now you got a mad man automobile billionaire running the show.

    Your forefathers fought and died for the constitution and the liberties put forward therein. The whole idea of the US and the American revolution was to break free from the mad men and muppets in the UK. Subsequent American generations fought of dictatorship and totalitarian systems with their blood and lives. Just as my forefathers fought of the same totalitarian systems and dictatorship, in order to preserve the free will of the people.

    And now you guys just let it all go to waste, handing over (without objection) everything and anything to a freakin muppet and his crew. Do you really think that they will hand over power after these four years? The muppet has already insinuated that he will remain in office.

    Good night and good luck.
    What you think you know about the country, the President, and everything else America, is wrong. You've been fed garbage information. You've vacuumed it all in. You're now misinformed. I'd recommend you change your sources of information. You probably won't.

  6. #31926
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Not sure if this site is known already, but I find Jeff Childer's daily round-ups about the actions and effects of the Trump administration informative and to the point:
    Archive - ☕️ Coffee & Covid 2025

  7. #31927
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    That list of salaries & net worth doesn't really add up. With the exception of family money. People on 100-200 a year do not have a net worth of 100+ million. Unless a bunch of very corrupt, rich people gave it to them - to lobby for their interests. Seems like they just keep giving ya'll a new target & you froth at it.

    It's not the billionaires. It's:
    The homeless / people on welfare stealing all your money.
    No wait: It's the tens of thousands of dead Ukrainians. Fighting for your supposed Global world order, anti commie ideologies & Military Industrial complex.
    Jokes: It's frontline government staff, on modest pay cheques, doing actual work (with the exception of some middle/upper management & office types)

    Couldn't be the 38 BILLION in subsidies given to Elon Musk. Or the bs government departments he's using to spoon pick his friends into obscene salaries for doing fuck all. NZ has one of those in our Government too atm. Drinking the Atlas, Libertarian Koolaid. He called his "The Ministry of Regulation" - exact same hypocritical bullshit playbook.

    Or Mr Trump - with 100's of millions of donations from billionaires. As well as god knows how much from his cult like middle class worshippers. Such good businessman - standing on the corner waving his cup to get money off the common folk. Free money? Sounds he should be giving up 50% everything he owns.

    The problem is the same problem it's always been. Yet, somehow you guys thought electing the problem would solve it??

  8. #31928
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Sturw View Post
    Well there you have it. Bannons provides the 2nd nazi salutation, Trump embraces Putins dictatorship and you still have the people chanting for Trump in 2028. Good night America as we knew it.
    But. Of course, to just continue being a contrary asshole to everyone. The regime having a pool party with Israel are NAZIs? Yes, Trump shared video of 'Trump Gaza' — including sunbathing scene with Netanyahu |

    Nazi - YouTube

  9. #31929


    Quote Originally Posted by Sturw View Post
    Is George Soros part of Trumps gang? Did not know that. If that is the case then I am referring to Musk. Sorry for any confusion, if there actually was any.

    As far as I know there has not been any financial aid to Finland in the last decades. Only weapons trade where the American economy has benefited from the purchases made by my government. Do you have any other information in this regard?

    I do not know what Musk is up to in detail, I am referring to the fact that Mr Muppet Trump has granted pretty much sovereign rights to a private individual to close down governmental institutions that was formed by the US people via the the republic. It’s not the president or any other body of the republic taking actions, it’s just a mad dude running wild.

    Yes, Trump stopped claiming the entitlement to be called president after the assault on the legislative body of the republic had misfired.

    As far as I know, Trump is the only US president in modern history that states that he can remain in power should it be wanted. It is not a matter of the opposing party claiming it, it’s statements from the leader himself.
    This comment shows you don't know what you are talking about. You cry about Elon Musk being involved with the U.S. government when George Soros has been the top political donor and had his claws over the U.S. government and court system for decades. We have been living in a system controlled by a foreign billionaire for decades. One that was far more harmful to Americans.

  10. #31930
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    Absolute shitshow. The only measured voice I've recently heard was at the Munich Conference - it was the fucking Chinese. Definitely not the outgoing German who CRIED like a bitch. Definitely not Zelensky or Trump. And I certainly wouldn't expect to hear to hear the same lines used by Trump today towards Israel.

    Amazing. Keep voting for these cunts.

    This place is Libertarian or adjacent, right? Why are you settling for this state slop?

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